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BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?

04 May 07 - 08:43 AM (#2043110)
Subject: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Arnie

Does anyone in the US care that the queen is visiting Virginia at the moment? I don't mind her personally, but I'm not a royalist at all. However, does she still mean anything to the American public? When she visited Virginia 50yrs ago, there were huge crowds and a lot of interest. I'm guessing that the reaction is a bit lower key this time around. Bet she doesn't issue an apology to the native Americans for whom the Jamestown landings were not good news at all!

04 May 07 - 09:04 AM (#2043126)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Rapparee

She is a head of state visiting the US, just like Olmert or Abe or Gaddafi would be. Or to put it another way, BFD.

04 May 07 - 09:16 AM (#2043135)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

She is just another face. No one really cares.

04 May 07 - 09:20 AM (#2043139)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Alice

"does she still mean anything to the American public?"
Not in my lifetime (last 55 years) has the queen meant anything to the American public.

04 May 07 - 09:22 AM (#2043140)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Amos


The Queen is not "another face". She's the whole head. Really now--if you're gonna use youor fellow humans as symbols, what could be better than a good, solid Queen? Never have humans packed so much significance onto so small a frame!!


04 May 07 - 09:31 AM (#2043144)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Wesley S

All I can say is that she better have the proper paperwork if she plans to stay. I don't want my social security going to support her jewelry habit.

04 May 07 - 09:39 AM (#2043153)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: katlaughing

I have a great deal of respect and admiration for her, personally, not so much as "the Queen." In the 1980s, when she was on a horse buying trip in WY, the people of Sheridan came out in droves,many of them older and waving the British flag as she drove by.

04 May 07 - 10:20 AM (#2043181)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: artbrooks

Americans have considerable interest in the British royals, and she is attracting some moderate-sized crowds. My wife said this morning, "You know, we'd be there if we lived closer to Virginia." I asked her if she'd be wearing a white dress with a blue sash, like the one her grandmother wore at Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee.

04 May 07 - 10:20 AM (#2043182)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Charley Noble

No, I haven't seen her but I'll keep a sharp lookout. Does she know any nautical songs?

Charley Noble, adrift in NYC

04 May 07 - 11:13 AM (#2043224)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Mr Happy

This song done frequently at Mr Happy's Come-all-ye by Anna & Phil

04 May 07 - 11:15 AM (#2043225)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Rapparee

By the way, I understand she rides. How is she at barrel racing, does anyone know?

04 May 07 - 11:45 AM (#2043260)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Seamus Kennedy

I have to get to a gig in W'msburg this evening, and it'll probably bugger up the traffic royally.


04 May 07 - 12:18 PM (#2043293)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Rapparee

Yeah, Seamus, but you're famous and such traffic congestion is to be expected.

04 May 07 - 02:49 PM (#2043354)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Don Firth

My Canadian brother-in-law met the Queen and Prince Philip some decades ago and said that they were both quite charming.

As a American, I would accord Queen Elizabeth II the full respect due someone who represents quite a long and varied history and tradition. Along with that, she seems to be a very nice lady. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that, if she'd had the choice, she probably would have picked a much different course for her life. But since she got stuck with the job, I'd say she's handled it quite well and with great dignity.

Besides, unlike a few of her predecessors, I don't recall that she's had anybody beheaded (although the thought may have occurred to her from time to time).

Don Firth

04 May 07 - 02:55 PM (#2043361)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: GUEST,MarkS

04 May 07 - 02:55 PM (#2043362)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: GUEST,MarkS

How is it possible for Queen to be in Virginia? I thought Freddie Mercury died.

04 May 07 - 03:20 PM (#2043384)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: gnu

No, I haven't seen her but I'll keep a sharp lookout. Does she know any nautical songs?

Charley Noble, adrift in NYC

Yes, she does indeed, Charley..... "Britannia Rules The Waves" comes to mind immediately.

04 May 07 - 03:21 PM (#2043385)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: dianavan

I'm with you, Don.

