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Cearc Agus Coileach


In Mudcat MIDIs:
Cearc Agus Coileach ('Cas Amhran' Michael O hEidhinn - version posted at message 952573)
Cearc Agus Coileach 2 (Donal O'Sullivan, "Songs of the Irish"; he gives both poetic and literal translations. Again it is a different version and tune from the DT version)

MMario 23 Apr 03 - 09:27 AM
masato sakurai 23 Apr 03 - 10:17 AM
MMario 23 Apr 03 - 10:20 AM
masato sakurai 23 Apr 03 - 10:27 AM
MMario 23 Apr 03 - 10:30 AM
Felipa 23 Apr 03 - 01:57 PM
MMario 28 Apr 03 - 01:07 PM
MMario 28 Apr 03 - 01:20 PM
Felipa 28 Apr 03 - 04:30 PM
MMario 28 Apr 03 - 04:31 PM
MMario 29 Apr 03 - 08:03 AM
MMario 08 May 03 - 11:25 AM
Felipa 08 May 03 - 02:27 PM
Felipa 14 May 03 - 11:56 AM
Felipa 14 May 03 - 01:03 PM
Felipa 14 May 03 - 01:49 PM
GUEST,Felipa 15 May 03 - 09:36 AM
GUEST,Felipa 15 May 03 - 09:40 AM
GUEST,Felipa 15 May 03 - 10:47 AM
MMario 15 May 03 - 10:57 AM
Felipa 15 May 03 - 08:07 PM
Felipa 16 May 03 - 01:34 PM
MMario 21 May 03 - 01:08 PM
Felipa 21 May 03 - 03:45 PM
GUEST 17 Aug 05 - 04:11 PM
Felipa 19 Sep 21 - 05:46 PM
Felipa 05 Aug 24 - 04:25 PM
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From: MMario
Date: 23 Apr 03 - 09:27 AM

still working on the "missing tunes"

does anyone know - Do the lyrics of CEARC AGUS COILEACH go to the tune The Cock and the Hen??

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From: masato sakurai
Date: 23 Apr 03 - 10:17 AM

JC's tune is probably from The Petri Collection of the Ancient Music of Ireland (1855). It is Fleischmann No. 6816 ("Cearc agus coileach a d'imthigh le chéile" - A cock and a hen that went out together). See also The Fiddler's Companion: Result of search for "CEARC AGUS COILEACH ".

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From: MMario
Date: 23 Apr 03 - 10:20 AM

I'd say that is a tentative "yes" - based on the "prudish" comment. tHanks for the additional info Masato

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From: masato sakurai
Date: 23 Apr 03 - 10:27 AM

See THIS PAGE too, where "Cearc agus Coileach" and "Hen and Cock" are grouped together.

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From: MMario
Date: 23 Apr 03 - 10:30 AM

blocked at work - I'll have to check from home (my content filter at work prevents me from doing a LOT of things...)

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From: Felipa
Date: 23 Apr 03 - 01:57 PM

It goes to a common jig tune; I'm trying to recall the usual name - maybe "tenpenny bit"? and there's sheet music in Ó hÉidhin, "Cas Amhrán" and also I think in O'Sullivan, "Songs of the Irish"
I'll have a look at the tune you gave the link for
Lilis Ó Laoire has recorded this song

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From: MMario
Date: 28 Apr 03 - 01:07 PM

now have the sheet music for this - it is NOT the tune above...will post soon.

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From: MMario
Date: 28 Apr 03 - 01:20 PM

also the lyrics are dissimilar enough that I won't even attempt to set lyrics to the tune.

T:Cearc Agus Coileach
z4zc|A B c f c B|A A B c2d|e d c d c B|G A B c2B|
A G A G F G|F F F G A B|c f f c c B|G F F F2|]

if I am reading Philippa's mail correctly this is from 'Cas Amhran' Michael O hEidhinn

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From: Felipa
Date: 28 Apr 03 - 04:30 PM

It's also not the tune Lilis Ó Laoire sings, but it IS a version of the same song (the lyrics are similar enough to say that!)

