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Saying gidday and a question if I may

18 Apr 07 - 03:11 AM (#2028592)
Subject: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: WildDingo

Okay first Gidday all from the southern west coast of Western Australia!!

Having been sent the link to this site via a very good mate of quite a few years from Georgia USA I thought Id wander in and see whats what
So about me? Im a deadset amature to folk music weather bluegrass or other having years ago played in a rock band in the northwest before marriage kids and that gumph took over my life so Ive been out of the loop for many years now

Recently I got to thinking about learning the banjo and getting into bluegrass style for my own enjoyment, so a year back I bought one Ive since had several bursts at tryin to get with the program as to banjos or bangos as I call them... but blew the 5th string an then even more recently I drilled the left index finger blowing the tendons to hell and gone along with meat and bone... but its slowly comin good now I think although the surgeon reckons I will never be able to play again but I refuse to beleive that so Im back to thinking about learning again

I tend to not so much write songs but rather sing "on the fly" so many songs Ive "written" dont have a permanent status on paper but more a blindingly curious habit of changing depending on the audience... I was wondering and heres the question

If I was to actually finally sit down and write the words and chords to a given established song that Ive changed the words to... what would be acceptable?
For an example after some emails with my mate about a particular song that my family get a heck of a hysterical giggle at which is my take on that old chestnut "Puff the magic dragon" Im wondering how "Poof the wanker dragon" would be recieved here? there is or would be the issue of cultural senstive or cross nationality and lingo understandings of words... for example some words used here to define one thing in the USA define quite another

I dont want to change the habits of a lifetime and actually start writing lyrics down to post here to share (I write enough as it is) if theyre unacceptable, as I said to my mate a lot of what goes into a song to make it humorous is not just the words but the visuals and emphasis one gives when singing them... words on a sheet of paper without the visuals are bland and can often be seen as crass rude or even to some disgusting but when added with visuals and emphasis can often be hysterical

Oh and thats my focus nowadays humorous music... stuff that makes people laugh their heads of its good for the soul in my book

Anyway from the great downunderland CHEERS!

18 Apr 07 - 03:39 AM (#2028615)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: gnomad

Welcome, Shane, from the UK.

I hope you enjoy your time here, and find it helpful as much as I have myself. It sounds as if the finger thing is past healing, so I just wish you well in your efforts to overcome the injury.

As regards your parodies; well attitudes to parodies here are a mixture [as they are to almost anything] some like them, some do not. You can be sure that the better they are the more people will like them, but equally sure that some folks will never be won over. Don't let that put you off.

I gather that some of your lyrics might be viewed as offensive, well obscenity will put some backs up, depends partly on degree, quantity, and how witty [or otherwise] the song is overall. If you have a real penchant for getting beaten-up on line then posting something openly racist or homophobic would probably do the trick, it would also indicate you had found the wrong forum. For a sample of what is around on the rudeness theme try typing @bawdy into the forum search box [pale blue] above, this will tale you to LOTS of links to earlier discussions.

G'day to you too.

18 Apr 07 - 03:43 AM (#2028617)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Jim Lad

"Puff, The Magic Dragon" What could possibly be wrong with taking a children's fantasy song and changing the title to include references to homosexuals and masturbation.
Nothing, I suppose. Just as long as you do not plan on making it available outside of your own household.
If you really are new to Mudcat then let me introduce you to a couple of basic facts.
There are people on board from various parts of the world, not just America. Many of us have lived in various parts of the world and are not inclined to be fooled by statements such as "Some words used here to define one thing in the USA define quite another.". We know exactly what the words mean.
The Australian's who usually sign on here around this time of night are a polite, intelligent bunch who have done much in the way of erasing the old Australian stereotypes and you have did them no great service here.
I have lived in many countries for many years (Including yours) and I can honestly say that your humour wouldn't interest me at all,(no matter what your nationality) although it may be popular among 14 year old boys. Just a bit creepy for a person your age though.
Have you thought about maybe collecting old license plates or car parts as a hobby? Maybe, hub caps"? Something that doesn't involve communicating with others.
Hey! You asked.

