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BS: Happy thread!

10 Apr 07 - 08:07 PM (#2021780)
Subject: BS: Happy thread!
From: skipy

Far too much bad shit going on out there at the moment, a brother dying, + my new found brother dead, parents passing away, stalled marriage, cancer, Scrump out of the game for a while, Iraq, Iran!
Please use this thread to report happy things, there must be a balance.

10 Apr 07 - 08:22 PM (#2021786)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: catspaw49

I have some very satisfying gas at the moment and I can clear a room in seconds. Additionally, the decibel level and length of poot is impressive.

Makes me happier than a dog shittin' green!


10 Apr 07 - 08:22 PM (#2021787)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Thomas the Rhymer

happy things (cut-n-pasted)

A friend send me this two years ago. It seems this "happy things list" is still working———at least for me on this gloomy afternoon.

1. Falling in love.
2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3. A hot shower.
4. No lines at the supermarket.
5. A special glance.
6. Getting mail.
7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.
8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
11. Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.
12. Chocolate milk shake. (or vanilla!) (or strawberry)
13. A long distance phone call.
14. A bubble bath.
15. Giggling.
16. A good conversation.
17. The beach.
18. Finding a 20 $ note in your coat from last winter.
19. Laughing at yourself.
20. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
21. Running through sprinklers.
22. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
23. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
24. Laughing at an inside joke.
25. Friends.
26. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
27. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
28. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner).
29. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
30. Playing with a new puppy.
31. Having someone play with your hair.
32. Sweet dreams.
33. Hot chocolate.
34. Road trips with friends.
35. Swinging on swings.
36. Wrapping presents under the Christmas tree while eating cookies and drinking your favorite tipple.
37. Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid.
38. Going to a really good concert.
39. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
40. Winning a really competitive game.
41. Making chocolate chip cookies.
42. Having your friends send you home–made cookies.
43. Spending time with close friends.
44. Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends.
45. Holding hands with someone you care about.
46. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
47. Riding the best roller coasters over and over.
48. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.
49. Watching the sunrise.
50. Getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day.


10 Apr 07 - 08:31 PM (#2021793)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: catspaw49

I think that a good fart needs to go in there around 4 or 5 or 6. I mean the mail is mainly bills or trash and those special glances might be from an ax murderer! I'd go with the fart any day......


10 Apr 07 - 08:47 PM (#2021802)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: JennyO

Funny you should say that, Spaw. I've just come back from our National Folk Festival, where there are singing sessions in a concrete stairwell every night - quite a small restricted space, and not the most comfortable, but the acoustics are good.

A guy had just sung a couple of short parodies of our favourite sea shanties, introducing them as "Faux Pas" and was just settling down on the step again, when in the silence he did a very audible rumbling FART. Talk about faux pas - you never saw a guy move so fast to get away from us! Dunno how much satisfaction it gave him, but it sure gave us a good laugh - once we felt it was safe to take a breath!

10 Apr 07 - 08:58 PM (#2021811)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: frogprince

We just saw the first grand-niece on my wife's side. Our little flower girl is a mommy. The little one is (surprise, how unusual) gorgeous.

10 Apr 07 - 09:06 PM (#2021814)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Yo!... Spaw's got priorities... and ...danged if I don't concur...

Ya see... I cut-n-pasted without any editing... and if I had looked it over carefully... I would definitely have omited the ax murderers... ESPECIALLY the happy ones.

The last thing we need on this *certified* 'happy thread' is a bunch of happy ax murderers glancing at us real 'special like'... with perfectly docile and demure digestion.

Heck... compared with them... Spaw...the ol' fart... seems kina nice!

10 Apr 07 - 09:20 PM (#2021822)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Ebbie

Well, the Alaska Folk Festival is on right now and that's alway fun and happy. It began last night and will continue through this coming Sunday. (You can listen live on 7:00 - 11:00 PM, ADT). Saturday and Sunday will be filled with workshops plus the concerts go until 5:00, and then begin again at 7:00. The Carolina Chocolate Drops are the Guest Artists this year- they will do a concert on Thursday night and again on Sunday night, plus numerous workshops on the weekend.

It's always a happy time, with music popping up spontaneously all over the place. This noon someone called me and I went down to a local art shop where a bunch of us played until 4:00.

10 Apr 07 - 09:27 PM (#2021824)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: JennieG

Ebbie I would love to be there! It is probably less dusty than our festival - I have come home with something resembling sinusitis from the dust and straw. Doesn't bode well for the choir gig tomorrow night.


