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Mudcat family pics...

03 Apr 99 - 07:33 PM (#67932)
Subject: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bill D

I am still trying to do this 'right' in an editor, but I thought I'd go ahead and get the new pics up while I learn..

here is a direct link to the new can also find it from the main page .here

there are new submissions, and some images from Rick Fielding's concert in Washington DC a couple weeks ago...enjoy...

03 Apr 99 - 08:26 PM (#67944)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: bill\sables

Hi Bill D, There are photo's of myself and Sam Pirt on if you want to use them Cheers Bill

03 Apr 99 - 08:37 PM (#67946)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bill D

sure, Bill, we'll take 'em...

03 Apr 99 - 09:13 PM (#67952)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: catspaw49

Dear Bill,

THANK YOU!!! The concert pix are just great and as much as we wanted to be there, the pictures are at least a look. All of you are obviously having a great time and I'm a bit envious of Roger snagging the Larrivee. He could have stolen it and sent it to me as a consolation prize. Now Sandy's trying to sell me the Soundhole!!!

Ferrara, I can almost hear you...You have Rick and Joe's attention for sure.

Again, my thanks...and for all the new 'Catter pix too. My good buddy kat...EXACTLY what I expected!!! I think I could have picked her out of a crowd.

Gotta' go do an errand...Then maybe I can negotiate a bit with Sandy when I get back for that Soundhole!


03 Apr 99 - 10:49 PM (#67964)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Sandy Paton

Sorry, Catspaw. You waited too long to take me up on my offer. A couple of strange-looking characters came through here on their way, I think, to Maine (or was it Montana?), and traded me a fine big fruit jar full of a delightful, if potent, substance they called "extract of corn puree" for that Larrivee sound hole. When last seen, they were wandering off toward the village, arguing about the best way to get it strung up.

I do, however, have an old Contreras sound hole, if you can accept nylon strings... Woody never strummed this one, but Lisa Null did.


03 Apr 99 - 10:58 PM (#67966)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Rick Fielding

Bill, thanks so much for the pics..and the memory. Before I go off on my usual tongue in cheek rambling, I wanna say something serious. Never had brothers or sisters and I moved a LOT between the ages of 2 and 19, so I usually felt pretty isolated while growing up. (I suppose that had a lot to do with my folk music obsession) I look at that picture and it DOES feel like a family! Man, I'd be proud to be related to you folks. Sure would be a house full of music as well as the other good stuff.

Since Roger thinks Sandy was unwise to lend me his Larrivee considering that I've had 2237 guitars stolen, perhaps I'd better come clean. Sandy, I'm afraid when you open the case you'll find the transmission from a 56 Chevy in there. Some strange dude named Buford made me an offer I couldn't understand, took the guitar, pulled out the soundhole, and traded it to Roger for the lyrics to a sado-masochistic song.

03 Apr 99 - 11:03 PM (#67969)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bill D

if it gained any of Lisa's is worth its weight in gold! She fills a room!

03 Apr 99 - 11:05 PM (#67970)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: katlaughing

Hey, Sandy! You have any connections to the Contreras family in Venezuela? Specifically Miguel? Used to be a governor down there.

They stiffed us for $20,000.00 on a signed contract for work Rog did down there building and installing tv transmitters! When I contacted the state dept. they sent me 20 page list of lawyers, in Caracas onlywho worked with Americans and other English speakers who'd had problems in business dealings there. And, the twenty pages was in fine print, probably about 70-100 per page!(Well, it seemed like it, at least.)

Rog had his laptop, passport and plane ticket home stolen, so eventually, when he did get home, we decided to let bygones be bygones. That guy was too slick and even people in his own country can't keep a'hold of him!

Oh, well, just say the reference and brought up all those repressed memories and, and, next thing ya' know.....I've got twinges of PMSS starting up and his name wasn't even MAX!***smile***

Catspaw: glad I measured up to your expectations!


03 Apr 99 - 11:09 PM (#67972)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: catspaw49

kat et now?