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From: MMario
Date: 28 Apr 03 - 04:31 PM

yes - even I could see that - but since I don't speak or read gaelic - I wasn't going to try to set the lyrics...

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From: MMario
Date: 29 Apr 03 - 08:03 AM

oh lordy - I appear to have put my foot in my mouth - virtually speaking - My comment above regarding Philippa's e-mail is STRICTLY a comment on *my* understanding - not her communication !

I get easily confused - AND frequent interuptions don't help. When you add in the fact I don't read music AND I don't know gaelic...I get *very* confused.

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From: MMario
Date: 08 May 03 - 11:25 AM

aarrgh! I've lost the e-mail with the source! another one from Philippa- it's on page 177 of wherever she found it. I've repeated the tune twice, because there are slight variations for the gaelic and the English. Only the one verse is given in the gif I have; so would probably sing it twice...

T:Cearc Agus Coileach /A Cock and a Hen
z4z(D/2 E/2)|F D F G F C|D E F G F G|
w:O!_ cearc ag-us coil-each a d'im-igh ie cheil-e 'S~do
A G A B G E|E F ^G A2(A/2 =G/2)|F D F G E C|D E F G F G|
w:shiul-ad-ar Eir-e gur bris-eadh a gcroi Do_chai-thead-ar seal-ad i Sli-geach i ngeibh-eann, gur
A G A B G3/2 E/2|E D D D2(F/2 G/2)|A d A G F G|A d c d2(c/2 d/2)|
w:chuir-ead-ar sqeal-a i gcoinn-e lucht dli. Do_ bhi siad ann-sin i lar bar-ra 'gus binns, 'S is
e c A (A G) F|E F ^G A2A/2 =G/2|F D F G E C|D E F G F G/2 G/2|
w:duin-e gan cheill_ a chuir ionn-ta sgaol, Gur ag Liam Mhac an Ail-igh a ta siad ar fear-ach, 'Gi-the
A d A B G E|E D D D2z|
w:mon-og-a slei-bhe 's~na gcodl-a 's~a bhfraoch
z4z(D/2 E/2)|F D F G F C|D E F G F G|
w:A_ cock and a hen ram-bled off with each oth-er they
A G A B G E|E F ^G A2(A/2 =G/2)|F D F G E C|D E F G F G/2 G/2|
w:trav-elled all Ire-land a-round and a-bout. But_When they reached Sli-go they met with some both-er, So they
A G A B G3/2 E/2|E D D D2F/2 G/2|A d A G F G|A d c d d c/2 d/2|
w:sent for the law-yers to get them let out.Be-fore ser-geants and jud-ges they took up their sta-tion, But the
e c A A G F|E F ^G A2A/2 =G/2|F D F G E C/2 C/2|D E F G F G/2 G/2|
w:sher-iff stepped for-ward and gave them a fright,so they flew to Mac-Nail-y's where they got an ov-a-tion, Eat-ing
A d A B G E|E D D D2
w:ber-ries all day, with safe roost-ing at night.

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From: Felipa
Date: 08 May 03 - 02:27 PM

That's from Donal O'Sullivan, "Songs of the Irish"; he gives both poetic and literal translations. Again it is a different version and tune from the DT version (which is found on Lilis Ó Laoire's first recording on Cló Iar-Chonnachta).

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From: Felipa
Date: 14 May 03 - 11:56 AM

The tune to which the DT version is sung by Lillis Ó Laoire is indeed a variation of The Ten Penny Bit. It is easy to find sheet music for this jig; I have it in Allan's "Irish Fiddler" arranged by Hugh McDermott and published in Glasgow by Mozart Allan. The dance tune is not exactly as I would sing it, particularly the second half, but it is clearly recognisable as a version of the tune.
The three sets of lyrics for Cearc agus Coileach seem to all fit all the tunes given.
Lillis got the song An Chearc is an Coileach from John Ghráinne Ó Duibheannaigh (Rann na Feirste) & Antain Mag Shamhráin, and recorded it on Bláth Gach Géag dá dTig, Cló Iar-Chonnachta, 1992.

