Second Polish lyric thread: Gwiazdor Related threads: Laughing at Gargoyle. (31) (closed) Lyr Add: The Last Wagon (Foster/Critchlow) (11) Lyr Req: W poniedziałek rano... (trad Polish) (23) Lyr Req: An American Army of Two (4) Lyr Req: Road Agent (from Kenny Rogers) (3) Koledy in English? (Polish Xmas carols?) (17) Folk songs of Poland? (10) Looking for new songs to sing (19) Lyr Req: Nie Piej Kurku - Polish? lullaby (4) Review: Polish mp3 site (6) Lyr Add: God is born (Polish carol) (2) Speak Polish? Please translate song! (7)
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Subject: Second Polish lyric thread: Gwiazdor From: GUEST,DaveC Date: 19 Oct 03 - 10:14 AM The "kishka" thread reminded me of a lyric I hadn't heard since grwoing up in Milwaukee in the fifties -- except a couple times since when I could get the old 78 I have in the attic to play. http://www.retrocom.com/retromilw/milwretro.htm http://www.retrocom.com/retromilw/milwretro.htm I don;t know if the link takes you directly to the recorded clip. If it doesn't, scroll down to it and find GWIAZDOR anbdplay it. I thing the reindeer names are funny as heck. |
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