10 Apr 07 - 09:28 PM (#2021825)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: JennieG

Forgot to say that, other than blocked and aching sinuses, I am ecstatically happy, life is good!!


10 Apr 07 - 09:34 PM (#2021830)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Thanx for the link, Ebbie!
Internet radio is so fun!

10 Apr 07 - 09:37 PM (#2021831)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I'm happy to report that I have accepted Moses, the bullfrog who lives in my farm pond (We call him Moses 'cause he lives in the bullrushes.) as my personal savior. I guess I should also post this information on the "Have you changed your religious views?" thread, and maybe start a new thread called "One compelling reason for a frog?"

10 Apr 07 - 09:48 PM (#2021839)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Or, if you stick with your bullfrog for three months or so, and then move on to some other oracle or other...

One compelling frog for a season...

10 Apr 07 - 10:01 PM (#2021844)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: catspaw49

Interesting.......Kinda' reminds me that George Carlin is now praying not to "God" but to Joe Pesci. Says the results are about the same................Keep me posted on the frog huh?

Hey Ebbie.....The Carolina Chocolate Drops are really getting around lately!


11 Apr 07 - 03:39 AM (#2021951)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah Spaw, I agree with you totally there... although I've found that those good old fashioned church pews are far better than any concrete stairwell for amplification purposes.. the whole pew acts like a giant sound box so a good strong fart can be audible right at the back (or the front) of the church.

Had a bishop visiting once... they get their own special chair. The chair in our church at that time was a huge 17th Century thing that looked like a commode - had a big box under the seat for storing hymn books and stuff in. Made the best accoustic sounding box you ever heard! Ever seen a bishop turn as purple as his robes?!


11 Apr 07 - 03:54 AM (#2021954)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Gurney

Our cat does NOT have cancer of the nose.

I finally (after 4 days) managed to tailor and fabricate a remote-control arrangement for my new (Chinese) outboard motor. Now all I have to do is to make it electric-start for my old age!

I believe Dick Francis has written another book, and Zoe Sharp is doing so.

Liz and 'Spaw, do you suffer from library-fart syndrome? As soon as I get in there..... Is it a job-requirement for librarians to have no sense of smell, or do they suffer in 'Silence'

11 Apr 07 - 04:01 AM (#2021959)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Big Al Whittle

If you can do something for someone else - that's a nice feeling.

Its what I really miss about doing gigs in old peoples homes. You could tell you really made a nice difference to their day. I'm a bit crabby since I had to give it up. Still its nice to think I was once the sort of person who did that.

Also a friend of mine is a pro muso - 12 string guitarist and he'd never heard of turbo winders. Since he found out about them - it has cheered him up a lot - making string changing a five minute job.

11 Apr 07 - 05:06 AM (#2021976)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

Gurney - I used to work in a library so it was a fairly routine occurence.. however - book shops in general have me needing the loo, and W H Smiths is my favourite place for 'cruising and losing'... browsing around the shelves, dropping little silent but violent 'messages' around them. The aim is to 'drop' one, move round the shelf unseen and then come back around when some poor unsuspecting schmo has taken your place. You then sniff audibly and glare at the person now standing in the cloud you left behind. The trick is to not 'lose it' and giggle whilst trying to glare the other person into blushing.

It's not clever, it's not funny (for them) but it's cheered up many a boring afternoon for me!


11 Apr 07 - 05:15 AM (#2021979)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

I do have a life outside farting though...

Happy day for me is bright, sunny and nothing specific to do except sew and watch TV.


11 Apr 07 - 05:37 AM (#2021986)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Ruth Archer

I had a marvellous lamb passanda last night from the only takeaway in Grantham that delivers out this far.

Ususally you live in the country and there's one takeaway that delivers, and it's rubbish.

The mutter paneer and tarka dhal were very good, too.

11 Apr 07 - 06:52 AM (#2022015)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: mouldy

One of my dear friends (NOT me!)has a habit of suddenly sidestepping in the street and looking "extremely innocent" from time to time...and she does it in shops too. She's worse when she's been on the Black Sheep and/or pickled onions.

My dear late husband once let a real good'un go in bed on the morning after one of his trips abroad to India. After I had clouted him, he said he had forgotten he wasn't alone in the bed. I didn't know quite how to take that!

