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Pat Humphries songs


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ADD: Vote:The Trump Rewrite (Emma's Revolution) (8) (closed)
Tune Req: Never Turning Back (3)
ADD: Swimming to the Other Side (Pat Humphries) (63)

GUEST,Bjorn 18 Nov 03 - 01:33 PM
Joe Offer 18 Nov 03 - 02:59 PM
Ebbie 18 Nov 03 - 07:17 PM
Roger in Baltimore 18 Nov 03 - 07:21 PM
momnopp 18 Nov 03 - 07:31 PM
Ebbie 18 Nov 03 - 07:42 PM
momnopp 18 Nov 03 - 07:44 PM
GUEST,Laura 22 Apr 06 - 11:14 AM
GUEST 06 Feb 13 - 07:34 PM
Joe Offer 06 Feb 13 - 11:06 PM
GUEST,Kirk 12 Feb 13 - 12:15 PM
wysiwyg 20 Dec 16 - 11:43 AM
Joe Offer 01 Jun 17 - 05:32 PM
Joe Offer 27 Feb 21 - 03:47 PM
Pamber 28 Feb 21 - 12:25 PM
Joe Offer 28 Feb 21 - 01:03 PM
Pamber 28 Feb 21 - 01:56 PM
GUEST,# 01 Mar 21 - 08:03 AM
GUEST,# 01 Mar 21 - 08:20 AM
Joe Offer 01 Mar 21 - 02:23 PM
Joe Offer 06 Feb 23 - 04:08 PM
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Subject: pat Humphries songs
From: GUEST,Bjorn
Date: 18 Nov 03 - 01:33 PM

I need to find the lyrics to Pat Humphries song

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Subject: RE: pat Humphries songs
From: Joe Offer
Date: 18 Nov 03 - 02:59 PM

Hi, Bjorn - can you give us any more of the song besides the title?
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: Lyr Add: SWIMMING TO THE OTHER SIDE (Pat Humphries
From: Ebbie
Date: 18 Nov 03 - 07:17 PM

Here's a song of hers where the theme of one-ness seems evident:

Swimming to the Other Side
Lyrics by: Pat Humphries
Tune: original
Date: 1992

Chorus: (same melody as verse)
       We are living 'neath the great Big Dipper
       We are washed by the very same rain
       We are swimming in the stream together
       Some in power and some in pain
       We can worship this ground we walk on
       Cherishing the beings that we live beside
       Loving spirits will live forever
       We're all swimming to the other side.

I am alone, and I am searching, hungering for answers in my time
I am balanced at the brink of wisdom; I'm impatient to receive a sign
I move forward with my senses open, imperfection will be my crime
In humility I will listen, we're all swimming to the other side

On this journey through thoughts and feelings, finding intuition: my head, my heart
I am gathering the tools together; I'm preparing to do my part
All of those who have come before me, band together and be my guide
Loving lessons that I will follow, we're all swimming to the other side

When we get there we'll discover, all of the gifts we've been given to share
Have been with us since life's beginning and we never noticed they were there
We can balance at the brink of wisdom, never recognizing that we've arrived
Loving spirits will live together; we're all swimming to the other side^^^

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Subject: RE: pat Humphries songs
From: Roger in Baltimore
Date: 18 Nov 03 - 07:21 PM


I think this may be in Rise Up Singing. I'll check tonight.

Roger in Baltimore

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Subject: Lyr Add: WE ARE ONE (Pat Humphries)
From: momnopp
Date: 18 Nov 03 - 07:31 PM

Here is a link to We Are One and the words:

(Pat Humphries)

Smiling face, outstretched hand
Through disputes small and grand
We will lay down our guns
We are one

In the rage, through the war
We have shared pain before
In our grief when it's done
We are one, We are one

Where the earth touches sky
We are born, we all die
Where the clear waters run
We are one
We are one

Verse 2
When the light touches land
Over sea, over sand
When each day has begun
We are one

When the rock wears away
And the tide rolls and sways
By the moon, by the sun
We are one, We are one

Where the earth touches sky
We are born, we all die
Where the clear waters run
We are one
We are one

Verse 3
In the soft of the night
We are learning not to fight
In our hearts, in the drum
We are one

In the birth of a child
Through the fierce and the mild
In our daughters and sons
We are one, We are one

Where the earth touches sky
We are born, we all die
Where the clear waters run
We are one
We are one

©2000 Pat Humphries
Moving Forward Music, BMI

According to the site, Pat won the Grand Prize (Folk category) at the 2002 John Lennon Songwriting Contest.

This is the result of a pretty simple Google search, initially on "We Are One" and then "search within results" on "Pat Humphries." She's a local (Washington DC area) and she sells a nice tee-shirt that bears her signature phrase, "Peace Salaam, Shalom" (the latter two written in their respective non-roman alphabets.)



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Subject: RE: pat Humphries songs
From: Ebbie
Date: 18 Nov 03 - 07:42 PM

Wow. Wonderful lyrics, JudyO. She writes beautiful stuff.

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Subject: RE: pat Humphries songs
From: momnopp
Date: 18 Nov 03 - 07:44 PM

I agree, Ebbie.

