Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: GUEST,Davy Date: 28 Jan 05 - 11:20 AM It loses in the translation just a tad. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: davidkiddnet Date: 28 Jan 05 - 06:14 PM Billy Connelly was recorded saying that he went into a club and saw "Three wooly jumpers singing the Wild Rover". This indicates that you have to wear a wooly jumper to sing it properly. I see those thick natural white ones from the Western Isles with spirally motifs up the front. It's impossible to sing that deep philosphical song without one - I mean three. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: GUEST,Chanteyranger Date: 29 Jan 05 - 06:44 PM It's a popular pub song for good reason. It's very tuneful, rollicking, and fun to sing along with, hand-clapping section and all. Yes, hackneyed to many performers and to discerning music enthusiasts. If it's requested, singing it is like giving a gift to the people who request it. Chanteyranger |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Les in Chorlton Date: 30 Jan 05 - 04:48 AM Like all great music it has a life of its own. I'll go to St Peter confess what I've done And hope that he'll pardon this song stealing bum If he'll forgive me and open his door I never will slay the Wild Rover no more |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Don(Wyziwyg)T Date: 30 Jan 05 - 06:09 AM There must be something very special about a song that has been performed so often that almost everyone seems to hate it, and yet can still hold the attention of so many people in a serious music discussion forum. I wish I was likely ever to write one like it. I always sing it, if asked, but then the only requests I ever refuse, or ignore, are the ones which end with the word "off". Don T. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Don(Wyziwyg)T Date: 30 Jan 05 - 06:56 AM Davidkiddnet, Yeah, those cable knit Arran sweaters are probably the most practical clothing ever invented for a fishing/farming community, whose winters are white and six feet deep, and summers are mostly wet, and very windy. Due to the very high lanolin content of the local wool, they are quite windproof, and almost completely waterproof as well. They became very popular in the fifties and sixties, and very much associated with traditional folk music, probably because the singers in that part of the world are regarded as a well loved national asset. Wish that were so further south, where the sweater has become part of the misconception of folkies, in the community at large ( as witness Mr. Connelly's remark). Don T. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: stallion Date: 30 Jan 05 - 07:25 AM Its the only song my brother sings and if, when we are in his car, he starts singing it it makes me cringe, i have to join in to drown out his awful voice. Yes often requested and if it is what the paying public want then perhaps you have to give them it but o lord it is a labour. Damien at our regular haunt does a rap version which is good. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Don(Wyziwyg)T Date: 30 Jan 05 - 09:15 AM My friend and musical partner in the duo "Sic Transit", has solved the Wild Rover problem in his own unique fashion. A particularly fine keyboard player, and a gifted mimic, he will serve up a version to fit any occasion. He has written about a hundred parodies, all following the original story, in the exact style of just about any singer from Carthy to Cash, and Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong to Cliff Richard (spit). These came about as a result of a challenge to produce one per week for three months, and resulted in 3 - 4 per week until the challenger surrendered 9 months later, and begged him to stop. A medley of these forms a popular part of our act at folk clubs. Don T. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: woodsie Date: 30 Jan 05 - 10:09 AM Wild Rover - a truly great folk song. It has it all. But tis a cryan' shame that the good Captain Beefheart says never received a penny in royalties. Is there no justice? |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Peter Kasin Date: 30 Jan 05 - 02:04 PM Don T, that's hilarious. I'd love to hear a version sung in the style of Gov Schwarzenegger. Chanteyranger |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Don(Wyziwyg)T Date: 30 Jan 05 - 02:23 PM Chanteyranger, I'll suggest that one, and see what results. If any of you guys are going to Sidmouth this year, you'll find us both in the front bar of the Bedford, and you can hear for yourselves. I'll be the one with "Wysiwyg" printed acroos the scratch plate of his guitar. Hope to see you there. Maybe you might even stretch a point and invite us to do a spot for you in the middle bar one day. Relax! I'm only joking. Don T. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Strollin' Johnny Date: 30 Jan 05 - 03:40 PM Those 'thick cable-knit Arran sweaters' are actually Aran sweaters - one 'r' only - and are nothing whatsoever to do with the Western Isles, they originate from the Irish island of Aran, not the Scottish island of Arran. That's what I've read but I expect that, as usual, some smart-arse will tell me I'm wrong! LOL! S:0) |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Peter Kasin Date: 30 Jan 05 - 09:53 PM I've been to Aran Island, taking a Ferry over from Clare, and have seen people seling their home-knitted Aran sweaters. You've got that right, Strollin' Johnny. Chanteyranger |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: GUEST,Folkiefrank Date: 30 Jan 05 - 10:36 PM Strollin' Johnny ,you called it right, and if anyone remembers that far back, thwy were the stage uniform of the Clancy Brothers, even at their re-union concert circa 1990(?) !! |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Strollin' Johnny Date: 31 Jan 05 - 06:12 AM Thanks guys, my heart's bursting with pride! Got something right at last! (LOL!) S:0) |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Peterr Date: 31 Jan 05 - 05:28 PM It's one of the songs you can use to get a pub audience's attention back after you've sung two or three of the ones YOU want to sing. I really like the tune the Dransfields used - similar to the usual but slower and with the odd flattened note - minor key or modal or something I don't understand. Must ask the musical theory brains of the household. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Kim C Date: 20 Mar 08 - 01:46 PM Okay, so I'm 3 years late on this, but maybe I'll get extra points for using the search and not starting a new thread. ;-) Anyhow, Mister and I do this song a lot, as apparently it's hugely popular with reenactors. We have the Holding Up the Other Half of the Sky (or whatever it's called) CD, which uses a melody similar to "Her Mantle So Green." So we got to wondering. . . which melody for this song is older? |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: RTim Date: 20 Mar 08 - 02:36 PM It depends what version you mean? I have started singing a version collected in my home county of Hampshire in England, which has a very different tune to that of the more commonly known song, and I believe that this is also being sung by fellow Mudcatter - Brian Peters, and by Paul Sartin; in fact Paul has recorded it with a choir on the re-issue of Folk Songs from Hampshire on Forest Tracks Records. Tim Radford |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: GUEST,Jonny Sunshine Date: 20 Mar 08 - 02:53 PM I'm not proud, I'll sing the Wild Rover if I'm being paid handsomely ;-) Actually I wrote a song where I nicked a couple of lines (for ironic effect), not until afterwards did I realise the tune was pretty similar too. I'm sure there's plenty more versions out there that haven't been done to death yet. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Maryrrf Date: 20 Mar 08 - 03:04 PM It will very likely be requested in pubs and the audience seems to enjoy it. It's a reliable 'crowd pleaser'. We do it when we play in pubs because we're there to please! |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: michaelr Date: 20 Mar 08 - 03:24 PM No, nay, never. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: GUEST,The Mole Catcher's unplugged Apprentice Date: 20 Mar 08 - 03:27 PM Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? no, nay, never, no more!! damn beaten to the punch *LOL* Charlotte (now I can't get the stupid tune out of my head) |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: skarpi Date: 20 Mar 08 - 03:36 PM jabb we still do , in Icelandic , sounds a little diffrent |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Jim Carroll Date: 20 Mar 08 - 03:51 PM Missed this one first time round. For me the song was kicked to death by The Clancy's and all the other singing pullovers, until I came across the one from Pat McCardle, Mary Anne Carolan's brother - beautiful reflective version, far more in keeping withthe sense of the song: Wild roving I'll give over, wild roving no meor. And I ne'er will be called the wild rover no more. Jim Carroll |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: JedMarum Date: 20 Mar 08 - 03:53 PM There are certain songs that generation after generation keeps asking for. Wild Rover is one of them. I play it every time it's requested (within reason) - only in the Pubs, though. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Big Al Whittle Date: 20 Mar 08 - 04:00 PM I still sing it to myself in the breaking hours of dawn, when one is alone with ones innermost feelings. The words of of this young man so far from home and his loved ones never fails move me deeply. Over the yaers I have changed the words slightly. |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: RTim Date: 20 Mar 08 - 05:07 PM The Alternative version text: WILD ROVER. I've been a wild rover for many a long year IÕve spent all my money boys in fine girls and strong beer, So for my part I will lay up my money in store And ItÕs never will I play the wild rover no more. Chorus Wild Rover, Wild Rover, Wild Rover no more, And ItÕs never will I play the Wild Rover no more. I callÕd at some an ale-house I usÕd to resort, The liquor was good, but my money was short: I askÕd them to trust me, but their answer was nay, Such a customer as you, my boy, we can have any day." Then I pulled out my handfuls of money straightway It was only for to try them to hear what theyÕd say, YouÕre welcome kind sir to liquor of the best What I told you before was only in jest." Oh no I replied that never will be, IÕll see you all hanged if I spend one penny; For a man thatÕs got money, he may sing and may roar, But a man thatÕs got none must be turned out of doors. You should see the landlady, at ease in her chair, With her ruffles round her wrist, fine curls in her hair, ItÕs got by our money boys, that you very well know, And for to maintain them - we are fools if we do. ----------------------------------------------- From Henry Lee of Whitchurch - May 1906 (H346) From Frank PurslowÕs Constant Lovers page 109 Verses 3 & 4 based on version via Wiltshire and Alfred Williams. Tim Radford |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego Date: 20 Mar 08 - 05:44 PM "The Wild Rover" "Finnegan's Wake" "The Moonshiner (any one of 'em)" "Brennan on the Moor" "The Wild Colonial Boy" "Rosin the Beau" Any one or all, along with many others, could be considered overdone, hackneyed or stale - on either side of the great pond. But every one, done with integrity and great vigor, and in the right place and time, is still entertaining and valuable - and fun! |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Big Al Whittle Date: 20 Mar 08 - 09:15 PM I went into an alehouse I ordered some rum I said to the lanlady - show us your bum Then in walked the Landlord His name it was Giok He said, buy us a Guiness I'll show you me ..... Then in walked the the barmaid,her name was Annie And now And this song I will bring to a closure About all the perils Of indecent exposure |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Seamus Kennedy Date: 20 Mar 08 - 11:31 PM I find it interesting how a song about temperance has been perverted into a drinking song. Oh well... Seamus |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Big Al Whittle Date: 21 Mar 08 - 05:41 AM 'I find it interesting how a song about temperance has been perverted into a drinking song.' Pervertted......? as Rod steiger said in No Way to Treat a Lady - it doesn't mean you're not a nice person! |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Mr Red Date: 21 Mar 08 - 05:46 AM I have been known to sing the "Wild Shrover" on Pancake Day. I'll get my coat................ |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Jim Carroll Date: 22 Mar 08 - 04:50 AM Guest TJ Agree totally with your sentiments, though I do believe that all too often vigour takes the place of interpretation. Apart from Finnegan's Wake I can think of beautiful versions from source singers, of all the songs you mention. Would add 'Black Velvet Band' and 'Johnny I Hardly Knew You' to the list. Jim Carroll |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Les in Chorlton Date: 22 Mar 08 - 02:34 PM It's not the songs fault, is it? |
Subject: RE: Wild Rover - do folks still sing this song? From: Tim Leaning Date: 22 Mar 08 - 03:34 PM Hey dunno about it getting sung much but havent stopped humming it since I spotted this thread. At least its not the bloody spice girls this time. |
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