Subject: Sydney Carter ill From: Ian HP Date: 31 Jan 01 - 05:46 PM I have recorded a version of Sydney Carter's 'George Fox'and wanted him to have a copy. He has written hundreds of excellent songs, eg. 'Man With A Microphone', 'Like The Snow', 'Mixed Up Old Man', 'Crow On The Cradle', 'When I Needed A neighbour', 'Lord of the Dance'. He was born in 1915, which makes him 86 this year. I know he was still performing until a few years ago. I contacted his publisher and received this email: Dear Mr Harvey-Pittaway, Yes, please do use us as a forwarding address. However, I must inform you that Sydney has alzheimer's disease and is in a home. Although I am sure he would love to receive a copy of your version of George Fox, you will probably not receive a reply. With every good wish . . . This news makes me very sad. His songs have lived with me since my teens. It's like losing an old friend. I hope you'll all join me in wishing him the best. Perhaps, if I have people's permission, I could print and forward this thread if there's enough response from well-wishers and people think this is appropriate. |
Subject: RE: Sydney Carter ill From: Arkie Date: 31 Jan 01 - 07:57 PM I, too, have enjoyed Sydney Carter's songs for many years. A friend who was living in Scotland sent me a little songbook of Mr. Carter's songs, and it became one of my most treasured possessions. Lord of the Dance was my introduction to Sydney Carter, though I did not know it at the time. It was after receiving the songbook that I learned who the writer was and I then learned many other songs from the book. Particularly like, Lord of the Dance, George Fox, Man With the Microphone, Crow on the Cradle, John Ball, and Every Star Shall Sing a Carol. Sydney Carter is a wonderful gift to the world. |
Subject: RE: Sydney Carter ill From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 31 Jan 01 - 08:11 PM That's too bad. I very much hope that for him it'll be the kind of Altzheimers that can be happy. He deserves it.
I've just reached down from my shelf by the computer his songbook Green Print for Song. So many beautiful and subtly simple songs. But it's not just a songbook - the notes which accompany the songs are, in their way, as good as the songs, and they put them in a new light sometimes. Just a small example, from his note to The Lord of the Dance: "Sometimes for a change I sing the whole song in the present tense - I dance in the morning when the world is begun... It's worth a try."
Often when people have Altheimers, their whole sense of time is confused. I hope that maybe with Sydney that confusion will mean that he can still see the world around him as a wonderful place. That was always the way he used to see it, when I knew him many years ago.
Subject: RE: Sydney Carter ill From: MARINER Date: 01 Feb 01 - 01:21 AM Very sad to hear of Sydney Carter's illness. I remember him on T.V. back in the 60's with Martin Carty and Nadia Catousse on a religeous type show. The name of it escapes me now but it was where I first heard "Lord of the Dance". In fact it was where I first heard folk music other than from my own tradition. |
Subject: RE: Sydney Carter ill From: Steve Parkes Date: 01 Feb 01 - 03:46 AM Dear old Sydney -- what a shame. It's been a good few years since I met him; he was what my old grandmother would have called "one of nature's gentlemen". I remember thinking he was rather old at the time (though not in spirit!); in fact it was me that was young, a difference I'm only just beginning to appreciate fully. Yes, please send him my good wishes, Ian. Steve |
Subject: RE: Sydney Carter ill From: A Wandering Minstrel Date: 01 Feb 01 - 09:42 AM Sydney turned up on BBCTV a few weeks ago along with Rabbi Lionel Blue. The Rabbi had been to visit him at the home where he now resides. Sidney was still able to sing although is memory does appear to be fading. I remember him from the 70's when he was a patron of a Youth Theatre group I used to work with. His song "Silver in the Stubble" is getting to be descriptive of me too. Minstrel |
Subject: RE: Sydney Carter ill From: Susan A-R Date: 01 Feb 01 - 10:21 PM At this time of year, I love to sing "Julian of Norwich", particularly the verse about love like the yellow daffodils coming through the snow. It is such a hopeful and wonderful song. I'll hold that thought for Sydney.
Subject: RE: Sydney Carter ill From: GUEST,Fred Date: 01 Feb 01 - 10:29 PM I recently sang "Julian of Norwich" at our local Singers Circle, having also seen a TV documentary on her. I will certainly pass this sad news on at our next circle. |
Subject: RE: Sydney Carter ill From: Shirl Date: 25 May 01 - 01:00 PM Does anyone know the SOURCE of Sydney Carter's Lord of the Dance? The words are startlingly like a scroll (not the "Dead Sea" scrolls, but found at nearly the same time), attributed to Jesus' brother James which describes Jesus as singing or chanting words very similar to Carter's. i am SO curious. He is a great lyricist, and I am new to all this. Thanks for any help you can give. |
Subject: RE: Sydney Carter ill From: Charley Noble Date: 25 May 01 - 05:38 PM I can't help of thinking of Bob Franke's lines, slightly folk processed, from "Thanksgiving Eve": There are sorrows enough for the whole world's end, There are no guantees but the grave, But the friends that we meet and the love that we share, Are treasures too precious to save. What can we do with our days but work and hope, Let our dreams bind our work with our play; What can we do with every moment that we live, But love till we've loved it away, Love till we've loved it away.
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