My sister in law is married to a consultant gastro-enterologist, and he says there is a lot of good medical sense in "where e'er thee be, let thy wind go free" - he says you can do more harm by constantly holding it in...

Who, apart from the 3 day headache, is remarkably chipper at the moment - and I could just fancy a curry!

11 Apr 07 - 07:06 AM (#2022022)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Ron Davies

Hey Ebbie-- if "a bunch of us played til 4", you better not hide your light under a bushel---and the next time you come to Getaway, we need you to play with us!

11 Apr 07 - 07:37 AM (#2022040)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Bee

I had a moment of supreme happiness this morning, when I recognised the sound I was hearing as a White Throated Sparrow. He's still tuning up, though, not quite got the song right. ;-)

11 Apr 07 - 09:36 AM (#2022140)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: katlaughing

My grandson, Morgan, was able to play on just one string at a time on his teeny-tiny fiddle, yesterday. AND, he used a long, slow bow instead of trying to do some bluegrass breakdown/breakneck speed! I think he's got poe-ten-shul.:-)

11 Apr 07 - 11:30 AM (#2022249)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Catherine Jayne

Even with the problems and depressions of going through a divorce which doesn't seem to be moving, financial difficulties where you're the only one wanting to try and sort it out I've still got plenty to be happy about and smile. Today has been warm and sunny. The long weekend we have just had over here in the UK was glorious, it felt just like the summer. I only have 9 more working days left at work before I start maternity leave, my baby is growing well and I can feel it's a wonderful feeling.

11 Apr 07 - 11:35 AM (#2022255)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Ebbie

Ron, I like playing support. It's being required to sing that terrifies me.

11 Apr 07 - 11:57 AM (#2022272)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: frogprince

Ebbie, I'd gladly take my chances with your singing; it's my singing that terrifies others ! : )

11 Apr 07 - 12:06 PM (#2022282)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Ebbie


11 Apr 07 - 12:16 PM (#2022292)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

There is nothing quite like the feeling of that first poop of the day... unless it's the second.


11 Apr 07 - 12:24 PM (#2022300)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Wesley S

My son Brendan is taking horse riding lessons - and seems to be enjoying them.

12 Apr 07 - 08:43 AM (#2023047)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: mouldy

I've just made my best ever banana loaf!


12 Apr 07 - 03:46 PM (#2023474)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: fat B****rd

I just contacted an old friend, after 33 years, and we had a lovely chat.

13 Apr 07 - 04:03 AM (#2023913)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Gurney

Liz, Liz, you like a bright sunny day so that you can go indoors and do some sewing or watch TV?

How deliciously decadent.

Have you discovered daytime boozing yet? Or is that tending toward sordidly decadent.

13 Apr 07 - 03:58 PM (#2024498)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

Daytime boozing... 24 beers in a case, 24 hours in a day... coincidence? I think not.

If it's bright and sunny I sit in the dining room and sew. It's got a huge window and faces south/south-west, overlooking the garden so I can watch my tits play as well.

When the sun gets too strong, that's when I move into the front room where the TV is. After a while, the sun gets reflected back into the front room from the houses opposite and it's just as bright for sewing there.


13 Apr 07 - 05:33 PM (#2024635)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: terrier

Double joy! I've just finished work for one whole week and the weather forcast is warm and sunny and I've nothing better to do than sit here with a can of Murphy's stout playing Mudcateers.

14 Apr 07 - 06:20 AM (#2024972)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: GUEST,Diva

Gorgeous weather here in the Scottish Borders, I've applied for a job I'd like, not enough hours but it would be a foot in the door. Still miles behind in the dissertation but brain is catching up at last and we are going out tonight enfamille to see the Meatloaf experience..which should be a blast. So all in all happy covers it pretty well

14 Apr 07 - 11:45 AM (#2025201)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!

That is wonderful. Any pictures to share?

14 Apr 07 - 02:38 PM (#2025325)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Phot

Hitting most of the papers last week with my shots was rather cool! On the down side, the Discovery blew it's radiator(£200 ouch!) and to pay for it I had to sell the Triumph(Really bad) But on the up side, Pixie and I had a really, really good meal out last night, and today the sun is shining, we went over to our local and had a couple of quiet beers sitting in the sun and relaxing. To be with the one you love beats it all.

Wassail!!! Chris.

But I might just buy another Triumph next year when I retire from the RN!!.....................................And Fiona WILL be getting a MGf,..........but don't tell her!!

14 Apr 07 - 03:43 PM (#2025359)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

So which shots were yours then Phot??


