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BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?

09 Apr 07 - 08:12 PM (#2020897)
Subject: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: GUEST,Pacifist

Isn't it wonderful that the BS section has become somewhat tranquil from what it used to be. Let's embrace it and celebrate the fact logic prevails over everything.

09 Apr 07 - 08:14 PM (#2020901)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Bobert

Bite me!!!

Awww, jus' funnin'...

09 Apr 07 - 08:18 PM (#2020905)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Little Hawk

It doesn't prevail over love or sexual attraction... ;-)

09 Apr 07 - 08:29 PM (#2020914)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: GUEST,Canadienne

Thank heavens for that :)

09 Apr 07 - 08:32 PM (#2020918)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Mickey191

Little Hawk, You are right on the money. It is so peculiar to think that a person can throw logic, good reasoning, intuition and intelligence out the window in regard to matters of the heart. I'm still shaking my head over my romantic faux pas. Ah well, that's life.

Old too soon and smart too late.

09 Apr 07 - 08:36 PM (#2020922)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, me too. What a fool I was... ;-)

09 Apr 07 - 08:40 PM (#2020926)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Hawker

If you miss it I could always bring it back,...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Oh, and by the way guys, STAY ON SUBJECT!!!!!
Cheers Lucy

09 Apr 07 - 08:41 PM (#2020927)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Little Hawk

Sorry, eh?

09 Apr 07 - 09:00 PM (#2020948)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

The hostility is on Spring break. It always calms down a bit this time of year. The sheep and goats are more receptive to romantic advances.

If you want hostility, wait until next February when most of the Northern Hemisphere 'Catters are suffering from such severe cases of cabin fever that the first thing they do when they wake up is kick a puppy.

09 Apr 07 - 09:10 PM (#2020956)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Charley Noble

I always feel more peaceful after a good crucifixion.

Charley Noble

09 Apr 07 - 10:06 PM (#2020995)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Sorcha

It won't last.

09 Apr 07 - 10:06 PM (#2020996)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Amos

Kinda gets a rise outa you, huh?


09 Apr 07 - 10:08 PM (#2021000)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Peace

"If you want hostility, wait until next February when most of the Northern Hemisphere 'Catters are suffering from such severe cases of cabin fever that the first thing they do when they wake up is kick a puppy."

When it's unwhelped.

09 Apr 07 - 10:12 PM (#2021003)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: pdq

you can find one in the newspaper under 'whelped wanted'

09 Apr 07 - 10:52 PM (#2021029)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Rapparee

I've been known to pick a guppy.

09 Apr 07 - 10:56 PM (#2021031)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: pdq

Guppies eat their young. Kinda like Mudcat, eh?

10 Apr 07 - 02:35 AM (#2021126)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Gurney

I think it may have gone to the middle east. Long time passing.

Philosophically, an element of waspishness sometimes added spice to the site, but the serious-minded take too much to heart. I try to fight that side of my nature, sometimes.

10 Apr 07 - 04:53 AM (#2021181)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: MBSLynne

Yeah, I've thought the same. I nearly left Mudcat altogether at one point because you seemed to get nothing but unpleasantness no matter what the topic of conversation, but lately I've participated in long threads and never a bit of nastiness. here's to it!

Love Lynne

10 Apr 07 - 05:45 AM (#2021192)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Georgiansilver

If you get the urge to be hostile....say the following chant repeatedly...starting slowly and building up will eventually end up laughing or at least a little more relaxed...


Try works.

10 Apr 07 - 07:05 AM (#2021212)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: fat B****rd

Good stuff Georgiansilver. Also in case of The Dark Side approaching try saying HAVEAHOTWATERBOTTLELIBBY several times quickly.
Yeah, it does seem fairly pleasant just now. Good.
ATB from easy going and cuddly fB.

10 Apr 07 - 09:47 AM (#2021303)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Liz the Squeak

Is that a chant or did you fart in the bath again?

