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BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face

17 Mar 07 - 10:46 PM (#1999912)
Subject: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River the gutter...and die?

I'm bettin' it will, eh? I figger not more than 3 or 4 posts and then it falls into flippin' oblivian and is gone. Let's see if I am flippin' right about this!

- Shane

18 Mar 07 - 12:37 AM (#1999948)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Stilly River Sage

This Thread Is Closed.

Let's see if that fools him!

18 Mar 07 - 12:52 AM (#1999949)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Peace

"RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face"

You think it has a choice? (With thanks to Don Firth.)

18 Mar 07 - 06:46 AM (#2000039)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: gnu

Yup, I'd say four posts, tops.

18 Mar 07 - 06:48 AM (#2000041)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: number 6

The original Flat Earth Society (the Canadian one) was formed in 1970 by some of the world's greatest minds (notably Alden Nowlan) ... and these minds resided in the lowly Canadian province of New Brunswick (Canada).

"Administrative history: The Flat Earth Society of Canada was organized at Fredericton, N.B. on 8 November 1970 by Leo Ferrari, Raymond Fraser, and Alden Nowlan. According to them, a prevailing problem of the new technological age was the willingness of people to accept theories "on blind faith and to reject the evidence of their own senses." To promote critical thinking, the society chose to dispute one thing that "scientific Western civilization" considers indisputable -- namely, that the earth is round. The organization, therefore, set as its primary aims: "to combat the fallacious deification of the circle," "to restore man's confidence in the validity of his own perceptions", and "to spearhead man's escape from his metaphysical and geometrical prison." "The earth is flat; any fool can see that" was adopted as the society's principal motto."

... excerpt from


18 Mar 07 - 09:43 AM (#2000146)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Lox

I heard it as sharp ...

What about the flat singing voice society? ...

18 Mar 07 - 09:54 AM (#2000153)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Leadfingers

NO !!

18 Mar 07 - 10:41 AM (#2000173)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

See? What did I tell you, eh? It's fallen flippin' flat!

18 Mar 07 - 10:52 AM (#2000182)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Bill D

Fortuitously flat...flagrantly flat....flat as a flatulent flounder...

18 Mar 07 - 11:45 AM (#2000228)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Ebbie

Maybe 10.

By the way, would someone clue Blind Drunk in about the proper use of apostrophes?

18 Mar 07 - 12:40 PM (#2000262)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

What the flip are you talkin' about?

- Shane

18 Mar 07 - 12:59 PM (#2000274)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Little Hawk

The word "its" does not carry an apostrophe when it's a possessive, Shane. Any well-read person knows that, eh? ;-) (or at least they should)

18 Mar 07 - 01:04 PM (#2000279)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Peace

Yeah. Little Hawk's right. It's means two things in English: 'It is' or 'it has'. There is NO OTHER USE. So watch what you do with those apo'strophe's'.

18 Mar 07 - 01:15 PM (#2000291)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: GUEST,Canadienne

unless you're a greengrocer of course :)

18 Mar 07 - 02:14 PM (#2000354)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Rapparee

SheeIT, even the Legionares and Legionettes know that. They must be awful ignorant in Blind River, or at least SOME of them.

18 Mar 07 - 02:42 PM (#2000381)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Peace

For you, Shane.

18 Mar 07 - 03:31 PM (#2000433)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Ebbie

Hey, let's not all pile on Blind Drunk. It could drive him to drink.

18 Mar 07 - 03:32 PM (#2000435)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Peace

He'll thank us for that!

18 Mar 07 - 04:55 PM (#2000503)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

Yeah ...right. Ask me if I flippin' care. Go ahead. Ask me. Youse all think yer so flippin' smart, don't youse? Yer a buncha flippin' retreads! Who gets the girls, eh? Who is the coolest? Not you. No flippin' way! You don't get no girls by goin' on about flippin' apolostrophees, eh? Does Ozzie Osbourne worry about where he puts his flippin' polostrophees? Does Don Cherry? Do Ricky and Julian? I don't think so. Buncha flippin' NERDS... Go get a job in the liberry or somethin'.

- Shane

18 Mar 07 - 05:04 PM (#2000508)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Peace

He needs a drink. He's starting to make sense.

18 Mar 07 - 05:07 PM (#2000512)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Rapparee

Guess again, "Shane." If you really are who you say you are and you're not whoever it is on that icebreaker heading for the Boothia Peninsula or someplace.

I know Ozzie and I know Don Cherry (he's a singer and golfer, right?) but who are Ricky and Julian? Some gay singing duet?

18 Mar 07 - 05:24 PM (#2000531)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Peace

Ricky an Julian are Shane's hair dressers. The moonlight as the "Trailer Park Boys." It's a TV show with outstanding scripts, tremendous drama and great visual art. (It's Shane's favourite show--other than whatever's on the XXXX channels, so having the show be filled with art is, of course, a necessity. That or nude women.

18 Mar 07 - 05:26 PM (#2000532)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Rapparee

Sort of a "Gay Eye For The Deucedly Queer Boy", huh?

18 Mar 07 - 05:26 PM (#2000533)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Peace


18 Mar 07 - 07:27 PM (#2000620)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Bill D

famously and flamboyantly flat!

18 Mar 07 - 08:48 PM (#2000686)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Ebbie

Settle down, Shane. I don't even want the girls. Try something else to impress.

18 Mar 07 - 08:52 PM (#2000690)
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread fall flat on it's face
From: Amergin

Quote: other than whatever's on the XXXX channels,

So in Canadia there are channels dedicated to Australian beer?