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Subject: RE: Pat Humphries songs
From: GUEST,Laura
Date: 22 Apr 06 - 11:14 AM

This song is actually by Pat and Sandy in emma's revolution - on the album One, track 13.

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Subject: RE: Pat Humphries songs
Date: 06 Feb 13 - 07:34 PM

Does anybody know the guitar chords to the Emma's Revolution song "One-By-One" about the U.S. Army School of the Americas(SOA)/Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation(WHISC/WHINSEC)?

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Subject: Lyr Add: ONE BY ONE (Pat Humphries)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 06 Feb 13 - 11:06 PM

I found this on a website of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps:

(Pat Humphries)

We have come to this place
To renounce this disgrace
Brick by brick
Wall by wall
We will make this building fall
We have watched,  
     one by one
The SOA, one by one
That some would try,  
     one by one
To WHISC away, one by one
But this School, one by one
Drenched in shame,  
     one by one
Cannot hide, one by one
Behind a name, one by one
We have paid, one by one
Against our will, one by one
While men torture,  
     one by one

Maim and kill, one by one
We'll return, one by one
Thousands strong, one by one
Until right, one by one
Replaces wrong, one by one
We will teach, one by one
Our children peace,  
     one by one
'Til all war, one by one
And hunger cease,  
     one by one
We have come, one by one
By the score, one by one
We will learn, one by one
To fight no more, one by one
In one voice we will stand
We will sing, we will demand
We have each received a sign
Close the School
Cross the line

You can hear a partial clip of the song at the Website of Emma's Revolution, Pat Humphries and Sandy O.

There's mention of this song in a book called The Bardo of Waking Life, by Richard Grossinger. The passage is worth a look (just click on the link).

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Subject: RE: Pat Humphries songs
From: GUEST,Kirk
Date: 12 Feb 13 - 12:15 PM

Thanks Joe!

The excerpt from The Bardo of Walking Life is very interesting.

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Subject: RE: Pat Humphries songs
From: wysiwyg
Date: 20 Dec 16 - 11:43 AM

Adapting song for climate change

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Subject: ADD: Common Thread (Pat Humphries)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 01 Jun 17 - 05:32 PM

(Pat Humphries, 1986)

In a many colored garden we are growing side by side
We will rise all together, we will rise.
With the sun and rain upon us, not a row shall be denied
We will rise all together, we will rise.

We will rise like the ocean
We will rise like the sun
We will rise all together, we will rise
In our many colored fabrics made from strands of common thread
We will rise all together, we will rise.

We can feed our grain to cattle and the rich man will be fed
Or we'll feed our grain to people so that millions will have bread.

We will rise like the ocean
We will rise like the sun
We will rise all together, we will rise
No more will there be hunger in these strands of common thread.
We will rise all together, we will rise.

In the cold of fear and hatred, clothed in dignity we stand
We have pieced this quilt together, linking hearts with stitching hands.

We will rise like the ocean
We will rise like the sun
We will rise all together, we will rise
We are spirits drawn together tightly by our common threads.
We will rise all together, we will rise.

From our children to our elders, from all nations we will rise
May respect for all our differences enhance our common ties.

We will rise like the ocean
We will rise like the sun
We will rise all together, we will rise
We will buid a global family, strengthened by our common threads.
We will rise all together, we will rise.

©1986, 1992 Pat Humphries
Moving Forward Music, BMI


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Subject: VOTE! (The Trump Rewrite) Humphries/Sandy O
From: Joe Offer
Date: 27 Feb 21 - 03:47 PM

Thread #165170   Message #3959314
Posted By: Joe Offer
31-Oct-18 - 01:49 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Vote:The Trump Rewrite (Emma's Revolution)
Subject: Lyr Add: VOTE! (The Trump Rewrite)-Emma's Revolut

I came across this song today. I thought it was very pertinent for this week.

VOTE (The Trump ReWrite)
© 2017 Sandy O, Pat Humphries
Moving Forward Music, BMI

If they can count, the billions that loser says he’s worth
Why can't they count our votes
If they can count when Breitbart denies Obama's US birth
Why can't they count our votes?

We’re not done, we’re not tired
We won’t stop until . . . Steve Bannon
You’re fired!

When they claimed, he won the Electoral College fair and square, we said
“Why can't you count our votes?”
Voter suppression and ID laws gave him much more than his share and
Why can't they count our votes?

We’re not done, we’re not tired
We won’t stop until . . . Mike Pence
You’re fired!

Counting money, that one's easy
Corporate donations to his foundation
Conflicts of interest in the name of business
Scandals to the maxes
When are you gonna show your taxes?

If you can count 140 characters in a tweet,
Why can't you count our votes?
Her 3 million vote lead should have been your defeat
Why can't you count our votes?

We’re not done, we’re not tired
We won’t stop until . . . Donald Trump
You’re fired!