18 Apr 07 - 03:57 AM (#2028632)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Sandra in Sydney

Gidday from Sydney!

you'll find lotsa' parodies in the Forum & the Digital Tradition. Mudcat also has an Aussie dictionary

As you say, some songs need to be seen, as well as heard, which is why the National Library videoed Alex Hood with 200 school children in 2000 - they had all his records, but wanted a record of his interaction with the kids.

my 2c. worth


18 Apr 07 - 04:04 AM (#2028639)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: MBSLynne

G'Day from an ex-pat West Australian. Whererabouts on the south coast do you live? May I suggest you try Fairbridge festival if you don't already go there. My sister and her family go every year and it is the thing they look forward to above anything.

Love Lynne

18 Apr 07 - 05:27 AM (#2028690)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: George Papavgeris

G'day from me too. For the record, I don't find words offensive, but attitudes. So any word is OK by me, if it promotes the message to be passed; but some messages I might disagree with. But hey, I'm just one guy and there will be plenty of others to disagree with me in turn. We get into some nice ding-dongs here now and then, though mostly the discussions are reasonably civil. Several of us have met other Mudcatters in our travels, and we tend of course to be more unrestrauined in our use of language with them, given the familiarity.

Some are right wing (US democrats) and some even further right (Republicans), others are Tories, Labourites, Greenies, Anarchists, Liberals or simply couldn'tcarelessers. There are Catholics, CofE, Presbyterians, Orthodox Christians, others espouse the Jewish faith or are Muslims, or Wiccans, or simply non-smokers;-)

Some like songs, others go for tunes. Some like trad, others not. Some write songs, others sing, others just sing along. Some are club or festival organisers, others are touring artists, and probably the majority are of the usual floorsinger or audience persuasion.

And we each have our own definition of folk, airing it vociferously once a quarter or so on some thread or other.

Come in, Shane, the water is lovely!

18 Apr 07 - 07:27 AM (#2028740)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Effsee

Nice one George :-)
Welcome Shane, and G'day too!

18 Apr 07 - 08:30 AM (#2028778)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Leadfingers

Welcome to The Cat , Mate , and as a prveyour of all sorts of parodies myself , good luck - BUT try NOT to offend your audience !!

19 Apr 07 - 11:49 AM (#2030077)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: WildDingo

Well thanks for the welcome... those who did welcome that is

Jim_lad I think your talking out your muffler mate, I dont write on any board in any other manner than which I talk and I do talk Australian as in whats coloquially known as "okker" all the time... so if I say strewth then thats what Im thinking if I say crickey then thats what Im thinking if I say fair dinkum thats how Im thinking... I have no need or interest in "bunging it on" for anyone what I say is what and how I am and I dont use word or any other editor I simply type as I think... dont like it? so what build a bridge and get over it

As to "puff" and the word changes yes I asked the question and thanks for the response, Id say though that from what I gather many people here change the words to many songs and the words I used would seem mind to many while to others they would be offensive... I guess its exactly as I said written words can offend with more ease than singing the words with the vocal and physical emphasis, but then some people and from your words Id assume you would be one of them would find anything offensive... my problem I guess was I asked the question using the title in my introduction probably should have waited awhile to see what people were like before jumping in... ah well such is life

[QUOTE]The Australian's who usually sign on here around this time of night are a polite, intelligent bunch who have done much in the way of erasing the old Australian stereotypes and you have did them no great service here.[/QUOTE]
Is that so? Amazing... since I think most Australians if given a chance would be themselves rather than pretending to be other than what they are... perhaps they choose to use a word editor thing to make their words that theyre thinking more easily understood by a wider cross nationality grouping? people have that choice and good on em... If you think Ive done them a disservice mate then well I think your heads just gone fair up that muffler... I dont think I was impolite in my initial post? I also dont think I showed a lack of intelligence either and as to the "Australian stereotypes" you refer to well I am what I am... believe it or not mate there ARE Australians who actually do live talk and are like Steve Irwin was (except the croc thing some of us dont like crocs... deadly buggars!)... seriously there are... trouble is sport you have to go away from the cities to find them and most people even here cant be bothered and hell its a big country and most times a long way between waterin holes... but we are out there and we do talk as you call a "stereotype" just as I know there are those in the southern states that talk like forest gump or the hillbillys!

