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Lyr/Chords: So Here's to You (Alan Bell)


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In Mudcat MIDIs:
When First We Met/So Here's to You [Alan Bell]

GUEST,Elizabeth 30 Nov 02 - 03:48 PM
Joe Offer 30 Nov 02 - 04:22 PM
GUEST,Martin Ryan 30 Nov 02 - 05:03 PM
GUEST,Martin Ryan 30 Nov 02 - 05:07 PM
GUEST,Martin Ryan 30 Nov 02 - 05:09 PM
Joe Offer 30 Nov 02 - 05:17 PM
GUEST,Elizabeth 30 Nov 02 - 05:28 PM
GUEST,Martin Ryan 30 Nov 02 - 05:38 PM
Joe Offer 30 Nov 02 - 05:52 PM
Murray MacLeod 30 Nov 02 - 06:23 PM
GUEST 01 Dec 02 - 04:31 PM
Joan from Wigan 01 Dec 02 - 06:03 PM
GUEST,Elizabeth 02 Dec 02 - 10:19 AM
Joan from Wigan 02 Dec 02 - 02:07 PM
Tattie Bogle 02 Dec 02 - 09:43 PM
Joan from Wigan 03 Dec 02 - 02:29 AM
GUEST,Heather 09 Aug 04 - 10:45 AM
Murray MacLeod 09 Aug 04 - 08:06 PM
PennyBlack 09 Aug 04 - 09:44 PM
GUEST, 27 Feb 06 - 10:14 AM
nutty 28 Feb 06 - 06:13 AM
Tattie Bogle 03 Mar 06 - 08:15 PM
GUEST,Michael Doran 25 Aug 07 - 06:22 PM
geigagirl 25 Oct 07 - 10:42 PM
GUEST,ClassicalHarpist 05 May 08 - 11:13 AM
Bonnie Shaljean 05 May 08 - 01:34 PM
GUEST 05 May 08 - 03:30 PM
GUEST,pete guest. 18 Jan 09 - 09:26 AM
GUEST,Laura Lofton 05 Mar 24 - 09:31 PM
Joe Offer 05 Mar 24 - 10:04 PM
Tattie Bogle 07 Mar 24 - 06:02 AM
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Subject: ADD: Here's to You (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,Elizabeth
Date: 30 Nov 02 - 03:48 PM

Can anyone help me finding chords to this song? It is recently recorded by Cathie Ryan and Niamh Parsons.

Here are the lyrics, written by Alan A. Bell:

(Alan A. Bell)

When first we met complete akward strangers.
We did not know if we could be friends.
How soon we came for to know each other,
And now I know we will meet again.

So here's to you, and our time together.
I will share with you a parting glass,
And bid adieu with some smile and laughter,
Our time apart will be short, and pass.

We've talked of dreams and of new tomorrows,
Of yesterday and its dark despair.
We've had our share of love and sorrow,
And now we part as friends who care.

A long, long road well it lies before me,
And fate will meet me where it will,
And through the valleys and over mountains,
I will not forget but remember you still.

Thank you!


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 30 Nov 02 - 04:22 PM

Hi, Elizabeth - I hope you don't mind that I gussied up the formatting on your message a bit. The "complete akward strangers" sounds a bit...awkward. Is there a word or syllable missing?
This song has been mentioned in the Forum before, but I don't think it has ever been posted. My wife saw the lyrics as she was looking over my shoulder, and wants to know more about it. I know I've heard this song before, but don't know where - I think maybe Dave Webber sings it.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,Martin Ryan
Date: 30 Nov 02 - 05:03 PM


I have the Niamh Parson's CD somewhere - I think the words are in the sleeve notes. Can't find it at the moment, unfortunately! nice song.


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,Martin Ryan
Date: 30 Nov 02 - 05:07 PM

There's a set (including the awkward phrase" Here


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,Martin Ryan
Date: 30 Nov 02 - 05:09 PM

Ha! Just about got away with that link!

There's another set HERE which scans better.


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Subject: DT Corr: So Here's to You (Alan Bell)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 30 Nov 02 - 05:17 PM

Say, Martin, that format sure looked familiar - It's from the Digital Tradition, under the title When First We Met. I must have heard Kath Westra sing it, maybe at her concert at the FSGW Getaway.
I wonder what I searched for that didn't turn it up before.

Now, we're still looking for chords.