Guess the trolls are out for mating season... that's why they come back in May and June, all crabby because they didn't get any!


10 Apr 07 - 11:18 AM (#2021393)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: akenaton

I'm still here actually!

10 Apr 07 - 11:44 AM (#2021417)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: akenaton

Thought we should let the weans have a go...... but its wearing a bit thin....Ake

10 Apr 07 - 11:51 AM (#2021420)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Stringsinger

I like the fact the Mudcat is sometimes contradictory and there is some anger. It shows passion. Hostility has to be measured by how it's taken. In a seemingly hostile reaction, there sometimes is a germ of a valid idea. When it gets personal, though, the idea diminishes in value.

I cop to being hostile to some ideas. I react sometimes more than respond. But that's the human nature of a forum that embraces all points of view, something that I value in Mudcat.

When someone utters what I consider to be misleading or nonsensical, I don't see any reason to be "nice" about it. I'd rather explore it for its value.

Frank Hamilton

10 Apr 07 - 12:07 PM (#2021431)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Lonesome EJ

There really aren't, and never have been, very many people who poison the discussion here. Unfortunately it only takes one or two spouting venom and personal attack to change the atmosphere. Such individuals as Martin Gibson and Gargoyle have been missing from the action recently, and I certainly don't miss them.
Honest discussion and heated disagreement have always been present here. What is not needed is personal insult and attacks with the intent to do hurtful damage. I was angry to see on a recent thread that Gargoyle was praised by some as "refreshing" and "honest". Its the equivalent of admiring someone like Ann Coulter or Don Imus for being spontaneous.
Personal responsibility is a necessary attribute for anyone who wants to be accepted and respected as a citizen of the Mudcat Cafe, or the rest of the world.

10 Apr 07 - 12:20 PM (#2021449)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Ebbie

I admit I sometimes get hostile. Sometimes I wish I didn't, sometimes I don't regret it.

10 Apr 07 - 12:48 PM (#2021476)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: John MacKenzie

Are we talking Hoss-tisle, or Hoss-till here, we need to know?

10 Apr 07 - 12:51 PM (#2021479)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: jacqui.c

There's a big difference between diversity of opinion, which can lead to interesting discussion - this thread is a good example - and nasty slanging matches that are basically just about being more unpleasant than the other person.

10 Apr 07 - 01:01 PM (#2021489)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: GUEST,Bob

The forum is a place where not all members are right-wing nuts, or every folksier is a liberal minded weenie. It's a place where everybody hates outsourcing and agrees that for example Saddam was an evil SOB even if we disagree on what has been done with him.

It's where Americans and British of every creed can wrestle one another for the honour of being the person to slit bin Laden's throat. And each of us is willing to admit we that we don't like Michael Barrymore or Graham Norton.

When it comes election time we can get awfully mean, with an unprecedented "us verse them" mentality.

There was plenty of antagonism to go around, largely because of the war in Iraq.
Particularly vengeful on the left, where people appeared bound by their hatred for George Bush and some show their allegiance to Tony Blair.

The hostility is always exacerbated by the way news stories are reported, mainly TV, and some lads and lassies here seem to take it to heart when one of the strong willed members puts their stamp of "I am right, you are wrong" on the thread.

There is nowhere better to go for a good debate than mudcat. In every green room in the country, there is a "liberal" and "conservative" at the ready, who, even if uncomfortable with those labels, are willing to be accepted as such for the sake of getting their points accepted by the other.

Internet politics now caters to the ideologues, the doctrinaire types.
Lost in the screaming is any chance for a reasoned discussion. People at home take their marching orders from links they find to their favour, then parrot what they've read on the thread.

And so it goes.

Against affirmative action? You racist! Unsupportable of the invasion of Iraq? How dare you disrespect the troops! Not for gay marriage? I knew you were a homophobic! Israel was right! the Irish were wrong!

