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Lyr Req: All of a Row (from Martin Carthy)

GUEST,Jon Boden 25 Sep 06 - 06:53 AM
The Borchester Echo 25 Sep 06 - 07:33 AM
GUEST,granny 25 Sep 06 - 11:52 AM
RTim 25 Sep 06 - 01:17 PM
Jon Boden 25 Sep 06 - 06:58 PM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 25 Sep 06 - 07:30 PM
BB 26 Sep 06 - 06:13 PM
Divis Sweeney 26 Sep 06 - 06:20 PM
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Subject: Lyr Req: All of a row / all in a row
From: GUEST,Jon Boden
Date: 25 Sep 06 - 06:53 AM

... lyrics or any information on the song would be much appreciated. Cheers, Jon

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: All of a row / all in a row
From: The Borchester Echo
Date: 25 Sep 06 - 07:33 AM

Oddly enough, I found this MIDI and downloadable tab only yesterday when searching for something else entirely. It's in the 2nd block, scroll quite a long way down:

As for lyrics, it's on Martin Carthy's Sweet Wivelsfield and I think it's one of those 'seasons go round' sort of songs. It may also be related to the dance of the same name in Playford's English Dancing Master 1651:

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: All of a row / all in a row
From: GUEST,granny
Date: 25 Sep 06 - 11:52 AM

Is this the same song as is on the Lark Rise To Candleford LP/CD?

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Subject: Lyr Add: ALL OF A ROW (from Martin Carthy)
From: RTim
Date: 25 Sep 06 - 01:17 PM


As the harvest comes on and the reaping begins,
The farmer the fruit of the earth gathers in.
In mirth let us talk till the season be gone,
And at night give a holler till it's all of a row,
Till it's all of a row,
At night give a holler till it's all of a row.

Then early next morning our hooks we do grind,
Away to the cornfield to reap and to bind.
Our foreman looks back and he sees 'em behind,
And he gives a loud hallo, bring it all well behind,
Bring it all well behind.
He gives a loud hallo, bring it all well behind.

Oh then says our foreman, behind and before,
We will have a fresh wet and a half a pint more.
So, my jolly boys, to the end we will go,
To the end we will go till it's all of a row,
Till it's all of a row,
To the end we will go till it's all of a row.

When the night it comes on, to the farm we will steer,
To partake a good supper and to drink a strong beer,
In wishing the farmer such blessings in life,
As in drinking a health unto him and his wife,
Unto him and his wife,
As in drinking a health unto him and his wife.

Our wheat's all in; oats and barley abound.
Here's success to the farmer who ploughs through the ground.
As to this wheat stubble, it to turnips we'll sow,
And so we'll continue till it's all of a row,
Till it's all of a row,
And so we'll continue till it's all of a row.

I sang this in the Banbury production of Larkrise - 1982 -
I was Bommer, the King of the Mower.

Tim Radford

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: All of a row / all in a row
From: Jon Boden
Date: 25 Sep 06 - 06:58 PM

Cheers Tim! j

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: All of a row / all in a row
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 25 Sep 06 - 07:30 PM

Context (and words) available as pdf in LARK RISE ACTIVITY PACK FOR SCHOOLS Act 2, scene 4 Men afield The men stop for their lunch break in the fields (right click and Save Target As...).


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Subject: Lyr Add: ALL OF A ROW (trad Cornwall)
From: BB
Date: 26 Sep 06 - 06:13 PM

Cornish version:

Now the corn it is ripe and the harvest begin,
And the corn from the field we will gather it in;
In the morning so early our scythes we will grind,
Then away to the field for to reap and to bind;
In the morning so early our scythes we will grind,
Then away to the field for to reap and to bind.

Oh, how pleasant it is for the foreman to begin;
He looks back with a 'Halloo, boys! Are you all in?'
We're all in,' says the Catchpole, 'Behind and before;
You will have a fresh edge and a sheaf or two more.'

And so we go on through the heat of the day,
Some reaping, some mowing, so merry and so gay;
We will reap and we'll mow, and our skill we will show,
And so we'll continue till it's all of a row.

Now the wheat is all cut, and the barley is all bound;
We will load up our waggon, and we'll clear out the ground;
Then it's back to the farmyard a whistling we'll go
To tie down the rick and to make a corn mow.

Now our day's work is done; to the farmhouse we'll steer
To eat of our supper and to drink some brown beer;
We will drink a good health to the farmer and his wife;
Here's prosperity be with them all the days of their life.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: All of a row / all in a row
From: Divis Sweeney
Date: 26 Sep 06 - 06:20 PM

The title brings to mind a simliar title of a song by Joe Walsh, saw him do it in Belfast some years back, Pretty Maids All In A Row.

Hi there, how are ya? It's been a long time.
Seems like we've come a long way.
My, but we learn so slow
and heroes they come and they go
and leave us behind as if we re's pposed to know why.
Why do we give up our hearts to the past?
And why must we grow up so fast?

And all you wishing well fools with your fortunes,
someone should send you a rose
with love from a friend. It's nice to hear from you again.
And the storybook comes to a close.
Gone are the ribbons and bows.
Things to remember, places to go,
pretty maids all in a row.

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