04 Apr 99 - 02:47 PM (#68089)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Rick Fielding

Calling Rita! If it's not a trade secret, how is the chord section of your MacArther Harp set up? I'm going to be messing with my board psaltery this afternoon and I want to replace some of the bass strings with chords. This means some drilling for some additional posts and getting the right gauges of strings. I could have purloined the info from the picture but it blows up too fuzzy. Does each chord have 3(or 4) strings? How are they arranged? 1st, 3rd, 5th? Or are they in a different order, and are any octaved?

Heather says the group photo looks like the cast of a new folky sit-com. Would she were right!

04 Apr 99 - 03:16 PM (#68093)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Banjer

HOWCUM???? When I went to look at the pictures from the link in the first post and then return, I clicked on the link taking you back to the Mudcat and DT rather than using my browser back button. I arrived at a screen that had most of the same information, but without the graphics and when I clicked on personal pages it did not recognize me as a memeber! Is it maybe because this page is a much earlier version that is part of the picture website and not the new one? Had this cyber dummy confused for a while.....!!

04 Apr 99 - 05:07 PM (#68105)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Sandy Paton

Kat, m'luv:

My Contreras never saw Venezuela, I fear, and my contacts anywhere have always been well below government officials (if one can actually get below government officials). Sorry to be, as usual, of no help whatsoever!


04 Apr 99 - 11:10 PM (#68162)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Ferrara

Rick, This information is probably arriving way too late, but here's the layout on the chord section of my MacArthur Harp. Strings are given left to right.

First chord: C. Strings are E, G, bass C, C.

Second chord: G7. Strings are D, bass G, F, B.

Third chord: F. Strings are C, A, bass F, F.

Would it help you any to have the string specs? I have a book by Margaret MacArthur on how to play (and string) a MacArthur Harp.

Keith Young, a local instrument maker, was offered an original MacArthur harp. (Margaret's was custom-made as a reproduction of one that was found, stringless, in a Vermont barn.) Keith's has the original black finish, with gold lettering to show how it is strung. The treble part of the repro harps goes from G below middle C to C above middle C, no sharps or flats. The original has a treble in G, not C, starts on D, I guess. Keith says the chord layout is completely different.

Since you have the option of laying out your chords any way you please, I thought I'd tell you the chord layout on my 49-string zither as well. Five of the six chords are layed out, right to left, in arpeggios. The other, the A chord, has a weird arrangement. They go like this (right to left):


I gave the strings from right to left (or top to bottom depending on how you hold the zither) because that's how I play them. Wish I had taken the zither to your concert so you could see it and maybe even hear it. I can never count on its staying in tune when I haul it around. It's older than I am and twice as cranky.

Sorry I didn't get a chance to get on and send you this info yesterday. - Rita F

04 Apr 99 - 11:18 PM (#68165)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Joe Offer

I wish I had taken a closer look at those instruments, Rita. They sure sounded wonderful.
-Joe Offer-

04 Apr 99 - 11:26 PM (#68168)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: katlaughing

Bill D.

Thanks for putting in the new pix. Sorry I didn't tell you more. The "deamon" cat on my head is Trystan. He is a lot bigger now and hangs over my shoulder when I am on the computer, esp. when I Mudcat.

D.C. concert looks like tiwas a lot of fun!


04 Apr 99 - 11:31 PM (#68170)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Rick Fielding

Rita, God bless you. that's great. Now I just thought of something..Joe since you know that I am computer challenged...AND you want to see them as well, Is there some way of puttin' a nice big picture up someplace. I've had a few folks ask about my autoharp-thingy, and even though the conversion is simple (when you know how) and makes it REALLY easy to learn, even for those who've thought of themselves as "unteachable", it's really difficult to describe how to do it verbally. If 'tain't possible that's ok as well. Thanks again.


04 Apr 99 - 11:35 PM (#68172)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Night Owl

I believe in music,.....I believe in Joe....Puhleeze say you can/will.

04 Apr 99 - 11:48 PM (#68179)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bruce O.

Bill D. in 'two posed pics' you've got your wife switched with George S.'s You'd better fix that before Ferrara finds it or you're really going to be in the doghouse.