Failure to have a firm and fixed view on any issue is seen as a sign of being uninformed, or worse, weakness. And yet, rarely is any thread as black and white as presented.

Consider the recent threads about John Prescott who shaped modern Britain today. Some agree he's a fine statesman (including myself) others were steadfast in opposition to him as deputy prime minister.   

Don't get me wrong, I'm not going soft in the aftermath of a heated
discussion with some members here. I have decided people are entitled to their views on everything. But I've never promoted myself under banners, and think we could do with a little less labelling and show a little more independence in our posts.

I stood with Blair/Prescott not because of their party affiliation or
ideology, but because I believed both are best suited to win the war on terror and have made this country one to be proud of. But it doesn't mean you can readily assume that they, or anybody else, speaks for me on all issues. No one does.

Good to see logical debate is still alive and kicking, but there will always be the odd member who howlers "I'm not giving an inch".

10 Apr 07 - 02:44 PM (#2021555)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: alanabit

I am certainly glad to see a great deal less spite around here. On a recent issue (that of royalty payments to smaller artists) I was in a minority of one. However, to their credit, my opponents in the argument remained courteous and made their point just as well. That only serves to increase my respect for them. I certainly do not miss the name calling and rudeness.

10 Apr 07 - 02:58 PM (#2021561)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: John Hardly


10 Apr 07 - 03:14 PM (#2021574)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Amos

Oh, yeah?


10 Apr 07 - 03:26 PM (#2021586)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: John Hardly

somehow or the other, my curse (above) went up a percentage point.

10 Apr 07 - 08:34 PM (#2021795)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Azizi

Some people might view this as off-topic, but here goes anyway

I'm not interested in starting an argument, but I need to share an opinion that I believe is held by a number of Black people- the use of 'black' as a referent for something bad, or evil has a cumulative, negative hurtful psycho-social effect on black and brown skinned people and also perhaps more indirectly on people who do not have black and brown skin.

Already on this thread I have read two comments that use black to refer to something bad or evil. Those two examples are "Also in case of The Dark Side approaching and "..rarely is any thread as black and white as presented".

In light of the recent Imus incident, and incident after incident after incident of racist language being used to put down people of color, if we are ever going to eradicate racism, it seems to me that we have to be mindful of what we -perhaps unwittingly-communicate to others. And, it seems to me, that we have to make even seemingly unimportant changes in the words and phrases that we use. Of course, in my opinion, both non-Black people and Black people need to watch and change what words and sayings that are used in everyday conversation.

On one Mudcat thread some time ago, one member [whose name I don't recall but even if I did I wouldn't share it] wrote that he was wary about what to say on threads that I posted to because he felt he had to be pc. I assume that he meant he had to mind that he didn't say anything he felt that I would take exception to.

I'm not interested in being the pc police. However, I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't share perspectives and opinions that matter to me, regardless of whether someone or someones felt that I was being to anal about issues of race, or regardless if an individual or individuals was wary around me or weary of me. I mean no disrespect but I do understand that what I am saying that even if disrespect is not intended, people-including me- have to be careful not to unwittingly cause it.   

But I do have just one more thing to say to the member or members who are wary {or weary} of me-



10 Apr 07 - 08:41 PM (#2021799)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Amos


I love ya, darlin', but I don't think those usages -- which were born in the English language before slavery of Africans by Anglo was even imagined, back in Chaucer's time and before -- should have any racist harmonics to them just because they name a color. It would require that you become so enmeshed in the issues surrounding race that you think of yorself as a color, which you are much more than.   I do nt say this to lessen any of the importance that attaches to issues of race, but to say taht those issues should not be made into absolute importances, which they are not. Our common traits are much more important, and so are our spiritual traits, and our ability to see and think and dream.


10 Apr 07 - 08:45 PM (#2021801)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: catspaw49

Geeziz Amos, what typical redneck honky bullshit............I know because I liked it...............ohmygawd.................

