Lyr Add: Standin' on Jesus Related thread: Lyr Req: my mind it was fixed on freedom (4) |
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Subject: Lyr Add: STANDIN' ON JESUS From: wysiwyg Date: 09 Mar 02 - 10:00 AM I learned this from a Gospel Messengers tape Jerry Rasmussen sent me. It's got to be a spiritual-- I can see the workers hoeing to it, out in the hot field. *G* I gave up on waiting for Jerry to bring the Messengers to our church to teach this style of singing to our people-- call and response, a capella. So this is how we will do it tonight. (Thanks, Jerry!) First I will give a little talk on how the spirituals, and the endless possibilities of the "floating" verses made up to fit the moment, were a way of redeeming everyday life-- to "pray without ceasing." There is a MIDI HERE, of one version of this. To untangle what the melody line is from that MIDI, here is a clue-- the top line is the leader, and the next four lines are the gospel quartet. They toss the melody back and forth. The rest is accompaniment. ~Susan ==================================================
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: STANDIN' ON JESUS From: Jerry Rasmussen Date: 09 Mar 02 - 12:45 PM Anyone who'd like to hear how the Gospel Messengers do this, PM your name and address and I'll send you the same tape that I sent Susan.. We learned it from a recording by Roosevelt Phillips and Brother.. Jerry |
Subject: Lyr Add: WOKE UP THIS MORNIN' From: masato sakurai Date: 09 Mar 02 - 10:29 PM WOKE UP THIS MORNIN' 1. Woke up this mornin' with my mind, stayed on Jesus. Woke up this mornin' with my mind, stayed on Jesus. Woke up this mornin' with my mind, stayed on Jesus. Hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah. 2. No condemnation with my mind, stayed on Jesus.... 3. Walkin' and talkin' with my mind, stayed on Jesus.... (SOURCE: African American Heritage Hymnal (GIA, 2001), no. 566; with music). WOKE UP DIS MORNIN' 1. Oh, I woke up dis mornin' wid mah min', An' it was stayed, (Response) Stayed on Jesus, Oh, I woke up dis mornin' wid mah min', An' it was stayed, (Response) Stayed on Jesus, Oh, I woke up dis mornin' wid mah min', An' it was stayed, (Response) Stayed on Jesus, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah. 2. Can't hate your neighbor in your min', if you keep it stayed,... 3. Makes you love everybody with your min', when you keep it stayed,... 4. De devil can't catch you in your min', if you keep it stayed,... 5. Jesus is de captain in your min', when you keep it stayed,... SOURCE: Songs of Zion (Abingdon Press, 1981), no. 146 (with music). Roosevelt Graves & Brother recorded this song (sound clip is HERE; also on V.A., How Can I Keep From Singing: Early American Religious Music & Song, vol. 1, Yazoo). Violinaires recorded it, too (on Fantastic Violinaires; info is HERE). It was sung as a freedom song during the Civil Rights Movement. SNCC Freedom Singers & Bernice Johnson's siging is on Voices of the Civil Rights Movement: Black American Freedom Songs, 1960-1966 (Smithsonian Folkways 40084) WOKE UP THIS MORNING (WITH MY MIND ON FREEDOM) (Music traditional, new words by Rev. Osby of Aurora, Ill. & SNCC) Woke up this morning with my mind (my mind it was) stayed on freedom, (Oh well I) woke up this morning with my mind stayed on freedom, (Oh well I) woke up this morning with my mind (my mind it was) stayed on freedom, Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah! Ain't no harm to keep your mind stayed on freedom,... Walkin' and talkin' with my mind stayed on freedom,... Singin' and prayin' with my mind stayed on freedom,... Doin' the twist with my mind stayed on freedom,... (SOURCE: We Shall Overcome!: Songs of the Southern Freedom Movement (Oak, 1963), pp. 81-83; with music. Also in Irwin Silber, This Singing Land (Amsco, 1965), pp. 46-47; Wanda Willson Whitman, Songs That Changed the World (Crown, 1969), p. 16 [title: "With My Mind Stayed on Freedom"]) For the Weavers' version and more info, see this thread: Gospel Origin-Civil Rights & Labor Songs. ~Masato |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: STANDIN' ON JESUS From: wysiwyg Date: 23 Jan 04 - 09:49 PM The MIDI link above is no good now. I've found another MIDI and set it up as a call-response between two voices... although I don't like how some of the syncopation was handled by the orignal sequencer, IMO the MIDI is serviceable for learning the tune and creating one's own way to perform it. I'm sending it on to Mmario as-is for Mudcat MIDIs. I used this song a few months ago at an all-white workshop for prospective candidates for ordination; I had led them in some blues gospel the night before from my autoharp, and in the morning I woke up with this song actually running through my mind. I had learned it but never ended up doing it in church, and I REALLY wanted to try it out! So at the workshop, we did it as a wake-up song after the morning prayer service. I solicited from each person how they had woken up that morning-- then we used these in the verses. To reassure them about the easiness of the pattern, I scribbled out one verse on chart paper which I held up in front of me as I led the song. In the first verse I slowly sang both the leader part (call) and the people's part (response), pointing out at them for their part and back to myself for my part. Within a few verses they had the pattern, stopped looking at the chart paper, and started really hammering out the response (strong singing, clapping and swaying).... it was the BEST songleading experience I have ever had. We did that same teaching style last week for the first time in church, on another song, and it worked just as well! So now I am accumulating a giant songbook of spirituals on lined chart paper, with each page containing just enough to show the pattern. Finally my songleading is set free from carrying songsheets for the people to bury their noses in! ~Susan |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: STANDIN' ON JESUS From: AllisonA(Animaterra) Date: 25 Nov 04 - 07:32 PM refresh |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Standin' on Jesus From: Azizi Date: 23 Sep 07 - 07:04 PM YouTube video link: Ruthie Foster - Woke Up This Mornin' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVRcMECcI2E Added: May 27, 2007 From: anthonypepitoneVideo "[Woke Up This Mornin'] With My Mind Stayed On Freedom. A great and powerful song from the Civil Rights Era sung by Ruthie in tribute to Odetta. Videotaped at THE LIVING ROOM in NYC by Anthony Pepitone." |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Standin' on Jesus From: wysiwyg Date: 23 Sep 07 - 08:13 PM Thanks Azizi, it's great to "meet" Ruthie Foster. ~S~ |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Standin' on Jesus From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 23 Sep 07 - 08:16 PM Blind Roosevelt Graves, and Brother Uaroy, recorded this song (Woke Up This Morning with My Mind on Jesus) in 1936 (1929?). Was this the first recording of this hard-driving gospel song? I believe it is a 20th c. gospel song, but have no evidence. Document Records re-issued the song with 20 others (total recorded output) in 1994. A sound clip may be heard at Amazon.com |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Standin' on Jesus From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 25 Sep 07 - 12:34 AM Refresh Anything on origin, composer, other early singers? |
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