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Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?


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GUEST, 08 Mar 01 - 01:59 PM
Sorcha 08 Mar 01 - 03:43 PM
Sorcha 08 Mar 01 - 03:45 PM
Sorcha 08 Mar 01 - 03:46 PM
Arkie 09 Mar 01 - 12:13 AM
GUEST, 09 Mar 01 - 11:01 AM
GUEST,rodger 13 Mar 07 - 11:34 AM
GUEST,Rodger 13 Mar 07 - 11:35 AM
GUEST,Rodger 13 Mar 07 - 11:37 AM
GUEST,Rodger 13 Mar 07 - 11:38 AM
GUEST,Rodger 13 Mar 07 - 11:39 AM
GUEST 13 Mar 07 - 11:40 AM
GUEST,Rodger 13 Mar 07 - 11:42 AM
GUEST,Rodger 13 Mar 07 - 11:42 AM
GUEST 13 Mar 07 - 11:43 AM
GUEST,Rodger 13 Mar 07 - 11:44 AM
GUEST,Rodger 13 Mar 07 - 11:44 AM
GUEST,Rodger 13 Mar 07 - 11:45 AM
GUEST,Rodger 13 Mar 07 - 11:51 AM
Murray MacLeod 13 Mar 07 - 12:03 PM
open mike 13 Mar 07 - 09:56 PM
wlisk 13 Mar 07 - 10:44 PM
Bob the Postman 14 Mar 07 - 07:23 AM
Scrump 14 Mar 07 - 09:14 AM
open mike 14 Mar 07 - 05:10 PM
GUEST,Rodger 27 Mar 07 - 05:30 AM
Flash Company 27 Mar 07 - 10:55 AM
GUEST,Greycap 27 Mar 07 - 07:34 PM
Jim Dixon 29 Mar 07 - 07:58 AM
Flash Company 30 Mar 07 - 05:44 AM
GUEST 22 May 12 - 12:41 PM
GUEST 13 Jul 12 - 11:31 PM
Arkie 14 Jul 12 - 01:55 PM
GUEST 20 May 16 - 10:19 PM
Joe Offer 21 May 16 - 03:41 AM
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Subject: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: GUEST,
Date: 08 Mar 01 - 01:59 PM

I'm looking for chords/and or melody information on any of Jimmie Driftwood's songs BESIDES "Battle of New Orleans" and "Tennessee Stud". If they've been published somewhere, I'd sure like to know. SPecific ones I'm looking for are:

Zelma Lee Four Little Girls In Boston Song of the Pioneer

Well, pretty much anything from Driftwood's CD box-set "Americana".

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Reece Watkins

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: Sorcha
Date: 08 Mar 01 - 03:43 PM

Beautiful Buffalo

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: Sorcha
Date: 08 Mar 01 - 03:45 PM

Hopefully, the results of a Jimmy Driftwood Search of the DT...........

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: Sorcha
Date: 08 Mar 01 - 03:46 PM

I was afraid of that.......anyway, put Jimmie Driftwood in the white box on the left that says DT and Forum'll get quite a few.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: Arkie
Date: 09 Mar 01 - 12:13 AM

Jimmy published quite a few booklets with poems and song lyrics. I do not know of any that included music or chords. The project at the Univ. of Central Arkansas that was to compiled a songbook seems to have fallen through.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: GUEST,
Date: 09 Mar 01 - 11:01 AM

Thanks, Sorcha and Arkie! If you do happen to come across any music books, I'd really appreciate you letting me know!

