Subject: String longevity trick? From: Fred Date: 05 Mar 25 - 05:46 AM Here's what I saw a guy doing when restringing: He took the low E and strung it up as we all do (okay, we may anchor at the post in different ways but that's not important here). Whilst the string was still relatively slack, he pulled the brdge pin, made a 90 degree bend at the ball end, used that as a lever, gave two complete turns (clockwise) and then, without letting it untwist, popped it back in the bridge and replaced the pin. He did this with all four wound strings. Clear what his thinking is (trying to compress the wrap,making it harder for dirt to get in).But does it work? Try it next time you restring and YOU be the judge. Cheers Fred |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: The Sandman Date: 05 Mar 25 - 08:07 AM thanks |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: Fred Date: 05 Mar 25 - 08:33 AM Sandman- No worries. Not saying it works but it's something to try. Cheers Fred |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: Fred Date: 05 Mar 25 - 04:59 PM If anyone tries it and it works/doesn't, don't forget to come back and say. Cheers Fred |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: Backwoodsman Date: 06 Mar 25 - 02:22 AM It’s something I always do if I have to re-install strings at the bridge, having removed them, for instance, to examine inside the sound-box, or tidy-up a bit of pick-up wiring. I give the string a couple of clockwise turns before inserting the ball-end into the pin-hole and putting the pin back in. I tell myself I’m somehow ‘helping’ the string to keep its tone a bit longer, but I’m not really convinced I’m telling myself the truth. However, I am sure it does no harm, so… |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: Fred Date: 06 Mar 25 - 04:14 AM I'll try it next time I restring. I have a set of EJ17 to try and it'll be a fun experiment. I don't expect a dramatic increase in string life but...well, worth a go. Fred |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: Backwoodsman Date: 06 Mar 25 - 04:44 AM I don’t do it when I first put a set of strings on - I just put a bend directly above the double-winding, but I don’t twist the strings. I just do the twisting thing when I’ve taken them out of the bridge and I’m re-installing them. The logic of the illogical! ;-) |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: MaJoC the Filk Date: 06 Mar 25 - 10:53 AM MaJoC's €0.02: If the core is hexagonal rather than round (as mentioned somewhen in another thread) to increase the grip between core and winding, twisting the core may have interesting side-effects .... |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: Fred Date: 06 Mar 25 - 12:06 PM MCtF- What thread are you referring to please? Cheers Fred |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: gillymor Date: 06 Mar 25 - 12:09 PM I'll give it a try. I've found that if I restring an instrument, tune it to pitch and don't play it until the next day the strings stay livelier longer. I also stopped stretching new strings and that seems to help. I'm in no hurry these days. |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: G-Force Date: 06 Mar 25 - 12:18 PM Do people still boil them? |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: Fred Date: 06 Mar 25 - 12:22 PM Gillymor- I used to stretch strings but I've not done for years. Pretty much like you, I'll put a new set on, tune to pitch then leave it overnight. I'll restring a couple of days before a gig. Fred |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: gillymor Date: 06 Mar 25 - 12:28 PM I used to, G-Force, in leaner times. |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: MaJoC the Filk Date: 06 Mar 25 - 01:34 PM > What thread are you referring to please? This one, Fred: Review: Thomas Inkfeld Acoustic guitar strings Hope that helps. I may be misremembering or misinterpreting its contents, though. |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: Fred Date: 06 Mar 25 - 03:52 PM MCtF- That's ok mate, no worries. Cheers Fred |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: GUEST,Guitarfumbler Date: 06 Mar 25 - 05:19 PM The trick that makes my strings last longer is a to wipe them down with a 'Fast fret' pad after every playing session. It's widely available in every music shop I have visited, lasts for ages and it really makes a difference. Cuts down on string squeak too. |
Subject: RE: String longevity trick From: Fred Date: 06 Mar 25 - 06:03 PM Guitarfumbler- Yep,used it many times. At present, though, I'm using Martin Lifespan treated strings and I'm not sure Fast Fret would work - product on product, you see. Cheers Fred |
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