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Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?


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In Mudcat MIDIs:
As I Roved Out (Clancy) ((from The Irish Songbook - Makem & the Clancys))

John M. 16 Sep 98 - 01:03 PM
Joe Offer 16 Sep 98 - 03:05 PM
Joe Offer 16 Sep 98 - 03:47 PM
Joe Offer 16 Sep 98 - 03:49 PM
John M. 17 Sep 98 - 10:41 AM
Joe Offer 17 Sep 98 - 01:14 PM
Barry Finn 17 Sep 98 - 10:07 PM
John M. 18 Sep 98 - 10:35 AM 19 Sep 98 - 01:15 PM
Kiwi 19 Sep 98 - 01:35 PM
alison 13 Jun 00 - 02:03 AM
Conán 13 Jun 00 - 08:42 PM
McGrath of Harlow 13 Jun 00 - 08:54 PM
GUEST,Mrr 14 Jun 00 - 03:55 PM
AllisonA(Animaterra) 14 Jun 00 - 04:48 PM
GUEST,Mrr 15 Jun 00 - 02:31 PM
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Subject: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: John M.
Date: 16 Sep 98 - 01:03 PM

This is a song I heard the Clancy Brothers do long ago. Anyone know the name, Lryics, and Author. It went -------- As I rode out on a May Morning On a May Morning right early I met my Love upon the way Oh ! Lord but she was early And she sang Lith a doodle, lith a doodle lith a doodle ---------------------------- and she landed I'm betting Joe Offer will come thru on this one !!! Thanks Again

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: Joe Offer
Date: 16 Sep 98 - 03:05 PM

Aw, I couldn't miss a challenge like that, John. It's 'As I Roved Out,' but it's quite different from the two songs of that title that we have in the database. If you search under [May morning] in the database, you will find several songs that are related, and some that are not. I'll have the Clancy lyrics typed up in a few minutes.
It's on the Clancy Brothers/Tommy Makem 2-CD set called "Ain't It Grand Boys," although I don't think that's the rendition most people are familiar with.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: AS I ROVED OUT (from Makem & Clancy)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 16 Sep 98 - 03:47 PM

As I Roved Out
(adapted by Sarah & Tommy Makem and Pat, Tom, and Liam Clancy. ©1962, 1969, by Tiparm Music Publishers, Inc.)

As I roved out on a May morning,
On a May morning right early,
I met my love upon the way,
Oh, Lord, but she was early.

And she sang lilt-da-doo-dle, lilt-a-doo-dle, lilt-a-doo-dle-dee,
And she hi-da-land-da-dee, And she hi-da-land-da-dee, and she lan-dae.

Her boots were black and her stockings white,
And her buckles shone like silver;
She had a dark and a rolling eye,
And her earrings tipped her shoulders.

"What age are you, my nice sweet girl?
What age are you, my honey?"
How modestly she answered me,
"I'll be sixteen age on Sunday."

I went to the house on the top of the hill
When the moon was shining clearly;
She arose to let me in,
For her mammy chanced to hear her.

She caught her by the hair of the head,
And down to the room she brought her;
And with the root of a hazel twig,
She was the well-beat daughter.

"Will you marry me now, my soldier lad?
Marry me now or never?
Will you marry me now, my soldier lad?
For you see I'm done forever."

"No, I won't marry you, my bonny wee girl,
I won't marry you, my honey,
For I have got a wife at home,
And how could I disown her?"

A pint a night is my delight,
And a gallon in the morning;
the old women are my heartbreak,
But the young ones is my darling.

(from The Irish Songbook - Makem & the Clancys)

This tune may not work properly, at least not in the ABC version. There's a time signature change in one measure of the chorus that may goof MIDITXT up.
-Joe Offer- -Joe-


Timebase: 192

Name: As I Roved Out
Text: By traditional - Makem-Clancy adaptation
Copyright: Copyright © 1969, by Tiparm Music Publishers
Key: Eb
TimeSig: 2/4 24 8
0000 1 65 110 0094 0 65 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 70 110 0094 0 70 000 0002 1 72 110 0094 0 72 000 0002 1 74 110 0046 0 74 000 0002 1 74 110 0046 0 74 000 0002 1 72 110 0094 0 72 000 0002 1 70 110 0094 0 70 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 65 110 0046 0 65 000 0002 1 65 110 0046 0 65 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 70 110 0094 0 70 000 0002 1 72 110 0094 0 72 000 0002 1 74 110 0094 0 74 000 0002 1 72 110 0096 0 72 000 0000 1 70 110 0094 0 70 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 70 110 0094 0 70 000 0002 1 72 110 0094 0 72 000 0002 1 70 110 0094 0 70 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 65 110 0094 0 65 000 0002 1 62 110 0094 0 62 000 0002 1 58 110 0094 0 58 000 0002 1 62 110 0094 0 62 000 0002 1 63 110 0094 0 63 000 0002 1 63 110 0094 0 63 000 0002 1 62 110 0094 0 62 000 0002 1 58 110 0094 0 58 000 0002 1 60 110 0160 0 60 000 0032 1 60 110 0352 0 60 000 0128 1 60 110 0094 0 60 000 0002 1 60 110 0094 0 60 000 0002 1 62 110 0094 0 62 000 0002 1 63 110 0046 0 63 000 0002 1 65 110 0046 0 65 000 0002 1 67 110 0046 0 67 000 0002 1 65 110 0046 0 65 000 0002 1 63 110 0046 0 63 000 0002 1 65 110 0046 0 65 000 0002 1 67 110 0046 0 67 000 0002 1 65 110 0046 0 65 000 0002 1 63 110 0046 0 63 000 0002 1 65 110 0046 0 65 000 0002 1 67 110 0046 0 67 000 0002 1 63 110 0046 0 63 000 0002 1 62 110 0094 0 62 000 0002 1 63 110 0046 0 63 000 0002 1 63 110 0046 0 63 000 0002 1 62 110 0046 0 62 000 0002 1 63 110 0046 0 63 000 0002 1 65 110 0046 0 65 000 0002 1 62 110 0046 0 62 000 0002 1 58 110 0094 0 58 000 0002 1 62 110 0046 0 62 000 0002 1 62 110 0046 0 62 000 0002 1 63 110 0046 0 63 000 0002 1 63 110 0046 0 63 000 0002 1 65 110 0046 0 65 000 0002 1 65 110 0046 0 65 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 67 110 0046 0 67 000 0002 1 67 110 0046 0 67 000 0002 1 60 110 0160 0 60 000 0032 1 60 110 0448 0 60 000