Thanks again, Reece

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Subject: Lyr Add: BEAUTIFUL BUFFALO RIVER (Jimmy Driftwood)
From: GUEST,rodger
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:34 AM

(Jimmy Driftwood)

Beautiful Buffalo River
More precious than silver and gold
A painting that hangs on a mountain
For all of the world to behold

The smile of the Almighty Giver
Impressed on the Ozarks sublime
Fashioned by Young Mother Nature
And stopped her by Old Father Time

Beautiful Buffalo River
Glimmering there in the sun
That’s Uncle Sam’s blue ribbon
To show that the people have won

Beautiful Buffalo River
The flag of the mountains unfurled
Arkansas’ gift to the Nation
America’s gift to the World

The dream of the lovers of nature
Who care for our posterity
They’d love to see beautiful rivers
Keep flowing to eternity

The mount of the greatest of riders
Her saddle of gliding canoes
Sometimes she will carry you gently
Sometimes she will bid you adieu


The hope of the foes of destruction
Of mountains and valleys and plains
With faith that a new generation
Will safe Mother Nature’s remain

Now she’s a national river
The pride of all races of men
Of free flowing beauty forever
Forever and ever, amen

To behold = anschauen
Almighty Giver = Gott
Posterity = Nachwelt, Nachkommen
Foes = Feinde
Amen = Gebetsschluss

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Subject: Lyr Add: SWING HIGH SWING LOW (Jimmy Driftwood)
From: GUEST,Rodger
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:35 AM

(Jimmy Driftwood)

Grandpa used to work all day to make a little money
Then climbed on a load of hay and go to see his Honey

Swing high, swing low with a do – si – do – si – do
We will dance in June in the light of the moon
On the banks of the Buffalo

Swing high, swing low, don't forget swing Grandma
We will dance Old Joe with a hi – de – ho
In the hills of Arkansas

Hear the banjos ring, molly young folks sing
And the fiddler plays a wait
Swing your partner tight, if it takes all night
Till break of day

Swing high, swing low with a do – si – do – si – do
We will dance in June by the light of the moon
On the banks of the Buffalo

Hear that mountain music play
At the Ozark Mountain Tango
Salute your gal and fly away in Arkansas Fandango

Swing high, swing low with a do – si – do – si – do
We will dance in June by the light of the moon
On the banks of the Buffalo

Swing high, swing low, don't forget swing Grandma
We will dance Old Joe with a hi – de – ho
In the hills of Arkansas

Hear the banjos ring, molly young folks sing
And the fiddler plays a wait
Swing your partner tight, if it takes all night
Till break of day

Swing high, swing low with a do – si – do – si – do
We will dance in June by the light of the moon
On the banks of the Buffalo

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Subject: Lyr Add: BEAUTIFUL OZARKS (Jimmy Driftwood)
From: GUEST,Rodger
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:37 AM

(Jimmy Driftwood)

Floating on the Buffalo
In the sunset's afterglow
There's no place that thrills me so
'Tis a heaven where I'd love to go

Visions of a happy day
Merry hours to while away
There where all is pride and gay
'Tis the beautiful Ozarks, I say

Beautiful Ozarks, filled with delight
Under the moon, a lovely night
Floating along, a beautiful sight
Oh that I shall be

There where the flowers are blooming
Songbirds so sweetly are crooning
And in my dreams, so often it seems
The beautiful Ozarks, I see

Oh that I may linger here
Hours of bliss, my heart to cheer
In the land of love, so near
The beautiful Ozarks, so dear

Happy days soon pass away
When I must be on my way
I'll return another day
To the beautiful Ozarks, to stay

Beautiful Ozarks, filled with delight
Under the moon, a lovely night
Floating along, a beautiful sight
Oh that I shall be

There where the flowers are blooming
Songbirds so sweetly are crooning
And in my dreams, so often it seems
The beautiful Ozarks, I see

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From: GUEST,Rodger
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:38 AM

(Jimmy Driftwood)


When I take my vacation in the hills
I go eating where it really got the thrills
Cornbread, pone and lime of beans
Butter, milk and turnip greens
When I take my vacation in the hills
When I take my vacation in the hills


Gonna catch a great big catfish by the gills
Going hunting, with that good old dog of Bill
Eat that hock or berry pie
Drink that good old mountain rye
When I take my vacation in the hills
When I take my vacation in the hills


When I paddle my canoe by rippling rills
You can bet your life, I'm gonna get some stills
Ev'ryone would be surprised
If I didn't get baptised
When I take my vacation in the hills
When I take my vacation in the hills


Gonna run around with all the Jacks and Gills
Gonna go a-courtin' in the damp o' dales
Maybe I will get the play with little Abner's Daisy May
When I take my vacation in the hills
When I take my vacation in the hills


