Subject: Stolen banjo From: GUEST Date: 15 Sep 06 - 06:19 AM From a police press release:
Subject: RE: Stolen banjo From: BanjoRay Date: 15 Sep 06 - 06:27 AM Sounds like a zither banjo. It'll probably have a guitar-like slotted peghead with 6 pegs, only 5 of which are used. I wonder if the cream colour refers to the skin or to the banjo woodwork - cream woodwork sounds a bit unusual. Ray |
Subject: RE: Stolen banjo From: kendall Date: 15 Sep 06 - 07:28 AM Bastards. |
Subject: RE: Stolen banjo From: GUEST Date: 15 Sep 06 - 08:46 AM hope the scum overdose on the proceeds of their crime |
Subject: RE: Stolen banjo From: SINSULL Date: 15 Sep 06 - 09:51 AM Careful Guest. Whatever you send out will come back to you three-fold. Leave the punishment to the law and Fate. Meantime, watch out for the banjo. |
Subject: RE: Stolen banjo From: Tannywheeler Date: 15 Sep 06 - 12:29 PM Omigod--the memories this engenders. While my mother was living in Houston, in between 1980 & '87, she had 2 fab banjos stolen: one when she'd been moving into a new apartment (flat, to the Brits) and had hidden it in a closet under/inside of stuff. Nothing else in the apt. was touched; another out of a locked car trunk (again, nothing else in the car was taken). Both times were at the end of a period of "underemployment" and she hadn't had the wherwithal to insure either one. A friend with a secondhand junk store (named "Texas Junque") took in a junky banjo, called Mama who acquired it and proceeded to insure it to the hilt. She kept it on the back seat of her car, visible to any interested passersby, but the Houston thieves apparently know banjo quality and wouldn't touch it. Hope someone finds the swag and the takers get their lives changed in whatever style will stop them from indulging in any other criminal acts. I believe I'm not aloud to wish anyone ill, so I'll leave it there. Tw |
Subject: RE: Stolen banjo From: Leadfingers Date: 15 Sep 06 - 12:34 PM One thing , there arent a lot of old Windsor Zither banjos around these days ! |
Subject: RE: Stolen banjo From: Tannywheeler Date: 15 Sep 06 - 01:02 PM Should make it easy to spot, right? Tw |
Subject: RE: Stolen banjo From: erinmaidin Date: 16 Sep 06 - 08:11 AM The perpetrators of this crime are obviously disturbed mentally and should be on meds. (listen..I'm sorry...but it was a banjo and I couldn't resist!) I hope the banjo is found and anyone who steals "music" from a person is soulless. |
Subject: RE: Stolen banjo From: chazkratz Date: 16 Sep 06 - 08:37 AM How astute of the police to determine that the burglary was perpetrated by one or more offenders. Charles |
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