Bill Monroe mandolin battle in court DigiTrad: BLUE MOON OF KENTUCKY Related threads: Lyr Add: Songs recorded by Bill Monroe (7) Bill Monroe Songbook # 2 (10) Belated Happy 100 bd, Bill Monroe (1911-1996) (1) Lyr Req: Old Cross Road / Old Crossroad (B Monroe) (8) Bill Monroe - The MOVIE!!! (7) Tune Req: Scotland - By Bill Monroe? (8) source for ALL Bill Monroe tunes names? (22) Bill Monroe's mandolin sold for $22,000 (11) Bill Monroe Songbook (9) Bill Monroe 'BIG MON' (13) review of bio of Bill Monroe (13) Lyr/Chords Req: bluemoon? / Blue Moon of Kentucky (3) |
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Subject: RE: Bill Monroe mandolin battle in court From: Willie-O Date: 04 Aug 04 - 08:04 AM Ummm, if you buy something on a payment plan, make the down payment but no subsequent payments, the seller can repossess the item and doesn't owe you a damn thing. You're in default, you lose out. Maybe if they're feeling generous they'll refund part or all of your down payment, but they don't have to if the buyer was the one who didn't follow the agreement of sale. |
Subject: RE: Bill Monroe mandolin battle in court From: Richard Bridge Date: 03 Aug 04 - 12:58 PM A mandolin is not real property, it is personal property. |
Subject: RE: Bill Monroe mandolin battle in court From: The Shambles Date: 03 Aug 04 - 02:07 AM Is it a bit like like 'Dueling Banjos'? A shame that no one appears to be playing it. |
Subject: RE: Bill Monroe mandolin battle in court From: Stilly River Sage Date: 03 Aug 04 - 12:51 AM So they turn it over and place something like a lis pendens1 lien against it in federal court for $162,000, to be paid upon sale of the mandolin. How difficult can that be? And it sure would be a helluva lot cheaper than fighting about it and paying all of those over-fed lawyers. It has been my experience that simply threatening such a lien is enough to get the erring party to cough up the property or the cash. SRS 1 "A legal notice recorded to show pending litigation relating to real property and giving notice that anyone acquiring an interest in said property subsequent to the date of the notice may be bound by the outcome of the litigation." |
Subject: RE: Bill Monroe mandolin battle in court From: open mike Date: 03 Aug 04 - 12:21 AM probably got somthin to do with the $162,500 |
Subject: RE: Bill Monroe mandolin battle in court From: mack/misophist Date: 02 Aug 04 - 10:07 PM The legal system is often insane. Everybody knows that. But the Bluegrass Foundation must have some excuse for holding on to the mando. Does any one know what it is? |
Subject: Bill Monroe mandolin battle in court From: open mike Date: 02 Aug 04 - 08:31 PM Monroe Mando Trial Pushed Back July 14, 2004 The Kentucky trial over rights of possession of the mandolin Bill Monroe used to create bluegrass has been pushed back. The trial, which pits the Bill Monroe Bluegrass Foundation against Monroe's son James, was set to begin this week but was postponed due to the illness of one of the lawyers involved. The younger Monroe sold the hallowed 1923 Gibson F-5 to the foundation in 2002 for $1.1 million. Only $162,500 was paid towards the debt after the foundation's funding collapsed. James Monroe wishes to regain custody of the instrument so that he can sell it and pay off inheritance taxes. this was posted on the folk alley news |
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