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Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada

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GUEST,Jeremiah McCaw 06 Dec 03 - 06:27 AM
Clinton Hammond 06 Dec 03 - 06:32 AM
Steve Latimer 06 Dec 03 - 08:45 AM
Mooh 06 Dec 03 - 09:58 AM
Cluin 06 Dec 03 - 10:24 AM
Cluin 06 Dec 03 - 10:26 AM
Glen Reid 06 Dec 03 - 04:19 PM
Little Hawk 06 Dec 03 - 07:03 PM
Little Hawk 06 Dec 03 - 07:07 PM
Cluin 06 Dec 03 - 07:45 PM
Glen Reid 07 Dec 03 - 06:54 PM
Cluin 07 Dec 03 - 08:12 PM
Bee-dubya-ell 07 Dec 03 - 08:40 PM
SINSULL 07 Dec 03 - 09:04 PM
Glen Reid 08 Dec 03 - 11:30 AM
GUEST 08 Dec 03 - 03:56 PM
GUEST 10 Dec 03 - 01:27 PM
Cluin 10 Dec 03 - 01:47 PM
GUEST,Jeremiah (damn cookies!) 11 Dec 03 - 08:42 PM
Bee-dubya-ell 11 Dec 03 - 10:01 PM
Cluin 11 Dec 03 - 11:12 PM
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Subject: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: GUEST,Jeremiah McCaw
Date: 06 Dec 03 - 06:27 AM

Stolen Guitar Alert

Owner: Paul Young (White Oak Folk Club)

Stolen Sunday, November 23, 2003 during a concert at The Oakville Centre (Studio Theatre).

The guitar is a first-of-its-kind dreadnought-size instrument built by Glen Reid. It has a fixed neck, sloped shoulders on the upper bout, spruce top and cherry back & sides. There is an initial 'R' inlay on the headstock and a maple leaf inlay on the fingerboard at the 3rd fret. The serial number is PT001.

A photo of a nearly identical guitar can be found on my website:

Any information, please contact Paul C Young: 905-842-4300.   E-mail:

Or myself:

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Clinton Hammond
Date: 06 Dec 03 - 06:32 AM


I hate these stories!

Best of luck mate!

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Steve Latimer
Date: 06 Dec 03 - 08:45 AM

I'll spread the word out here in Durham.

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Mooh
Date: 06 Dec 03 - 09:58 AM

I'll keep my eyes and ears open. If it's one of a kind it might be hard to fence...

Peace, Mooh.

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Cluin
Date: 06 Dec 03 - 10:24 AM

All Glen Reid guitars have that shape, but I believe he is making them all with bolt-on necks now. If I recall correctly, there should be some sort of inserts on the back to identify the "bolt-ons". A fixed neck wouldn't have them, so I'd suggest you look for that if you can. Maybe Glen wil check in here and correct my assumption?...

Anyway, hope the guitar is recovered.

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Cluin
Date: 06 Dec 03 - 10:26 AM

By the way, the 3rd fret maple leaf inlay is also a common Glen Reid trademark.

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Glen Reid
Date: 06 Dec 03 - 04:19 PM

Right you are Cluin, but this paricular inst, is the first and only one to date, of that series, with a fixed neck, hence the PT (proto type) 001 ser.#.
I showed this guitar to Rick Fielding last year and his comment at the time was "definately the loudest guitar, you have built to date"
Now I,m sure this would mean nothing to the thief, but due to the unusual profile of this inst. it will definately be hard to fence.
Here,s hoping Paul has it home for Christmas.
All the best,

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Little Hawk
Date: 06 Dec 03 - 07:03 PM

Have not seen a Glen Reid guitar yet, but I hope to. Will take a look on the net now to see what they look like. I sure hope you recover it, Paul.

- LH

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Little Hawk
Date: 06 Dec 03 - 07:07 PM

Whoa. Correction...I have seen 'em before, and they are unmistakable (just had a look at the website). I will keep my eyes open for the missing one.

- LH

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Cluin
Date: 06 Dec 03 - 07:45 PM

They sound great too, LH.