14 Apr 07 - 07:18 PM (#2025512)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: jacqui.c

The building work we are having done is coming on apace. The day has been Booootiful and I live with two males who I know love me. I'm starting two new crochet projects.

Definitely a happy day.

14 Apr 07 - 07:23 PM (#2025520)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: katlaughing

We actually made it out to the yard to clean it up and mow the grass for the first time this season and it felt SO good to get it done and to be able to actually do some of the mowing myself.

Then I got to take a nap with my grandson, take my daughter shopping while he slept with grandpa to mind him, then came home to the smells of a wonderful supper cooking on the stove. The weather is perfect and the day is Fine!

Godonya, Phot. I'd love to see some of your photos.

Wesley, I second what Sins said!!

14 Apr 07 - 07:29 PM (#2025528)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: kendall

Today I sharpened the blades on my lawn mower. According to the weather report, I should have built a freekin" boat.

14 Apr 07 - 08:10 PM (#2025540)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Phot

All the ones of Arthur Batcholor, hugging his Sister, and the press confrence on the front page of the FT, If I had that shot as a freelancer, I probably would'nt need to work for the next three years! Shame that I should have been filming the whole thing, but my camara went tits ten minutes before the choppers landed, so an ITN cameraman was drafted in to give the pool footage. So I got the shot as my stills kit was at hand. Right place right time, six hour drive, two hours kip, I almost put the works Astra into low earth orbit getting home......................Sixth gear only really works over 90!!

Getting back into the Discovery to go home with a V8 bass line (Thank you Buick!! Your loss our gain!) But the sound when it comes on the cam..................Where did I put those Janspeed headers and pipes....................

Sorry, I seem to have got carried away, But I really wanted to get home to Pixie.....................................And listen to the rare thing in the UK.....A V8................

Wassail!!! Chris

Sorry for the drift

14 Apr 07 - 09:04 PM (#2025565)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Desdemona

Tomorrow is my 43rd birthday; counting my blessings!


14 Apr 07 - 09:55 PM (#2025606)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Donuel

I saw the 3D movie Meet the Robinsons with my 7 year old son. Special polarized glasses and all made stuff leap 60 feet out from the screen.

Sadly Spaw must have been sitting up front and the air conditioning was turned off... so we had to leave halfway through or risk turning blue.

15 Apr 07 - 12:07 PM (#2025970)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Stringsinger

The news is always geared toward depressing drama since that's what sells these days.
The real good news is that there are communities that are reclaiming their country (US) in small but meaningful ways.

I am happy to see protest demonstrations against the war machine and selfish politicians. I am happy to meet new people and find that often good human relations transcend ideologies that divide us.

I am happy to see such a rising interest in making music and not supporting American Idol (which is deteriorating by the episode). I am always happy to learn something new about music.

When my wife and I do our house concerts, we are extremely happy. Whenever and wherever (with some exceptions) we perform together, that's happiness.

I am happy to be around enthusiastic people who are alive and the lights are on upstairs.

I am happy to see that there are folks who have a positive attitude (not Pollyanna) toward living and spread that wherever they are.

I am happy to see a new forsythia or dogwood tree and hear the music of all manners of birdsongs.

I am happy to celebrate birthdays, a most important holiday which honors life.
I would like to see the "happy" threads revived on Mudcat. (ie:April 6, birthdate of Vernon Dalhart).......

I am happy with teaching my new jazz class in a local living room. Jazz is the great democratic expression of music. And it is closely related to folk music.

I am happy for Mudcat because there are a lot of good people here.

Frank Hamilton

15 Apr 07 - 12:19 PM (#2025976)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Bobert

Oh, where to start???

Okay, the P-Vine and I...

(Ah, no one wants to hear about that, Bobert!!!)

Okay, part B...

*We've gotten 2 inches of badly neeeded rain since yesterday...

*I've just gotten booked to open for the "Nighthawks" concert for August 17th to add to my opening for them on July 6th.... Yippee...

*The veggie garden is basically ready to make us a bunch of food...

*Less than 2 years more of George Bush!!! Yippee, part 2...

*I don't owe any more taxes for '06...

*My mom will be back from her wintering in Florida in a couple of weeks...

*There's cold beer in the refrigerator... Yippee, Part 3...

*I just worked out a killer version of "Tobacco Road"...

*Less than 2 more years of Dick Cheney... Yippe, Part 4...