When they play that mountain music in the hills
In the land of mocking birds and whippoorwills
Ev'ry night I'll do-si-do on the banks of the Buffalo
When I take my vacation in the hills
When I take my vacation in the hills

Turnip = (cabbage) Weiße Rübe, Kohlrabi
Lime = Frucht (der Limonelle)
Pone = Weißbrot
Catfish = Wels
Vacation = Ferien
Hock = Hachse (Haxe)
If I didn't get baptised = gemeint ist kentern
Jacks and Gills = Hans und Grete

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Subject: Lyr Add: ON THE BANKS OF THE BUFFALO (J Driftwood)
From: GUEST,Rodger
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:39 AM


^^^ (Jimmy Driftwood)

-Mouth harp Solo-

Three old maids lived under the bluff
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
In the Ozark Mountains, wild and rough
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

One day a wild man came along
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
And he tried to court them all day long
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

He said to the youngest, be my bride
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
I'll take your hair and take your hide
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

Before I'd be a wild man's bride
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
I'd lose my hair and lose my hide
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

He took her skin and he turned her loose
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
And she looked just like a new picked goose
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

-Mouth harp Solo-

He said to the next one, be my wife
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
I take your hide and take your life
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

Before I'd be a wild man's wife
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
I'd lose my hide and lose my life
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

He took her skin and he let her go
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
And she danced all night on her heel and toe
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

-Mouth harp Solo-

He said to the oldest, be my squaw
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
I'll take your skin from my mother – in – law
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

She said, wild man, that cannot be
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
I'm a tough old maid and you can't skin me
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

He threw at her with his hunting knife
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
It bounced right back and took his life
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

She put the skins back on her kin
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
And they were twice as pretty and young again
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

The more I love this tale, Old Pal
Shickle – ay – shoe and a – shuffle – low
Don't ever get smart with an Ozark gal
On the rocky banks of the Buffalo

-Mouth harp Solo-

Bluff = Steilufer
Shickle –ay –shoe and a- shuffle – low = Mit den Shickle Schuhen, die es über 50 Jahre in Amerika gibt, einen schlurfenden Tanz machen
Tough = zäh, widerstandsfähig

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Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:40 AM

Lover's River (Tsunadagaya Uweyu)
(Jimmy Driftwood)

On that river, my Grandfather wed the Big Chief's lovely daughter
He gave a hundred horses to claim her as his bride
They raised a mighty family, the pride of all the Cherokee
When he died, she lay down by his side

Tsunadagaya Uweyu, where silver waters flow
Some call it lover's river, some call it the Buffalo
Tsunadagaya Uweyu, that's where I love to go
Some call it lover's river, some call it the Buffalo

From the caves on the hillside come the blowin' of the Buffalo
Coming from that country that the white man never found
The breezes in the valley are the voices of their loved ones
Coming from the Happy Hunting Ground


Shining stars in clear waters are the eyes of true lovers
They gaze into our faces as we look into their eyes
When their spirits touch each other, their eyes begin to twinkle
Casting their reflections in the skies


The world gate never closes to that mystic Happy Hunting Ground
To loyal faithful lovers, whose hearts are brave and true
Tsunadagaya Uweyu will take you to that country
Gliding in the soul of your canoe


Happy Hunting Ground = ewige Jagdgründe

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Subject: Lyr Add: WHERE IS THE RIVER GONE? (Jimmy Driftwood
From: GUEST,Rodger
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:42 AM

(Jimmy Driftwood)

I used to live by an untamed river
In the spot where life was a beautiful dream
A gift to man by the Almighty Giver
But now, the army engineers
Have turned my home to a vale of tears
Where only God could ever find that lovely stream

On the grassy bank of spring fed waters
I washed my feet in the babbling brook
My Father raised his sons and daughters
And where he grew his fields of corn
Went to church on Sunday morn'
I can only see in mem'ries picture-book

Where oh where, where oh where is the river gone
It used to sing so sweetly, from the darkness to the dawn
I'd loved to see, loved to see it rolling on
Oh where oh where, oh where oh where is the river gone