Donal O'Sullivan published a longer Munster version in a section on "humorous songs". Even if it's sung in jig-time, I don't think the hen's lamenting the death of her mate is funny just because they are chickens! Also, it could be a political allegory, like the Blackbird of Sweet Avondale (Parnell) and Nell Flaherty's Drake (Emmet, and a song that sounds humourous in a way). I especially wonder about that possibility given the lines about spending time in gaol, which otherwise don't seem relevant to the rest of the song.

Donal O'Sullivan, Songs of the Irish. Cork: Mercier,1981 (1rst edition 1960)


O! Cearc agus coileach a d'imigh le chéile
'S do shiúladar Éire gur briseadh a gcroí
Do chaitheadar sealad i Sligeach i ngeibheann
Gur chuireadar sgéala i gcoinne lucht dlí.
Do bhí siad annsin i lár barra 'gus binns,
'S duine gan chéill a chur ionnta sgaol,
Gur ag Liam Mhac an Ailigh atá siad ar fearach
'G ithe mónóga sléibhe 's 'na gcodla sa' bhfraoch

Da bhfeicfeá mo choileach lá aonach na Sráide
'S a ghillín breá rása ' teacht faoi ins a' tslí.
Bhí a bhriste sa' bhfaisean 's a watch ar a bhásta,
A chlaidheamh breá faisgthe thairis aniar.
Bhí peara spor geal air den airgead bán,
A hata faoi lása 's a lamhainní buí
Bhí a bhuataisí daite de leathar na Spáine,
A fhuip ina láimh is í teacht mar an Rí.

Casadh mé isteach go teach Thomáis Uí Uada
Bhࢽ cearca go leór ann gan coileach ná ál:
Thosaigh mé orm a' pioca thart thimcheall,
Go dtáinig an neóin gur ghoireas mo sháith,
"Marbhuigh an coileach sin agad, a Mháire,
Is reamhar a chráig is a spruchaille mór."
Tharrainn sí chuicí mé is rinne mo mheádhchain;
Bhí an coisde uilig sásta mo bhruith is mo dhó.

"Mh'och!" ars' an chearc is í ' dul ar a' bhfarra,
"Is brónach 's is deacrach le n-aithris mo sgéal,
Athair mo chloinne 'gus céile mo leaptha
Bheith 'dul ins a' bpota is leac ar a bhíal!
Ta mé 'mo bhaintrigh a' tiocht ráithe an earraigh,
Agus gráinne ní phiocfad dá ngabhfa sa' gcré,
'S is buan tá mo mhallacht tráthnóna 's ar maidin
Do mhnáibh Dhoire Leathain a mharbhuigh mo ghéim!"

translation by Donal O'Sullivan

A cock and a hen rambled off with each other;
They travelled all Ireland around and about,
But when they reached Sligo they met with some bother,
so they sent for the lawyers to get them let out,
Before serjeants and judges they took up their station,
But the sheriff stepped forward and gave them a fright,
so they flew to MacNally;s where they got an ovation,
Eating berriew all day, with safe roosting at night.

Astride of his racehourse my rooster looked dashing
Amid the great concourse at market or fair,
A watch at his waist and his breeches in fashion,
His gleaming sword drawn for his foes to beware.
His spurs were of silver, a sprig of white heather
Stuck in his laced hat that swept down to each wing,
His shiny boots made of the best Spanish leather,
A whip in his claw as he strode like a king.

At the door of Tom Hood's place I stood awhile watching,
There were hens by the dozen but no cock at all;
I strutted around with my picking and scratching,
Till divil a hen but would come at my call,
But the housekeeper caught me and tied me and weighted me,
I felt in my gizzard my end had drawn near;
Beside a sharp knife on the table she laid me,
And that was the finish of poor Chanticleer!"

