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Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007

16 Apr 07 - 04:51 PM (#2027225)
Subject: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: Dave Sutherland

The reviews so far from the national and local press regarding Bob Dylan's current U.K.tour have been uncommonly inspirational.While the usual trite observations have been trotted out; no verbal communication with the audience; his voice is shot etc.,they have virtually all been unanimous (albeit some grudgingly)in declaring that this tour has seen his best performances in years. Certainly at Sheffield on Saturday night he and his band were in terrific form playing a blistering two hour set which was rewarded with a 100% standing ovation. Anyone else who has seen him this time round agree?

16 Apr 07 - 05:06 PM (#2027240)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: GUEST,Ed

I was there Dave.

To hear "My Back Pages" was worth the price and drive by itself.

no verbal communication with the audience

Has he ever done that?

Thought that "It's Alright" was a bit rubbish mind. "Rolling Stone" was splendid

16 Apr 07 - 07:14 PM (#2027340)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: PoppaGator

I've seen The Bob in concert maybe 8 or 10 times, and he rarely says anything except maybe, occasionally, the title of a song.

I think he's learned to accommodate his vocal peculiarities over the years, and has learned how to put across an effective performance every time out. Years ago, I think he was a bit more uneven and unpredictable. Always at least interesting, though, and his band members have always been absolutely top-notch.

I'm curious ~ has he resumed playing guitar, or is he still using the keyboard almost exclusively?.

I last saw him just this time of year, at the New Orleans Jazz Festival, either exactly three or exactly four years ago, and we caught his daytime set outdoors at the Fair Grounds as well as an evening concert at the Municipal Auditorium. Everyone was surprised that he stood behind a little electric piano for the entirety of both shows, picking up a Stratocaster only for one brief encore.

There was no word of explanation, of course, and the consensus opinion was that his hands may have become too arthritic to play much, if any, guitar. If that were true, of course, there's no way he could have resumed playing guitar; if there were some other reason for his choice of instrument, on the other hand, there's a chance he might have switched back by now.

17 Apr 07 - 08:11 PM (#2028388)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: GUEST,Reuben

Hey, I recorded about 3 quaters or half of rolling stone in Sheffield on saturday. I know you werent meant to bring cameras and everything but I just had to get that song recorded live. Im putting it on my youtube site now If any of you are interested?

Do any of you have pictures or videos of that performance, It was truly amazing!

if you do please please email them to me at


17 Apr 07 - 08:59 PM (#2028432)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: Little Hawk

I'm glad to hear that Bob is doing such good shows. I'll be seeing him in July.

18 Apr 07 - 07:33 AM (#2028745)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: GUEST,edthefolkie

I too saw Bob and his band in Sheffield on Saturday. I was a bit worried, never having seen him live before, and expecting the worst, but was absolutely blown away. Both he and especially the band are RED HOT imho.He did play guitar for the first four songs, but used keyboards for the rest. I and my daughter thought he was enjoying himself - certainly he and the band did an encore (consisting of Thunder on the Mountain and All Along The Watchtower)and took a bow afterwards. If you get the chance to see him, GO!

18 Apr 07 - 07:37 AM (#2028749)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: GUEST,Crystal

I saw Bob in Sheffield on Saturday night. The best gig ever, and I have been to many over the years. I was exhilarated by his songs, his band and his obvious enjoyment of all that was lifted up around him. And for the moments he stood at the front of the stage at the end of the concert with all lights up, and for once, taking in the people who have followed him faithfully for years or even four and a half decades, like me........ thanks for a brilliant night Bob

18 Apr 07 - 02:18 PM (#2029115)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007

Bob Dylan, April 17th, Birmingham NIA
The best night of my life. Bringing out 'ballad of Hollis Brown' stroke of genius, and apt when considering contemporary world affairs. I loved everything about the show, how he timed it, how he seemed to be still re-arranging his best loved songs right there on stage. Last few tours he seemed to lose that ability to convey his stream of consciousness on stage, but it came back last night.. and then some.

20 Apr 07 - 02:07 PM (#2031318)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: GUEST,Xfan

I'm puzzled and amazed at the above comments. I was at the Sheffield gig after having waited 40 years to see the guy. I now regret not having waited another 40 years. I walked out after 6 numbers. Couldn't take any more repetition and (to me) exessive high volume.

20 Apr 07 - 02:41 PM (#2031354)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: GUEST,fatsobaldio

saw bob at NIA never seen him before, and was not let down. thought he was in fine form and seemed to really be enjoying himself, bit of chat would have been nice but what the heck the music rocked!

thanks for a memorable night!!!!!