-Joe Offer-

Below are the DT lyrics on the left side, with lyrics from the Alan Bell recording on the right.
WHEN FIRST WE MET (Digital Tradition Lyrics)
(Alan Bell)

1. When first we met we were total strangers
We didn't know if we could be friends,
How soon we came to know each other
Now I know we will meet again

So here's to you and our time together
I'll share with you now a parting glass
And bid adieu with a smile and laughter
Our time apart will be short and pass

2. We talked of dreams and a good tomorrow
Of yesterday's and their dark dispairs
We've had our share of joys and sorrows
Now we part as friends who care

3. A long long road now winds before me
And fate may take me where it will
Through deep valleys and over mountains
I'll not forget, I'll remember you still

(repeat first verse)
SO HERE'S TO YOU (from Alan Bell Recording)
(Alan Bell)

When first we met, complete total strangers
We didn't know if we could be friends
How soon we've come to know each other
So now I know we will meet again

So here's to you and our time together
I'll share with you now a parting glass
And bid adieu with a smile and laughter
Our time apart will be short and pass

We've talked of dreams and the good tomorrows
Of yesterdays with their dark despair
We've had our share of love and sorrow
So now we part as friends who care

A long, long road now lies before me
And fate will lead me where it will
All through the valleys and over mountains
I'll not forget, and remember you still

learned from Kathy Westra Hickerson who got it from David Jones.
(who perhaps got it from Alan Bell?)
filename[ WHENWEMT

Popup Midi Player

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,Elizabeth
Date: 30 Nov 02 - 05:28 PM

Thanks Joe Offer, sorry for the mistake. I have the lyrics from Niamh Parsons CD "In my prime". (of course, there 'awkward' is spelled correct)


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,Martin Ryan
Date: 30 Nov 02 - 05:38 PM

Well spotted, Joe! As I copied the link, there was something familiar nagging at me, alright....!


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 30 Nov 02 - 05:52 PM

Hi, Elizabeth - but maybe is it "complete and awkward strangers"? Seems there should be another syllable in there. That line is completely different in the Digital Tradition.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: Murray MacLeod
Date: 30 Nov 02 - 06:23 PM

Whatever any printed lyrics may say, the line, as sung by Alan Bell, the composer, is

"When first we met, complete total strangers".

I have always felt this to be really awkward as well, (although not as awkward as Niamh Parson's adaptation) and whenever I have sung this I have altered the line to

"When first we met, we were total strangers".

This scans much better, IMHO.

Whatever, it is one of the best parting songs I know.


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 04:31 PM


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Subject: Lyr/Chords Add: So Here's To You (Alan A. Bell)
From: Joan from Wigan
Date: 01 Dec 02 - 06:03 PM

From the Alan Bell Songbook:

(Alan A. Bell)

[D]When first we met, complete [G]total strang[D]ers
We didn't know if we could be [A7]friends
How soon we've [D]come to [G]know each oth[D]er
So now I know we will [A7]meet ag[D]ain

So here's to you and our [G]time togeth[D]er
I'll share with you now a parting [A7]glass
And bid ad[D]ieu with a [G]smile and laugh[D]ter
Our time apart will be [A7]short and [D]pass

We've talked of dreams and the good tomorrows
Of yesterdays with their dark despair
We've had our share of love and sorrow
So now we part as friends who care

A long long road now lies before me
And fate will lead me where it will
All through the valleys and over mountains
I'll not forget, and remember you still

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,Elizabeth
Date: 02 Dec 02 - 10:19 AM

Thanks a million!!!


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Subject: Tune Add: So Here's To You (Alan A. Bell)
From: Joan from Wigan
Date: 02 Dec 02 - 02:07 PM

You're welcome! And here's the tune - the chorus is the same tune as the verse:

T:So Here's To You

To play or display ABC tunes, try

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: Tattie Bogle
Date: 02 Dec 02 - 09:43 PM

I use the G,C,D combination with an Em in the second line - or A,D,E and Fsharp minor.

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: Joan from Wigan
Date: 03 Dec 02 - 02:29 AM

The chords I quoted above are from the Alan Bell Songbook - not necessarily the best arrangement, but they do fit. Arrangements are not written in stone, however, and three-chord arrangements in particular can usually be improved on by the addition of the occasional minor chord - feel free to experiment!


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,Heather
Date: 09 Aug 04 - 10:45 AM

I've been listening to the Cathie Ryan version of this song and the above chords don't seem to fit... any other suggestions...?

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: Murray MacLeod
Date: 09 Aug 04 - 08:06 PM

My feeling is that Joan's version hits the G chord too soon on each line. I play it thus:

[D]When first we met, complete total [G] strang[D]ers
We didn't[Bm] know if we[Em] could be [A7]friends
How soon we've [D]come to know each [G]oth[D]er
So now I[Bm] know we will [A7]meet ag[D]ain

So here's to you and our time to[G]geth[D]er
I'll share with[Bm] you now a[Em] parting [A7]glass
And bid ad[D]ieu with a smile and [G]laugh[D]ter
Our time a[Bm]part will be[A7]short and [D]pass

We've talked of dreams and the good tomorrows
Of yesterdays with their dark despair
We've had our share of love and sorrow
So now we part as friends who care

A long long road now lies before me
And fate will lead me where it will
All through the valleys and over mountains
I'll not forget, and remember you still

For extra dramatic effect, it helps to sing each verse a tone higher than the preceding verse ...

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Here's to you (Alan A. Bell)
From: PennyBlack
Date: 09 Aug 04 - 09:44 PM

Murray - I think that should have been "Alan Bell's" version, Joan just kindly copied the Chords from Alan's book and this is the way he performs his song. I do agree however that I prefer it with minors (and include that run even if Alan's there!) but I do change to the G at the same place as Alan (or Andrew as the case might be).

