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Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?

Spider Tom 24 Feb 00 - 06:14 AM
GMT 24 Feb 00 - 07:33 AM
GMT 24 Feb 00 - 07:56 AM
Mbo 24 Feb 00 - 08:17 AM
wysiwyg 24 Feb 00 - 09:29 AM
GMT 24 Feb 00 - 09:33 AM
wysiwyg 24 Feb 00 - 09:36 AM
Dido 24 Feb 00 - 09:46 AM
Amos 24 Feb 00 - 11:09 AM
MMario 24 Feb 00 - 11:23 AM
Amos 24 Feb 00 - 11:37 AM
wysiwyg 24 Feb 00 - 11:49 AM
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Subject: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: Spider Tom
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 06:14 AM

There was a time, when minstrels roamed
They carried songs and tales
Today we use the internet
Except, sometimes,it fails
But I would argue, gladly
To those who have'nt heard
Nothing beats a Mudcat thread
To spread around your word.

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Subject: RE: Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: GMT
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 07:33 AM

I haven't been here very long I don't have much to say Yet still I visit Mudcat Without fail, evry day

I'm learning lots of new names And for some I know the faces I'm hoping to make a few friends All at Mudcat of all places.

Cheers Gary

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Subject: RE: Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: GMT
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 07:56 AM


And I only read how to do line breaks the other day.

Gary (I'm new, alright !) Trend

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Subject: RE: Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: Mbo
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 08:17 AM

Don't feel bad, Gary! I've been using computers for 12 years (since I was 8) and only just figured out how to do line breaks in December! Here's to the slow learners! And don't hesitate to post anything--we're always glad to help ye out!


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Subject: RE: Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 09:29 AM


The latest trend in Gary, from what I understand,
Is to set their clocks to GMT, although in Indianne.
The reason for the time change, as they explained to me,
Is because that's the time that's always displayed upon Mudcat TV.

"Mudcat TV??!!" Yes, Mudcat TV.
How, you ask, could such a thing have ever come to be?
Well it was someone's inspiration (I can't recall which thread)
To make cartoons out of every word the 'Catter's have ever said.

It became a hot fundraiser, to keep the 'Cat afloat,
And Saturday mornings in Gary, the viewers cast their vote
For the best of the week's live entries, and you know who usually wins?
That nasty Cleigh O'Possum, though quite awful are his sins.

They said it could never happen--real money in this game?
But it finally was reckanized that the problem had been the name.
See, no one'll pay big bucks for folk, so it now is called "Who Wants
To Exchange Their Low-Paying Job in the Sweatshop for Coffee and Crosissants."
That's right! Phoak Music's philosophy and phreakiness and phun,
Are hidden inside a game show, now, and it's rated number one.
It's the only one with a host named Max, and a host who seldom appears,
(Though the host is reputed to work real hard, and sometimes strips his gears.)

The contestants are all those 'Catters who used to write the threads,
But now they are far too busy hiding winnings from the feds.

And the viewers are learning quickly how to make a Mudcat pun,
And soon they will be folkified, too, and join in all the fun.
That's when the plan goes global. Worked for "Millionaire", you know.
Didn't you know "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" is just a pilot Mudcat show?

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Subject: RE: Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: GMT
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 09:33 AM

Phew :0)

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Subject: RE: Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 09:36 AM

Sorry. Really oughta WP these first. Penultimate verse shoud be:

The contestants are all those 'Catters who used to write the threads,
But now they are far too busy hiding winnings from the feds.
(The Goddess was off the show for a week just to meet with her CPA,
Cuz big money is taxed far too heavily here in North Amerikay.)

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Subject: RE: Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: Dido
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 09:46 AM

dear ms. praise... I think you are mean to call my brother Cleigh nasty. Cletus is nasty (You should smell him. He is real real nasty. Opossums have very sensitive noses, you know)

Dido O'Carina

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Subject: RE: Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: Amos
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 11:09 AM

Cletus is just his nickname, isn't it? Short for Cleetusoris?

(I think possums are descended from clitosauruses, large pink animals with highly developed nervous systems still reputed to nest in hidden forests to this day.) No lip from you, now, 'Spaw! Or will send you up the eerie canal in a loveboat...


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Subject: RE: Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: MMario
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 11:23 AM

*brrrapppppp* wrong answer! Sorry Amos, Cletus and Cleigh are two seperate entities. And Cleigh is not Reg, Reg, or Reg either. But rumour has it he MAY actually be either katlaughing or Banjo Bonnie.

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Subject: RE: Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: Amos
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 11:37 AM

Well, MMM, you're obviously untainted by Clitosaurus genes yourself. Thanks for the gong, though. I neeeeded that. :>)


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Subject: RE: Help: The Mudcat thread. Todays Folk?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 24 Feb 00 - 11:49 AM

Oh my!!!

There's anpother kinda dinosaur I been meanin' to tell you about. It's the Shouldadon, which is frequently seen with members of the Uomi tribe.

Spaw, buddy, you need to slow down and read more carefully, that's twice in two days. Is it the medication? It's his SINS that are nasty, not he himself. I know this may be a foreign concept but we in our persuasion make at least an attempt to love the sinner, if not the sin. Of course loving the sin happens too, and in this case I am still praying over that.

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