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Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)

19 Apr 07 - 09:42 AM (#2029907)
Subject: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble

The report from my family farm on Georgetown Island, Maine, this morning from Mother, after the recent three-day nor'easter, was that a propane truck managed to make it through safely to refill her back-up electrical generator tank. The driver must have been pretty bold, given the tangle of lines that were across the driveway. The lines were probably dead, given the other lines that were already taken down by trees closer to the main road. But there's always some risk of running across downed electrical lines with a propane truck, I imagine. His feat, however, has inspired the following ditty, to the tune of "Railroad Bill":


Driving down Stone Bridge Lane,
Just see old Bill running propane –
Drive on, Propane Bill!


Propane Bill, Propane Bill,
He never shirked, and he never will –
Drive on, Propane Bill!

The wind was high, and it was pouring rain,
But there was Bill driving propane,
Drive on, Propane Bill! (CHO)

Bill saw downed power lines up ahead,
And he hoped them lines were safely dead –
Drive on, Propane Bill! (CHO)

Bill stepped on the gas, shifted into lower gear,
And for miles around you could hear:
Drive on, Propane Bill! (CHO)

Now Bill's in Heaven with the angel band,
There's a ten-foot crater from where he left the land –
Drive on, Propane Bill! (CHO)

Charley Noble

19 Apr 07 - 10:09 AM (#2029938)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: leeneia

Thanks for the song, Charley.

Maybe the driver didn't have to worry about the lines for the same reason that we are told that we don't have to fear lightning while in the car.

Actually, I find it hard to believe that a car can stand up to a lightning bolt, but on the other hand, I have never heard of anybody getting killed by lightning while in a vehicle, so it's a stalemate.

I'm glad to hear that your mother is safe and snug after the nor-easter.

19 Apr 07 - 10:58 AM (#2030005)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble

Well, the propane truck driver may have just checked to confirm that the "pole fuses" (long ceramic tubes with fuse strips inside) were blown at the head of the driveway. If they were, and don't try this at home if you don't know what to look for, it was perfectly safe to drive over the lines. Of course, there's the other end of the line as well, the one hooked to my mother's back-up generator which if it didn't switch the outgoing line off automatically when it comes on line would have also blown "Propane Bill" straight up to Heaven.

Charley Noble

19 Apr 07 - 12:54 PM (#2030129)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble

I'm now planning to sing this ditty at the coffeehouse Friday evening, and I've done some revising:


Driving down Stone Bridge Lane,
Just see old Bill running propane –
Drive on, Propane Bill!


Propane Bill, Propane Bill,
He never shirked, and he never will –
Drive on, Propane Bill!

Now Bill he drove a Dead River truck;
When they name it that you sure need luck –
Drive on, Propane Bill! (CHO)

The wind was high, and it was pouring rain,
But there was Bill driving propane,
Drive on, Propane Bill! (CHO)

There was downed power lines up ahead,
Bill hoped them lines were safely dead –
Drive on, Propane Bill! (CHO)

Bill stepped on the gas, and shifted gear,
And for miles around you could hear:
Drive on, Propane Bill! (CHO)

Now Bill's in Heaven with the angel band,
There's a ten-foot crater where he'd left the land –
Drive on, Propane Bill! (CHO)

Now Bill had a wife all dressed in blue,
She was heard to say, "My Bill's overdue!"
Drive on, Propane Bill! (CHO)

The Dead River Company is the real name of the company that delivers propane and oil to my mother. I couldn't leave that out, nor could I leave out Bill's wife a-waiting his return.

Charley Noble

19 Apr 07 - 02:26 PM (#2030202)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: SouthernCelt

Thanks, Charley. Good song, especially for a 'drop-o'-the-hat' lyric. Ever notice how most 'folky' songs of daring and prowess end up with the hero 'buying the farm' in some way or other. I guess that's more exciting than the alternative of the hero retiring to a little country place for a mundane existence on a modest pension.

I hope it's well received when you do it. In my rare public performances I do a lot of old trad songs and a few old tunes with lyrics rewritten for a little more local flavor. Most involve someone dying or at least having their heart broken beyond repair. About half my audience will like them and about half will grouse that I don't do any "happy" songs. Since they're getting the entertainment for free, it's all I can do to not point out that when they start paying they can pick the songs.

19 Apr 07 - 05:03 PM (#2030403)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble


Thanks! I enjoy writing things like this and you're right they do tend to go over to the dark side, or at least gallows humor.

I may send it into the local papers, with a copy to the Dead River Company.

Charley Noble

19 Apr 07 - 05:30 PM (#2030434)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Sorcha

And with rising prices, what did this delivery cost her???? Too much, I'll bet!

19 Apr 07 - 07:04 PM (#2030511)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble


The costs of propane is not something that mother has much control over. She was very pleased that the company was able to make delivery, and to do so under stressful conditions. I do hope my song doesn't anger or embarrass anyone at Dead River, but it's a little late for me to think of that!

