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Good music store in London or southeast

09 Apr 07 - 10:41 AM (#2020462)
Subject: Good music store in London or southeast

Hi, I will be in London for a few weeks in May and am wondering if anyone of you could advise of music store that have a good selection of folk music in London or the south east. I would be grateful for any info. thanks

09 Apr 07 - 05:54 PM (#2020778)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: McGrath of Harlow

Hobgoblin just off Oxford Street. It is primarily an instrument shop, but with a better selection of folkmusic CDs and such, and books of songs and tunes etc, than you are likely to find anywhere else.   And of course info about anything that is going on.

10 Apr 07 - 03:26 AM (#2021140)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: Little Robyn

Is there still a shop at C#house?
2 Regent's Park Road, if I remember rightly.
I spent lots of time and money there but that was years ago.

10 Apr 07 - 09:40 AM (#2021298)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: Liz the Squeak

Aparently there's one in Romford, recently opened.. ask Manitas, he's seen it.

If you want sheet music, Foyles in Charing Cross Road stock many different varieties.

Charing Cross Rd also has a shop I've seen guitars for sale in, but whether that counts as a music shop I'm not sure!


10 Apr 07 - 01:57 PM (#2021527)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: GUEST,Hootenanny

Cecil Sharp House does not have a shop any longer.

Denmark Street (once Tin Pan Alley) at the top end of Charing Cross Road, is full of music shops most of which it seems all belong to one owner in addition to Ivor Maraints old shop in Rathbone Place, same street as Hobgoblin.

If you are looking for CD's cross Charing Cross Road to Foyles Book shop, upstairs is Ray's Record Shop which grew out of the one time Collett's record shop.


11 Apr 07 - 01:28 PM (#2022358)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: GUEST,Ray

The best mandolin shop in the world - The Acoustic Music Company in Brighton
(No connection other than as a satisfied customer living 300 miles away)

11 Apr 07 - 02:51 PM (#2022449)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: nickp

Hobgoblin's main shop is in Craley - but I guess the central London one has similar stock. As for Denmark St..... yummy!!! but expensive

11 Apr 07 - 03:26 PM (#2022483)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: Herga Kitty

Or, perhaps, Crawley?


(with fond memories of Collett's)

12 Apr 07 - 09:24 AM (#2023085)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: Grab

Instrument-wise, Denmark Street and surrounding area is good, but the Acoustic Centre is also worth checking out. Also Coda Music in Stevenage are good, although they're not really London. Guess it depends whether you're from up north and think of anything south of Birmingham as "south-east", or whether you're from Watford and "south-east" to you means Kent. :-)


12 Apr 07 - 09:38 AM (#2023099)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: GUEST,Observer

Thrift Music Harwich area. google them

12 Apr 07 - 02:22 PM (#2023393)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: GUEST,Noddy

So that'll be Harwich in Suffolk then, many miles from London!

Get a grip, lad/lassie!

12 Apr 07 - 02:41 PM (#2023414)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: Fidjit

Would have thought that London could produce more than ONE folk music shop!

Denmark street is a bit Rock and roll or bluesy (Boosey perhaps?)


13 Apr 07 - 06:47 AM (#2023981)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

Are Kays in Camden Town still open? They used to be great for Irish music. Also Mandy's in Garratt Lane, Wandsworth. The best shop in London used to be Potter's music shop in Richmond but it closed about eight years ago - which isn't much use to you.

I would never spend money in Hobgoblin if I could help it.

13 Apr 07 - 06:57 AM (#2023988)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: Kevin Sheils

"Kays in Camden Town"

Gosh haven't heard that name in years, don't think it's still there. I recall it back in the sixties next to the Church in Arlington Road where I was an altar boy! It may have moved from there.

Ah the memories.

13 Apr 07 - 03:34 PM (#2024450)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: Liz the Squeak

You'd think the sprawling metrolopis would have things like decent folk clubs, good instrument shops and fantastic music emporia....

Where a lot of people gather together, you usually end up with the lowest common denominator prevailing. Unfortunately, in most cases, folk is not the lcd.


13 Apr 07 - 09:24 PM (#2024754)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: Muttley

Just my tuppence worth; Though an Aussie, I was in the UK in late '05 and made a point of hanging around in Bristol until Hobgoblin opened its doors there on the day to buy a beautiful 'Alba' Low Pipe (D) - they were superbly supplied with instruments, CD's and more sheet music and music 'anthologies' in book form than you could poke a mandolin at.

Their Manchester store was, if anything, better.

If those two 'out in the sticks' establishments were that good I should expect the two in London to be so much better - They would be my first stop.

I got onto them via a brilliant folkie and occasional friend Troy Donockley who recommended them highly.

Not sure what Chris B (Born-again Scouser's) grief is with them - - - - - - maybe he's just a poor Toffee's supporter who couldn't possibly know any better!! :-D

Muttley (YNWA)

14 Apr 07 - 04:50 AM (#2024939)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast

Noddy said,

"So that'll be Harwich in Suffolk then, many miles from London!

Get a grip, lad/lassie!"

Sorry to be a pedant but Harwich is in ESSEX. Which in my book puts it in the bracket of London and the SOUTH EAST. Not sure about your definition but hey, was only trying to help someone who didn't say exactly where they were going. But I shall now shut up as you obviously think my contribution was worth zero. Thanks for showing kindness.


14 Apr 07 - 04:51 AM (#2024940)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: GUEST,Observer

the last post to noddy was from me.

sorry again.


14 Apr 07 - 08:58 AM (#2025055)
Subject: RE: Good music store in London or southeast
From: Muttley

Dear Ob

Don't worry about negative comments - maybe noddy didn't see the 'south-east' bit or maybe he thought you might have meant a long way out - i don't even know where Harwich IS!

Keep posting man - every little helps - - - even if it's only to 'eliminate the dross'. All suggestions are gratefully accepted by those who post queries (being a multiple query-poster myself) and if they are NOT helpful; the poster tends to just either ignore them or reply with some variation of "thanks but no thanks".

If others post rebuttals then forget it - the query and suggestion trackway is between the person making the query and the person responding with SOME snippet of information. If another respondant takes issue with your response - treat it like a duck would a summer shower and "let it roll off" after all: If the
original "queryer?", "queriant?" (whatever) has not objected to your suggestion then others don't count.

I always find that even a negative suggestion occasionally helps too!

Keep posting friend
