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Lyr Req: Allende (Don Lange)


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mdennerly 14 Dec 98 - 02:27 PM
rich r 14 Dec 98 - 02:41 PM
mdennerly 14 Dec 98 - 02:47 PM
skw@ 15 Dec 98 - 02:59 AM
Brian Hoskin 15 Dec 98 - 08:22 AM
skw@ 21 Dec 98 - 09:42 AM
Felipa 16 Jan 99 - 08:53 AM
Joe Offer 04 Jul 07 - 03:00 PM
The Borchester Echo 04 Jul 07 - 04:37 PM
Susanne (skw) 04 Jul 07 - 08:27 PM
GUEST,Art Thieme 07 Jul 07 - 12:04 AM
Susanne (skw) 08 Jul 07 - 03:48 AM
GUEST,Art Thieme 08 Jul 07 - 05:50 PM
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Subject: words wanted :allende
From: mdennerly
Date: 14 Dec 98 - 02:27 PM

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Subject: RE: words wanted :allende
From: rich r
Date: 14 Dec 98 - 02:41 PM

Is this "The White Bones of Allende" by Tom Paxton or something else?

rich r

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Subject: RE: words wanted :allende
From: mdennerly
Date: 14 Dec 98 - 02:47 PM

allende is a song sung by christy moore when he was with moving hearts quite some time ago but i dont have the words.

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Subject: RE: words wanted :allende
From: skw@
Date: 15 Dec 98 - 02:59 AM

I'll bring it in on Thursday if nobody beats me to it. Would you also like extracts from various articles concerning the putsch? There's been a spate of them following Allende's arrest in Britain, of course, so it's quite a few lines to wade through. - Susanne

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Subject: Lyr Add: ALLENDE (Don Lange)
From: Brian Hoskin
Date: 15 Dec 98 - 08:22 AM

Allende - Written by Don Lange

The night hawk flies and the owl cries as we're driving down the road
Listening to the music, on the all night radio show.
The announcer comes on says, "If you've got ideas I'll file the patent for you.
What's an idea that's not in the store, makin' a buck or two?"

We drive to the town but the shutters are down and the night restuarant's closed.
It's the land of the free, they've booze and TV and there's tramps in the telephone booths.
The stars and the trees and the early spring breeze say forget what assassins have done,
Take the good soil in the palm of your hand and wait for tomorrow's sun.

It's a long way from the heartland to Santiago Bay
Where the good doctor lies with blood in his eyes and the bullets read USA.

A truck drivers wife leads a strange life driving down the road
Carrying the goods, all the copper and wood. That's what makes America great.
The dollars like swallows fly to the south, where they know they've something to gain -
Allende is killed - the trucks are rolling again.

The night hawk flies, the owl cries as we're driving down the road.
The full moon reveals the houses and fields where good people do what they're told.
A poet lies with coins in his eyes, there's no one around him to mourn.
Who needs a poet who won't take commands, who'd rather make love than war?

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Subject: RE: words wanted :allende
From: skw@
Date: 21 Dec 98 - 09:42 AM

Thanks, Brian. I did bring the words on Thursday, only to find I was cut off-line ... Some matter of a couple of digits they didn't tell me about.
I brought some notes, though, just in case someone's interested:

[1998:] Pinochet is credited with the Miracle of Chile, the successful experiment in free markets, privatisation, deregulation and union-free economic expansion whose laissez-faire seeds spread from Santiago to Surrey, from Valparaiso to Virginia. [...] Chile can claim economic success. But that is entirely the work of Marxist leader Salvador Allende, who saved his nation, miraculously, a decade after his death. In 1973, the year the general seized power, Chile's unemployment rate was cut by 4.3 per cent. In 1983, after ten years of free-market modernisation, unemployment reached 22 per cent. Real wages declined by 40 per cent under military rule. In 1970, 20 per cent of Chile's population lived in poverty. By 1990, the year 'President' Pinochet left office, the number of destitute people had doubled to 40 per cent. Quite a miracle. [...]
Under the spell [of disciples of Milton Friedman] the General abolished the minimum wage, outlawed union bargaining, privatised the pension system, abolished all taxes on wealth and business profits, slashed public employment, privatised 212 industries and 66 banks and ran a fiscal surplus. [...] After nine years of Chicago-style economics, Chile's industry keeled over and died. [...] Pinochet sold off the state banks at a 40 per cent discount against book value. They fell into the hands of two conglomerate empires, controlled by speculators [who used them to buy] up manufacturers, then leveraged these assets with loans from foreign investors [...]. By 1982, the pyramid financial game was up. [...] Industry shut down, private pensions became worthless, and the currency swooned. Riots and strikes by a population too desperate to fear bullets forced Pinochet to boot out his beloved Chicago experimentalists.
Reluctantly, the General restored the minimum wage and collective bargaining. Having previously decimated the ranks of state employees, he authorised a programme to create 500,000 jobs. Chile was pulled from depression by dull old Keynesian remedies, all Franklin Roosevelt, zero Margaret Thatcher. (The junta even instituted what is today South America's only law restricting the flow of foreign capital.) [...] To save the nation's pension system, Pinochet nationalised banks and industry on a scale unimagined by Salvador Allende [,] offering little or no compensation. While most were eventually reprivatised, the state retained ownership of one industry: copper. [...] Copper has provided between 30 and 70 per cent of the nation's export earnings. This is the hard currency that has built today's Chile. The proceeds of the mines seized from Anaconda and Kennecott in 1973 was Allende's posthumous gift to his nation.
Agribusiness was the second locomotive of the Allende years. According to Professor Arturo Vasquez of Georgetown University, Washington DC, Allende's land reform, the break-up of feudal estates (which Pinochet could not fully reverse), created a new class of productive tiller-owners who, along with corporate and co-operative operators, now bring in a stream of export earnings to rival copper. [...]
Keynes and Marx saved Chile, not Friedman. But the myth of the free-market miracle persists because it serves a quasi-religious function. (Gregory Palast, The Observer, 22 Nov)

