_Fiddler on the Roof_ remake? Related threads: Lyr/Chords: If I Were A Rich Man (6) Sorcha is The Fiddler on the Roof! (43) Lyr Req: The Rumor (from 'Fiddler on the Roof') (4) Lyr Req: Tradition - From Fiddler/Roof (3) Tune Req: Matchmaker (Fiddler on the Roof) (1)
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Subject: _Fiddler on the Roof_ remake? From: Haruo Date: 11 Oct 00 - 10:14 PM I recall reading, sometime in the last few months, an article in the Yiddish Forward (Forverts) about a forthcoming remake of Fiddler on the Roof, but now I can't find it. And I haven't figured out how to search the archive at the Forverts website. Does anybody here know anything about this? I did a web search and found only enough info to confirm that ABC is doing a Fiddler remake for TV, but no details on (these are my main interests in the matter) the casting and/or musical content. Anybody here know anything about it? Liland |
Subject: RE: _Fiddler on the Roof_ remake? From: hesperis Date: 12 Oct 00 - 01:26 AM Nope. But this post'll refresh your query. In 1992 I performed as a chorus member in a local arts theater production of Fiddler On The Roof. (Just so you know.) I was one of the daughters, but I sang along with the mamas for one part of the intro song, because they were all sopranos and mezzos, and didn't have much of a low range. |
Subject: RE: _Fiddler on the Roof_ remake? From: Sorcha Date: 12 Oct 00 - 02:29 AM "They" wouldn't dare, would they? Well, yea, they probably would. |
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