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Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'

dulcimer 17 Apr 00 - 08:40 PM
Caitrin 17 Apr 00 - 09:29 PM
Grab 18 Apr 00 - 06:21 AM
GUEST,Roger the skiffler 18 Apr 00 - 06:33 AM
Homeless 18 Apr 00 - 08:47 AM
Brian Hoskin 18 Apr 00 - 08:51 AM
Caitrin 18 Apr 00 - 09:58 AM
Dave T 18 Apr 00 - 05:40 PM
Brian Hoskin 19 Apr 00 - 07:05 AM
Grab 19 Apr 00 - 08:38 AM
GUEST 19 Aug 08 - 01:04 AM
GUEST,highlandman at work 19 Aug 08 - 09:48 AM
Amos 19 Aug 08 - 11:09 AM
GUEST,alex c 04 Sep 08 - 05:16 PM
Brian Hoskin 05 Sep 08 - 07:32 AM
GUEST 27 Oct 08 - 06:19 PM
GUEST,KublaConn 18 Jan 10 - 07:43 PM
GUEST,jgbrowning 27 May 10 - 10:37 AM
GUEST 09 Aug 10 - 05:23 PM
GUEST,Guest 12 Oct 10 - 08:53 AM
Crow Sister (off with the fairies) 12 Oct 10 - 09:21 AM
GUEST,LeeinDC 28 Oct 10 - 03:18 PM
Sawzaw 29 Oct 10 - 04:53 PM
Tim Leaning 29 Oct 10 - 06:01 PM
Sawzaw 29 Oct 10 - 06:50 PM
GUEST,Kevzter 80 25 Nov 11 - 06:58 AM
GUEST,awol 13 Apr 12 - 10:29 PM
GUEST,go for it 24 May 12 - 11:10 AM
GUEST,Nobody 24 Sep 24 - 11:37 PM
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Subject: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul.'
From: dulcimer
Date: 17 Apr 00 - 08:40 PM

This line from a song came up in discussion and sounded like a folk or blues lyric. Any thoughts as to title and artist and the complete song?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no sou
From: Caitrin
Date: 17 Apr 00 - 09:29 PM

"Black Dog" by Led Zeppelin. I've always wondered what being big-legged had to do with a soul or lack thereof.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no sou
From: Grab
Date: 18 Apr 00 - 06:21 AM

Is that actually what he sings (difficult to tell)?


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no sou
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler
Date: 18 Apr 00 - 06:33 AM

Harry's blues lyrics site (see Max's links) has 3 versions of Big Legged Woman blues, none with this exact line. Versions by Freddie King, Charlie Musselwhite and Chris Duarte, as they all refer to miniskirts they must date from '60s or '70s.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no sou
From: Homeless
Date: 18 Apr 00 - 08:47 AM

From 'Black Dog'

Spent my money, took my car,
Started telling friends she gonna be a star.
I don't know but I been told
A big-legged woman ain't got no soul.

Yes, that is what he says.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no sou
From: Brian Hoskin
Date: 18 Apr 00 - 08:51 AM

'Big-Legged Mamas' have appeared in quite a number of blues songs. For instance, Kokomo Arnold recorded 'Big Leg Mama' in 1935 and John Hurt recorded 'Big Leg Blues' in 1928. However, neither song contains the above line. Also Roland Walter recorded a song entitled 'Big Mama', which has a reference to big legs, but again no reference to her soul.

One explanation could be that 'Big-Legged Women' being deemed attractive, were also seen as potential heartbreakers.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no sou
From: Caitrin
Date: 18 Apr 00 - 09:58 AM

Could be. I've wondered about it many times. It makes a little more sense if it's a miniskirt reference...for some reason, I was always thinking "big" as in "fat."

