Subject: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Mbo Date: 01 May 00 - 08:40 PM Hey folks! We're in Hearme right now! C'mon on over and have some singing fun!! --Mbo |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: katlaughing Date: 01 May 00 - 08:42 PM Just click here |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Mbo Date: 01 May 00 - 08:43 PM DAng fergot the link AGAIN! Here it is! HEARME!!! --Mbo |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Mark Clark Date: 01 May 00 - 08:55 PM Seeing as how it's May Day, let's all grab our little red songbooks and meet out on the HearMe picket line for some serious labor action. - Mark
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: wysiwyg Date: 01 May 00 - 09:00 PM I dunnoi about labor, but we have had a slide geetar and a blooz banjo already!!!! |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 01 May 00 - 09:28 PM Ha ha...I got Mbo to sing Bridget O'Malley and Dave (TAM) to sing The Leaving of Liverpool. I'll probably request those two again sometime! |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Mark Clark Date: 01 May 00 - 10:48 PM Well, I sang:
Banks of Marble
up until the bosses heard it and shut down HearMe.
- Mark
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Bill D Date: 01 May 00 - 10:59 PM dang it...don't say "now"...I've been fooled too many times...give the date and approximate time... |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: wysiwyg Date: 01 May 00 - 11:08 PM Now!!! Right now!!! |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: KT Date: 01 May 00 - 11:26 PM I'm so jealous! I KNEW I shouldn't have gotten a MAC!! |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Mark Clark Date: 02 May 00 - 12:30 AM I got reconnected and sang:
The Preacher And The Slave - Mark
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: alison Date: 02 May 00 - 12:46 AM Still going.. we could do with some West Coasters... the East Coasters have just wimped out to go to bed.. got 2 Aussies and a KIWI now..... slainte alison |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Mbo Date: 02 May 00 - 12:46 AM Oh man! Loads of fun tonight! If these continuously keep getting better & better, I can't image what it'll be like in a few months! I sang, and played: Any Old Time of The Day (Burt Bacharach tune) On guitar Wonky slide guitar goofin's Old Slew Foot Bridget O' Malley What's The Use of Wings? Trip to Jerusalem The Garden Gnome Blues (my entry for Song Challenge! #25) Black Is The Colour of My True Love's Hair The Scythe Song--by Dougie MacLean Lorena Lift The Wings (for my love ;)--by Bill Whelan from Riverdance All My Life--by America Sho Heen--by Kate Rusby --Mbo |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: katlaughing Date: 02 May 00 - 12:53 AM Something is wrong with it, tonight. I cannot get it to even try to go to HearMe, from here, not with either of our links posted, which I know work, nor with my bookmarked link, which I know is correct, too. Tried refresh etc. Very strange! |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Joe Offer Date: 02 May 00 - 01:38 AM We're still there, but dwindling. Anytbody wanna join us? -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Billy the Bus Date: 02 May 00 - 01:40 AM C'mon in there's plenty of room Three of us here - Spider Tom, Joe Offer, and Billy the Bus - Alison should be back soon |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: alison Date: 02 May 00 - 02:19 AM still going.. got some more people too.... slainte alison |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Billy the Bus Date: 02 May 00 - 02:23 AM Seven here now - come join us 0 Sam
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: alison Date: 02 May 00 - 03:07 AM After finding my lost kiddie.. SpiderTom and I sang
the whale slainte alison
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Joe Offer Date: 02 May 00 - 04:33 AM Well, I have to say it was a bit disCONCERTing at the end. Three women who claimed to have no microphones, and me. Well, they were very nice about it. Wonder if my sweetie will be jealous.... Probably not - she has to get up for work at 5:30 AM. G'nite, sweetheart, well it's time to go. -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Crowhugger Date: 02 May 00 - 04:37 AM Hey, Joe, I have 2 mikes like I said, but elec wizard is sound asleep, won't be up for an hour and a half now. I wouldn't false-claim suches 'n' stuff. BTW signing off waas a good way to get out of singing Northwest Passage! *grin* CH. |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Joe Offer Date: 02 May 00 - 04:47 AM Nope. I don't sing "Northwest Passage." I'm not sure Stan Rogers should have sung it, either. It's a bit beyond his range. Oh, and in defense of those without microphones, I have to say that I did not venture into HearMe until I got a new computer with a build-in microphone. I know how to do the tech stuff, but sometimes I get lazy. Now, how do I get the VCR and the DVD to play on the same TV? Acronyms, anyone? |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Crowhugger Date: 02 May 00 - 05:18 AM Well, maybe it's out of my range too, can you imagine it higher than tenor? [chuckle or groan] Doesn't stop me singing it in the car. CH. |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Bugsy Date: 02 May 00 - 05:29 AM had a good time today on hearme. Had a bit of a Frog in my Throut. My "small contribution" Love Song - Leslie Duncan. Are You Working - Old Music Hall Song. Cheers Bugsy |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Billy the Bus Date: 02 May 00 - 06:03 AM G'day, Got back from bowls early (8pm) - we didn't play 'cos no-one's credit or fuel card would open the "swipe-lock" thingie in the poncy new hall. I am NOT going to explain the difference between "indoor bowls" in NZ, and the game of skittles you Yanks Play. Anyway, I bludged a mike, went to the Pub for "moral support" got home, and went straight to the only decent Folk Coffee Bar I know, and sang,,,