The flowers bloomin' in the valley
All the lovely things, Mother Nature gave
The sacred spot where I loved pretty Sally
They are always on my mind
I know, I'll never find, for they are gone
Forever to a watery grave

If we could save one untamed river
For the million, yet unborn to see
We'd be akin to the Almighty Giver
And when my race on earth was done
I could face that setting sun
Knowing God and all the world was proud of me


Untamed = ungezähmt
Almighty Giver = Gott
Spring fed = vom Frühling gefüttert

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Subject: Lyr Add: MOOSHATANIO (Jimmy Driftwood)
From: GUEST,Rodger
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:42 AM

(Jimmy Driftwood)

Along about eighteen-hundred, I guess
I took me a trip into the wilderness
Crossed the Mississippi, let my rifle roar
No white man had ever been there before

I turned my face to the settin' sun
And I lived by my knife and I lived by my gun
I came to a river, called the Little Buffalo
And met a pretty maiden, called Mooshatanio

Mooshatanio – Mooshatanio
I hugged her and I kissed her on the Little Buffalo
Mooshatanio – Mooshatanio
The Big Chief's daughter was the Mooshatanio

A brave, called Buzzard and a brave, called Crow
And a brave called Hawk, was for Mooshatanio
They had a big battle with the arrow and the bow
And the Hawk shot the Buzzard and the Buzzard shot the Crow

The Hawk and I went a-hunting on a hill
And I knew, it was me, he was wanting to kill
I left him a land where the honey suckles grow
And said goodbye to my Mooshatanio


I went back home, my Mother to see
And stayed thirty years in Middle Tennessee
When I got back to the Little Buffalo
They showed me the grave of my Mooshatanio

The young chief's heart was brave and true
His hair was red and his eyes were blue
His father and his mother, he let me know
Was the Great White Spirit and the Mooshatanio

Mooshatanio, Mooshatanio
He was my son, but I couldn't let him know
Mooshatanio, Mooshatanio
The Great White Spirit and the Mooshatanio


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Subject: Lyr Add: STEAMBOAT MOUNTAIN (Jimmy Driftwood)
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:43 AM

(Jimmy Driftwood)

I was standing on Point Peter, early in the morn
Way down on the river, I thought I heard a horn
I noted it was a steamboat and when she homed in sight
I know, she took the left-hand where the Buffalo meets the White

She passed the mouth of the rich land, a-ridin' on the swell
She tore on through the clean break like a bull-bat out of hell
My friend, she was a beauty, so long and tall and sleek
She floated Old Mount Heresy, then she took up Davy's Creek

I plump forgot to tell you, there was an awful flood
The valleys all were water and the mountain-tops were mud
I wondered if the time had come when the lovely Buffalo
Was a deep and rugged channel in the Golf of Mexico


The pilot, he was crazy, he had moonshine on the brain
He fired her up with pine nuts, then he took off in the rain
Then rain, she got so heavy, the clouds, they got so low
The steamboat left the creek and to the heaven, she did go

The embers from the smoke stack and the rain forked from the wheel
With lightning and with thunder, caused the boat to rock and reel
And when she came to earth again, there was an awful sound
The trees went up to heaven and the boat went under ground

You know, it must have happened, though it never could have been
Don't tell me that you doubt it, if you want to be my friend
She went down in the ground and pushed the earth away out far
We call her Steamboat Mountain, you can see her from afar


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From: GUEST,Rodger
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:44 AM

(Jimmy Driftwood)

Me and Lim Brick and Old Bill Brown
Takin' a load of corn to town
My Old Jim Dog, the darned old cuss
He just naturally followed us

As we drove by Sam Johnson's door
Passed and cursed him out the door
Jim, he's good behind the box
And all them fellers are throwin' rocks

Every time I go to town
The boys keep a-kickin' my dog around
Makes no difference if he is a hound
You got to quit kicking my dog around


They tied a can to Old Jim's tail
Running him around the count jail
That made us a-dead burned sore
Lim, he cussed and Bill, he swore

