Subject: Lyr Add: EAST TEXAS TALKING BLUES From: Stewie Date: 28 Jan 00 - 09:27 PM EAST TEXAS TALKING BLUES (Traditional) Intro: Stoppin' in to some café along the road, you're liable to run into somebody with a guitar, just as well as not. Round that part of the country, pretty frequent, you'll hear something like this (plays and mumbles). You notice he ain't singin' at all, just talkin' along. They call them things the talkin' blues – the East Texas talkin' blues. Some of them goes like this:
Down in the wildwood sittin' on a log
I got a gal six feet tall
I was out in the henhouse, down on my knees
Oh, the other day I took me a wife You're liable to hear them things as long as you can hang on and keep drinkin' coffee. Hundreds of them. Source: Jack Elliott 'Ramblin' Jack' Topic TSCD477. Originally on Jack Elliott 'Muleskinner' Topic LP 12T106. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: East Texas Talking Blues From: Amos Date: 28 Jan 00 - 10:03 PM Sounds awful close kin to the original verse in Woody's Talking Blues: Got me a wife about five years ago Got a little boy now, he's jest about fo' Gets up on the table, slaps his maw Hits me in the chin an' sez "Aincha my paw?"
Rubs string beans in my ears...mashed potatos in my hair |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: East Texas Talking Blues From: Amos Date: 28 Jan 00 - 10:04 PM Sorry that's "cute kid", not "cure kin". Kinda like fryin' mends.... A |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: East Texas Talking Blues From: Art Thieme Date: 28 Jan 00 - 10:35 PM "The Original Talkin' Blues" was a 78 rpm record by CHRIS BOUCHILLON---1928 if I recall. The other side was a fine song also: "Hannah". I did it for years. So did Michael Cooney. Art |
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