Charley Noble

19 Apr 07 - 10:12 PM (#2030646)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: leeneia

No, I'm sure they'll like it. People like to be noticed. Good song.

I love the line about "my Bill's overdue."

20 Apr 07 - 09:36 AM (#2031020)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble


"my Bill's overdue" has received appreciative groans from my mother and my wife.

I may work out a sequel based on "Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey?" unless someone beats me to it.

And shouldn't there be another verse about Bill's widow consoling the children saying "Don't you worry, we's still in luck, you's got another daddy on the Times-Warner (Cable TV company) truck!"?

Charley Noble

20 Apr 07 - 08:28 PM (#2031582)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Barbara

There was downed power lines up ahead,
Bill hoped them lines were safely dead –
Drive on, Propane Bill! (CHO)

Gosh, Charlie, I thought conventionally it was either
"Bill hoped them lines was safely dead"
"Bill hoped those lines were safely dead"

And anyway, maybe it should be "Propane Bill, never stopped
and never will...
of course, until the last chorus, "but now he will" when he gets
to the pearly gates at the top of his arc...


20 Apr 07 - 11:52 PM (#2031690)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble


Good catch, and I was wondering about that verse myself earlier today.

Folks seemed to enjoy the song this evening at the coffeehouse.

Charley Noble

21 Apr 07 - 03:27 AM (#2031743)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Gurney

I thought it would go something like....

Propane Bill, and Methane Sue,
if one don't heat you, the other do,
Propane, it's blown my brain.

Nice to see a working punter getting credit, though.

21 Apr 07 - 10:14 AM (#2031932)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble


Nice point! I do agree that the gang down at Dead River will probably appreciate the gallows humor of this ditty if they see it in the newspaper.

The latest report from Mother via her cellphone this morning is that the power and phone companies still haven't made it up her long winding driveway. However, now everyone else is driving over the downed power lines, which could add several other verses to the song. I've suggested that Mother begin ordering her dinner delivered. Anyone for a pizza verse? How about one for the village minister making his rounds? We could have cummulative verses!

How sinister, to fry a minister!

Charley Noble

21 Apr 07 - 03:15 PM (#2032127)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: open mike

there is a parody of "Cocaine"
that is guessed it..

(wav. files on that page!) (they may not be there any more)

If you wanna cook out you've got to worry 'bout; propane.
Put the canister down, down on the ground; propane.
Need a light, need light, to ignite; propane.

I got some bad news, got the burned chicken blues; propane.
Before your food is done, you won't wanna run out; propane.
Need a light, need light, to ignite; propane.

If your tank is done and you wanna fill on; propane.
Don't forget this fact, you can take it back; propane.
It won't light, It won't light, It won't light; propane.

If you wanna stay warm Down on the Farm P-R-O-P-A-N-E
If you're freezing your ass Try cooking with gas P-R-O-P-A-N-E
It's a gas, It's a gas, It's a gas, P-R-O-P-A-N-E

If you want to use heat, That burns pretty cheap, P-R-O-P-A-N-E
If you're broke in the bank, Try filling your tank, E-T C-E-T-R-A

When your grandma gets old you can't let her get cold; propane
When your cousin gets hot but your fingers are not; propane
It's so high It's so high It's so high, Propane

You can power your car or blow up your friends, Propane,
Check your lines check your valves propane

21 Apr 07 - 04:25 PM (#2032158)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble

Open Mike-

Thanks for the parody. Great minds apparently run down similar ruts.

It's not profane to cook with propane!

Maybe the folks down at Dead River could use a new advertizing slogan.

Charley Noble

22 Apr 07 - 05:42 PM (#2032849)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble

Here's a link to the singing of "Propane Bill" on my website: Click here and search for MP3 Sample!

Charley Noble

22 Apr 07 - 05:58 PM (#2032860)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: catspaw49

Maybe you could do something around this engineer idiot name of George Goble at Purdue who lights his charcoal with liquid oxygen (LOx).

Here's some info and some pics but I can't find the videos any more and his own site seems to be down. The video is really a hoot!


22 Apr 07 - 10:08 PM (#2033021)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble


I have to agree with you that George is certainly one impressive engineer. What ever happened to his eyebrows?

Three seconds for well-done steak! Now that's something to think about. Of course I prefer mine medium rare.

"Purdue" does have some nice rhyming possibilities ...

Charley Noble

22 Apr 07 - 10:28 PM (#2033042)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)

Little wonder here why the USA citizens will gladly permit Canada to annex these Mainiac folk back into Quebec? Two thurds of Aroostuck county already speak French - and everyone is looking to the south for the immigrant invasion from Mexico.

23 Apr 07 - 08:26 AM (#2033321)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Propane Bill (a bad weather incident)
From: Charley Noble

There are times where some of us in Maine would be happy to secede from the Union and join New Brunswick, Quebec, or Nova Scotia. Of course, each of those provinces have their own issues but we think they pale compared to being part of the Bush Family Empire.

Which reminds me that I heard a great song the other night at our monthly coffeehouse titled "What Lies Behind the Bushes."

Charley Noble