This program is worth the effort of learning it.

To download the March 10 MIDItext 98 software and get instructions on how to use it click here

ABC format:

T:As I Roved Out

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: Joe Offer
Date: 16 Sep 98 - 03:49 PM

Hey, the ABC looks and sounds pretty good on this one.

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: John M.
Date: 17 Sep 98 - 10:41 AM

Joe, You are a gem ! Not only did you come thru bigtime on Coshieville, for me before, but now with this one " As I Roved Out " Thanks !!!! I have noticed that you a very often the one who solves the problems of Lost Folks ! I appreciate the efforts you make, Thanks. Is this a hobby, or are you a Prof. of Folk Music, or a Folk Musician ? John M.

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: Joe Offer
Date: 17 Sep 98 - 01:14 PM

Well, John - actually, I'm a private investigator. 25 years of snooping made me pretty good at it. The people I investigate are applicants for government jobs, and they know they're being investigated and they're usually very nice people; so it's been a nice job to have.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: Barry Finn
Date: 17 Sep 98 - 10:07 PM

also see the thread "16 Come Sunday". Barry

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: John M.
Date: 18 Sep 98 - 10:35 AM

Wow ! The Dick Tracy of Folk Music !!! I guess if you want to find something, it's best to get a P.I. on it. Thanks again Joe ! Also thanks for the link to the Ferryman . John M

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
Date: 19 Sep 98 - 01:15 PM

There's a slightly different version that I have a copy of lying around somewhere on a CD. When I get back up to my room I'll look it up and type it out.

Fortunately, there are lyrics printed on the enclosed booklet. Huzzah! :)

Slán, Kiwi

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Subject: Lyr Add: AS I ROVED OUT (from Brian Kennedy)
From: Kiwi
Date: 19 Sep 98 - 01:35 PM

Here we go. Please forgive me if this is jumbled, I'm unskilled with HTML format and with using Lynx on the Mudcat instead of Nutscrape. :)

"AS I ROVED OUT" as sung by Brian Kennedy

As I roved out one bright may morning
To view the meadows and lflowers gay
Whom should I spy but my own true love
As she sat under yon willow tree.

I took off my hat and I did salute her
I did salute her most courteously
When she turned around well the tears fell from her
Saying false young man you have deluded me.

A diamond ring I own I gave you
A diamond ring to wear on your right hand
But the vows you made love you went and broke them
And married the lassie who had the land

If I married the lassie that had the land my love
It's that I'll rue till the day I die
When misfortune falls no man can shun it
I was blindfolded that I'll never deny

Now at night when I go to my bed of slumber
The thought of my true love runs in my mind
When I turn around to embrace my darling
Instead of gold sure it is brass I find

And I wish the queen would call home her armies
From the West Indies, Amerikay, and Spain
And every man to his wedded woman
In hopes that you and I will meet again

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: alison
Date: 13 Jun 00 - 02:03 AM

Refresh for Night Owl.. and because it hasn't made it into the DT yet....



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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: Conán
Date: 13 Jun 00 - 08:42 PM

Kiwi, Your song, though a very nice one, has no connection with the one under discussion. The Clancys' version of this is based on the version sung by Sarah Makem, Tommy's mother, and used as the signature tune for the hugely popular BBC Radio programme "As I Roved Out" broadcast in the 1950's at 10.00 a.m. on Sundays. Conán

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 13 Jun 00 - 08:54 PM

Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean...

Joe Offer - the name even sounds like a Private Eye. "The Mudcat was quiet that night. Too quiet..."

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: GUEST,Mrr
Date: 14 Jun 00 - 03:55 PM

The strange thing about this song by the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem - on their old album (I think The Boys Won't Leave the Girls Alone, at least from that time), compared to the one on their later album (perhaps again Isn't It Grand Boys?), the two versions have almost identical lyrics BUT reverse, inside-out rhythms! Very hard to sing along with #2 if you're used to #1!

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)
Date: 14 Jun 00 - 04:48 PM

"And she hi-da-land-da-dee, And she hi-da-land-da-dee, and she lan-dae. " Is that what she did? I always thought she "haggled on the dee and she landed!" Made no sense to me but oh well. Thanks, Joe, you're a genius!

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Subject: RE: Lith a doodle, As I Rode Out ?
From: GUEST,Mrr
Date: 15 Jun 00 - 02:31 PM

Since the Dee IS a river, I guess you could haggle on it and then land... I like your version, Animaterra! What I hear is And she sang lip-a-toot a-lip-a-toot a-lip-a-toot a-lee-itchy-high lippety-itchy-high lipppety-itcha-landee.

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