Personally Im not here to please you Jim_lad or for that matter anyone else Im here to learn to read and hopefully enjoy the forum as it is and hopefully participate as I can, if I can meet some others with similar interests then Id be happy if not then Id still be happy my life doesnt revolve around making or being made happy on any internet board.

As I said thanks for the welcome to those who did... If this and the first post mean I get tossed from mudcat then so be it... thing was I didnt expect to get insulted for the first post but there you go no worries

Oh and Im down near Bunbury, come from Carnarvon in the northwest but lived and worked all through the north of WA and the territory... and I go to Fairbridge when I can

19 Apr 07 - 11:57 AM (#2030083)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: WildDingo

Oh and Leadfingers? thats what I was trying to avoid by my intro and question
George? thanks for the info!!
Sandra thanks about the dictionary that should make it easier for those trying to understand me when I get on a roll eh? :-)
gnomad your in the UK? So its worldwide? Beauty! thats great I actually thought it was USA based and therefore mostly US contributors!
Cheers again

19 Apr 07 - 12:17 PM (#2030099)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: gnomad

Stick with us, Mate. She'll be right.

I think I got that OK? ;-)

19 Apr 07 - 01:31 PM (#2030157)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: MBSLynne

I used to live in Busselton, so not that far from Bunbury. Have you ever met Susan and Mick Martin (Mad Mick) and their sons Simon and Ryan? They go to Fairbridge every year. The boys have some sort of band type thing but I can't remember what it's called.

Don't worry about being insulted, it's often part of the introduction to Mudcat.

Love Lynne

19 Apr 07 - 01:56 PM (#2030174)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: George Papavgeris

Good on you, WildDingo. My wife is in Murrumbateman, between Canberra and Yass right now, visiting our son and the grandkids (he went and fell in love with an Aussie lass and emigrated at the tender age of 18, salivating all the way; mind you, his lady is a corker and a nice girl too, the boy knew what he was doing, I just miss the beggar rotten). I've been to Sydney and Brisbane and Melbourne and a few places in between but that is all. Hopefully coming over next March for Port Fairy and the National.

I live in the UK, (wife is English, see, it runs in the family to up sticks for a good woman), and so do MBSLynne and Leadfingers. Jim's OK, now, don't you get into a spat you two. He lives in the States I believe, but he can't help that, someone has to:-). He does have a great voice and can turn an Irish tune or two dozen.

I'll never forget the rozellas - A pair visit my son's garden daily. Beutiful birds (crap voices!), I have their picture on my screensaver.

19 Apr 07 - 02:08 PM (#2030183)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Jim Lad

I was too kind!
"Poof the wanker dragon"?!
With actions?
Somebody show this individual how to use spellcheck.

Wild Dingo: A hearty welcome to Mudcat. I hope you find what it is you're looking for. Maybe we can even turn it around for you.

19 Apr 07 - 02:08 PM (#2030184)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: George Papavgeris

And before Jim says anything - I got it wrong, he lives Vancouver way.

19 Apr 07 - 02:23 PM (#2030199)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Jim Lad

"Island", George. Vancouver Island!

19 Apr 07 - 02:32 PM (#2030206)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: George Papavgeris

Must be a posh place then, having two words for a name and all...

19 Apr 07 - 02:42 PM (#2030218)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: MMario

Welcome WildDingo - and yes, mudcat is physically based in the US of A - but we have had posters from all continents - yes, including Antarctica. US/UK/Canandian probably predominates - but we get regulars from all over.