(above is joke)


11 Apr 07 - 01:10 AM (#2021917)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Little Hawk

Azizi, I have to agree with Amos on this one. The use of the term "black" in the contexts you allude to is NOT intended against people of African genetic origion, nor are those people black, they are brown, and the only reason anyone ever called them "black" in the first place was because people don't seem to be able to call something what it is...they have to go to some silly extreme!

Why do I say that? Because white people aren't white! They're sort of pink, more-or-less. Furthermore, Asians aren't yellow, and Amerindians aren't red. We are all various shades of beiges, pinks, and browns, with other subtle overtones mixed in. No one is black, white, yellow, or red...unless he has just fallen in a vat of paint.

It's all so stupid. Are we supposed to curb the use of the word "white" (which can be taken in some contexts to mean pale with fear or illness), or "yellow" (taken by some to mean "cowardly"), or "red" (as in "communist" or "angry"), because those words TOO may offend someone??????

I don't think so. Here's a big reason why "black" is used to describe a bad situation: because darkness is black, that's why. Every spiritual tradition in the world, including the traditions of African people has symbols that equate evil with darkness. It has nothing to do with the color has to do with darkness versus light. We are day creatures. We don't see well in the dark. Our primitive ancestors were very afraid of the darkness when predators roam the land looking for prey, and they waited anxiously for every dawn when the sun would bring light in place of the darkess.

This did not mean they had something against the color black. They didn't. The color black, like all colors, is a completely neutral thing, and remains quite popular in most cultures for clothing, footwear, cars, whatever...

11 Apr 07 - 07:21 AM (#2022030)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: jacqui.c

Amos and LH - just exactly what I was thinking, but you put it so much better.

11 Apr 07 - 07:37 AM (#2022041)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Azizi

Amos, Little Hawk, and jacqui,

I appreciate what you are saying. However, I still believe that it may be helpful for folks here to be aware of the cultural connotations of the word 'black'.

For anyone interested in exploring this subject, there are numerous print resources that discuss the cultural connotations of colors, particularly the colors black and white.

includes a brief exchange of comments regarding this topic.

11 Apr 07 - 08:52 AM (#2022092)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Bee

(Perhaps this post should be in the previous thread)

Azizi, I'm not sure what you're advocating, unless it's to stop using the colour black to describe negatives. If so, I think you're tilting at windmills, since as previously mentioned, the habit relates to the terrors of night and goes way back to the very roots of many cultures.

I'm old enough to have put up posters advertising public speeches by Black Panther members. A protest rhyme of the day, if I remember it correctly was : "Say it long and say it loud, I'm Black and I'm proud." One of the aims of people struggling to eliminate racism was to make blackness (of African roots) a positive, and I think to some extent that has been successful.

Also, the colour black has positive associations; it is associated with dignity and sophistication (black clothing worn by preachers, by fashionable and by respectable women, by wealthy men at fancy events); with fecundity (black soil is fertile); with power (black cars used by dignitaries, etc.).

11 Apr 07 - 09:03 AM (#2022102)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: saulgoldie

Thread drift alert...speaking of whelps, where have all the whelp threads gone? I couldn't find any of them, and I searched back to the beginning.

11 Apr 07 - 09:15 AM (#2022117)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: George Papavgeris

I agree with Bee, Azizi. There are so many "innocent" (of racism) uses of the word "black", even if some have a negative meaning, that make your proposition impractical at best.

a) Backballing someone (ostracising) - to do with the colour of pebbles used to vote someone "out"
b) Having black thoughts (from the mourning connotation of the colour)
c) Beating someone black and blue - from the colour of bruising
d) Shouting till black in the face - from the darker colour of the pre-apoplectic, as the surface bloodvessels fill up
e) Black Sunday (Monday etc) - again, a mourning link
f) Black/dark mood - ditto
g) Blacking out (fainting, or a room) - darkness, lack of light, loss of consciousness
h) Black Sea - from its dark colour
... and so on. None of the above have any racial origin, link or connotation and no sensitivity to them can be reasonably justified. And I emphasise the word "reasonably" here - as in "innocent till proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt".

