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Lyr ADD: Ready for the Storm (Dougie MacLean)


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GUEST,KGreen Southampton 19 Sep 01 - 03:57 PM
JenEllen 19 Sep 01 - 04:03 PM
Jeremiah McCaw 19 Sep 01 - 05:37 PM
Jeremiah McCaw 19 Sep 01 - 05:40 PM
RunrigFan 30 Nov 20 - 05:02 PM
RunrigFan 30 Nov 20 - 05:07 PM
RunrigFan 30 Nov 20 - 05:12 PM
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Subject: Dougie Maclean
From: GUEST,KGreen Southampton
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 03:57 PM

Hello there all, I am new to this site but I think it is completely brilliant! I am having a bit of a problem remembering Dougie Maclean's excellent "Ready for the Storm" and as someone has my only recording on permanent loan I would be really grateful if someone could post it for me.

Hope I can return the favour in the future


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dougie Maclean
From: JenEllen
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 04:03 PM

Try this link Hope that helps,

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Subject: Lyr Add: READY FOR THE STORM (Dougie MacLean)
From: Jeremiah McCaw
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 05:37 PM

(Dougie tunes his guitar C G C G C D#, capo at 5th fret)

Oh, the waves crash in and the tide pulls out.
It's an angry sea but there is no doubt
That the lighthouse will keep shining out
To warn the lonely sailor.

And the lightning strikes and the wind cuts cold
Through the sailor's bones to the sailor's soul
Till there's nothing left that he can hold
Except the rolling ocean.

But I am ready for the storm, yes, sir, ready.
I am ready for the storm, ready for the storm.

Give me mercy for my dreams, for every confrontation seems
To tell me what it means to be this lonely sailor,
But when the sky begins to clear, and the sun it melts away my fear,
I'll cry a silent weary tear for those that need to love me.

But distance it no is no real friend, and time it takes its time,
But you will find that in the end it brings you me, the lonely sailor,
But when you take me by your side you love me warm, you love me,
And I should have realized I had no reasons to be frightened.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Dougie Maclean
From: Jeremiah McCaw
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 05:40 PM

Let's try a clearer chord placement for the chorus:


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Ready for the Storm (Dougie MacLean)
From: RunrigFan
Date: 30 Nov 20 - 05:02 PM

The waves crash in and the tide pulls out.
It's an angry sea but there is no doubt
That the lighthouse will keep shining out
To warn the lonely sailor.

And the lightning strikes and the wind cuts cold
Through the sailor's bones to the sailor's soul
Till there's nothing left that he can hold
Except the rolling ocean.

But I am ready for the storm, yes, sir, ready.
I am ready for the storm, ready for the storm.
I am ready for the storm

Oh give me mercy for my dreams, for every confrontation seems
To tell me what it means to be this lonely sailor,
But when the sky begins to clear, and the sun it melts away my fear,
I'll cry a silent weary tear for those that need to love me.

But distance it no is real friend, and time it takes its time,
But you will find that in the end it brings you near, the lonely sailor,
But when you take me by your side you love me warm, you love me,
And I should have realized I had no reasons to be frightened.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Ready for the Storm (Dougie MacLean)
From: RunrigFan
Date: 30 Nov 20 - 05:07 PM


The waves crash in and the tide pulls out.
It's an angry sea but there is no doubt
That the lighthouse will keep shining out
To warn the lonely sailor.

And the lightning strikes and the wind cuts cold
Through the sailor's bones to the sailor's soul
Till there's nothing left that he can hold
Except the roaring ocean.

But I am ready for the storm, yes, oh ready.
I am ready for the storm, ready for the storm.
I am ready for the storm

give me mercy for my dreams, for every confrontation seems
To tell me what it means to be this lonely sailor,
But when the sky begins to clear, and the sun it melts away my fear,
I'll cry a silent weary tear for those that need to love me.

But distance it no real friend, and time it takes its time,
But you will find that in the end it brings you near, the lonely sailor,
But when you take me by your side you love me warm, you love me,

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Ready for the Storm (Dougie MacLean)
From: RunrigFan
Date: 30 Nov 20 - 05:12 PM

Rich Mullins

The waves crash in and the tide rolls out.
It's an angry sea but there is no doubt
That the lighthouse will keep shining out
To warn the lonely sailor.

And the lightning strikes and the wind cuts cold
Through the sailor's bones to the sailor's soul
Till there's nothing left that he can hold
Except a rolling ocean.

But I am ready for the storm, yes, sir, ready.
I am ready for the storm, ready for the storm.
I am ready for the storm

Oh Give me mercy for my dreams, for every confrontation seems
To tell me what it means to be this lonely sailor,
But when the sky begins to clear, and the sun it melts away my fear,
And I'll cry a silent weary tear for those who need to love me.

But distance it is no real friend, and time it takes its time,
But you will find that in the end it brings you near this lonely sailor,
But when you take me by your hand you love me warm, you love me,
And I should have realized I had no reasons to be frightened.

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