"Alas!" said the hen when she heard the sad story,
"And who is there now to look after my chicks?
To think of an end so untimely and gory,
for my mate on the roost and the father of six!
I'm husbandless now, what's the use of my laying?
Not a grain will I pick till I go to the clay;
But I'll spend all the rest of my days in inveighing
'Gainst the wretches who stole my bold game-cock away"

literal translation

a cock and a hen went off together, And they travelled Ireland till their hearts were broken;
They spent some time in gaol in Sligo, Till they sent word for the lawyers to come. There they were then with bench and bar around them, And it was a senseless person who gave them a fright, And now they are out on grass at William MacNally's, Eating cranberries and sleeping in the heather.

You would have seen my cock on the day of Sraide fair, Astride his fine racing gelding in the roadway, His breeches were in fashion and his watch at his waist, His fine swoord tucked in behind him. He had a pair of shining spurs made of white silver, A laced hat and yellow gloves; His polished boots were of Spanish leather, A whip in his hand as he progressed like the King.

I turned into Thomas Hood's house, There were plenty of hens there, but no cock or brood; I started to pick around and about, Till evening came and I crowed my fill. "Kill that cock of yours, Mary; His claw is fat and his gills are big." She drew me towards her and weighed me; The whole lot of them were content to broil me and roast me.

"Alas!" said the hen as she was going to roost, "Sad and tearful is the tale I have to tell; The father of my children and the partner of my bed Going into the pot with the lid on his beak! I am widowed at the coming of the spring quarter, And not a grain of any sown crop will I pick, And lasting is my curse both morning and evening On the women of Derrylahan who killed my game-cock!"

There are many places named Derrylahan in Ireland, from Derrylahan, Dunamanagh, Cork to Derrylahan, Kilcar, Donegal and several other places in-between. Given the Munster dialect used in this version, it could be the Derrylahan in Co. Cork. On the other hand, maybe it refers to one of several Derrylahans nearer to Sligo. Different placenames are given in the (Connacht?) version in Cas Amhrán; lyrics to follow.

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From: Felipa
Date: 14 May 03 - 01:03 PM

Version in Cas Amhrán (first tune above)
we'll get round to the DT version next!


Cearc agus coileach a d'imigh le chéile,
Shiúladar Éire gur briseadh a gcroí,
Is chuadar go Gaillimh le héirí na gréine
Gur cuireadh an peire isteach ag an dlí.

'S ag Uilliam Ó hUileáin a bhí said ar féar,
D'ith mónóga sléibhe 'gus chodail sa bhfraoch,
Gur tháinig an siriam go lúfar 's go haerach,
Is scuab sé an péire isteach go B'l' áth'n Rí.

Dá bhfeicfeá-sa 'n coileach lá aonaigh sna sráide,
Hata breá lastiar is lámhainní buí,
Ceithre spor fhada den airgead Spáinneach,
'Gus fuip ina láimh 's é ' tiocht mar an rí!

Thug said isteach é gur scar said a chnámhna,
'S gur chaith said an lá sin sách spótúil go leor,
'S nárbh fhearr dóibh an spóilín a cheannach ar fónamh
Ná an chaol ' ndeachaigh a gcáil ar fud Chontae Mhaigh éo?

'S ag Muileann na Leice sea ' chuala mé ' tracht air
Ag mná ' bhi cothaí' le bláthach Sheáin Mhóir -
M'éinín coiligh ' bhí agam le haghagh na féile Mártan,
Gur mharaigh na mná é le dúil san fheoil.

Bhí cearc ag Seán bán ba dheise na péacóg -
Ubh agus céad a rug sí sa lá -
Tháinig an sionnach a mharaigh na céadta,
'S thug sé den réim sin í 'steach go Sliabh Bán.

Damhsóidh sí, monuar, Quadrille is caper
'Muigh ar an stage os coinne Dhúin Mhóir,
'S ar bharra na Gailli' sea ' lig sí an chéad ghlao',
Cleit as mo ghéim níor baineadh go fóill.

D'éirigh mé suas ar maidin sa drúcht,
Mo chapaillín cú liom 's mo mhadra beag bán,
Chonaic mé sionnach 's é fite 's é fuaite,
Siar (in)san uaimh is cloch ar a cheann.