*I've finshed my Sunday mroning vacuuming.... Oh, happiness...

Yeah, thems is a start...

Have a happy one, ya' all...


15 Apr 07 - 04:54 PM (#2026178)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Phot

Just finished cleaning up from the BBQ this afternoon, some good friends round, the kids running round in the garden(Not ours!) Telling Jez(Their Dad) they want a garden railway(My fault) A few glasses of wine, forgetting about work for a few hours..........Life is good.

Wassail!! Chris

If I get rid of the bamboo at the bottom of the garden I think I can put a small country station with passing loop, cattle dock..............................

15 Apr 07 - 07:43 PM (#2026304)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Phot

The boiler has just gone bang, so we have no hot water, or heating.


But Sepphi has just curled up on PoD, and Apollo will probably snuggle in between the two of us, yep, life is still good!

Wassail!! Chris

15 Apr 07 - 09:10 PM (#2026363)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Sandra in Sydney

I'm sitting here listening to George Papavgeris, the washing is done, I'm 2 & a bit months into retirement with a more than adequate income (unlike many Baby Boomer women), weather is cooling down (no more humidity, yah!!!), I have lotsa' good books to read, lotsa' great music to listen to, lotsa' crafts to do, and lotsa' interesting & inspiring folks in my life.


16 Apr 07 - 04:35 AM (#2026527)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

A sunny day in which I can please myself and make another pair of trousers to replace the ones the bottom has fallen out of!

Cloth in the local market for less than £1 a yard (that's about 50cents guys!!) and a new car on the horizon - one with central locking!!

I've not seen a news report for longer than 3 minutes (finally caught those pics Phot!), care not a jot for what William and Kate are doing or not doing, and the toilet isn't blocked.

Happy day indeed.


29 Apr 07 - 08:24 PM (#2039072)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: GUEST,Diva

Got extention for disertation and its taking shape. Better now I've stopped stressing. Have got the hang of the tune for Slaves Lamment, good cos i'm singing it on Saturday!!!! Ohh and got interview for the job I'd like.....well thats a start

29 Apr 07 - 10:10 PM (#2039121)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Joe_F

Hugs yesterday.
Desk clear today.
Date tomorrow.

29 Apr 07 - 10:43 PM (#2039134)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Bert

Happy is a grandson of 20 months who thinks that Bert (he pronounces it Buwut) means Fix It. So if he needs changings he calls Buwut! If he wants out of his play pen he yells Buwut! If his Mom gets angry with him he yells Buwuwt!

And if he wants to see me jump he yells, very loudly, BUWUT!!! I pretend to be surprised and he does it again.

30 Apr 07 - 11:42 AM (#2039496)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: ranger1

I got to spend some time with a good friend who was home from Colorado for a couple of days. Jason is back working, we have the trails cleared at the park, I have the day off and don't have to do anything at all today!

01 May 07 - 08:45 AM (#2040265)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

A blessed day off alone in the house, the garden is blooming in white and purple, my lily of the valley have survived the winter and the cats, I'm wearing the trousers I was making when I last posted and the 4 skirts I had to make are nearly done.

The new car is all I hoped and more, it's big enough that I managed to pick up an antique glass fronted cabinet I was promised in December last year, and have only just managed to get. This now means we don't have to climb over the sofa to get to the gin.

The sun is streaming through the window here, there's the Goon show on Listen again and there's chocolate in the cupboard. Life today could only be better if I had a hairy biker nibbling my toes.


01 May 07 - 08:50 AM (#2040270)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Catherine Jayne

Interesting imagery there Liz me dear!!!!

Today is truly glorious. I've just been for a waddle through the park on my way to the bank to pay bills...even made paying the council tax pleasant!!!

01 May 07 - 11:26 AM (#2040387)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Mickey191

Lines about Love - Enjoy:

Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart. - Unknown

Within you I lose myself
Without you I find myself
Wanting to be lost again.
- Unknown

If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. - Unknown

Love the last one.

01 May 07 - 11:31 AM (#2040389)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Mickey191

Now for something completely different.


A friend who works in supermarket said that the huge freezers will keep a fart fresh, foul & odiferous for 10 hours.

01 May 07 - 02:30 PM (#2040521)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Mickey191

Lest I be asked to present documentation on the freezer's ability to freeze farts; I cannot.

I have never been in a freezer and .....

I have never farted!

02 May 07 - 01:08 AM (#2040926)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Bert

Nice one 191.