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no sou
From: Dave T
Date: 18 Apr 00 - 05:40 PM

Along with Mississippi John Hurt and Kokomo Arnold, Blind Boy Fuller also did a song called "Big Leg Woman Gets My Pay" in 1939 (no reference to soul). I always figured the phrase referred to long legs as opposed to fat legs.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no sou
From: Brian Hoskin
Date: 19 Apr 00 - 07:05 AM

Could mean long not fat, but there are also plenty of references to women with 'meat shakin' on the bone'. Of course you have to remember that aesthetic ideas/ideals change over the years.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no sou
From: Grab
Date: 19 Apr 00 - 08:38 AM

The phrase puts me in mind of Tina Turner, and that's not an image I want cropping up on a regular basis...


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no sou
Date: 19 Aug 08 - 01:04 AM

A big legged women does not have to be fat (or long). It could mean thick or even muscular.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: GUEST,highlandman at work
Date: 19 Aug 08 - 09:48 AM

And here's me wot always heard it as "three-legged woman."

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: Amos
Date: 19 Aug 08 - 11:09 AM

Miniskirts have nothin' to do with it--they weren't invented when the phrase was well-established.

If they had meant long-legged, they would have said so--it scans the same. A BIG legged woman is a lass with legs that look big. The appearance of this phenomenon in the field of view of the average male often causes him to ponder on other architectural mysteries and God's impeccable mastery thereof. Especially proximate ones.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: GUEST,alex c
Date: 04 Sep 08 - 05:16 PM

I think it refers to a women that sleeps around,BIG LEGGED" referring to open spread thighs all the time and with anyone!!!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: Brian Hoskin
Date: 05 Sep 08 - 07:32 AM

An interesting theory alex c, but one that is not entirely supported by the context in which the line has been used. For example, John Hurt (1928)sings:

Raise up, baby, get your big leg off of mine.
Raise up, baby, get your big leg off of mine.
It's so heavy, make a good man change his mind.

Roosevelt Sykes, in his 1933 recording Big Legs Ida Blues, sings:

Mmmm, Ida, you know you got a aggravatin' shape.
Oh, Ida-ho, you got such a aggravatin' shape.
You know, it shake just like that jelly shakin' on the plate.

And more generally on the appeal of larger women, Tommy Johnson sings, in his 1928 Big Fat Mama Blues:

Cryin' big fat mama, meat shakin' on her bone.
Time her meat shake it's a skinny woman lose her home.

These examples would suggest that (whatever the sexual morals of the women concerned) 'big' in the context simply means 'big'!

all the best

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
Date: 27 Oct 08 - 06:19 PM

i love that song

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul
From: GUEST,KublaConn
Date: 18 Jan 10 - 07:43 PM

You can also compare it to how many songs there are about "skinny-legged women". I've always took "big-legged" to mean a woman with some nice "woman meat" on her. But then again, I'm not particularly fond of "14-year-old-boy" look that seems to be so popular these days. I like women that look like women!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: GUEST,jgbrowning
Date: 27 May 10 - 10:37 AM

I'd always assumed "Big Leg" what the way of the time for saying "Sexy Ass.". In the same way that "Baby got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot isn't talking about her back, but her butt.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
Date: 09 Aug 10 - 05:23 PM

I'm betting its like "pompatus of love". Just like S. Miller, Plant sort of stole it... sort of makes it up. which is perfectly keeping with blues tradition. However- as a big legged woman I've always found it personally offensive. haha

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: GUEST,Guest
Date: 12 Oct 10 - 08:53 AM

Offensive? Really? As a big legged woman myself I find it complimentary. Guys dig my big legs, so much they've written numerous songs about them.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
Date: 12 Oct 10 - 09:21 AM

Others have already pointed this out but 'big legged' sound like just another description for a sexually attractive woman (same as 'buxom' or 'curvy') and as such, a bit dangerous. I must say, my fella always likes the look of black girls thighs..