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Glen Reid
Date: 07 Dec 03 - 06:54 PM

Appreciate that, Cluin

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Cluin
Date: 07 Dec 03 - 08:12 PM

So, I'm interested, Glen. Do you think the fixed neck (an "old-style" dovetail joint, yes?) added significantly to the tone? Is it superior to the bolt-on neck, do you think?

We know it's far easier to do the inevitable neck reset with a bolt-on neck, but does the tonal response with a fixed neck merit the extra work, in your opinion?

(I realize this is thread drift, but at least it is keeping the thread refreshed and might aid in the instrument's recovery hopefully...)

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Bee-dubya-ell
Date: 07 Dec 03 - 08:40 PM

More thread drift...

Just thought I'd throw two-cents-worth in while waiting for Glen...

Taylor Guitars did tests on the sound transmission qualities of various materials and found that glue has one of the poorest transmission profiles and actually has a sound-damping effect. That would seem to indicate that the glue joint in a set neck would interfere with transmitting sound from the neck to the body.

Now, there's not a whole lotta sound transmitted down the neck of a guitar and Taylor is in the business of selling guitars with bolt-on necks so I'd take their research with a grain of salt at best. But it is interesting.

Personally, I have guitars with dovetail neck joints, guitars with bolt-on necks, and guitars with mortise-and-tenon neck joints and couldn't tell one from the other just by the sound if my life depended on it.

Hope Paul's guitar turns up.


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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Date: 07 Dec 03 - 09:04 PM

Keep a watch on eBay too. Good luck

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Glen Reid
Date: 08 Dec 03 - 11:30 AM

Sound wise, I could never tell the difference between bolt on or fixed necked guitars.
The big difference seems to be the attitude of the player, ie. so called purists, tend to favour the fixed neck variety.
Cheers Glen

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Date: 08 Dec 03 - 03:56 PM

The dovetail joint necks hold together better for hand-to-hand combat when gigging in those tough joints.

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Date: 10 Dec 03 - 01:27 PM


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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Cluin
Date: 10 Dec 03 - 01:47 PM

Though so. Thanks, Glen and Bruce. I agree.

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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: GUEST,Jeremiah (damn cookies!)
Date: 11 Dec 03 - 08:42 PM

My previous post about Paul Young's missing guitar can now be retired: it was found today, safe & sound. Turned out one of the cleaning staff at the Oakville thought it had been left behind after the last concert. The security room had already been locked, and the White Oak crew was out loading the van (therefore not in immediate evidence), and so the staffer put the guitar "somewhere safe" - so safe that a search of the facility didn't turn it up the first time through! All's well that ends well: the guitar is back in its daddy's arms. For all those who expressed support, sympathy and righteous anger: manymuch thankyou's from Paul.

        And as I have your attention, I'll do some Ezeduzit promo also, rather than send out a separate email. Ezeduzit (myself, Jim Hodges & Stewart McPhail) do old tyme/roots and contemporary folk. This Saturday evening we've been invited to do a feature set ('bout 30 - 45 minutes) at the Wesley Mimico United Church Coffeehouse in Etobicoke. Music (open stage) begins about 8 pm; our set is supposed to be at about 9. Do consider coming out. I've never been to this one before, but I've been told it's cosy and the folks there are super friendly. I/we be looking forward to it.

Here's a whole bunch of reference stuff:
Ezeduzit's (embryonic) website: go to and click on the Ezeduzit link on the opening page.
Wesley Mimico United Church Coffeehouse website:
or go to again, click on "Club Listings" to get format, directions and a map.
or for more info:      905-274-3478    or, if just before stage time, try    416-886-5067    or    416-251-5811

        Enough ear-bending, methinks, for now. Should I not have occasion to post again beforehand, I'll wish all an entirely wondrous holiday season. And special thoughts and wishes to Rick & Heather Fielding.)

       Be well, be safe and try to look out for each other . . .


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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Bee-dubya-ell
Date: 11 Dec 03 - 10:01 PM

I just love happy endings!


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Subject: RE: Stolen guitar: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
From: Cluin
Date: 11 Dec 03 - 11:12 PM


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