11 Apr 07 - 10:12 AM (#2022169)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: John MacKenzie

Sorry but this thread is asking where the hostility has gone, not 'Can you see if you can stir up some hostility on an unrelated topic'
Azizi nothing personal, but I am pig sick of all this butchering of the English language in order not to offend people, who on the most part seem remarkably unoffended by the use of words like blackboard.
Please if you wish to bring this subject up again, and I'm sure you will, can you please start a thread about it, or post it in an appropriate thread.
Please note this is not a hostile post ¦¬]

11 Apr 07 - 10:19 AM (#2022178)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: John Hardly

holy shit. This is so absurd that I can't even believe it. There is one and only one reason ANY white person that I know has EVER referred to an "african-america" as "black"....

THEY (the "african-american") demanded it!!!

Now you are bitching because there MAY be a negative connotation to "black"?

Get over it.

We have danced like puppets dangling at the end of this fear-of-racism string for so damn long, doing ANYTHING that the "people-of-color" demanded of us (as regards nomenclature) and this just proves that when color can afford such political power, there will be no pleasing a group.

The fact that we would refer to an "african-american" as an apt racial descriptor shows just how stupid this has gotten to be. There is nothing about dark skin that would lead to a deduction of "american" and there is even little about dark skin that would lead one to conclude "african"........and yet THEY demand it, and we bend over backwards.

11 Apr 07 - 10:38 AM (#2022200)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: George Papavgeris

Speak for yourself, John - I am Greek and have learned from an early age not to bend over backwards. Too dangerous :-)

11 Apr 07 - 10:41 AM (#2022202)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: George Papavgeris

Back to the hostility: I think that the board's moderation has been stepped up a gear or two in the last 6 months, and that must have something to do with it, I am sure; and I, for one, applaud it.

Right - brown nosing over.

11 Apr 07 - 10:42 AM (#2022203)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: George Papavgeris

Ye gods - I won't get a fatwa against me for that last statement, I hope!

11 Apr 07 - 10:45 AM (#2022208)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: John MacKenzie

I'll take soundings George, and maybe we can raise some interest in sending you to Coventry at least.
Coventry's not just Any Town you know!

11 Apr 07 - 10:45 AM (#2022209)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: pdq

What the really want us to do is bend over forwards.

11 Apr 07 - 10:55 AM (#2022216)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: John MacKenzie

Beware of Greeks baring gifts!

11 Apr 07 - 11:06 AM (#2022222)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Jeri

Not having seen any real Greeks bare, all I have to go by is those statues, which, in my opinion, don't seem that gifted. Maybe the models were just cold.

11 Apr 07 - 11:25 AM (#2022244)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: kendall

LOL !!!

11 Apr 07 - 11:34 AM (#2022252)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Big Mick

Way off base here, Azizi. The use of "black" or "dark" means many things in many cultures. My own daughter, whose name is "Ciara" or "Dark One". In the early Irish culture this had more to do with depth of feeling/insightfullness than with color. It did not denote evil/bad in any way.

I have always had reservations about referring to African descended peoples as being black. They are many delightful shades of brown, but not black. I only started using the term because the African descended community wanted it thus. I feel that society has an obligation to correct its ills (such as racism), and if that community expresses its objections to stereotyping and its effects (such as the effects African descended kids) then society has an obligation to correct such legitimate complaints. But we still must evaluate these things. And this term, and its connotations, have nothing to do with (in general) with racism. When a singer describes a black hearted villain, s/he is not making a racist statement. Now, when songs refer to darkies, that is another thing. I can't imagine why the citizens of the State of Florida have put up with this as long as they have.

I certainly mean no offense to you, but these things are honest.


