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Jimmie Driftwood Barn


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GUEST,Arkie 12 Dec 00 - 04:00 PM
GUEST, 12 Dec 00 - 06:57 PM
bflat 12 Dec 00 - 09:30 PM
GUEST,Arkie 13 Dec 00 - 12:19 AM
Dale Rose 27 Dec 00 - 11:59 AM
RichM 28 Dec 00 - 09:18 AM
GUEST, 25 Jul 04 - 05:15 PM
JimmyDriftwoodMan 25 Jul 04 - 05:30 PM
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Subject: Jimmy Driftwood Barn
From: GUEST,Arkie
Date: 12 Dec 00 - 04:00 PM

Since Jimmy Driftwood's name has come up in these threads several times and folks have expressed admiration for Jimmy and his contributions to the world of music, there may be some interest in the following letter. The theater that Jimmy built and where he performed over the past twenty years or so is to be sold. The performers who have performed with Jimmy over the years have started a campaign to buy the theater and continue its music tradition. This letter has been sent out soliciting donations toward "saving the barn". This is truly a grass roots effort and one I personally endorse although I have absolutely no vested interest, present or future, in this endeavour.

"Before Jimmy Driftwood died, he donated the Driftwood Barn to the University of Central Arkansas, to be sold by UCA and the proceeds used to establish scholarships in his name. The University prefers that the Driftwood Barn Rackensack Folklore and Music Society continue the tradition of music that began 23 years ago, and have offered the property to the Society for $49,350. WE NEED YOUR HELP. First, please forward this email to everyone on your list,and ask them to do the same. Second,if you can make a contribution, send it to Save The Barn, PO Box 1228, Mountain View, AR 72560. Thank you. M.L. Crutchfield, Chairman, Save the Barn Committee.

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Subject: RE: Jimmy Driftwood Barn
From: GUEST,
Date: 12 Dec 00 - 06:57 PM

Hey Martin, Is that you? I sincerely hope that the Jimmy Driftwood Barn can be saved. It is the most unique place I N T H E W O R L D for Ozark folk music. I know of no place that remotely compares to it.

Tom C.

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Subject: RE: Jimmy Driftwood Barn
From: bflat
Date: 12 Dec 00 - 09:30 PM

Saving the barn seems noble and worthy of support. How about some PR work via Folk Publications, Folk Clubs and Folk Radio to spread the word. U'd like to know timelines for one thing. What the present collected funds are and what it will take to run it going forward and who is going to do that. Thanks


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Subject: RE: Jimmy Driftwood Barn
From: GUEST,Arkie
Date: 13 Dec 00 - 12:19 AM

I'm not involved in process other than being interested in seeing a worthy effort preserved. bflat, I suspect that there are several details that need to be worked out, but at last report over $5000 had been raised and there is an attempt to get interest in folk publications and radio and some media have provided free space to promote the cause. I will check on getting permission to publish email addresses of the people leading the effort so those with questions can go directly to the folk with answers.

Tom, I'm not Martin, but he is very much involved in the cause.

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Subject: RE: Jimmy Driftwood Barn
From: Dale Rose
Date: 27 Dec 00 - 11:59 AM

The Arkansas Democrat Gazette had a nice article on the situation in yesterday's paper. It will be on line through next Monday. You'll find the article here

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Subject: RE: Jimmy Driftwood Barn
From: RichM
Date: 28 Dec 00 - 09:18 AM

If the University wants the music to continue, why don't they donate the barn for that purpose?

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Subject: RE: Jimmie Driftwood Barn
From: GUEST,
Date: 25 Jul 04 - 05:15 PM

new web site and Newsletters.

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Subject: RE: Jimmie Driftwood Barn
From: JimmyDriftwoodMan
Date: 25 Jul 04 - 05:30 PM

we're doing what we can and would like to hear from Jimmy Driftwood people.

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