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Mudcat Songbook - Special Announcement!

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Áine 07 Sep 02 - 06:17 PM
katlaughing 08 Sep 02 - 12:09 AM
GUEST,.gargoyle 08 Sep 02 - 12:30 AM
katlaughing 09 Sep 02 - 05:34 PM
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Subject: Mudcat Songbook - Special Announcement!
From: Áine
Date: 07 Sep 02 - 06:17 PM

****************** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT *********************

I just posted a fantastic new song by Mudcatter skarpi -- to whom the Songbook is dedicated, because it was his original idea to start one in the first place -- the song is called The Road, and all you Mudcatters should check it out. It is beautiful as poem in itself; and skarpi is working on a midi file so we can all hear the tune, too.

Congratulations, skarpi, for writing such a wonderful song. And many, many, many thanks for sharing it with the rest of us. It's a beautiful, beautiful song -- and I can't wait to hear the tune.

With love, Áine

P.S. Anyone who can help skarpi with the midi file, could you please see his message in this thread. Thanks!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Songbook - Special Announcement!
From: katlaughing
Date: 08 Sep 02 - 12:09 AM

Beautiful, beautiful, Skarpi, thanks so much for sharing with us and to you, too, Aine, for making sure we didn't miss this!

Skarpi, if you can tell me the notes, I could make a midi by playing it on my electronic keyboard. I have very inexpensive telephone rates and could also call you. I have a special microphone on my telephone which I can record with. You could sing it over the phone and I could make a midi with that. I would be happy and honoured to do this for you, dear friend.

Also posted to the other thread. Just send me a PM with your telephone number if you'd like to do it that way, Skarpi.

(sorry, I've lost my Icelandic notes)

Good evening,


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Subject: RE: Mudcat Songbook - Special Announcement!
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 08 Sep 02 - 12:30 AM

Here are the words:

The road it's long and narrow,
The road it's far away.
I saw people walking through,
with their children and you.
Now the road it's no longer there
now the road it's no longer there.

The road had its story,
And great people walked there by,
It was bound for its glory
And I am sorry I didn't try.
For it's no longer there
for it's no longer there.

I will try to build another,
And it will have to be a little long.
We will have to stand together,
and we'll all sing this song.
Now the road it will be there
Now the road it will be there.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Songbook - Special Announcement!
From: katlaughing
Date: 09 Sep 02 - 05:34 PM

Just heard it!!


see me dance for joy?! Check out the other thread about Skarpi's song. It is very beautiful. He did a wonderful job of writing, singing, and his guitar work was lovely.

Thanks, again, Aine, for pointing this out!!


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