Why can’t you count our votes
(Black Lives Matter)
Why can’t you count our votes
(Refugees Welcome Here)
Why can’t you count our votes
(We Are All Immigrants)
Why can’t you count our votes
(Pussy Bites Back)
We’re gonna count all the votes
(Healthcare is A Human Right)
We’re gonna count all the votes
(Water is Life)
We’re gonna count all the votes
(Love Trumps Hate)
We’re gonna count all the votes

Sandy O: guitar & vocals
Pat Humphries: guitar & vocals
Dick Bright: fiddle
Dewayne Pate: bass
David Rokeach: drums

Produced with and engineered & mixed by Daryn Roven
Recorded: 25th Street Recording, Oakland CA
Mastered: Charlie Pilzer, Airshow Mastering

Original Spook Handy Song (click)

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Subject: RE: Pat Humphries songs
From: Pamber
Date: 28 Feb 21 - 12:25 PM

I love the lyrics of her song "Heroes" but cannot find a decent recording. Anyone got a link please?

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Subject: ADD: Heroes (Ann Reed)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 28 Feb 21 - 01:03 PM

Hmmm. I'm finding a song titled "Heroes" that appears to have been written by Ann Reed and may have been performed by Pat Humphries.

(Ann Reed)

What can I learn from you
In your lifetime, in what you've been through
How'd you keep your head up and hold your pride
In an insane world how'd you keep on tryin'
One life can tell the tale
That if you make the effort, you cannot fail
By your life you tell me it can be done
By your life's the courage to carry on

Appear like a friend
To clear a path or light the flame
As time goes, you find you depend
On your heroes to show you the way

What can I learn from you
That I must do the thing I think I cannot do
That you do what's right by your heart and soul
It's the imperfections that make us whole
One life can tell the tale
That if you make the effort you cannot fail
By your life you tell me it can be done
By your life's the courage to carry on


Sojourner Truth, Eleanor Roosevelt
Katharine Hepburn, Sally Ride
Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman
Annie Sullivan, Gertrude Stein

Coretta Scott King, Amelia Earhart
Lillian Hellman, Eartha Kitt
Sacajewea, Ella Fitzgerald
Golda Meir, Dorothy Dix

Louisa May Alcott, Billie Jean King
Emily Dickinson, Lucy Stone
Margaret Sanger, Clara Barton
Billie Holiday, Juliette Low

Elizabeth Blackwell, Rosa Parks
Lena Horne, Beverly Sills
Barbara Jordan, Helen Keller
Indira Gandhi, Agnes de Mille

Corazon Aquino, Gloria Steinem
Rachel Carson, Joan of Arc
Babe Zaharias, Marlene Dietrich
Anne Frank, Simone de Beauvoir

Live performance:

I found an interesting sermon built on this song:

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Subject: RE: Pat Humphries songs
From: Pamber
Date: 28 Feb 21 - 01:56 PM

Brilliant thanks I was looking for the wrong lady. That is eactly the song I meant. Senility rules

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Subject: RE: Pat Humphries songs
From: GUEST,#
Date: 01 Mar 21 - 08:03 AM

Pamber, you may not have been looking for the wrong lady. I saw something on Google (I have lost the link and can't find it now) where about 18 of Pat Humphries' songs were listed and only 17 of the lot were available for play. The 18th was titled "Heroes" but it seemed to have been 'taken down'. So, I suspect that PH did do the song but for some reason it's no longer available. If I find it again I'll post the link here.

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Subject: RE: Pat Humphries songs
From: GUEST,#
Date: 01 Mar 21 - 08:20 AM

Found it with a Google of: Pat Humphries, songs

I cannot post a link to it (I tried and it doesn't work)--and my memory is shot. There are 28 songs listed (not 18) across the top of the page that displays, and Heroes is the very last. Also, I'm not sure they were available for play. However, it doesn't say what album/CD it's from, so I suspect it was there at some point but isn't now. So, I don't know what all that means, and my guesses about it could well be out to lunch. I hope I haven't confused the issue. But it looks like she did do the song.

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Subject: RE: Pat Humphries songs
From: Joe Offer
Date: 01 Mar 21 - 02:23 PM

Yeah, I'm almost sure I've heard Pat Humphries sing "Heroes." She's quite a nice person, by the way. Hey, I was even on stage with her - twice, I think...but I'm not sure she even noticed me or would remember me.


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Subject: ADD: Baptism of Fire (Julie Snow)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 06 Feb 23 - 04:08 PM

Baptism of Fire
(Julie Snow)
©1979 Julie Snow Music, BMI

Baptism of fire,
I never knew what that meant
and now the flames are rising higher
I guess I haven't seen anything yet
because they're coming down around me
and I am rising up
like a phoenix from the ashes
wings against the blue
the only way out is through.

Forest of fury, kindling of fear
Oh, see how dark the woods have grown after all these years
and now they're coming down around me and I am rising up
like a lily from the shadows glistening and perfumed
the only way out is through.

All the detours taken never lead you home
What a maze you find yourself in and still alone.
Oh, you thought it should be easy so the truth eluded you
the only way out is through.

Baptism of fire, all happening within
illusion burns like tall grass in the wild and reckless wind
and now they're coming down around me
and I am rising up
like a great bell resurrected
ringing loud and true
the only way out is through.

All the detours taken never lead you home
What a maze you find yourself in and still alone.
Oh, you thought it should be easy so the truth eluded you
the only way out is through.

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