Over the Hills & Far Away - further over they screamed Finally, just like gggrandpaw, Samson (y'know the one tied up with Delicious, who got slewn by the Arse-bone of a Jew) - I brought the house down, by rendering (by which I do mean tearing apart) my heart-rending rendition of Haieremai. The needle soared into the RED (just like my cheque/check/joke book has done since I bin haunting Mudcat). All the sheilas/bints/tarts/chooks/wahine were swooning in the aisles. They'd finally captured their oldest HearMe Virgin - well, in all honesty I'm only a "born-again" virgin, I did have nookie a decade back (I think). PS - "I had a dream the other night...." Anyway, all BS aside - I think (been a fink all me life) I've got the tecknerlogical thingamebobs together enough to go (in the words of Molly Malone) - "Alive, alive Ohhhh" termorrer night. Schist - (despite not having had my rocks off in years, I do remember my geological terminology). It'll be about 6pm NZST - 6am GMT(UST?) and a smidgeon's whisker of "somewhere about then EST". Hope I don't have to pay GST. If any of you MCers understand the words wot Sam hath writ - spread the word - and the word is LEGS. Trust all goes well in the next 18 hours,and none of us wake up dead. CWS |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Spider Tom Date: 02 May 00 - 07:42 AM Had a good time once again even got to sing or back the marvelous Alison, True I am a lucky man. Billy The Bus I am glad to hear you are ready and micked looking forward to the reality of it all, hope to catch you soon. |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: kendall Date: 02 May 00 - 08:57 AM I still cant get in. |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Jon Freeman Date: 02 May 00 - 09:10 AM Joe, when you talk VCR, DVD,etc, throw in TLA - seems to get people puzzled - Three Letter Abbreviation. Jon |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Crowhugger Date: 02 May 00 - 09:29 AM Billy the Bus, do you truly talk like that? Choir tonight and an appt. in the a.m. so I'll probably miss you. My elec wizard didn't have time to set up [e-literati call it 'plug in'] the mike before work today... mañana? CH. |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Marymac90 Date: 02 May 00 - 09:52 AM Do you have to have a PC to get into Hearme? I want to replace my ancient Mac, and I was thinking of an iMac. Will that not do? Marymac |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: GUEST,Mbo_at_ECU Date: 02 May 00 - 10:04 AM yes, MAy, you have to have PC to use Hearme. They haven't created a Mac compliant version yet. We're hoping for one VERY VERY soon!!! --Mbo |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Jon Freeman Date: 02 May 00 - 10:10 AM I'm afraid not Marymac. Hearme keep promising a Mac version but they have not come up with the goods yet. I don't know what the answer to this is. Hearme works very well for our purposes and is probably as good as anything available but the lack of Mac software does annoy me. If anybody knows of somthing that does work as well as Hearme and supports both PC and Mac platforms, please let me know as I hate the current situation and I am begining to doubt that Hearme have any real intentions in making the setup less exclusive. Jon |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Mark Clark Date: 02 May 00 - 02:22 PM Jon, I assume you are familiar with Paltalk but they don't seem to support the Mac either. Out of curiosity, how would you compare the quality of HearMe and Paltalk? - Mark |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: MMario Date: 02 May 00 - 02:35 PM HearMe seems to have begun their Mac Support with "Roger Wilco" - which seems to be similair to the HearMe chat, but tied into games...hopefully we will be seeing something for Macs soon. |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Clinton Hammond2 Date: 02 May 00 - 03:09 PM Has anyopne tried a program called TalkFree or TalkFreely??? Someone suggested thsi to me... I'll see if I can find a link soon.... {~` |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Jon Freeman Date: 02 May 00 - 05:20 PM I had not come across Pal Talk and therfore can not comment on the quality. As Mark has commented, they only offer Windows versions so, especially in the light of what MMario has reported, I think we are better of sticking with Hearme and hoping that they do get their act together soon. I also noticed that the minimum specs are different and PalTalk asks for a P166 comared to a P100 and a V90 modem. I know that Jeri, who has a V90 modem can only get a 28K connection because of phone lines and that it seems to be fine for hearme. Another drawback is PalTalk seems to require adding email addresses and maintaining a list of contacts whereas with Hearme, it is a simple matter of visiting a web page. Thanks Mark and sorry to sound negative - this is just my assessment and I hope it is a reasonable one. Jon |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: MMario Date: 02 May 00 - 05:25 PM Jon, has anyone thanked you recently for the research and thought you have put into this? If not, and even if so, THANK YOU! |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Joe Offer Date: 02 May 00 - 05:41 PM Jon has made all sorts of contributions to our little community here, and it's sure nice to have him around. He's also made a significant contribution to the Mudcat FAQ, and a number of other things. Thanks a lot, Jon. -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Jon Freeman Date: 02 May 00 - 05:56 PM Thanks Mmario and Joe! With Hearme, it should be remembered that we started to use it as a result of JAB and Max's efforts - I just "muscled in" a little later. From my side, I love it. I still can't fully get to grips with what we have here and a couple of years ago, I would never have imagined that I would be part of an international song circle! Jon |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 02 May 00 - 06:05 PM My thanks also, Jon. And a note for other folks trying to do the audio configuration thing...I wasted about 30 minutes before I figured out that you have to download the voice presence thing when you are doing the configuration. This may be as clear as mud, but if you're in Hearme and are trying to do the audio configuration, you'll see. Mary |
Subject: RE: Hearme NOW!!!! From: Sorcha Date: 02 May 00 - 06:14 PM Just an aside, here-- AOL now has a voice capability with their new Instant Messenger. Mbo and I tried it out and it generally sucked, tho Kate seems to have good luck with it. We never did find out if when on "full duplex" (meaning both sides can talk at the SAME time), more that 2 people could be accomodated. Sound quality was not as good as HearMe. |
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