04 Apr 99 - 11:51 PM (#68180)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Joe Offer

I haven't got the hardware, Rick, and I haven't got a Web site for posting pictures. Maybe ol' Bill D has some room left on his Web page for the picture. Maybe not, though, since I just sent him a stack of photos to post.
How 'bout it, Bill? Oh, and can you give us bigger pictures of the harp and the zither? You can edit out the wife, if you like....
-Joe Offer, running for cover-

04 Apr 99 - 11:51 PM (#68181)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bruce O.

George S. is bigger and younger than you, too.

05 Apr 99 - 05:17 AM (#68210)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Ferrara

Joe, I hope you're a fast runner.

We can take full-frame photos of the harp (which really is a zither-harp if you want to be technical) and zither and scan them in. BUT, I just finished up a roll of film and had it developed (the one with the concert pictures). I'll have to look for an excuse to shoot another full roll right away.

The zither has the names of the strings actually printed on its face. Don't know whether we could get good enough resolution to show that.

The harp is missing one string in the F chord. I might bite the bullet and replace the string, I guess. It's no fun to string. I've been thinking of offering money to Keith Young to re-string the whole thing. I figure it would take me four or five hours at a minimum. (Counting the time to undo my mistakes and replace the strings I broke.) And don't ask me to consider re-stringing the zither! (Although if I thought that would make it hold a tuning, I'd do it if it took a week!)

05 Apr 99 - 04:38 PM (#68316)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bill D

Rick & Joe..sure, we can put up pics...and if we run out of space, there are a dozen sites that offer free web space....including one which says it is not limited!! it is just a matter of filling out a form and siging up..YOU can have a site and post Fortune City where I have the Mudact album they offer 20 mgs(pretty big..)one standard pic is maybe 50kb..but I can post 'some' big is the 235,000 bytes!!

this will take a second to load

it was not meant to be a close-up, but we can take some..( I took several of my Zimmerman autoharp while we had a digital camera borrowed)

05 Apr 99 - 11:46 PM (#68394)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Night Owl

Bill D.....Thanks for the picture...what a gorgeous instrument! I've been rereading old threads to try to find who it was that had designed easily removable bars for Autoharp. Someone in the music therapy thread said it was Bill. Was it you?

06 Apr 99 - 12:02 AM (#68399)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Joe Offer

That's Rick Fielding's Autoharp, Night Owl. He's promised us pictures. Bill's Autoharp is ancient, and quite remarkable itself.
Thanks for the picture, Bill. It turned out great.
-Joe Offer-

06 Apr 99 - 12:30 AM (#68405)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Art Thieme

GREAT pics--all of 'em. But especially the one of the cat on some woman in Wyoming's head laughing. I'd never seen a cat laughing before! And it sure does look like a family. The first functional one I've ever been a part of. Thanks folks!

Why, though, is my hair and beard totally gray when I look in the mirror and brown in the posted photo? A mystery devoutly to be wished!


06 Apr 99 - 12:32 AM (#68407)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Night Owl

Thanks, Joe....I'll stay tuned...(bet you can stop "running for cover" now!)

06 Apr 99 - 12:58 AM (#68414)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Joe Offer

Yeah, heck, at least I didn't say that Bill's wife is ancient, eh?
Did I???
-Joe Offer-

06 Apr 99 - 01:21 AM (#68418)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Night Owl

I don't think you called Bill's wife "ancient" but.... then... there's this "edit" thing.....getting yourself out of that may be a good first episode to Rick's "folky sit-com".

06 Apr 99 - 01:54 AM (#68421)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Rick Fielding

OOOH! Bill, beautiful picture. What the hell is wrong with me, that's the way I used to look at pictures in Playboy when I was seventeen! Night Owl, since I don't have the wherewithall (that's not one word is it?) to post a pic of the convertable autoharp, I'm writing out a consise description of it and how to do it yourself (it really is easy) which I'll post in a day or two. Just used the autoharp on three songs today in the studio. Cut 3 new bars last night..a Cmaj7, Fmaj 7, and Em7. It takes about 10 minutes, you click them into the instrument (along with C, G7, C7, and Fm) and you can play a jazz arrangement. I'm having a lot of fun with it. Twill be on the new album.