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: GUEST,LeeinDC
Date: 28 Oct 10 - 03:18 PM

I am not sure of the exact history of blues which this lyric seemes to originate from. However, in as much as the early blue singers were African American, a big legged woman is as Crow Sister said, a buxom woman. Really big legs, hips and bottom. This look is what would be considered desireable (and likely to make a man get in trouble) then and now in the community. Essentially a brick house.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: Sawzaw
Date: 29 Oct 10 - 04:53 PM

This one is really romantic

Big Legged Women
by Tolbert

I love the tip, I love the top, I love you better than a hog loves slop
'Cause you're a big legged woman, with a short short miniskirt
Promise me darlin', you'll never make me feel like dirt
Just like the vine, goes around the stump, you are mine, call me sugar lump
'Cause you're a big-legged woman, with a short short miniskirt
Promise me darlin, you'll never make me feel like dirt
I've told you once, I've told you twice, we go together, like fried beans and rice
'Cause you're a big legged woman, with a short short miniskirt
Promise me darlin, you'll never make me feel like dirt
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, you mess with my woman, I'm gonna hurt you first
'Cause she's a big-legged woman, with a short short miniskirt
Promise me darlin, you'll never make me feel like dirt
I love my big-legged woman, I love my big-legged woman
I love my big-legged woman, I love my big-legged woman
I love my big-legged woman, I love my big-legged woman
She's alright, she's alright
She's alright, she's alright
She's alright, she's alright
She's alright she's alright
She's alright she's...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: Tim Leaning
Date: 29 Oct 10 - 06:01 PM

"Raise up, baby, get your big leg off of mine.
Raise up, baby, get your big leg off of mine.
It's so heavy, make a good man change his mind."

Homo erotic musings?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: Sawzaw
Date: 29 Oct 10 - 06:50 PM

I see in another thread Big Chested Woman so after this there is only one part of the female anatomy to be put into song.

The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'
That's what I said
The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand
Or so I have read

My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo
I'd like to sink her with my pink torpedo

Big bottom, big bottom
Talk about bum cakes, my girl's got 'em
Big bottom drive me out of my mind
How could I leave this behind?

I met her on Monday, 'twas my lucky bun day
You know what I mean
I love her each weekday, each velvety cheek day
You know what I mean

My love gun's loaded and she's in my sights
Big game is waiting there inside her tights, yeah

Big bottom, big bottom
Talk about mud flaps, my girl's got 'em
Big bottom drive me out of my mind
How could I leave this behind?

My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo
I'd like to sink her with my pink torpedo

Big bottom, big bottom
Talk about bum cakes, my girl's got 'em
Big bottom drive me out of my mind
How could I leave this behind?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: GUEST,Kevzter 80
Date: 25 Nov 11 - 06:58 AM

I know this is a few years late....oh well

"Big legged woman" I feel means the very attractive type (or "Long legged woman" who are considered by most men to be rather attractive.)

The majority of them do not have souls or dont care very much about your feelings, they have many admirers and tend to be cold towards the average man. (ever try to hook up with a model)

So the song goes: "I don't know, but I've been told
A Big legged woman ain't got no soul"

then follows with : "All I ask for, All I pray,
Steady lonely woman gonna come my way.
Need a woman gonna hold my hand
tell me no lies, make me a happy man."

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: GUEST,awol
Date: 13 Apr 12 - 10:29 PM

Taj Mahal:

Talkin' 'bout big legged mommas back in style again
I mean, them short fat fannies back in style again
You ain't had no real good love till you been loved by one of them
Size 14, 16, 18, 22, 24 in style again
I mean them big fat cuties back in style again
You ain't had no juicy Lucy until you've been loved by one of them

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: GUEST,go for it
Date: 24 May 12 - 11:10 AM

I noticed in a photo that it looked like Shirley Wilson, sister of Plant's wife and Plant's first Wilson love, looked like she had "big legs"...not that she was fat, but that her thigh looked kind of heavy...maybe the song is about her.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A big legged woman ain't got no soul'
From: GUEST,Nobody
Date: 24 Sep 24 - 11:37 PM

Big legged woman is old school code for fat ass. A fat assed woman doesnt have a soul is what it means. Pry means shes been around town if she had a fat ass backnin the day or something i guess.

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