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Lyr Req: songs for the tragedy, Sept. 11

GUEST,Len Wallace 18 Sep 01 - 05:43 PM
Marymac90 18 Sep 01 - 08:15 PM
GUEST 18 Sep 01 - 09:04 PM
GUEST,Genie 18 Sep 01 - 09:24 PM
Amos 18 Sep 01 - 09:42 PM
GUEST,Oh, well 18 Sep 01 - 10:44 PM
GUEST,Oh, Well 25 Sep 01 - 03:41 AM
McGrath of Harlow 25 Sep 01 - 05:29 AM
Frank Maher 25 Sep 01 - 08:39 AM
McGrath of Harlow 25 Sep 01 - 09:02 AM
Frank Maher 25 Sep 01 - 01:34 PM
McGrath of Harlow 25 Sep 01 - 01:50 PM
GUEST 26 Sep 01 - 01:22 AM
Frank Maher 26 Sep 01 - 08:20 AM
McGrath of Harlow 26 Sep 01 - 03:04 PM
InOBU 26 Sep 01 - 07:28 PM
InOBU 26 Sep 01 - 07:29 PM
Trapper 31 Oct 01 - 04:15 PM
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Subject: Lyr Add: SEPTEMBER 11 (Len Wallace)
From: GUEST,Len Wallace
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 05:43 PM

Less than one week ago a child in Northern Ireland was killed in the clash between Protestants and Catholics. Yesterday the murderous horror from the skies in the United States. Meanwhile revelations grow each month over the trained death squads and their reign of terror against innocent people. Today a Moslem mosque was firebombed in Montreal, Quebec. The bombing of the World Trade Centre comes upon the anniversary of the last broadcast by former Chilean President Salvador Allende's last speech before his murder by the Chilean military with U.S. complicity. It is all the same, be it New York, Washington, Santiago, Kosovo, Belfast, here or wherever. This song was written from a sense of sadness and anger as I watched the events of September 11.

SEPTEMBER 11 (music and words by Len Wallace)

I saw the news this morning
a tower all in in flames
I saw the ones about to die,
I didn't know their names.
I watched the screen in disbelief,
an unbelieving eye.
The questions come into my mind
for who, for what, for why?

Terror is an ugly word
for an ugly hateful hate.
Terror of the madmen
or terror of the State.
Terror from the death squads
or terror from the skies.
No matter where, no matter when
it's the innocents who die.

And the sadness grows, the sadness grows.

A pipe bomb kills a Belfast child
on her way to school.
The plane crashed into a tower
by a willing fool.
Napalm raining from the skies
for all the world to see.
Dimensions of the madness
are all the same to me.

And the sadness grows, the sadness grows.

From the one who hides behind a desk
to the one behind the gun,
From the one who hides behind a mask
in the hateful deed that's done,
From the one who give the orders
and justifies decrees
to the one who pulls the trigger,
just a matter of degrees.

And the sadness grows, the sadness grows.

The war that's over there
is the war that's brought to home
To reap a bitter harvest
from the seeds that we have sewn.
For religion, dogma, bits of flag
and the things for which men kill,
For the lies that divide us
I'll say I've had my fill.

And the sadness grows, the sadness grows.
The sadness grows, oh the sadness grows.

copyright, Len Wallace September 11, 2001

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: Marymac90
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 08:15 PM

A good one, Len. I'm glad to see someone bring all these "threads" together. We can't ignore the US's complicity in coups, death squads, dissapearances, etc.


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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 09:04 PM

See also this thread

9/11: Responding through Music

(can someone make the link clicky?)

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: GUEST,Genie
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 09:24 PM

Great song, Len.

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: Amos
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 09:42 PM

Here's the other thread mentioned above.


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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: GUEST,Oh, well
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 10:44 PM

It didn't work. The related thread is

"New Songs for 9/11/01"
I clickified it for you. You have to put in the address as well as the title. I typed it just like this:
<a href="thread.cfm?threadid=38859">"New Songs for 9/11/01"</a>

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: GUEST,Oh, Well
Date: 25 Sep 01 - 03:41 AM

Thanks for the clickification, Joe Clone.

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 25 Sep 01 - 05:29 AM

The papers and the TV this past week have been so dominated by the two towers that all the other news has been sidelined.

If there's been a child killed by a pipe-bomb in Belfast in the past week, I haven't seen it reported anywhere, and I've just looked in the archive of the Irish Times for it, and I couldn't find it. It's bad enough with what has been reported from there the last few days - but I'm hoping that Len Wallace might have got it wrong on this one.

