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Tech: Windows 10 WiFi issue anyone?

Dave the Gnome 18 Aug 22 - 04:32 AM
GUEST 18 Aug 22 - 05:28 AM
DaveRo 18 Aug 22 - 05:28 AM
Jon Freeman 18 Aug 22 - 06:37 AM
Dave the Gnome 18 Aug 22 - 06:53 AM
DaveRo 18 Aug 22 - 07:12 AM
DaveRo 18 Aug 22 - 07:19 AM
Stilly River Sage 18 Aug 22 - 09:39 AM
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Subject: Tech: Windows 10 WiFi issue anyone?
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 18 Aug 22 - 04:32 AM

Hi all. Not a desperate issue as I obviously have a connection! My setup is a Windows 10 desktop and a NowTV (Sky) router plus some ethernet over power adapters and a WiFi extender.

The main router (Router_Main) is connected to the extender (Router_Upstairs) via ethernet over power. My desktop uses both WiFi and ethernet over power. However, some time ago but I don't know when, the desktop stopped seeing Router_Main over WiFi. It can see it over wired ethernet and it can see Router_Upstairs over WiFi. All my other devices can see Router_Main so the issue is just with my Windows 10 desktop.

I wondered if having both a wired and wireless connection was causing an issue so I disconnected the wired one but that did not improve anything.

I am no networking expert but pretty computer savvy. Can anyone help?

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Subject: RE: Tech: Windows 10 WiFi issue anyone?
Date: 18 Aug 22 - 05:28 AM

We have a router downstairs to which Mrs Bonzo's PC is ethernet wired. My PC upstairs is connected to router downstairs via a USB 3.0 wifi adapter - important, this allows download speeds up to 17.1 MB/sec or 136.8 Mb/sec.

We also have our cctv unit connected to router downstairs via Powerline Adapters.

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Subject: RE: Tech: Windows 10 WiFi issue anyone?
From: DaveRo
Date: 18 Aug 22 - 05:28 AM

I assume the desktop can see other wifi SSIDs - e.g. upstairs, neighbours.

A couple of possibilities:
- the main router is only using 5GHz and your desktop only supports 2.4
- the router is using a 2.4GHz channel (e.g. 13) that Win10 doesn't support. (Unlikely unless you set that channel manually: routers don't usually select channels >11 automatically).

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Subject: RE: Tech: Windows 10 WiFi issue anyone?
From: Jon Freeman
Date: 18 Aug 22 - 06:37 AM

A tool you could consider is a wi-fi analyser. I think I've got this one on my Android phone. One could help you work out what signal is received where, which band (provided the device you install it on is 2.4/5Gz dual band) its strenghh, channel etc.

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Subject: RE: Tech: Windows 10 WiFi issue anyone?
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 18 Aug 22 - 06:53 AM

I use one called WiFi Analyser, John and that is pretty good too. However, it now links back to what you said Dave. The analyser said channel 12 was a good one and Windows 10, it seems, doesn't like that one! I have set it to 7 and it is visible again :-)

Thanks both

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Subject: RE: Tech: Windows 10 WiFi issue anyone?
From: DaveRo
Date: 18 Aug 22 - 07:12 AM

The wifi analyser Jon linked to looks familiar. I had one on an old Android phone that looked like that, but was opensource and didn't contain adverts. Looks like someone took the OSS one and monetised it. Also it has no data-safety (privacy) info.

I couldn't find the one I once used, but this one is opensource and ad-free, recently updated, and collects no data. But I didn't try it.

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Subject: RE: Tech: Windows 10 WiFi issue anyone?
From: DaveRo
Date: 18 Aug 22 - 07:19 AM

Dave the Gnome wrote: The analyser said channel 12 was a good one and Windows 10, it seems, doesn't like that one!
I've had that with another operating system. It needs configuring to use UK channels, otherwise you get the 'international' subset. I also had an HP laptop which wasn't a UK version and disallowed 12 and 13.

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Subject: RE: Tech: Windows 10 WiFi issue anyone?
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 18 Aug 22 - 09:39 AM

Dave, I have wondered sometimes if my Win10 desktop has stayed with the ethernet connection or has skipped over to WiFi; it can do both and the router is pretty close, but checking now it appears to be on the cable connection.

I try when possible to use ethernet connections for speed and reliability; I have an extender in my den on the farthest point of the house that is connected via cable to increase WiFi and because sometimes my next door neighbor needs to connect to my WiFi to work. Her router is on the farthest point of her house from the kitchen table where she works on the laptop, so my extender is closer for her. (Good neighbors share WiFi passwords. She also shares power from her generator when the lights go out. Win/win!)

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