02 May 07 - 02:05 AM (#2040945)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Mickey191

Thanks Bert,

Which one? The {{Freezer}} or the **Poems**

Wise Words:

When all the trees have been cut down,
When all the animals have been hunted,
When all the waters are polluted,
When all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.

Cree Prophecy
"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather    openings where our loved ones shine down to let us    know they are happy."             Indian Wisdom

02 May 07 - 02:22 AM (#2040951)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Metchosin

Whoopdeedoo! My most recent bout with palindromic rheumatism seems to be going away. I'm in relatively little pain this evening for the first time in over a week. What a relief!

02 May 07 - 05:34 AM (#2041047)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: GUEST,Crystal (can't be bothered to reset the cook

I got a result!
And not just a piddling little result which requires more stuff to back it up with either. No a REAL SOLID HONEST TO GOODNESS RESULT!!!
If I can find two more just like it then that is a real solid paper I can write about it, or a practice paper at least.
I'm a happy bunny now, after two years of nothing working it suddenly looks like stuff could turn out OK after all!

16 May 07 - 03:24 AM (#2053208)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: GUEST,Diva

Dissertation in at last!!!! Viva next week having a few days at home to catch up on normality. Meanwhile managed to celebrate bday and go to a job interview. Am knackered but all in all happy!!!!

16 May 07 - 04:50 AM (#2053249)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

Two reasons to be cheerful today:~

Firstly: My tits are back!!

A few weeks ago I put mixed bird seed in the feeder and since then, not a sight of a tit. Yesterday I put just sunflower seeds in another feeder and suddenly the tits are back!

I managed to get a great closeup view of a very harrassed looking blue tit as she hopped along the windowsill looking for insects in the shrubbery below, a mere 2ft from where I was standing. Had there not been glass in the way, I could have touched her. I see now that they have nested in next door's privet tree and by the sound of it, they've procreated again. The great tits are also nesting nearby so the sunflower seeds are a much needed supplement. Where the coal tits went is anyone's guess, but they're around here somewhere.

And secondly, today should see the arrival of our new garden table, a tasteful wrought iron and wooden thing, big enough to put a meal on. The arrival of this means that I have FINALLY cleared all the crap and rubble from the garden. It's only taken 9 years, 3 spoil heaps, countless rubble sacks, 8 bonfires and 6 parties to do it!

Now I'm off to get the bag of horse manure out of the car before Manitas finds out about it!


16 May 07 - 05:01 AM (#2053257)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

Happy happy happy!!

My table arrived 5 minutes ago so I'm off to play in the garden whilst it's still dry!


16 May 07 - 08:42 AM (#2053365)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: manitas_at_work

I hope you put the tarpaulin down first! While you're fit to lump heavy bags about, how about taking some of that rubbish to the tip!

16 May 07 - 11:51 AM (#2053602)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

What rubbish?

When you finish painting the front door.....


16 May 07 - 01:47 PM (#2053702)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: open mike

i found someone to help do yard work and
the tasks so long ignored have been taken
care of and it is so refreshing to NOT have
weeds choking the rosemary bushes, the iris,
and lavendar and roses and wisteria are all
breathing a sigh of relief too.

vinca (myrtle) is i nice ground cover, but a
MAJOR (vinca major, vinca minor) hassle later@!

plus my children helped get the work done on
sunday, mother's day in the u.s. and they
helped mow, weed, prune and do carpentry jobs!

it's getting better all the time...
better, better, better +* +*

16 May 07 - 03:00 PM (#2053785)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Donuel

Donuel, yer needle's stuck
Nurse, it's time!!!
Don, yer nutso!

Ahhh music to a cartoonist's ears.

16 May 07 - 03:11 PM (#2053799)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: frogprince

In the last couple of weeks, our flower girl (our neice) has become a new mom, and our ring bearer (our nephew from another household) has become a new dad.

16 May 07 - 09:52 PM (#2054140)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: GUEST,Guest squared

Fuel injection allows even the worst maintained cars to start in the morning.

Many cities are becoming pestiside and smoke free.

Kittens and puppies are still cute.

Summer holidays are nearer

Long distance telephone calls are cheaper than they used to be

17 May 07 - 05:07 AM (#2054402)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

Cute is the patchwork calico cat eating his own tail, whilst rotating on a wall that is at most 4 inches wide... he was doing it very carefully, but there was a lovely wide 6ft roof not 2ft from where he was standing...


17 May 07 - 07:17 PM (#2055027)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Rowan

It's raining at last!