Me and Lim Brick and Old Bill Brown
Lost no time a-get them down
We lost them fellers on the ground
For kicking my Old Jim Dog around

Refrain:                        -Solo-

Jim saw his duty there and then
He tore 'em to them gentlemen
He sure messed up the courthouse square
With the rags and meat and the hide and hair

The Sheriff came and stopped the fuss
And all them boys shook hands with us
We gathered 'round that load of corn
And every man had a healthy horn

Refrain:                        -Solo-

Old Jim Dog is worth much cash
But I can tell you, he ain't no trash
He wakes me up before the break of day
And he keeps them revenue-boys away

He's the best old dog, you ever did see
Wherever I go, he follows me
His voice is sweet, his name is Jim
He'd fight for me and I'd for him

Refrain:                        -Solo-

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Subject: Lyr Add: LIP FEVER (Jimmy Driftwood)
From: GUEST,Rodger
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:44 AM

(Jimmy Driftwood)

When I was a hunter on the wild Buffalo
Down the White River a-courtin' I'd go
I'd find me a lassie on the Old Mississipp'
To ease a bad pain that I had in the lip

Lip fever, lip fever, it's a terrible thing
It eats on your liver and it gnaws on your brain
It causes a man and his money to part
And lip fever is worse when you have no sweetheart

When I was trader on the Old Rackensack
I courted a squaw and she courted me back
A brave drew his knife and I heard the chief say
He's got the lip fever don't fight him today


It's caused men to laugh and it's caused men to cry
It's caused men to live and it's caused men to die
It's caused some good women to act like a mule
Of many a wise man, it's made him damn fool


Oh, what would I give, if tonight I could go
Down the White River from the wild Buffalo
I'd give all my fortunes from travel and trade
To give the lip fever to another fair maid


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From: GUEST,Rodger
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:45 AM


(Jimmy Driftwood)

There was a young brave on the Buffalo River
He fell in love with the queen of the hills
She stole his heart and she stole his liver
They got married and he never did forgive her

Loved her in the dark, loved her in the light
Loved her in the day and loved her ev'ry night
Sat that time on a hillbilly's nose?
You can't keep loving on the River Buffalo
You can't keep loving on the River Buffalo


A man and a woman in Kalamazoo
The doctor said, your love life's through
Away to the Ozarks, they did go
And they loved both better on the River Buffalo

Love in the dark, love in the light
Love ev'ry day and love ev'ry night
Sat that time on a city Billy's nose?
You can't keep loving on the River Buffalo
You can't keep loving on the River Buffalo


Now they made her a national river
The Buffalo belongs to the lovers of the world
When your boat begins to rock and your hearts begin to quiver
Old Mother Nature is ready to deliver

Love in the dark, love in the light
Love ev'ry day and love ev'ry night
The folk who live in the Ozark's snow
You can't keep loving on the River Buffalo
You can't keep loving on the River Buffalo


Liver = Leber

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: GUEST,Rodger
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 11:51 AM

Rock Island Line

(Arr. Johnny Horton)

Now this here is the story about the Rock Island Line
Now, the Rock Island Line, she runs down into New Orleans
And just 'fore you're getting' into New Orleans, –why, they got a big tollgate
Where you've got to pay the man just some money
Goin' through, you've got certain things on board, you're okay
You've to pay the man nothin'
Right now, we see a train, she pulls into the station
Man he sticks his head out of the window and he yells down to me
I got pigs, I got horses, I got cows, I got sheep
I got all livestock – I got all livestock – I got all livestock
The man says, Boy, you're okay, you go on through
You don't do pay nothin' – so the man, he goes on through
Train goin' down away from the station a little bit while
Started pickin' up a little bit of speed
And then started pickin' up a little bit the steam
Drivers thinks, he's safe on the other side of the man
So he sticks his head out of the window
And he yells back down the line there to me
Well, I fooled you – I fooled you, I got pick – iron – I got pick – iron
I got only pick – iron, yeah – yeah
Now, I tell you when I go on board