11 Apr 07 - 01:37 PM (#2022372)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Amos

I have seen some Greeks bare, but their gifts were all above the equator.


11 Apr 07 - 02:05 PM (#2022409)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Lonesome EJ

Athena Greek goddeth oneth, Amoth

11 Apr 07 - 02:18 PM (#2022421)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: John MacKenzie

Amos Amoth amat?

11 Apr 07 - 02:55 PM (#2022453)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: catspaw49

Amos Amoth amat

Uh.....I came, I saw Amos nekkid, I tossed lunch?


11 Apr 07 - 03:01 PM (#2022459)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: John MacKenzie

No that's vene vidi venal Spaw.

11 Apr 07 - 03:01 PM (#2022460)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Amos

"I see, I saw, thou Spaw, I spewed" is the more rigorous form, Pat.


11 Apr 07 - 03:03 PM (#2022465)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: John Hardly

A rimmus A writtus Arunt.

11 Apr 07 - 03:36 PM (#2022495)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: George Papavgeris

I know where the hostility went. pdq and I found it, it's in the "water will run out" thread.

11 Apr 07 - 03:41 PM (#2022500)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Little Hawk

Big Mick - "I only started using the term because the African descended community wanted it thus."

Exactly! That is why all of us "white" people back around the late 60s (and ever since) began using the term "black" as a racial designator. We were asked to do that BY "black" people. The African descended community in the USA...or their more vocal spokespersons at any rate...demanded to be called "black" as a point of pride! They wouldn't accept any other word. That's why it's so damned annoying to now be harassed by the children or grandchildren of those people when one innocently uses the word "black" in a multitude of other contexts.

What someone called an African-descended person before the late 60s, if someone was being absolutely polite and fully respectful toward their equality was this: "negro". Then we were told that no, that wasn't good enough. "Negro" had to be replaced with "Black".

The same sort of silly stuff has been raging around for the last hundred years over what to call Amerindians too...and no one can seem to agree on the perfect word. I'm sure that a new word will presently be found, though, since Native North American and First Nations Person are both just a bit too cumbersome to put up with for very long. ;-) I wonder what the new word will be?

11 Apr 07 - 04:04 PM (#2022516)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: pdq

In the early 1960s there were statements like "ah, to be young, black and gifted!"

There were slogans like "black is beautiful!"

There were also groups like the Black Muslims and the Black Panthers. We were told that 'Negro' now considered a slur.

Eventually 'black' was elevated to 'Black', the proper name for a group of people.

So, for the last 40 years or more, Black is the correct term.

It was chosen and accepted by the group in question, something that most groups never had a chance to do.

11 Apr 07 - 05:11 PM (#2022572)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Little Hawk

Correct, and since they themselves freely chose it, it hardly seems fair for them (or their children and grandchildren) to also object to the long-established use of the word black in a great many other unrelated contexts, none of which have anything to do with references to someone's race or skin color.

11 Apr 07 - 05:24 PM (#2022591)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Azizi

pdq, I agree with everything you said in your 04:04 PM post except that "Black" is an informal referent, the formal one being African American. Both are appropriate. Also, the group referent "Negro" is has been retired, and sometimes is used in race as a slur to refer to a Black American {a Black "UnitedStater"} who acts or thinks in subservient, "Uncle Tom" or "Aunt Jemima" ways.


It seems that folks here may have misunderstood what I was trying to say-that words such as 'black' and 'white' sometimes have hidden cultural connotations and that these color references can sometimes have negative consequences.

If you're interested in this subject, there are plenty of print resources out there.

And if it does nothing else, this side bar conversation can serve as an example that Mudcatters can have discussions without hostility.

