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Lyrics For Mbo's Midi Songs

In Mudcat MIDIs:
The Road Goes Ever On [Matthew Richards (MattR)]
Where the Lilies Used to Spring [Matthew Richards (MattR)]
Whistlebinkie [Matthew Richards (MattR)]

Mbo 05 Jan 00 - 02:37 PM
Mbo 05 Jan 00 - 02:42 PM
Mbo 05 Jan 00 - 02:48 PM
MMario 05 Jan 00 - 03:38 PM
Mbo 10 Jan 00 - 03:57 PM
Mbo 10 Jan 00 - 04:15 PM
Helen 10 Jan 00 - 04:32 PM
Áine 12 Jan 00 - 04:52 PM 13 Jan 00 - 03:12 PM 13 Jan 00 - 03:16 PM
Áine 13 Jan 00 - 04:31 PM
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From: Mbo
Date: 05 Jan 00 - 02:37 PM

Well folks, I'm going to be using this thread to post the lyrics to my songs on. As I make subsequent midis, I'll add the lyrics in. Here are the lyrics for the songs on the Mudcat Midi Site.

Poem by Patrick Brown, Chorus by Matthew Richards (Mbo)

When stubble-lands were greening, you came among the stooks
And grace was in your feet then, and love was in your looks
In your cheeks the rose grew redder, and your hair in clusters lay
And I would we lived together, or together slipped away

She strode the green autumn stubble, on that fatefull day
And Oh! I thank the Lord above for bringing you my way
It's true He hears His people's prayers, don't care what critics say
For He surely answered mine, alright, when He crossed our paths that day!

I had a dream on Wednesday, that bitter was the frost
And I saw my love lamenting at dawn that I was lost
Methought I came beside her and held her tenderly
And all Erin I defied then to part my love and me

My curse on him is spoken who keeps my love from me
And swears that to our courting he never will agree
For though skies should send the deluge or the snowy North it's flakes
We two could live as pleasant as the swans upon the lakes

The sea-gulls heart is merry when fish is in his beak
And the eel within Lough Eyrne can swim from creek to creek
And I spoke tripping Gaelic, and merry songs I've sung
But now my wits are crazy and leaden is my tongue.


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From: Mbo
Date: 05 Jan 00 - 02:42 PM

Poem by David Gray

When the place was green with the shaky grass
And the windy trees were high
When the leaflets told each other tales
And the stars were in the sky
When the silent crows hid their ebon beaks
Beneath their ruffled wing—
Then the fairies watered the glancing spot
Where the lilies used to spring!

When the sun is high in the summer sky
And the lake is deep with clouds
When gadflies bite the prancing kine
And light the lark enshrouds—
Then the butterfly, like a feather dropped
From the tip of an angel's wing
Floats wavering on to the glancing spot
Where the lilies used to spring!

When the wheat is shorn and the burns run brown
And the moon shines clear at night
When wains are heaped with rustling corn
And swallows take their flight
When the trees begin to cast their leaves
And the birds, new-feathered, sing—
Then comes the bee to the glancing spot
Where the lilies used to spring!

When the sky is grey and the trees are bare
And the grass is long and brown
And black moss clothes the soft damp thatch
And the rain comes weary down
And countless droplets on the pond
Their widening orbits ring—
Then bleak and cold is the silent spot
Where the lilies used to spring!


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Subject: RE: Lyrics For Mbo's Midi Songs
From: Mbo
Date: 05 Jan 00 - 02:48 PM

Sorry about the blank above--butterfingers! The rest of the lyrics I can't do--they're in my apartment 86 miles away, but I can have them up by Sunday night. I'll probably put more lyrics on here today, as I'm readying more MIDIs that I DO have the lyrics for.


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Subject: RE: Lyrics For Mbo's Midi Songs
From: MMario
Date: 05 Jan 00 - 03:38 PM

I wish I had your energy! (Got any to spare?)

and Mbo, m'boy, I LIKE what you're doing!