Always find it a nice song to finish an evening with, but get's me everytime, especially after playing for Brian Osborne at a farewell concert for him.


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: So Here's to You (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,
Date: 27 Feb 06 - 10:14 AM

Do the chorus and verse share the same tune?

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: So Here's to You (Alan A. Bell)
From: nutty
Date: 28 Feb 06 - 06:13 AM

yes ....the tune is the same for both verse and chorus. That's how I've always heard it sung.

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: So Here's to You (Alan A. Bell)
From: Tattie Bogle
Date: 03 Mar 06 - 08:15 PM

I'm retiring next month and planning to sing it at my farewell party, as it says pretty much everything I want to say to the nice folk I've worked with for the last 15 years.

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: So Here's to You (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,Michael Doran
Date: 25 Aug 07 - 06:22 PM

I recently heard Cathie Ryan sing this (with Cherish the Ladies) at the Milwaukee Irish Fest. I believe the following would work:

(G)So here's to (Em)you, and our (C)time toge(G)ther.
I will share with (Em)you a (Am7)parting (D)glass,
And (G)bid a(Em)dieu with some (C)smile and laugh(G)ter,
Our time (Em)apart will be (Am7)short, and (G)pass.

Pretty long since Elizabeth's posting, but perhaps this will help. When Cathie performed it, it was done pretty "airy" without a definite tempo,


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: So Here's to You (Alan A. Bell)
From: geigagirl
Date: 25 Oct 07 - 10:42 PM

Thank you for posting lyrics, abc and chords.

I've been looking for this song all week, not realizing that I actually had it on a Cathie Ryan CD. Tim Dennehy sang this at a couple of different concerts at the Augusta Irish week and I was trying to track it down under the title "The Parting Glass" (which also was sung there).
Obviously I was not finding the tune I remembered...then tonight I was just listening to CD's and there it was.


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Subject: RE: Chord Req: So Here's to You (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,ClassicalHarpist
Date: 05 May 08 - 11:13 AM

Thanks for the chord charts! I am going to arrange this for my harp, for the next gathering of friends. I heard it on the Cathie Ryan CD, "Somewhere Along the Road". I recommend that one for any who haven't heard it. I met her last year, at our local Irish Fest. Aparently, she DID think it somewhat forward of me to ask for her hand in marriage...

Oh well, nothing ventured... :)

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: So Here's to You (Alan A. Bell)
From: Bonnie Shaljean
Date: 05 May 08 - 01:34 PM

Neat. Another harpist. Can never have too many. What about joining Mudcat so we can reach you via PM (personal message, which doesn't appear in the public discussion boards) as a way of getting in touch with regard to that most endlessly fascinating of all subjects, the harp. You'd be most welcome, and you don't have to post your real name if you don't feel like it. (No, you're not allowed to be "Marcel Grandjany" or "Carlos Salzedo" ;-)

No luck with Cathie, then... ?

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: So Here's to You (Alan A. Bell)
Date: 05 May 08 - 03:30 PM

No, she smiled and laughed. (And ran away descreetly....) :)

I guess I should have merely offered to be her love-slave. I might have had better luck with that.

I may very well join....

Thanks for the offer, in any case.

(For the record, I am in the Salzedo line. He was my teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher.)

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: So Here's to You (Alan A. Bell)
From: GUEST,pete guest.
Date: 18 Jan 09 - 09:26 AM

I'm pretty basic on guitar and the easiest way for me to play this is.

    A,      D       A
    met    total   gers
   A,    A         E7
   did   Know    Would
   A      D          A
   come   know   o-ther
   A    A       E7       A
   now   know   meet a-gain
I've never heard a recorded or live version, I was given the lyrics and the guy sang it once, The timing of the chords for most songs are best worked out yourselves, as most chord versions of songs that I have downloaded are way out.

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords: So Here's to You (Alan Bell)
From: GUEST,Laura Lofton
Date: 05 Mar 24 - 09:31 PM

I'm new to this song, and new to Mudcat. I've figured out most of the chords, in order, as sung by Cathie Ryan from her Somewhere Along the Road album. Our small island town is having an Irish Cabaret here next weekend, and I thought this song might be a great one to sing before our closing song, Parting Glass. What do you all think?

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords: So Here's to You (Alan Bell)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 05 Mar 24 - 10:04 PM

Hi, Laura -
I think it would work perfectly for you.

Here's the songwriter Alan Bell's recording:

And here's the Cathie Ryan recording:

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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords: So Here's to You (Alan Bell)
From: Tattie Bogle
Date: 07 Mar 24 - 06:02 AM

It’s another of those songs which gets mis-attributed: thanks to its apparent popularity with Irish singers, I have heard it being introduced as “an Irish song”! I will usually point out discreetly that it’s not, and who wrote it!
Cathal McConnell also sings it.
Another one to add to the long thread of “Irish songs that aren’t Irish”!

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