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: Frank Maher
Date: 25 Sep 01 - 08:39 AM

Here's One Written by Tommy Sands

My heart cries for America,
Your fallen sons and daughters
Your anguish and your pain
My heart cries for America
The agony and terror
Let it never be again

We're living in the desert
We heard the news this morning
Demons from the heavens
Bring burning fires of hell
Crying and dying
Jumping from the windows
Slaughter of innocence
A crime we know so well

My heart cries etc.

Muhammad says Do not kill
Christ he says Do not kill
Allah says Do not kill
God says Do not kill
I can hear you calling
Just time to say I love you
Just time to say I love you
I love you too

My heart cries etc.

We're living in the desert
We are not your enemy
But Demons from the heavens
Bring burning fires of hell
Crying and dying
Jumping from the windows
Slaughter of innocence
A crime we all know well

My heart cries for America,
Your fallen sons and daughters
Your anguish and your pain
My heart cries for America
The agony and terror
Let it never be again

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 10-Feb-02.

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 25 Sep 01 - 09:02 AM

That's powerful. I really want to hear it. I've put the line breaks in, to make it easier to get the shape of the song and read it, and I hope I've done it right.

My heart cries for America,
Your fallen sons and daughters
Your anguish and your pain
My heart cries for America
The agony and terror
Let it never be again

We're living in the desert
We heard the news this morning
Demons from the heavens
Bring burning fires of hell
Crying and dying
Jumping from the windows
Slaughter of innocence
A crime we know so well

My heart cries for America,
Your fallen sons and daughters
Your anguish and your pain
My heart cries for America
The agony and terror
Let it never be again

Muhammed says Do not kill
Christ he says Do not kill
Allah says Do not kill
God says Do not kill
I can hear you calling
Just time to say I love you
Just time to say I love you I love you too
My heart cries for America,
Your fallen sons and daughters
Your anguish and your pain
My heart cries for America
The agony and terror
Let it never be again

We're living in the desert
We are not your enemy
But Demons from the heavens
Bring burning fires of hell
Crying and dying
Jumping from the windows
Slaughter of innocence
A crime we all know well
My heart cries for America,
Your fallen sons and daughters
Your anguish and your pain
My heart cries for America
The agony and terror
Let it never be again

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: Frank Maher
Date: 25 Sep 01 - 01:34 PM

Good Job !!!!!!! Here's Tommy's Web Site.You can Here the Song in It!!!!

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 25 Sep 01 - 01:50 PM

That's a email address, not a website - when I clicked on it, this is what it got me -

If you can give us the website, that'd be great. Thanks for giving us the words anyway.

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
Date: 26 Sep 01 - 01:22 AM

cross reference with

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: Frank Maher
Date: 26 Sep 01 - 08:20 AM

Sorry about That,McGrath of Harlow!!!!!!! Here's the Website.

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 26 Sep 01 - 03:04 PM

I got those clickies mixed:

and Song for NYC firefighters

Thanks Frank for that song from Tommy Sands. And I really would urge everybody to click on this and listen to Tommy singing it. It seems not to be working at the moment - I suspect it might have a lot of people trying to get it. Or it just might be something to do with a local server here, since there are a few other sites I'm not getting to either.

Anyway, here is a quote he gives in the site from another, and I'd like to see it engraved on whatever kind of memorial they put for the Two Towers: "Let our tears of sorrow not be frozen into stones of revenge."

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: InOBU
Date: 26 Sep 01 - 07:28 PM

Hi Kev, I am no good at blue cliqickies, but if you check back a few days before the song for the Firefighters, I wrote a song, which has an idea about memorialising the towers... I think I called the post a new song from Down Town NYC or something... its on the new CD about to be released this month, if I can find $4,000 in someone's pockets not doing anything... cheers larry

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Subject: RE: Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11
From: InOBU
Date: 26 Sep 01 - 07:29 PM

PS Thanks for the blue clichie Kev... Larry

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Subject: Lyr Add: DAD'S WISDOM (Al Boyce)
From: Trapper
Date: 31 Oct 01 - 04:15 PM

A little late... but here's one that popped into my head last week...

- Al

Words and music by Al Boyce, (c) 10/25/2001

Don't hit your brother
You know that it's wrong
Be nice to your sister
And try to get along.
It's a hot day, and a long trip
And we're a family
We need to take care of each other
And live in harmony.

On vacation in the Badlands
Driving down the Interstate
Four kids, a dog and my parents
In my dad's brand new V-8
After hours and hours of riding
And as nerves began to fray
We'd scrap with one another
My dad would reach around and say:

"I have a dream", he told us
As his voice pealed through the mall
Dr. Martin Luther King had seen
Peace and freedom for us all.
Though his sermon's words were different
More eloquent by far
My father's words came back to me
From the backseat of our car:

God returned last Tuesday
As the second Tower fell
On September the Eleventh
A day we know too well.
He saw brothers fighting brothers
He looked around and shook his head.
"Did you people ever listen
To a single word I said?"

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