19 Apr 07 - 07:04 PM (#2030510)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: wysiwyg

Welcome to Mudcat. Did you find your personal page yet? :~)


19 Apr 07 - 07:16 PM (#2030521)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Peace

"if I say strewth then thats what Im thinking if I say crickey then thats what Im thinking if I say fair dinkum thats how Im thinking"

That's English, right? Welcome to Mudcat.

19 Apr 07 - 07:20 PM (#2030524)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Sandra in Sydney

Shane there is also a large mob of Ozcatters, you can meet quite a few of them here


19 Apr 07 - 07:31 PM (#2030533)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Jim Lad

"Strewth" from "God's Truth" Scots/Irish.
"Crikey" a harmless replacement for "Christ" English in its origin.
"Fair Dinkum" = "Straight up" pure Ocker.
"Ocker" = Australian Slang.
Trivia. Paul Hogan's first step to stardom was in cigarette commercials. His catch phrase... "Anyhow, Have a Winfield". Such commercials were known as "Ocker Ads."

19 Apr 07 - 07:40 PM (#2030536)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Peace

Good lord!

Well, I live in Canada in the back of Bourke. I hope you and Jim don't get berko with each other. He's a good cobber, and you seem to be also.

19 Apr 07 - 07:54 PM (#2030551)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Sandra in Sydney

no worries, mate


19 Apr 07 - 08:14 PM (#2030572)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Effsee

Jim Lad - "Strewth" from "God's Truth" Scots/Irish.
"Crikey" a harmless replacement for "Christ" English in its origin.
"Fair Dinkum" = "Straight up" pure Ocker.
"Ocker" = Australian Slang.
Trivia. Paul Hogan's first step to stardom was in cigarette commercials. His catch phrase... "Anyhow, Have a Winfield". Such commercials were known as "Ocker Ads."
And your point is what Jim Lad ? Or are you just going to be continuing in your un-welcoming mode to to Shane?
Is Your Scots Calvinistic mode kicking in here?

19 Apr 07 - 08:22 PM (#2030580)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Jim Lad

Actually: I was trying to be helpful in response to someone else's request!
"Is Your Scots Calvinistic mode kicking in here?".... Maybe you can explain that to me. I assure you, there is not one fluid ounce of Scottish blood in my veins.

19 Apr 07 - 10:24 PM (#2030655)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Ironmule

Gidday Shane,,,,

They ain't always like this,,,,,,sometimes they're worse!!

But it's always interesting.

19 Apr 07 - 10:40 PM (#2030664)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Azizi

"for example some words used here to define one thing in the USA define quite another"

Maybe Jim Lad thought you were thinking of that three letter word that starts with the letter "f" and rhymes with "wag". If so, then I agree with him that I wouldn't care for any song to be posted on this public forum with that word in it and used with the meaning that it has in the USA or used in a wannabe witty "I'm just funnin" lyrical lines that are actually code for that American definition.

But as for parodies in general. Yeah, bring them on.

Best wishes,

Azizi, in Pittsburgh, Penn.; USA

20 Apr 07 - 01:16 AM (#2030735)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: WildDingo

Welcome to Mudcat. Did you find your personal page yet? :~)


Personal page??? ahem... no I havent found "my" personal page didnt know I had one :-)

I thank you all for your welcome even Jim_lad albeit I didnt like the initial method he used but perhaps he was a bit "off" at the time? so no worries

Cheers all

Good to see you Jeff ;)

20 Apr 07 - 01:22 AM (#2030736)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Peace

Look at The Mudcat Cafe at the top-left of the page. Just under that you'll see Lyrics and Knowledge, Personal Page, Record Shop, etc. Each of those things are clickable. Click Personal Page and you'll be taken to YOUR VERY OWN PERSONAL Personal Page.

20 Apr 07 - 01:38 AM (#2030738)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: JennieG

G'day and welcome from another Ozzie, I'm in Sydney - there is quite a contingent of us here.