Down the Rock Island Line, she's a mighty good road
Rock Island Line, it's a road to ride
Yeah, the Rock Island Line, she's a mighty good road
If you ride it, you've got a-runnin' there to find it
Get your ticket at the station, it's the Rock Island Line

Well, the A-B-C-W-X-Y-Z
You catch some under cover, but you don't see me


Well, I may be right and I may be wrong
I bet, she gonna miss me when I'm gone

Refrain:        2x

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: Murray MacLeod
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 12:03 PM

I very much doubt that Jimmie Driftwood ever laid claim to the authorship of " Rock Island Line "

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Subject: Lyr Add: ST. BRENDAN'S FAIR ISLE (Jimmie Driftwood
From: open mike
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 09:56 PM

ah--my favorite St. Pat's Day song...ST. BRENDAN'S FAIR ISLE...
by...none other than.....Jimmie Driftwood!!
When I was a lad on the Emerald Isle,
I heard many stories both lovely and wild.
About the great dragons and monsters that be,
That swallow the ships as they sail on the sea.
'Tho I was an artist with canvas and paints,
I sailed with Saint Brendan and his jolly saints.
We told the good people, "Goodbye for a while,"


    We sailed for Saint Brendan's fair isle, fair isle,
    We sailed for Saint Brendan's fair isle.

When we had been sailing for ninety-four days,
We came to a spot where the sea was ablaze.
Those demons from Hades was dancing with glee,
And burning the sailors alive on the sea.
Then Saint Brendan walked on the festering waves,
He threw all the demons right back to their caves,
And all of the saints bore a heavenly smile,


    We sailed for Saint Brendan's fair isle, fair isle,
    We sailed for Saint Brendan's fair isle.

One night while the brethren were lying asleep,
A great dragon came up from under the deep.
He thundered and lightninged and made a great din;
He awakened Saint Brendan and all of his men.
The dragon came on with his mouth open wide.
We threw in a cross and the great dragon died.
We skinned him and cooked him and feasted awhile,

    CHORUS    We sailed...

At last we came onto that beautiful land.
We all went ashore and we walked on the sand.
We took up our longbows and killed a Zebu.
We roasted it up and had hot barbecue.
And after a while we were singing a song,
We noticed the island was moving along.
We ate and we drank and we rode in high style,

    CHORUS    We sailed...

Now Brendan said, "Boys, this is much to my wish!
"We ride on the back of the world's biggest fish!
"Hold fast to the rope that is pulling the ship,
"We'll need it some day if this fish takes a dip!"
We sailed every ocean, we sailed every sea,
We sailed every spot that a sailor could be.
In forty-four days we sailed ten million miles,

    CHORUS    We sailed...

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: wlisk
Date: 13 Mar 07 - 10:44 PM
Website has Jimmy Driftwood songbooks for sale.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: Bob the Postman
Date: 14 Mar 07 - 07:23 AM

Re: When I Take My Vacation In The Hills 13 Mar 07 - 11:38 AM

"lime of beans" should be "lima beans", auf Deutsch, Mondbohne oder Limabohne

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: Scrump
Date: 14 Mar 07 - 09:14 AM

Yes, open mike, St Brendan's Fair Isle is one of my favourites too. I sang it a couple of weeks ago for the first time in a while, and I'll be doing it on Saturday with the band at our St Patrick's day gig. Always goes down well! :-)

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: open mike
Date: 14 Mar 07 - 05:10 PM

ohhhh-"going down" is not the correct term for a
naughtical i mean nautical song!

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Subject: Lyr Add: ZELMA LEE (arr. Jimmy Driftwood)
From: GUEST,Rodger
Date: 27 Mar 07 - 05:30 AM


(Arr. Jimmy Driftwood)

(D) There’s a cosy little cottage
Where the morning glories clamber
And the ivy vines are creeping ‘round the (A7) door
Where the (D) fairest flowers are springing
And the wild bird’s notes are ringing
As they echo through the (A7) woodland o’er and (D) o’er

(D7) And within (G) that little cottage dwells
(D) A maiden pure and true
With (A7) hair of sunny (D) golden and lips a rosy (A7) hue
And her (D) arms are ‘round me twining
While the (G) stars are softly (D) shining
As she whispers I will (A7) love none else but (D) you