06 Apr 99 - 02:21 AM (#68427)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Night Owl

Thanks, Rick. I'm REALLY, REALLY looking forward to hearing about it. Forgive my ignorance,(already ducking)..where do I access your music on Autoharp and that of other Mudcatters who (I'm learning) also play Autoharp? I tried searching "Autoharp" with no success.

06 Apr 99 - 01:33 PM (#68518)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Ferrara

Just thought I'd mention that Bill D built the case the zither is resting in. It's as beautiful as the zither and was my Valentine's Day present in Feb 1991. I picked the lining fabric because it had a rose that matched the one on the zither. The whole case is padded and there's room for picks, tuning wrench, playlists, etc in the two compartments on the right.

My nickname for the handle of the case is "The Knuckle Buster." Usually I wear gloves to carry it. But the whole family looked at a bunch of handles and picked that one unanimously because the baroque look was worth the inconvenience (At least that's what we thought *then*.)

10 Apr 99 - 08:28 PM (#69808)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Banjer

Bill, in what format should we attempt to send you pictures? I have a scanner and would send some pictures if you wanted them.

10 Apr 99 - 09:27 PM (#69818)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bill D

Banjer..jpeg is the usual, though I think I can deal with almost anything and convert them..[bitmaps take a LOT of space!] my server seems to handle it all ok, though....(I got the one you sent...hope to get it and a couple more up tomorrow..)..oh..for those who are reading..a special one coming too..Joe Offer sent me one of Shula! *smile*..along with some of his from the Rick Fielding concert..

10 Apr 99 - 09:33 PM (#69819)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Banjer

Thanks for the quick reply, Bill. Since I am still a novice in the graphics area of cyberspace any hints and help is certainly appreciated!! Thanks again

11 Apr 99 - 04:02 PM (#69961)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bill D

ok, here we go..Banjer and Shula have been added to the latest page...and a link from there to bigger pics of them..and I have gotten information from alistair to more than replace what I had lost.

and I do have a bit more to do..just discovered one I missed..but too late to start over tonight.. and I will post some of Joe Offers pics from Rick's concert too..though they are mostly people you have seen,,, have fun..

11 Apr 99 - 05:02 PM (#69969)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Shula

Dear Bill,

Dagnabbit! The photos had, besides me, Akiba, Joe, and Rascal & Josie (our dogs -- the cats wouldn't sit still, my guitar got in the way, and the kids have all grown and flown). Never expected to be cropped out and plastered up like some floozie in the tabloids. Dang, Bill, whom do I have to "thank" for this bit of hocus-pocus, you or Joe? If t'were you, may I hope you'll tear down that billboard of me, and post the whole group? (W'u'd hate t' hev tuh fay-etch ol' Bessie daown f'um th' mantle whar she's awl nahss 'n' settled, BU-ut... seen's ha-ow yer n'mor'n a hop, skip 'n' a jump daown th' pah-uk, Ah reckon ez Ah c'd make it worth yore whah-ul.)

Slitty-eyed 'n' spittin' nickels,


11 Apr 99 - 06:23 PM (#70001)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: katlaughing

Hey, Bill, thanks, those are great! My "friend's" name is Trystan, or hooligan, bratcat, badcat; he is a hellion/hallion who likes to "lord" it over the rest of the household, feline, canine, and human! When I am on the 'Cat, he usually is hanging over my shoulder, purring in my ear. It's his favourite perch.