'M'ochón!' ars' an chearc 's í ' dul ar an an bhfara,
'Nach bronach 's nach deorach le hinsint mo scéal -
athair mo chlainne 's chéile mo leapa
A' dul (in)sa phota is leac ar a bhéal!'

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From: Felipa
Date: 14 May 03 - 01:49 PM

if you see a little box instead of a letter after bh, it should be an i/ (bhí)

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From: GUEST,Felipa
Date: 15 May 03 - 09:36 AM

above – the 4th & 5th verses should be in opposite order, 'said' should read 'siad', 'siriam' = 'sirriam', in the 4th verse (printed as the 5th) – 'le haghaidh' is the correct spelling.

This version is funny in that it is rather non-sensical

rough translation of the (Connacht?) version in Cas Amhrán

a cock and a hen went off together, And they travelled Ireland till their hearts were broken; They went to Galway at sunrise, where the pair were disturbed by the law.

'S ag Uilliam Ó hUileáin a bhí siad ar féar
(note 'siad' not 'said')
They were out on the grass at William Ó hUileáin's
They are mountain bogberries/cranberries and slept in the heather
Until the sheriff came briskly and swept them into Athenry

If you saw my cockerel on the street on a fair day, with his good hat on [literally, laistiar = behind or west] him and his yellow gloves, four long spurs of Spanish silver, and a whip in his hand; he appears like a king.

At Muillean a' Leice [Millstone?] I heard talk of him from the women who were nourished on Seán Mór/Big John's buttermilk – my dear little cock-bird who was with me for Féile Mártan was murdered by the women who had a taste for meat.

They brought him inside and tore apart his bones, and they spent that day entertainingly [spórtúil] enough, [I am trying to make sense of the following idiom – three Irish teachers whom I asked couldn't figure it out any better than I could:
But wouldn't it be/have been better for them to buy the bobbin/spool well/excellently/profitably??? One person suggested that in this case perhaps spoilín means a skewer for roasting the chicken. I wonder if the sense of the line is that the women would be better spending their time sewing/working than feasting?]
Than the way their reputation spread throughout County Mayo?

Seán Bán had a hen who was prettier than a peacock; she laid 101 eggs in a day, The fox came and killed the hundreds and brought them all to Sliabh Bán (Slieveban/e, White/fair Mountain)

She would dance, alas, the quadrille and the caper, out on the stage across from Dunmore, And on the height of Galway she let out the first cry, No feather would yet be picked from my 'game'.

I rose up in the misty morning, my little horse hound with me and my little white dog, I saw the fox, and he all compose, down in the grave with a stone over his head.

'Alas!' said the hen, when she went to roost, 'Isn't my story sad and tearful to tell – My childrens' father and my own bedmate to be put the pot with a stone (lid) over his mouth (beak).

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From: GUEST,Felipa
Date: 15 May 03 - 09:40 AM

Lillis Ó Laoire sings Cearc agus Coileach almost as it is written in the DT version – with minor differences plus an additional verse.
This version is shorter and simpler than the Munster and Connacht versions posted above, but has a chorus – which Lillis usually sings only after the first and last verses. This version comes from the singing of John Phaidí Hiúdaí Ó Duibheannaigh of Rann na Feirste. In the album notes for 'Bláth Gach Géag dá dTig', Lillis writes, 'Although on the face of it, the song seems to be about a cock and a hen, it is difficult not to agree with John Ó Duibheannaigh's suggestion that it is a satirical song about the behaviour of human beings.'


Cearc agus coileach a d'imigh le chéile
Amach fríd na sléibhte gur bris siad a gcroí
Chuaigh siad go Sligeach 's go Corcaigh 'na dhiaidh sin
Nó go ndeachaigh an scéal amach fríd an tír

Mo choileach breá ramhar a rugadh sa Mhárta
Nógo dtáinig na mná a chuir dúil insan fheoil
Phioc siad a chrúba agus scil siad a chnámha
Agus chaith siad an lá sin súgach go leor.

Dá bhfeicfeá mo choileach lá aonaigh na sráide
' Fhuip ina dhorn 's é chomh bródúil le rí
Bhípéire spor geal air, den airgead déanta
'Hata fá lásaíagus lámhainníbuí.