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Subject: Lyr Add: THE ROAD GOES EVER ON^^
From: Mbo
Date: 10 Jan 00 - 03:57 PM

Here are the other lyrics that go to my songs that can be found on the MIDI page.

Poem J.R.R. Tolkien

The road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began
Now far ahead the road has gone
And I must follow, if I can
Pursuing it with eager feet
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet
And wither then? I cannot say
Wither then--I cannot say

Roads go ever on and on
Over rock and under tree
By caves where never sun has shone
By streams that never find the sea
Over snow by winter sown
And through the merry flowers of June
Over grass and over stone
And under mountains in the moon
Under mountains in the moon.

Roads go ever on and on
Under cloud and under star
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have know
Trees and hills they long have know.

The road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began
Now far ahead the road has gone
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn toward the lighten inn
My evening rest and sleep to meet
Evening rest and sleep to meet.


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Subject: Lyr Add: WHISTLEBINKIE^^
From: Mbo
Date: 10 Jan 00 - 04:15 PM

Lyrics by Matthew Richards (Mbo)

Well I've rambled nearly all my life
And all across this land
With nothing but the clothes upon my back
And my whistle in my hand
I play my whistle from town to town
To earn my daily bread
And if some folks like the way I play
Tonight I'll sleep in a bed

Oh I stepped and danced so merry and light
Much to the ladies' grand delight
And I played my whistle so cheerfully
That all the folks danced along with me
Ah! The life of a whistlebinkie!

I've played at parties in Inverness
In pubs in Kingussie
They've offered my positions there
But I've got to be free
Itinerant, wand'ring musicians, we
Make music in the street
Our playing draws folks from miles around
To hear our tunes so sweet

I've whistled at many a wedding feast
I deem they are the best
Everyone's so kind to you
The treat you like a guest!
Well, there's food and drink and cake
And prayers for the happy couple--and more:
I get to lead each bridesmaid out
In a dance across the floor

So don't you dare insult us
Or try to put us down
Whistlebinkies were there on your first birthday
We'll be there when they put you in the ground
Oh, traveling whistlebinkies
We rove from here to there
As long as we've got our whistles & tunes
We're welcome everywhere!


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Subject: RE: Lyrics For Mbo's Midi Songs
From: Helen
Date: 10 Jan 00 - 04:32 PM

Hi Mbo,

Beautiful words, and now I'm going to check out the midis which go with them.


This poem reminds me of the poems of an Australian of Celtic descent (Irish, I think) poet of the - I was going to say the last century, but I just realised it is the second last century now. His name was John Shaw Neilson. - I think he was born in the 1800's but may have died early in the 1920's, maybe. I'll hunt out his book and type a few in for you. I'm sure you will like them.


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Subject: RE: Lyrics For Mbo's Midi Songs
From: Áine
Date: 12 Jan 00 - 04:52 PM

Dear Mbo,

I've put links from the Songbook to the lyrics on this thread where the words of the songs/poem were authored by another person. I did make a separate lyrics page for 'Whistlebinkie', however. I have inserted links for all your tunes.

I'd really like to link to your email address (if you have one) from the Songbook; so, could you please send that to me?

Good job! But, next time, could you please post the lyrics you want placed on the Songbook in a thread entitled 'Submission for Songbook' or something to that effect? I unfortunately missed seeing this thread earlier, and only found it when I was searching for another thread.

Keep playing, singing and writing! -- Áine

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Subject: RE: Lyrics For Mbo's Midi Songs
Date: 13 Jan 00 - 03:12 PM

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Subject: RE: Lyrics For Mbo's Midi Songs
Date: 13 Jan 00 - 03:16 PM

do you know how to find some blues score for guitar, like lightn'hopkins or again hooker ? but i'm interrested by any other blues score.

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Subject: RE: Lyrics For Mbo's Midi Songs
From: Áine
Date: 13 Jan 00 - 04:31 PM


I've reposted your request to the thread entitled 'Help: Looking for Blues Guitar Scores'. I thought that you'd be more likely to get your answer if it was in a separate thread. Good Luck!!

-- Áine

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