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Don Ross: gear stolen in Montreal

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Jeremiah McCaw 25 Oct 06 - 09:58 PM
bbc 25 Oct 06 - 10:11 PM
Mooh 26 Oct 06 - 12:31 AM
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Subject: Don Ross: gear stolen in Montreal
From: Jeremiah McCaw
Date: 25 Oct 06 - 09:58 PM

Stolen Gear Alert

October 25, 2006
Musicians Don Ross & Brooke Miller have had gear stolen from them.
The guitars are quite distictive & will be hard for the thieves to fence.

From Don Ross:

Hi everyone,

Brooke Miller and I were victims of a van break-in last night in Montreal. We were on our way home from a really great tour on Canada's east coast and decided to stop for an hour in Montreal and have some dinner. We were only a short distance from the vehicle and only for a short time, but it was evidently enough time for thieves to break into the van and steal many valuable things. Please keep an eye out for these items. The guitars that were stolen are custom instruments and difficult to pawn off, but they may show up on eBay or other online auction sites. We will offer a reward for the return of anything we've lost, no questions asked.

Please forward this information to any online forums that may prove helpful. Thanks.

Here's the list:

*GUITAR: Michael Greenfield custom G2 steel-string acoustic guitar, serial number 093, belonging to Brooke Miller. Spruce top, rosewood back and sides. Lower case "g" on the headstock. Beveled armrest, no cutaway. K&K mic/pickup system installed (microphone visible in soundhole). Was in white Calton case with a small plaque inscribed: "Greenfield Guitars, Montreal, Canada. 514-499-1352."

*GUITAR: Marc Beneteau custom long-scale steel-string acoustic guitar, serial number 130105, belonging to Don Ross. Spruce top, cocobolo back and sides. Upper case "B" on the headstock. Beveled armrest, no cutaway. K&K mic/pickup system installed (microphone visible in soundhole). Was in black soft gig bag with "Ring Music, Toronto" printed on the side.

*COMPUTER: Apple Macintosh 15" PowerBook G4. Serial number W8548NESSWZ, belonging to Don Ross. Silver colour. 1.67 GHz model.

*STAGE GEAR: Countryman E6 wireless headset microphone, beige colour. Sennheiser wireless transmitter & receiver units.

*IPOD: Apple 20 GB iPod, while colour. Inscribed on back: "To Don & Brooke. Many years of happiness together." (or something close to that!).

If you have information about these items, please contact Don Ross at or Brooke Miller at
Our voice mail is 416.520.0092.
You can also contact the Montreal Police, Station 37 at 514.280.0637.

Thanks, everyone!

Don Ross

Brooke Miller

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Subject: RE: Don Ross: gear stolen in Montreal
From: bbc
Date: 25 Oct 06 - 10:11 PM

Sorry to hear about this. I found out the hard way that car break-ins are very common in Montreal. I was staying at a youth hostel for a dance weekend & had left most of my luggage & all my money & id in the car. The night before we were going home, the car was broken into & everything was taken. I had to drive from Montreal to NY with a broken window, no id, & only key money. Pretty stressful. Best of luck w/ getting the gear back.


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Subject: RE: Don Ross: gear stolen in Montreal
From: Mooh
Date: 26 Oct 06 - 12:31 AM

I wish them all the luck in the world about this.

He's right, those guitars will be hard to unload. I'll keep my ears to the ground though, as you never know about such things...

This truly sucks.

Peace, Mooh.

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