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Lyr Req/Add: So Strong (by Labi Siffre)

Charlie 16 Feb 99 - 12:50 PM
KingBrilliant 17 Feb 99 - 06:52 AM
KingBrilliant 17 Feb 99 - 07:20 AM
Charlie 17 Feb 99 - 12:09 PM
GUEST,Bflat 13 Aug 08 - 03:14 PM
Rasener 13 Aug 08 - 04:06 PM
Betsy 13 Aug 08 - 06:01 PM
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From: Charlie
Date: 16 Feb 99 - 12:50 PM

Does anyone know where I can find guitar chords/notes, lyrics and MIDI for the song "SO STRONG" by Labi Siffre? Any assistance is surely appreciated. Thanks!

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From: KingBrilliant
Date: 17 Feb 99 - 06:52 AM

This is one of my all-time favourite songs - and I have heard him sing it live several times. Excellent. Every time I hear it I try to remember a bit more of it, but I'm afraid my memory's full of holes...

As far as I remember : (not necessarily in this order)

The higher you build your barriers The higher I shall climb The further you take my rights away The further I shall run

You can deny me You can decide to take my rights away No matter

There's something inside so strong I know that I can make it Tho you're doing me wrong so wrong You thought that my pride was gone, oh no There's something in side so strong.

The .... .... You hide behind walls of Jericho Your lies will come tumbling .....

turn your face away ..

brothers and sisters when they insist we're just not good enough ....

we'll look them in the eye and say We're gonna do it anyway We're gonna do it anyway

There's somethin inside so strong etc etc.

Hopefully someone else will fill in the blanks - or give us the full & proper version (hope).


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From: KingBrilliant
Date: 17 Feb 99 - 07:20 AM

Further investigation reveals

So Strong
(Labi Siffre)

The higher you build your barriers,
The taller I become.
The farther you take my rights away,
The faster I will run.
You can deny me,
You can decide to turn your face away.
No matter 'cause there's
Something inside so strong,
I know that I can make it,
Tho' you're doin' me wrong, so wrong.
You thought that my pride was gone.
Oh no. There's something inside so strong.

The more you refuse to hear my voice,
The louder I will sing.
The more you refuse the things I need,
The more I want everything!
Deny my place in time,
You squander wealth that's mine.
My Light will shine so brightly it will blind you.
Something inside so strong.
I know that I can make it,
Tho' you're doin' me wrong, so wrong.
You thought that my pride was gone.
Oh no. There's something inside so strong.

Brothers and sisters,
When they insist we're just not good enough,
What do we do then?
We'll look 'em in the eyes and say,
"We're gonna do it anyway."
Cause there's something inside so strong.
I know that I can make it,
Tho' you're doin' me wrong, so wrong.
You thought that my pride was gone.
Oh no. There's something inside so strong.

Now we just need the chords...

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From: Charlie
Date: 17 Feb 99 - 12:09 PM

Thanks KingBrillant! I really envy you for seeing Labi Siffre's live performance - I'm sure it was a thrill! Thanks for all your help!

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From: GUEST,Bflat
Date: 13 Aug 08 - 03:14 PM

CF CF Am A# Dm G G7

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From: Rasener
Date: 13 Aug 08 - 04:06 PM

Something Inside so Strong by Labi Siffre

The Doonans do a brilliant version of that. I have seen them do that live twice.

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From: Betsy
Date: 13 Aug 08 - 06:01 PM

How right you are Villan (got your name right eventually) about the Doonans - a fabulous group of people.
I warmed-up for him at a couple of gigs at the Kloppertje (door knocker) in Amsterdam a Folk cafe/club run by Anne Marie Brandt ,in the very early seventies - '71 - I suppose.
A lovely performer, but there were (it seems) many great (yet unknown) performers in those days and he deserves ALL the success which has visited him. I think at the time ( this'll get my dates sorted ) he was singing at the time.... Pretty little girl, Pretty little girl in a blue dress , Pretty little girl in a blue dress , make my day ....
Altogether now ....

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