Chuir mé mo choileach go paróiste Bhaollach
San áit a mbeadh didean aige le fail,
An áit a bhfuil na fir fhearúl' a chroithfeadh an síol
'S nach maifeadh a choiche ar mo choileach a sháith.

'Och, och,' ars' an chearc is ígo ar an aradh
Nach buartha bocht imníoch deireadh mo scéil
Athair mo chlainne 'gus céile mo leapa
Bheith sínte sa phota 'gus leac ar a bhéal.


A cock and a hen went away together
Out ot the hills until they broke their hearts
They went to Sligo and thereafter to Cork
Until the story went out through the country.

My fine fat cock who was born in March Until the women came who desired meat,They picked his claws and stripped his bones and spent the day merrily enough.

If you had seen my cock on the fair day, His whip in his hand and he as proud as a king, He wore a pair of bright spurs made of silver, A hat trimmed with lace and yellow gloves.

I sent my cock to the parish of the O'Boyles
Where he might find shelter
Where the generous men live who would scatter the seed
And who would never begrudge my cock his fill.

'Alas, alas,' said the hen, as she climbed the roost, 'How pitiful anxious and sad is the end of my story, The father of my children and the partner of my bed To be stretched in the pot with the stone on his mouth.'

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From: GUEST,Felipa
Date: 15 May 03 - 10:47 AM

a note about singing this song to "The Ten Penny Bit" - adjust the dance tune to suit singing. One characteristic of dance tunes is that they usually have two, and sometimes more, parts which are usually repeated twice. In the song, the parts aren't repeated. The verse goes to the first, or A part, and the chorus "Mo choileach breá ramhar a rugadh sa Mhárta ..." to the second or B part. So if you chose at times to omit the chorus, say between the 3rd and 4th verse, at that point you will only be singing the A part.
I hope you can understand my English!

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From: MMario
Date: 15 May 03 - 10:57 AM


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From: Felipa
Date: 15 May 03 - 08:07 PM

It should be possible to sing verses from one version to the tune of another, with minor variation. But I'm glad that the versions are published here with their corresponding tunes as they were collected from different sources. I learned the the third version and I am debating with myself whether to add in some lines from other versions.

Later I'll explain differences between the Ó Laoire/ Ó Duibheannaigh and DT versions; they are few.

A note about translations. Two of the translations were provided for me, so I tried to translate the one from "Cas Amhrán" myself. You can see I had difficulties.

I've seen a good website for matching Irish placenames with their Anglicised versions. I think it is connected with An Post (Oifig an Phoist, the Post Office). I haven't bookmarked it, so I didn't take the time to look it up. "Muileann a' Leice" means the mill of the flagstone, not the stone of the mill, but there is at least one town called Milltown (Co Cork is the one I recall). Another possibility is that the name has been crudely transliterated to something like "Mullanalecky", and it's also possible that it is known by a completely different name.

The version I learned also had the lines "sínte sa phot' agus leac ar a bhéal". At the time I didn't have a full translation of the song and I didn't try to make one either, but I thought of the line as meaning the cock was cooking in a pot with a lid over him. I would probably have translated 'leac' as 'lid' and 'béal' as 'beak' rather than more literally, as that's basically how I thought about it. But I see that Lillis Ó Laoire does use 'stone' and 'mouth' in his translation. I think 'leac' is used because in older times there would have been a large cooking pot (cauldron) over the fire and in lieu of a lid one could use a large flat stone. But it is possible that the word has been chosen with more consideration, to bring on an association with a 'leac' stone over a grave. It is not typical to use "béal" when speaking of birds. A bird has a 'gob', a beak. The word choice may be simply poetic licence and rhyming scheme. But it adds to the personification of the bird, who has spurs and a hat (his comb). Also we do sometimes talk of a person having a 'gob' or a 'beak'; in Ireland either word may be used when speaking English. Perhaps the use of "béal" is comical, because talking of a bird's mouth is the flipside of talking about a human's beak.

