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Lyr Add: Dermot Asthore

Michael in Swansea 07 Feb 01 - 09:51 AM
Robby 07 Feb 01 - 11:45 AM
MartinRyan 07 Feb 01 - 11:56 AM
Robby 07 Feb 01 - 03:16 PM
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Subject: Dermot Asthore
From: Michael in Swansea
Date: 07 Feb 01 - 09:51 AM


Oh! Dermot asthore! Between walking and sleeping
I heard thy dear voice, and I wept to its lay
Every pulse of my heart the sweet measure was keeping
Till Killarney's wild echoes had bourne it away
Oh! tell me, my own love, is this our last meeting?
Shall we wander no more in Killarney's green bowers
To watch the bright sun o'er the dim hills retreating
And the wild stag at rest in his bed of spring flowers?
Oh! Dermot asthore! Between walking and sleeping
I heard thy dear voice, and I wept to its lay
Every pulse of my heart the sweet measure was keeping
Till Killarney's wild echoes had bourne it away

Oh! Dermot asthore! How this fond heart would flutter
When I met thee by night in the shady boreen
And heard thine own voice in a soft whisper utter
Those words of endearment"Mavoureen, colleen"
I know we must part, but oh, say not forever
That it may be for years adds enough to my pain In some blessed hour I shall meet thee again
Oh! Dermot asthore! Between walking and sleeping
I heard thy dear voice, and I wept to its lay
Every pulse of my heart the sweet measure was keeping
Till Killarney's wild echoes had bourne it away

Collected by Nellie Walsh for Ireland's Own magazine

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dermot Asthore
From: Robby
Date: 07 Feb 01 - 11:45 AM

I have seen "asthore" in a number of other songs and poems. I surmise, from the context, that it is a word of endearment, such as "darling". Would someone be kind enought to provide the meaning of "asthore"? I would certainly appreciate it.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dermot Asthore
From: MartinRyan
Date: 07 Feb 01 - 11:56 AM

"darling" will do fine! Nuances vary with language but here it is a gentle term of endearment. Now archaic, I suppose, but still often used, by older people, of children


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dermot Asthore
From: Robby
Date: 07 Feb 01 - 03:16 PM

Thanks, Martin.

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