I had a problem when I tried to link to bigger pix of Shula and Banjer. When I hit the link for Shula, I got Banjer. When I did the link for Banjer, I got a "welcome to something or other city" (an internet site, maybe where you have this one linked form?).

sure is noce to put a face with a name. Thanks, again,


11 Apr 99 - 06:32 PM (#70002)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Joe Offer

Now, Shula, you'll just have to wait for the other pictures. If you'll recall, I took one picture of you and the end of the roll of film, and the picures of you and your husband and menagerie were on a new roll of film.
I don't have plans to finish off the roll until my next vacation. In Israel. In Novermber.
But I can assure you all that Shula's husband Akiba is a perfectly delightful sort of person, and he tells pretty good jokes. The dogs and the cat and Shula's kid brother who plays the guitar were pretty nice, too.
-Joe offer-

11 Apr 99 - 09:23 PM (#70035)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Tucker

Half blitzed reading all this but does Mudcat want some pics of some regulars? And am I right to assume no one has any to donate? Are you now or have you ever been..... Honest to God, I seriously had to go to my son's house to have my pics made with my new grandson ( poor lad, looks like his grandmother)...........anyway.......when I get them back I will let all the world see the son of mother tucker. Bless you all Tucker

11 Apr 99 - 11:10 PM (#70056)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bill D

whoops!! I gotta check that!...Shula & Banjer are on the same page..don't know why the same ...oh...yes I do! in the link that says "banjer" ,I put a capital "B" instead of small one! *sigh*..I'll change it soon...but thet ARE both there..

(and Joe will send MORE pics of Shula and clan...won't you Joe..*grin*..she is CLOSE to me...I can feel the stomping from here!!)

12 Apr 99 - 12:13 AM (#70080)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Alice

Just was handed a photo of my son, (click here-->) Ryan,age 11. They had pictures taken at school that I didn't know about.

Here are two tunes that he wrote last year after learning to play "Butterfly", "The Rights of Man", and "The Arran Boat" on the harmonium.

alice in montana

12 Apr 99 - 01:58 AM (#70088)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Shula

Dear Joe,

The pictures you took of us are the only ones Shula has let ANYONE take that included her, in years. I don't know how you finessed it, but you caught her in a rare weak moment. We aren't likely to catch her off guard again. Especially since she is mortified over the giant solo shot. She had thought you'd be posting one of the group pics.

I recently returned from a trip to see two of our sons who live in Israel. Despite an intensive search, I haven't been able to find some of the film I used. Including most of the pictures I took of our son, Chas (Yechezkel). Israel is a LONG way off. November is even longer. Anything can, and usually does, happen. I LIVE (and I use the word conditionally) with this marvelous, but dangerous woman. Do us all a big favor, Joe, and just tell me what kind of film you use.


12 Apr 99 - 03:19 AM (#70105)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Joe Offer

Aw, I'll get the pictures developed before November, Akiba. I'm sure some occasion will come up that will call for pictures. I've only got ten shots left on the roll. Give me 6 weeks, eh?
-Joe Offer-

12 Apr 99 - 03:24 AM (#70106)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: catspaw49

Yes Joe, I'm sure you will. Perhaps when you're arrested for tampering with threads. Get some nice shots then!!! But since my #1 legal team of Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe are engaged currently, I can let you have my #2 firm of Flywheel, Shyster, and Flywheel for your pathetic defense.


12 Apr 99 - 11:34 AM (#70215)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bill D

ok..I fixed that link to banjer...and I'm standing well to the side as Joe dodges Shula's wrath..*grin*..(umm..Shula, I'll be MOST happy to post the dog, cat, kid, and even Akiba, poor beleaguered fellow, but like the National Enquirer, I tend to publish what I can get...unless sued and threatened at, unless you and 'ol Bessie come calling, I'll leave you there as a solo place holder till Joe finds some wildflowers and lighthouses to finish his paltry 10 pictures..(ah the trials of a poor editor..)

12 Apr 99 - 01:23 PM (#70245)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: katlaughing

Dear Bill: I think it is so great what you are doing. Thank you very much. BUT, now when I go to click on bigger pix for Shula and Banjer, I get Banjer's for both.

No offense, Banjer, but Shula has a prettier smile!***Grin*** Just kidding, you look like you are really concentrating there!

Thanks, again, Bill.


12 Apr 99 - 01:57 PM (#70255)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: AlistairUK

Banjo Player and concentrate isn't that an oxymoron...whoops wrong thread!!!