20 Apr 07 - 04:21 PM (#2031429)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: PoppaGator

Dear Xfan:

I suppose if all you know about Bob dates from 40 years ago, you would be disappointed, or at least baffled. What Bob is doing now, and has been doing since about 1965, is NOT really "folk music," at least not by the rather strict definitions embraced by some folks hereabouts. Most of us know that by now ~ those of us who like it and those who don't. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't know what to expect.

As was well documented in the film "Don't Look Back," Bob's fans in the UK were much harsher in their disapproval of his "new direction" back in the mid-60s than were most Americans. Looks like little has changed in the interim.

Back then, during Bob's first tour with the musicians who would later become known as The Band, sound systems were a lot more primitive than they are now. Not only were audiences generally less accustomed to amplified instruments than they are today, the amplification was much cruder than what we hear today, and it's undestandable that many found the sound to be simply incomprehensible. But things have changed since then.

I'm not in England, so I don't have first-hand knowledge of just how the band sounds on the curernt tour, but I'm sure that, just as for all the other 21st-century performances, the sound is clean and clear, even if a bit loud for some tastes, and the musicianship is absolutely fine.

And ~ "Couldn't take any more repetition..." ??!??!?!?! Repetition is the last accusation one would expect to be directed toward the post-Greenwich-Village Dylan. If anything, most fans feel he doesn't repeat himself enough! Seems like he never sings a song the same way twice...

20 Apr 07 - 05:38 PM (#2031476)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: GUEST,Andy

Went to Sheffield last Saturday with my 18 year old son whose comment about the performance was "Awesome" - I think that sums it up! I thought Bob started a bit shaky in the first couple of numbers and the backing was drowning out his voice but they got it together and for us the highlight was Nettie Moore. He improved song by song and the stuff off Modern Times were his best songs as I think they probably suit his voice these days. I've seen Bob a few times and this was the best yet - can't wait for the next time!!

20 Apr 07 - 05:48 PM (#2031481)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: GUEST,Ed


I was at the Sheffield gig after having waited 40 years to see the guy

Why did you wait 40 years? It's hardly the first time that Bob's been in the area....

I walked out after 6 numbers

More fool you. If I'd waited 40 years for something, I'd at least give it a chance....

20 Apr 07 - 06:04 PM (#2031485)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: PoppaGator

Let me retract something I wrote a half-hour ago:

As was well documented in the film "Don't Look Back," Bob's fans in the UK were much harsher in their disapproval of his "new direction" back in the mid-60s than were most Americans. Looks like little has changed in the interim.

That wasn't what I meant to say ~ obviously, the overwhelming majority of the messages posted here have been positive, all from folks in Britain and attending the shows there. Plenty has changed, indeed.

The reaction of the lone dissenter, "xfan" just struck me as reminiscent of the reactions recorded by the Pennebakers in that film so long ago, and ~ fairly or unfairly ~ seemed somehow characteristically British to me. I just don't think that an American would be nearly so likely to spend money on a ticket, and to devote an evening of their time, to attend the concert of an artist of whose current direction they disapprove.

Well, at least xfan left ~ he could have stayed and booed, as so many did 40+ years ago.

20 Apr 07 - 07:24 PM (#2031540)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: Little Hawk

If you don't know the songs well, and you don't know Bob well, and you haven't seen him in the last 40 years, then there's a strong possibility that you would not in the least comprehend what the hell it was all about. I think that may be why Guest Xfan didn't like the show. Sheer unfamiliarity. One has to know something about a game before one enjoys playing it...and the same goes with listening to most music.

21 Apr 07 - 02:02 AM (#2031719)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007

Guys, Xfan didn't say he'd locked himself in a cupboard for 40 years and had just come out - what I understood was he has been a fan all these years but just hadn't physically been to a Dylan concert since 40 years ago.

You can't please everyone all the time - I once walked out on Martin Carthy.

01 Apr 08 - 09:37 AM (#2303174)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: GUEST,number 6

I really don't give a rat's ass how he plays .... it just bob being bob after all these years

got my tickets right here


20 Jul 09 - 01:34 PM (#2683963)
Subject: NYIlYdPjUxRTj
From: GUEST,leonide


20 Jul 09 - 07:23 PM (#2684164)
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan U.K.Tour 2007
From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego

Bob Dylan performed a song last night in a pre-recorded show by the American Film Institute honoring Michael Douglas for his life's work. Of course, Michael is a good deal younger than me, but I have no resentment.

Dylan came on to do a piece he wrote for one of Douglas' movies. It was, on balance, well-received. However, as the camera panned about, you could see quizzical looks on a number of faces. My wife and I could not understand most of the lyrics - not even close. Dylan, with his signature felt hat, sunglasses and enigmatic poker-face, did good work on the guitar, but seemed to mumble the words and didn't really seem to give a rat's ass whether people understood or not.

I have this feeling that Dylan would be much more at home in a small club in front of a few people. His singing and writing is such a personal thing that it seems to get lost on large audiences.