17 May 07 - 08:25 PM (#2055061)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: GUEST,Ed

A baby's first smile:))

18 May 07 - 12:59 PM (#2055659)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Diva

Got the job and am thrilled to bits....

18 May 07 - 04:08 PM (#2055827)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!

Lost the job, I'm freeee...........

22 May 07 - 06:09 AM (#2058243)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Catherine Jayne

I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Saturday 19th May. Harry came into the world by emergency c section at 0327 weighing 6lbs 6oz. We're both home and doing well!

22 May 07 - 06:16 AM (#2058245)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Catherine Jayne

I just wanted to say thank you for all the support ( you all know who you are!) with Harry being born early due to complications with my health and various other situations this happy occassion is made even more wonderful with the love and support! The midwife has just visited and given him a clean bill of health. Paul is the doting dad and my parents are being a great help around the house!

22 May 07 - 06:26 AM (#2058251)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: John MacKenzie

Congrats Khatt. Glad you're both well.

22 May 07 - 06:47 AM (#2058255)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: redsnapper

Hi Khatt!

Congratulations to the three of you and hugs!


22 May 07 - 06:54 AM (#2058256)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Tig

Remember - they MEAN don't try lifting things! Otherwise you'll suffer even more later. Glad you are all doing fine.

Love and hugs
Tig, The Badger and Firecat

22 May 07 - 08:11 AM (#2058282)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: rock chick

Lots of love to all three of you, now just relax and enjoy the wonderful sight of such a little miracle, any birth is truly wonderful and totally amazing for any parent to experience.

See you soon.

rc XXX

22 May 07 - 08:57 AM (#2058312)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: fat B****rd

Congratulations and all the best to you all.

22 May 07 - 10:51 AM (#2058376)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!

Congratulations, Khatt. A healthy baby boy! Doesn't Harry deserve his own thread?

22 May 07 - 12:40 PM (#2058438)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: John MacKenzie

♫♪I'm just Wild about Harry ♫♪

22 May 07 - 01:55 PM (#2058503)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: gnu

Congrats Khatt. Glad you're both fine. And, YES!! there should be a separate thread!!!!!

23 May 07 - 10:13 AM (#2059014)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: katlaughing

I am getting a kiln for free!! I've been wanting one for years and finally was planning on being able to buy one this June. Yesterday I ordered a book on enamelling for reference for when I would get the new kiln I wanted. Today I open the paper and there is one for Free with molds and books! Oh, happy day...this is going to be fun!!

23 May 07 - 11:25 AM (#2059068)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!

Does this mean that there will be wonderful treasures appearing in the Mudcat auction?

23 May 07 - 03:19 PM (#2059236)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: GUEST,Diva

23 May 07 - 03:23 PM (#2059240)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: GUEST,Diva

Many congrats to Khatt and Paul. Enjoy parenthood, its really easy when they are wee.

Yesterday I had viva for dissertation and got a better grade than I thought, so am very very very happy. I've got me an MA(Hons)Liberal Arts.....taken a while but got there in the end.....

23 May 07 - 03:39 PM (#2059250)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Micca

Many congratulations Diva, on your sucess it is no more than you deserve

24 May 07 - 03:42 AM (#2059588)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Catherine Jayne

Congrats Kathy! Well done!!

25 May 07 - 06:55 AM (#2060537)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: GUEST,Diva

Many thanks!!! I am still dragging the hobbit off with me..going off to sing at a Literature conference this evening and then me and the wean are heading off to the mammy for a few girly days...ohhh more celebrating

25 May 07 - 09:19 AM (#2060607)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: katlaughing

That's wonderful news, Diva. Congratulations and enjoy your "girly" days!

29 May 07 - 05:27 AM (#2062974)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Catherine Jayne

After only having a baby 10 days ago I have manged to get into my original clothes that I bought just before I found out I was pregnant and I had lost 5 stone! Hopefully I'll drop another dress size running after the little fella before we go to a friends wedding at the beginning of August!

Harry is doing really well and getting lots of Grandma cuddles. It's wonderful to see my mother and Harry together. Last year was a hard year with my mum being diagnosed with breast cancer and going through the various surgeries and treatments. She is completely smitten with her little grandson!