Quoting myself from another thread: "Of course, often in translation it is more important to convey the sense of the words rather than to translate them literally.
"I think an easy way to illustrate this principle is to think about idioms. In some languages it rains 'frogs', but I should translate that into English as 'cats and dogs'. The English 'swimming against the stream' becomes 'ag snámh in aghaidh an easa', 'swimming against the waterfall' in Irish. If I were translating from the Irish, I might want to convert the expression to the usual English one. At other times I might choose to be more literal in order to emphasize the exotic nature of the material, or in this case because the Irish expression sounds stronger."

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From: Felipa
Date: 16 May 03 - 01:34 PM

In the introduction to his section on humorous songs in Songs of the Irish (1960, 1981), Donal O'Sullivan writes that the Irish are more known for 'wit' and a sense of the ludicrous than for 'humour' and that sometimes the wit can be quite cruel. He cites songs from other sections of his book as well, including 'Eoghan Cóir' and says of the selected 'humourous songs', 'The killing of a cock, the affection of a gouty old man, the riotous behaviour of a drunken mob, the death (real or supposed) of an objectionable husband - such are the typical subjects for Irish fun. This is not to suggest, of course, that these pieces are not amusing …but that the humour is of a grim sort seems undeniable.'

O'Sullivan used different sources for the tune and text of Cearc agus Coileach. As he explains in the introduction to Songs of the Irish, often collectors of tunes have not had much Irish while collectors of lyrics were not competent at musical notation. The tune was collected in Connacht, nut Munster.
Tune: Citizen April, 1843, 23, noted by Henry Hudson from Patrick Coneely, Galway.
Text: Bunting MS. 21, 16 and MS. 10,119, collated with An Gaodhal, May, 1888, 805; Journal of the Irish Folk Song Society, XVI, 74; An Stoc, June, 1920, 2 and April, 1925, 5

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From: MMario
Date: 21 May 03 - 01:08 PM

T:The Tenpenny bit
N:Allen's Irish Fiddler
z4z"A"g/2 f/2|e A A e A A|B A B G B d|
e A A e A A|d e f g a g|e A A e A A|
B A B G B d|e d e g d B|B A G A2"B"d|
e a a a g a|b a b|g e d|e a a a g a|b a b g2d|
e a a a g a|b a b g e d|d e f g d B|B A G A2z

The "A" part is the verse; "B" part is the chorus.

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From: Felipa
Date: 21 May 03 - 03:45 PM

and the tune is not exactly the same; it's a variant
This should at least be a help for recognition if you've heard the song but don't realise you've heard it!

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Subject: RE: Cearc Agus Coileach
Date: 17 Aug 05 - 04:11 PM

Regarding the translation of béal as mouth, it is very possible that the béal referred to is the edge or mouth of the pot or cauldron, rather than the rooster's beak. Both interpretations make sense, since both referents, the rooster (an coileach) and the pot (an pota) are masculine nouns.
This has not prevented many Raidió na Gaeltachta announcers from feminizing the rooster (a sign or our times?) by leniting the noun after the article (an choileach)!

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Subject: RE: Cearc Agus Coileach
From: Felipa
Date: 19 Sep 21 - 05:46 PM

there are typos in my transcription from 15 May 2003

'Och, och,' ars' an chearc is ígo ar an aradh

should read 'Och, och,' ars' an chearc is í ag dul ar an aradh

Bhípéire spor geal air, den airgead déanta
'Hata fá lásaíagus lámhainníbuí.

needs spaces between some words

Bhí péire spor geal air, den airgead déanta
'Hata fá lásaí agus lámhainní buí.

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Subject: RE: Cearc Agus Coileach
From: Felipa
Date: 05 Aug 24 - 04:25 PM

again re my post of 15 May 2003, I also missed a space in the chorus transcription: "Nógo" should be "Nó go"

The placename should be either Paróiste Baollach (no lenition, no "Bh") or Paróiste Baoilleach. There is a Paróiste (parish) Baoilleach in Carrigart, County Donegal. Further east in County Donegal there is a historic "barony" of Baollach or Baollaigh, also called Boylagh.

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