And her voice is sweet and tender
As the moonlight on the sea
Her brown eyes softly beaming are filled with love for me
And my happy heart is beating
While the rosy hours are fleeting
As I sit beside my darling Zelma Lee

(D) Zelma (G) Lee, Zelma (D) Lee
As I sit beside my darling Zelma (A7) Lee
And my (D) happy heart is beating
While the (G) rosy hours are (D) fleeting
As I sit beside my (A7) darling Zelma (D) Lee

Like a winsome little fairy
With he step so light and airy
‘Round the cottage she is flitting all the day
And the music of her singing
Like the wild bird’s notes are ringing
As it echoes in the woodland far away

And her voice is sweet and tender
As the moonlight on the sea
Her brown eyes softly beaming are filled with love for me
And my happy heart is beating
While the rosy hours are fleeting
As I sit beside my darling Zelma Lee


When the nightly dew is falling
And the mockingbird is calling
Then we often stroll together on the shore
Where the silvery waters glisten
And the wavelets seem to listen
To our vows so oft’ repeated o’er and o’er

Then my Darling softly tells me
In her sweet and winning tone
With summer I may claim her forever as my own
And I whisper that I love her
As the moonbeams seem to hover
With a blessing that is meant for us alone

And her voice is sweet and tender
As the moonlight on the sea
Her brown eyes softly beaming are filled with love for me
And my happy heart is beating
While the rosy hours are fleeting
As I sit beside my darling Zelma Lee


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Subject: Lyr Add: BUNKER HILL (Jimmie Driftwood)
From: Flash Company
Date: 27 Mar 07 - 10:55 AM

I got so mad at Susie Belle for kissing Cousin Will,
I joined up with my Uncle Bob to fight at Bunker Hill
I looked down on them Redcoat boys and there was Cousin Will
I fired my gun but he was there when I left Bunker Hill

Five pence in my pocket book, Ten pence in my bill,
If I had another five I'd tear down Bunker Hill.

And When the fight was o'er and Cousin William said farewell,
I laughed all day because I thought I'd marry Susie Belle,
I wrote my love a letter but I guess I made a blunder
She sent me back a little note that said 'You go to thunder'


I wrote my love a letter and I said that we should wed,
She said she would not marry me if all the rest were dead
Her brother came and challenged me to fight him at the mill
I whupped him 'til his teeth fell out all over Bunker Hill


Last Sunday morn I bumped in her outside the church-house door,
She linked her little arm in mine and waltzed me through the door,
Next Sunday is our wedding day and marry her I will,
And that will be the second time I beat my Cousin Will



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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: GUEST,Greycap
Date: 27 Mar 07 - 07:34 PM

I had the privilege of opening for Mr. Driftwood in Wakefield, Yorkshire, England, on his visit to UK many years back. I always loved his work, 'Tennessee Stud' and 'Four Little Girls in the Town of Boston' are my favorites.
Need the chords? Get in touch,

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 29 Mar 07 - 07:58 AM

Flash Company: What's the title of the song you just posted?

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: Flash Company
Date: 30 Mar 07 - 05:44 AM

Hi Jim, 'Bunker Hill', it's on the LP 'The Wilderness Road & Jimmie Driftwood' Along with Razorback Steak, Maid of Argenta, The Unfortunate Man, Tennesee Stud and others.

Brian Q

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
Date: 22 May 12 - 12:41 PM

shanty song

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
Date: 13 Jul 12 - 11:31 PM

Here's one (Sailor Man), and I have been looking for it for years:

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: Arkie
Date: 14 Jul 12 - 01:55 PM

Sailor Man has always been one of my favorite of Jimmy's songs. I did not get anywhere with this link though.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
Date: 20 May 16 - 10:19 PM

I am looking for the lyrics to Four Little Girls In Boston. Thanks.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Any Jimmie Driftwood songs?
From: Joe Offer
Date: 21 May 16 - 03:41 AM

Here's a YouTube video of "Four Little Girls in Boston":

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