29 May 07 - 05:37 AM (#2062980)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: GUEST,rock chick

Wow! Khatt I can't wait to see the new slimmer you, 5 stone, that's one hell of a lot to lose, you looked great before so now you must look truly fabulous. How wonderful for you mum to see her grandchild you must all be very very proud. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Well done Diva, studying is hard work at the best of times, now you can enjoy the fruits of your hard labour.

lv rc xx

29 May 07 - 09:04 AM (#2063070)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Alba

Hey Sins, you bet there will be some hand flung Treasures in the Auction...***mad Grin*** I have discussed a marketing strategy with Ms Kat and that Kiln will be turning out some very real surprises in the very near future............ smirk

..oh and dear
I am delighted to read your news.. Blessed be and Brightest of Blessings.
Love and Light

Jude (who is a gardening fool at the moment!)

29 May 07 - 09:24 AM (#2063085)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: skipy


29 May 07 - 09:36 AM (#2063095)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Micca

Alba, it is a happiness to see you here and posting again, especially in the worthy cause of congratulating Diva on her success, who is also, by the way, like you, a very fine ballad singer, tho' more in the Scottish Border tradition (you know the kind, lots of blood, high body count) and with a powerful and distinctive voice that I am sure you would enjoy.

29 May 07 - 10:22 AM (#2063122)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: GUEST,Diva

Now know its not worth singing unless there is a high body count!!!! And well done to Rock Chick too!!!

29 May 07 - 10:50 AM (#2063139)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!

Semi- happy here. I am de-crapping the house in anticipation of a yard sale. There are boxes of stuff under beds, in closets, in the eaves, in the shed, in the sun room. When this is over I may have enough money to survive for a year!

Congratulations, Diva.

Word of advice to the kiln users. My niece is a potter but can be slipshod. She once sent me a box of pots - some beautiful, some awful. I couldn't understyand why there was red, sticky paint all over it all. UNTIL, I realized that she had not finished the pot bottoms or covered them with felt. I was bleeding from razor-like cuts all over my hands. SIGH!

31 May 07 - 05:15 PM (#2065224)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: katlaughing

Yikes! I promise not to extract payment in blood, Sins!

10 Jun 07 - 03:19 PM (#2073042)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: katlaughing

We had the first sleepover with our grandson, Morgan, since he and his mom moved out last year. He was on a camp cot next to the bed and did very well. Helped me make pizza last night. This morning I woke to him, reaching out to me and saying, "Mama, let's hold hands." He is a sweetheart.

10 Jun 07 - 04:07 PM (#2073075)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Alba

Told you..:) he is truly a Prince that wee man.

Love and snuggles to Morgan amd his Mama and Grampa.
Brightest Blessings
Jude   (who is not biased in the least when it comes to Morgan..LOL)

10 Jun 07 - 04:30 PM (#2073095)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

I'm an extremely happy bunny today - despite stiff thighs and sore feet, our 6 mile sponsored walk over 8 London bridges has probably raised twice our original target!

My own contribution is very nearly £180, the total around £2,300 - we're very happy, very sore bunnies!


21 Jun 07 - 05:48 AM (#2082902)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Diva

well done Liz!! i now rename this the VERY Happy Thread as I have just got my degree results: I have a 2:1

21 Jun 07 - 06:33 AM (#2082918)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Catherine Jayne

Congratulations Kathy! All the hard work has certainly paid off. Time to relax and celebrate!!


19 Jul 07 - 08:39 AM (#2106711)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Diva

Well I'm officially graduated as of last week..smashing day even the sun came out!!! And best of all i start work next Tuesday, so I think happy covers it pretty well

19 Jul 07 - 08:43 AM (#2106716)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Crystal

Yay Diva! Congratulations.
I'm happy because I have a weekend of reading HP7 to look forward to!

19 Jul 07 - 10:40 AM (#2106800)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Liz the Squeak

I'm not so happy.. I have a frozen shoulder which makes doing even stupidly simple things quite painful.

However, I'm very happy as today is the last day of term and I get to go out and about with Limpit for a few days, enjoying the countryside, seeing new things and re-visiting old places.


19 Jul 07 - 01:05 PM (#2106937)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: Cluin

A happy video.

It's 4 1/2 minutes you won't get back. Just TRY and get that song out of your head. I dare ya!

19 Jul 07 - 01:51 PM (#2106992)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy thread!
From: katlaughing

Cluin, thanks! That's a hell of a health promotion. What cuties. I say "Yatta!"

I am very happy, today. Yesterday we closed on the sale of a house to our daughter. Finances+mom+daughter do NOT mix well. Really relived it is all over!!