12 Apr 99 - 03:28 PM (#70291)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Barbara

Say, Joooooeee, howzabout some pix of you and your sweetie? Do you have a cat or a dog? How about some interesting weather or beach shots? Go the the Berkeley Pickin'and Singin' and shoot a few pix there... USE UP THE D*** ROLL, ALREADY!
When I was a newspaper photog, we'd shoot at least a couple rolls for each assignment. You can always just print the roll with the rest of the film blank -- you don't have to pay for the printing. Won't be near as expensive as the bill for picking the buckshot out of your backside if Shula catches up to you before then.
Can we take up a collection to reimburse you for the costs?

12 Apr 99 - 03:53 PM (#70300)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: AlistairUK

I'm waiting for pics of 'Paw and Cletus out Possum hunting. With their possum hounds slobbering in the breaks.

12 Apr 99 - 07:08 PM (#70378)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Banjer

No, AlistairUK, Banjo Player and concentrate is NOT an oxymoron. It explains why I stare at Orange Juice containers.

12 Apr 99 - 09:12 PM (#70404)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bill D

ah, kat..I try to be penurious and use ONE page for TWO pictures, and look where it gets me! Ya gotta scroll down for Shula..they are both there..I just named the page link 'banjer', and then decided not to give hime a whole page to himself, since he only sent one pic so far(he says he may get more..and Shula will have more too, I guess. I am not getting the new arrangement done very fast...just too much 'life' right now.But I do see that it IS a bit confusing there..maybe I'll just move Shula and assume new pics are coming soon..(Hey, Max, wanta give lessons? *big grin*)

12 Apr 99 - 09:36 PM (#70414)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Shula

Hey, Bill,

As long as I'm bein' re-located, could you just *shrink* the consarn, dadblinkin' thing a mite? Much obliged.


Oh, and [aside to] Joe,

Akiba found several songs and maps you left in our copy of RUS. Sorry we didn't notice before; you pretty much wore out our poor old pipes, so we didn't fetch the book out again until this evening. Hope you weren't inconvenienced, and how would you prefer to have them sent?


12 Apr 99 - 11:51 PM (#70442)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: katlaughing

Bill: No problem, I juts feel like a bleedin' eejit! Duh, I never thought to look nay further!

Thanks, you really are doing a terrific job!

13 Apr 99 - 08:32 PM (#70690)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Matthew B.

How do I add my photo?

13 Apr 99 - 08:55 PM (#70699)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Bill D

all you do is email a pic to me at wait..I may get it up in one day, or two weeks...(busy season around here)

be sure to identify yourself and let me know what, if anything, you want said about you beside the pic..(some use real names, some dont...some say very little, some say a lot...) so far, space in not a big issue...we will see how it goes..

28 Apr 99 - 06:27 PM (#74147)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Matthew B.

So when are you going to post the picture I sent you?

28 Apr 99 - 11:19 PM (#74219)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Reta

Ryan, you are a very handsome young man, and a very talented one also. Perhaps the Mudcatters will be playing cd's with your name on them in the very near future. I hope so. Lots of luck to you.

Blessings Reta

P.S. Alice, you have a lovely, talented son.

29 Apr 99 - 04:00 AM (#74270)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Helen


One of my favourite pieces of modern music is called Music for a Found Harmonium. I don't know why it's called that, but I assume (rightly or wrongly) that it was composed on a harmonium. It was performed by the Penguin Cafe Orchestra for the Australian film called Malcolm (about 20 years ago, maybe. Very funny film.)

Anyway, you can find the midi file at this site.

It sounds complicated when you hear it but when you look at the music notation on a software program it looks fairly simple - all in the repetitions of patterns of notes. I have heard an Irish Australian friend of mine play it on an Irish bouzouki and it sounds fantastic. I thought Ryan might like to hear it.


29 Apr 99 - 09:29 AM (#74304)
Subject: RE: Mudcat family pics...
From: Alice

Thanks, Helen, I have the music notation for 'Music For A Found Harmonium' (from the internet) and I have played through it a few times... I spend music practice time more on voice than the harmonium, but Ryan is now back in orchestra and violin lessons since his collar bone is mended. He missed playing violin in January and February because of the injury. He's concentrating on the violin, but he does still play the harmonium once in awhile, since it is always right there next to the couch and piano!