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Stolen bouzouki - Sidmouth Week

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Pete_Standing 14 Aug 06 - 01:14 PM
Sorcha 14 Aug 06 - 04:05 PM
GUEST,Mr Bean 14 Aug 06 - 04:17 PM
Leadfingers 14 Aug 06 - 04:21 PM
s&r 15 Aug 06 - 03:31 AM
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Subject: Stolen bouzouki - Sidmouth Week
From: Pete_Standing
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 01:14 PM

Just seen this on another board posted on behalf of Sam Skey (ran the early evening Ceilidh Projects at Sidmouth & also the sound engineer for The Committee Band):


As some of you may already be aware my bouzouki was stolen from my van on the Sidmouth campsite Fri night (between 20:30 – 22:30).

This is an appeal for people to keep their eyes peeled for my beloved instrument, and spread the word. A brief description follows:

Oakwood 'Original' bouzouki

Serial number: OB106

Cedar top, imbuia back and maple neck.

It also has a Fishman Prefix pickup and EQ installed.

It was in a black, fabric, soft, banjo case.

Many thanks

Sam Skey

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Subject: RE: Stolen bouzouki - Sidmouth Week
From: Sorcha
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 04:05 PM

More bastards......

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Subject: RE: Stolen bouzouki - Sidmouth Week
From: GUEST,Mr Bean
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 04:17 PM

No swearing on this site Sorcha.Especially from you.
Mr Bean

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Subject: RE: Stolen bouzouki - Sidmouth Week
From: Leadfingers
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 04:21 PM

AND from the Official Campsite !! I always thought we could trust MOST folkies !!

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Subject: RE: Stolen bouzouki - Sidmouth Week
From: s&r
Date: 15 Aug 06 - 03:31 AM

An exract from a note by Steve Heap to Festival Organisers

"'Tent robbers buy tickets too'

A message for all festival organisers in particular those with
campsites. It has been brought to our attention that sadly this season and from what we hear part of last season, has been blighted by a series of robberies from tents. We understand that this is being conducted by> a professional gang who actually buy season tickets for the event, get themselves onto the campsite and then when everyone else is enjoying the music, raid their way through a series of tents.

So far the evidence is that they hit the tents on the first night,
Thursday or Friday in most cases, when tents are full of the cash that has been brought for the weekend. Police forces in various counties are aware and are in hot pursuit, but to date it has been very difficult to catch and prove anything. Mostly we understand because these are season ticket holders who simply claim if discovered that they have accidentally walked into the wrong tent. Even security companies are finding it difficult to apprehend them.

There is very little we can offer other than you as the organiser must make the decision as to whether you should inform your ticket holders from the stage - hopefully without causing alarm and panic, and be vigilant. Clearly discussions amongst your stewards and your security companies will be needed.

We understand Larmer Tree was hit last year; WOMAD has been this year along with some other smaller events. This is not big event, little event, this is about opportunity. Obviously we hope it doesn't happen to you but do be aware and be vigilant. Should sadly anything of this nature occur, please report it to FolkArts England/AFO office, as we want to try and keep on top of the problem - and warn your colleagues."


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