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Tune Req: Garden Valley (Dougie MacLean)


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Sharron 03 Oct 98 - 02:30 AM
Wolfgang Hell 06 Oct 98 - 03:47 AM
BAZ 10 Oct 98 - 07:52 PM
GUEST,George from Hamilton 02 May 11 - 09:29 AM
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Subject: Dougie MacLean's Garden Valley
From: Sharron
Date: 03 Oct 98 - 02:30 AM

Does anybody the music (melody + chords preferred, but I'll take what I can find) to Dougie MacLean's Garden Valley? I have a recording of it, but I'm still learning to transcribe by ear and it's driving me nuts. I can't find it on this site, but perhaps someone knows where else to find it. Thanks!

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Subject: RE: Dougie MacLean's Garden Valley
From: Wolfgang Hell
Date: 06 Oct 98 - 03:47 AM

Sharron, here's a bit I found on the web:

"Where can I get transcriptions of songs by Dougie MacLean? Aside from "Caledonia," which appeared in your July 1996 issue, I can't seem to find anything in print. Linda Martin Windsor Locks, Connecticut

A 41-page songbook that features ten songs by Dougie MacLean is available from MacLean's own Dunkeld Records, Cathedral St., Dunkeld, Perthshire PH8 OAW, Scotland. Piano notation and basic guitar chords are given for such songs as "Singing Land," "Eternity," "Homeland," "Garden Valley," "This Love Will Carry," and "Caledonia.""


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Subject: Tune Add: GARDEN VALLEY (Dougie MacLean)
From: BAZ
Date: 10 Oct 98 - 07:52 PM

X: 1
T:Garden Valley

% Output from ABC2Win Version 2.1 f on 10/10/98

Hope this is O.K.
Regards Baz

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Subject: RE: Tune Req: Garden Valley (Dougie MacLean)
From: GUEST,George from Hamilton
Date: 02 May 11 - 09:29 AM

I have all of Dougie's tabs, all the tabs from Wee Guitar(I knew Steve well and he gave me them because I did a lot myself), and the rest I did myself.E-mail me at and I'll send them.

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