Azizi - you talk of words meaning one thing in the USA and something else entirely in Oztralya - the word "root" for instance. To both of us it means the part of a plant that is underground; and to the USA it also means to cheer for one's team. In Ozzie slang it means the sexual act, or to be very tired, viz: "I've had a hard day, I'm rooted". More comonly used by men than women!


20 Apr 07 - 01:54 AM (#2030747)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: MBSLynne

When I was about 14 I used to buy an American pop magazine. Paul Revere and the Raiders were a popular band at the time and my friends and I had lots of giggles over the fact that they sold badges (or buttons I think they called them) saying "I'm rooting for the Raiders"

Love Lynne

20 Apr 07 - 02:01 AM (#2030749)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Sandra in Sydney

The Engish speaking countries are divided by a common language, said by someone famous once upon a time, & even more true today when lots of the world's citizens speak English as a second or third language

20 Apr 07 - 02:42 AM (#2030757)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: George Papavgeris

Hardly surprising we all want to go back to our roots then!

20 Apr 07 - 03:02 AM (#2030766)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: GUEST,Rowan

And it used to be that, if you said you were "on a good screw", any Australian would know you were getting a good wage. Americans understood the phrase quite differently and many Australians, these days, would interpret it the American way.

As one who uses many "ockerisms" in my routine speech (as well as bung on others for special effect I suspect I've a fair idea of where you're coming from.

Just chuck your swag in the corner and enjoy it all.

Cheers, Rowan
\Thread #100874   Message #2030782
Posted By: Rowan MoonOtter
20-Apr-07 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: Saying gidday and a question if I may
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may

That was all a bit odd. I lose my cookie, resubscribe, find I'm renamed as someone else but theres a preNational message from Bob Bolton about Mudcat badges on it (that I never received; surprise, surprise) try to contact Joe Offer and then find I've returned under my proper name.

Must be gremlins in the machine. And they were probably sent on their way by an alert Mudelf; many thanks.

Anyway, "Welcome" Shane,

Cheers, Rowan

20 Apr 07 - 03:24 AM (#2030777)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Sandra in Sydney

I try to speak Australian - tho I have deliberately adopted one modern American word (yo!) cos it seems to fill a gap & anyway I like it.


20 Apr 07 - 04:01 AM (#2030790)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Zany Mouse

Welcome Shane. I hope you enjoy Mudcat as much as I do.

As to parodies: I used to be a BIG fan but not so much nowadays. I spent some time at Martyn Wyndham-Read's and he is seriously down on parodies with very good reason. Apparently Graeme Miles walked into a room to find someone doing a parody of one of his songs and he vowed he would never write another song (and he hasn't). I must admit this put me off parodies. It's so sad to be robbed of an exceptional songwriter like Graeme Miles.


20 Apr 07 - 05:44 AM (#2030835)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Effsee

Sorry Jim Lad, having visited your website and reading..." in the west of Scotland where I was raised"... I assumed you were a Jock like myself. My apologies.

20 Apr 07 - 06:49 AM (#2030860)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: Mr Happy

Hiya WD!

D'ye know this crowd ?

they often visit uk & stay with fiends

20 Apr 07 - 08:00 AM (#2030915)
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
From: jacqui.c

Welcome to the 'Cathouse Wild Dingo. I hope that you have as much fun here as I do.

I love parodies - if you click on the little blue PM next to my name that will allow you to send a copy of your parody direct to my personal page, if you so wish. It will not be seen by anyone else and I can give you my opinion, based on previous stuff that others have put on the 'Cat, as to whether it would be suitable for inclusion for those that enjoy good parodies.

If you want to find out more about some of the inhabitants of this site go up to the 'Quick Links' box at the top of the page, scroll down to 'Member Photos and Info' and then click 'Go'. If you click onto 'profiles' or 'photos' you can see what some of us look like and a little bit about who we are. You could even add your own pic and bio as well.