tabor piping |
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Subject: tabor piping From: Chet W. Date: 09 Feb 00 - 05:14 PM Just got the tabor pipe recently. Can not even remotely play the "first" harmonic, which should be an A with all holes covered on the D pipe. Anybody know the trick? Chet |
Subject: RE: tabor piping From: sophocleese Date: 09 Feb 00 - 05:22 PM Blow harder. I got one for Christmas. It frustrated hell out of me until I realized that there are four notes, doh re mi fah, at the bottom of scale and then a gap until you hit the next doh. With practice after that you should be able to get doh re mi fah, soh lah ti doh re mi fah and soh. My fingering chart says "The five overtones are generated by keeping all three finger holes closed and blowing progressively stronger with a sudden, attacking release of air." |
Subject: RE: tabor piping From: sophocleese Date: 09 Feb 00 - 05:27 PM You might also like to check out this site http://robyyan.home.mindspring.com/articles/pt/ What kind did you get? I've got a generation D and a Susato A. |
Subject: RE: tabor piping From: GUEST,T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird) Date: 09 Feb 00 - 08:11 PM Cover all holes and play the fundamental (D). Then blow a little harder for the first overtone (d). That should get you oriented. T. |
Subject: RE: tabor piping From: sophocleese Date: 09 Feb 00 - 10:35 PM Just to clarify a little more. The lowest note, made when you simply breathe into the instrument with all holes covered is the fundamental, low D. The first overtone is an octave above, D. The second overtone is a fifth above that, A, the third overtone is the d a fourth above that, above that, the fourth overtone is the third above that, f#, and the fifth overtone is the minor third above that ,a. Clear as mud? Just keep all your fingers clamped over all the holes and hear the six different tones you can make as you blow progressively harder into the pipe. Get those right and you'll be able to get the notes in between. I have found that a tabor pipe can be practiced while sitting at the computer as it only needs one hand and the other hand can be used for the mouse. |
Subject: RE: tabor piping From: GUEST,Okiemockbird Date: 09 Feb 00 - 11:29 PM I've played mine while mowing the lawn. T. |
Subject: RE: tabor piping From: sophocleese Date: 09 Feb 00 - 11:33 PM I don't have a power mower so that would be trickier for me, but maybe while weeding this summer... |
Subject: RE: tabor piping From: Chet W. Date: 10 Feb 00 - 04:20 PM This one is a Susato. I'm working on it. Chet |
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