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BS: The Barking Cams of England

04 Apr 07 - 11:45 AM (#2016198)
Subject: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: Amos

Cameras to give orders
April 05, 2007 12:00am
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TALKING closed-circuit television cameras across England will soon bark orders at vandals, litterbugs and others being anti-social in communities.

The 20 speaking "big brother" cameras will cost about $1.2 million.
Critics say the cameras are a ridiculous example of excessive government intrusion into everyday life.

"Apart from being absurd, I think it's rather sad that we should have faceless cameras barking at us," opponent Steve Hill told the BBC.

"On orders from who? Who sets these cameras up?" Mr Hill asked.

Home Secretary John Reid, however, told the BBC the scheme was aimed at "the small minority" who "litter our streets, vandalise our communities and damage our properties".

In a bizarre twist on the nanny state, some of the voices telling off the startled miscreants will belong to children.

Mr Reid said schools in many of the cameras' areas were holding competitions to choose which children would be the voice of the cameras.

"By funding and supporting these local schemes, the Government is encouraging children to send this clear message to grown-ups: act anti-socially and you will face the shame of being publicly embarrassed," he said.

"We all pay council tax so, in the end, we all pay when our communities are disrespected -- both in our pockets as well as in our daily lives."

The cameras are already being used in the northeast town of Middlesbrough where misbehavers risk copping an earful via a loudspeaker.

Staff in a control centre monitor 12 talking cameras and can communicate directly with people on the street.

Local councillor Barry Coppinger told the BBC the scheme had prevented fights and criminal damage, as well as reducing littering.

"Generally, I think it has raised awareness that the town centre is a safe place to visit and also that we are keeping an eye open to make sure it is safe," Cr Coppinger said.

There are about 4.2 million CCTV cameras in Britain.

A recent study by the Government's privacy watchdog -- the Information Commissioner -- warned that Britain was fast becoming a "surveillance society".

"Exthkooze me, mithter, but you shouldn't be dwawing on that wall. Thath vewwy badd. I will hafter take your pickshoor...."

Dear gawd, what the world is coming to!!


04 Apr 07 - 01:18 PM (#2016300)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: Rapparee

Oh my God. I accidentally dropped a candy wrapper and this voice came out of nowhere and yelled at me! It said I was a litter lout, a disgrace to my family, my upbringing, my friends, my spouse, my nation, and my planet! I looked and looked but there was nobody around! I knew that They were sending me messages and that's why I wear this aluminium foil hat! But They've found a way to send Their messages through it!

They are coming! They are here! They are going to suck our brains!


04 Apr 07 - 01:54 PM (#2016349)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: jeffp

Next, they'll be using satellites to make us blink with our eyes!

05 Apr 07 - 08:38 AM (#2017144)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England

Oh s**t! It's them alpha waves at it again!

05 Apr 07 - 08:49 AM (#2017154)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: Ron Davies

Sounds like Barry Coppinger may know more what he's talking about than some of the posters on the thread. Hope it works. And if they really have people monitoring the machines, it may. Let's see what happens.

We've seen what the opposite attitude--worship of the individual--does in the US.

05 Apr 07 - 11:13 AM (#2017302)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: GUEST,TechnoPhoebe

They are always trying to use technology to fix society, instead of trying to find out why society is broken in the first place. Instead of trying to understand why we think they aren't worth voting for, they introduce dodgy internet voting. They put up fences at the end of Downing Street instead of wondering why they need to be protected from their own people. Instead of trying to make peace in the world, they try to keep the world chained and impotent.

As long as they can deliver McBurgers and circuses, they will succeed.

05 Apr 07 - 11:58 AM (#2017341)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: GUEST,meself

You have to admit it would a great name for a folkie band, though: "The Barking Cams of England".

05 Apr 07 - 12:03 PM (#2017349)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: Amos

Thay! You thtop that!! That's VEWWY naughty!! I thall take yoah pickshure!! What does "sod off " mean?...what do you mean consenting adults? You ah being mean to me!! Wahhhhhhh! I am goin to TELL on you!!

Come to think of it, it might get interesting being shoved about by toddlers with odd notions of public virtue.


05 Apr 07 - 12:07 PM (#2017351)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: Jean(eanjay)

I don't think children should be used.

05 Apr 07 - 03:56 PM (#2017603)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: Liz the Squeak

Makes you want to get a very big stick and play pinata with them.


05 Apr 07 - 08:40 PM (#2017877)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: McGrath of Harlow

The 20 speaking "big brother" cameras will cost about $1.2 million.

That seems rather a steep price. All you want is someone with time on their hands ready to sit in front of a telly linked into an existing CCTV camera, with a microphone in their hand to tell people off, linked to a loudspeaker. Plenty of Victor Meldrew characters around who'd love nothing better. I can't see how it should cost more than, say, £100 per camera.

06 Apr 07 - 07:04 AM (#2018137)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: Jean(eanjay)

I don't think children should be used. What I meant by this was that I don't agree with using children's voices.

In a bizarre twist on the nanny state, some of the voices telling off the startled miscreants will belong to children.
Mr Reid said schools in many of the cameras' areas were holding competitions to choose which children would be the voice of the cameras.
"By funding and supporting these local schemes, the Government is encouraging children to send this clear message to grown-ups: act anti-socially and you will face the shame of being publicly embarrassed," he said.
We should be encouraging the adults to send clear messages to children about acting anti-socially, not the other way round. Children already have an excess of rights hence the problems with discipline in schools.

06 Apr 07 - 06:44 PM (#2018674)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: JGP(Jo)

yikes...i will remember this when I visit the UK in September..LOL

Thanks for the warning!!!!!!

Instead of "Big Brother" they want us to have "Little Brother"?

06 Apr 07 - 08:20 PM (#2018746)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: GUEST,meself

Remember - keep that finger out of your nose, or you'll be hearing about it!

Wait a minute - that never seems to bother little kids, does it?

07 Apr 07 - 01:13 PM (#2019163)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: Ron Davies

"children used"--they'll probably love telling adults what to do.

And adults can always have influence at home--by their own behavior.

07 Apr 07 - 01:58 PM (#2019191)
Subject: RE: BS: The Barking Cams of England
From: Jean(eanjay)

"children used"--they'll probably love telling adults what to do. They already do!