11 Apr 07 - 05:46 PM (#2022605)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: akenaton

Still floggin' that dead horse Azizi?
Now.....for a bit of real nut crunchin' hostility try

The Scots do it miles better :0)

11 Apr 07 - 05:58 PM (#2022617)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Little Hawk

The formal term "African American" would not apply to European, Asian, Australian, or other world residents who are Black, would it? Would it ever be heard in Latin America (where there are an enormous number of Black people)? No. It looks to me like this is an issue that is only really an issue in the USA...although it slides over the border into Canada some too, mostly because our media is pretty much dominated by stuff from the USA.

11 Apr 07 - 06:18 PM (#2022628)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: GUEST, Ebbie

We have a sizable Black population in the US also that cannot be defined as African. I know a woman from Haiti who is somewhat bemused by it all.

11 Apr 07 - 06:26 PM (#2022631)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: GUEST,Birmingham

In Britain coloured people have certainly good rights. If I went for a job and there was a coloured person also applying and I got the job,they have the right to an appeal on the grounds of equal rights. If they got the job, I have no right to question the appointment. Yes there are very fair rights in balanced Britain.

12 Apr 07 - 08:44 AM (#2023050)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Azizi

For those who may be interested, this morning I posted a comment on another Mudcat that hopefully-clarifies the comments that I made on this thread.

That other Mudcat thread is:

BS: The term Afro American?

I also wrote more on that thread on the subject of group referents and racism.

Best wishes,


12 Apr 07 - 08:46 AM (#2023053)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Azizi


I meant to write-"For those who may be interested, this morning I posted a comment on another Mudcat thread that hopefully-clarifies the comments that I made on this thread".

12 Apr 07 - 08:56 AM (#2023064)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I got so worried about matters of colour, and being PC that I came up with this solution

Scarlet, Lemon, Cerise and Jade,
Tangerine, Purple, Azure,
I think that it's a rainbow, it's a rainbow,
But I'm not quite sure.

I'll get me dreamcoat.
Don T.

12 Apr 07 - 08:57 AM (#2023065)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: jacqui.c

LOL Don.

12 Apr 07 - 10:12 AM (#2023142)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: kendall

I think it's sad that we even need titles. We are all Americans, and where our ancestors came from has little to do with where we are today.

So, to carry it just a bit further, whay am I not called English American?

12 Apr 07 - 11:37 AM (#2023231)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: George Papavgeris

That was in a hostile tone, Guest :-) Ah, let the man be, he tried to bring the thread back to topic once, but nobody listened, so all he's done join'em.

12 Apr 07 - 11:48 AM (#2023235)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: kendall

At least he posted under his name.

12 Apr 07 - 11:54 AM (#2023239)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Peace

There have been three purposefully hostile threads started by 'Guests' lately. So, the hostility is just beneath the surface. It will emerge.

12 Apr 07 - 12:39 PM (#2023274)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Jean(eanjay)

Peace, you're right and you have tried to point it out to us each time.

12 Apr 07 - 02:01 PM (#2023363)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Peace

Hi, eanjay. Hope things are good.

12 Apr 07 - 02:40 PM (#2023413)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: akenaton

Were not the Native Americans dubbed "hostiles" by the Europeans who massacred cheated and almost exterminated them?

Sometimes hostility is the only choice....Ake

12 Apr 07 - 05:55 PM (#2023601)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: Ebbie

Man. We haven't changed much. In Iraq, where our troops are being shot at by all sides of the conflict, it would be simpler and more accurate to just call them 'the hostiles'.

Bring them home.

12 Apr 07 - 06:32 PM (#2023627)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: GUEST,Art Thieme song challenge

Where has all the hostility gone,
Long time passing,


12 Apr 07 - 07:21 PM (#2023654)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: kendall

So much for Bush's "surge".

12 Apr 07 - 10:00 PM (#2023749)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: George Papavgeris

I thought they'd said "Bush's urge"

12 Apr 07 - 10:11 PM (#2023755)
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
From: GUEST,tolerance

"War is over, if you want it War is over now" John Lennon said that I believe. But does it really matter who said it, but just take it as it is.

Quite simple, but true. Then again people just over complicate things.