More notes can be found at

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From: Felipa
Date: 16 Jan 99 - 08:53 AM

I found the following lyrics in "Winds of Change" (an anonymous publication similar in format to "Rise up Singing")when I was searching for songs for the Victor Jara thread:


Patria de los confines, semilla pan y cobre
Dos de tu tierra virgen, hijos libertadores
Vox indomable de Araucania
Lanza Lautaro un grito en cada amanecer.
[chords- capo up 2/ AmE-Am/F C F C/E Am E Dm Am/Dm Am E Am]

Naciste combativa contra los opresores
Defendida bandera de todos los rincones
Desde los Andes la llamarada
Brilla la independencia viene la libertad.

Es tu historia que avanza a la nueva unidad nos lleva
Chile por ti juramos no habre noche que nos detenga
!La Patria llama! Vamos con ella
Hacia la libertad.
[C G - C/~G - E/E Am - G Am-/B7 E -]

A razon dol obrero se alza en las salitreras
A trasnsformer la vida, a organizar las fuerzas
Grito de alerta Luis Recabarren
La tierra soberana debemos conquistar.

A la aurora extendida marchan los oprimidos
Fue el trabajo de todos y el fruto compartido
Allende !hermano! cantan los pueblos
Tu palabra levanto, tu ejemplo vivira
Jose Seves y Horacio Salinas Recorded on Inti-Illimani 2 Trans: Country of confined, seeed, bread and copper; your virgin soil gives birth to liberators. In the invincible voice of the Arucania (Mapuche 'Indians' of central Chile) and each day dawn is proclaimed by Lautaro (a 16th century Mapuche leader who fought the Spnaish colonialists)/ You were born in combat against oppressors, you defended the flag from all sides. From the andes comes the call - independence shines, liberty comes. Chorus: It is your history that advances, bringing us to a new destiny. Chile, we swear to you, the homeland calls. Let's move with her to liberty./ the conscience of the worker rises in the salt mines - to transform life, organise forces, shout a warning. Luis Recabarren (early 20th century radical leader), we must recover our sovereign land./ the oppressed march to a drawn out dawn. The work of all with fruits shared. Allende, brother - the people sing, your voice has risen. Your example will live on.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Allende (Don Laing)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Jul 07 - 03:00 PM

refresh, just because it's an interesting song. Anybody have a MIDI to send me?
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Allende (Don Laing)
From: The Borchester Echo
Date: 04 Jul 07 - 04:37 PM

I don't have that one but I have lots of Victor Jara songs. A while ago I translated Luchin for someone but can't now find it.

Here's Canto Libre instead:

A               A7                                             A
El verso es una paloma que busca donde anida
estalla y abre sus allas para volar y volar

    A                         E                D         A    E
Mi canto es un canto libre que se quiere regalar
A quien estreche su mano a quien quiere disparar               

                                                            A    E
Mi canto es una cadena sin comienzo ni final

       A                         E                        D      A       E
y en cada eslabón se encuentra el canto de los demás

sigamos cantando juntos
a toda la humanidad
que el canto es una paloma
que vuela para encontrar
estalla y abre sus alas
para volar y volar

My words are a dove
looking for a place to nest
exploding, spreading its wings
to fly and fly and fly

My song is a free song
It wants to give itself
to anyone who holds out a hand
to anyone who wants to shoot.

My song is a chain
without beginning or end
and in every link you'll find
the song of all the other people

Let's go on singing together
to everyone on earth
sing that the song is a dove
flying, reaching out
exploding, spreading its wings
to fly and fly and fly.

(chords are from memory as I've broken 3 strings . . . )

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Allende (Don Laing)
From: Susanne (skw)
Date: 04 Jul 07 - 08:27 PM

Not a MIDI, Joe, just an MD, if that's ok :-).

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Allende (Don Laing)
From: GUEST,Art Thieme
Date: 07 Jul 07 - 12:04 AM

The second line of Don Lange's Allende song is"

"Like it or not it's country or rock on the all night radio shows,"

Not what's posted in yjis thread.

Don, from Iowa, now grows grapes and makes wine in Oregon.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Allende (Don Laing)
From: Susanne (skw)
Date: 08 Jul 07 - 03:48 AM

Art, thanks for giving us the original. The lyrics above are Christy Moore's version.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Allende (Don Laing)
From: GUEST,Art Thieme
Date: 08 Jul 07 - 05:50 PM


Sure. Glad to help a friend.

One more bit; the correct spelling of Don's name is LANGE.

He also wrote one of my favorite songs. "Here's To You Rounders"
I put it on my first LP----with Kicking Mule Records--around 1977.

Chorus was/is:

Here's to you rounders and here's to you railroad bums
Here's hoping that you make it home soon,
Here's to the women who married for love
And lived with the man in the moon.

I'm sure it's in the D.T.


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