I have to respect the way she's handled her position. She is certainly a responsible (if not duty bound) role model for her country. Her sense of duty seems to have interferred with some of her personal decisions but, all in all, she's done a marvelous job.

I'd probably go to see her hat.

04 May 07 - 04:49 PM (#2043449)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: kendall

As far as I'm concerned she is as welcome here as any other head of state.

04 May 07 - 04:58 PM (#2043457)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I suspect more welcome than some I could name.

04 May 07 - 05:32 PM (#2043492)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Rog Peek

As a dyed in the wool English republican:

While she's over there, she's not over here. Perhaps you'd like to keep her!

04 May 07 - 05:41 PM (#2043501)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Alice

Your question was if she means anything to the American public. Most of the American public are interested in the type of celebrity that goes with a Princess Diana, but not with a head of state like the Queen. If a person can sell the cover of People magazine, then the American public is interested. I don't think the Queen sells magazines. Unfortunately, the public here is interested in movie stars, young and beautiful celebrities, and scandals. Some individuals here would be interested in her visit, but that is a minority.

04 May 07 - 07:32 PM (#2043543)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: gnu

Anyway, anyhoo, anyhow.... she waves better than anyone. So, ah, royally.... hmm hmm hmm!

04 May 07 - 11:28 PM (#2043648)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Peace

She's visiting the State named for the first Elizabeth.

04 May 07 - 11:39 PM (#2043653)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: GUEST,meself

"Does she know any nautical songs?"

You might be surprised. She once suggested to Helen Creighton, who had "collected" the eventually-famous "Nova Scotia Song" (Farewell to Nova Scotia), that that song was derived from a certain Scottish song (Banks of Jeddore?), and Helen Creighton, upon looking into it, decided Her Majesty was right. (Or maybe Ms. Creighton just wanted to keep her head on her shoulders ... ).

05 May 07 - 08:00 AM (#2043845)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: GUEST,Dani

By accident, we visited Jamestown over the holidays last winter, and got there just as they were putting the finishing touches on all the new exhibits, sprucing the sites, and BEFORE all of the crowds to celebrate the 400th this year.

I felt pretty ignorant. If I was taught anything about Jamestown in school, it certainly didn't make a big impression, but that visit did. Very well done, so much of the site there to see and imagine, and the way it's all presented makes it very easy and nice to see and learn. As someone on record as HATING tourist sites of all flavors, I just loved it, and can't wait to go back and spend some time AFTER the crowds have gone ;) The chapel especially was interesting.

Yesterday NPR did a lovely little piece on her visit, and I could just picture she and her husband in the horse-drawn carriage. They talked about James I being Elizabeth's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather.

I think it's cool, part of learning about our history, and I'm glad she came.

As a chef, THIS is what I was most interested in:


05 May 07 - 09:21 AM (#2043872)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Donuel

dyslexics of American (DOA) welcome the queer old dean.

05 May 07 - 09:42 AM (#2043878)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Dickey

I think the Queen deserves respect myself.

Did you see that black lady give her a bear hug?

05 May 07 - 11:17 AM (#2043926)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Alice

She certainly does promote the wearing of hats, and I like to wear hats. Hats are out of fashion pretty much in the US except for Church Ladies.

05 May 07 - 11:24 AM (#2043933)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Alice

In case you don't know what I mean by Church Lady Hats, here is an example The Crowns of Hat Queens (church ladies)

05 May 07 - 11:55 AM (#2043950)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: GUEST,Tunesmith

We in the UK pay the Queen a lot of money to be charming!

05 May 07 - 12:14 PM (#2043960)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: GUEST,Dani

Thank you. She's doing a very good job.

It's just nice that we can all get along for a change. Gives me hope for the future ;)

Don't you wonder what Thomas Jefferson would think of it all?!


05 May 07 - 12:46 PM (#2043977)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?

Wonder of wonders! I'm with Don Firth on this one.


05 May 07 - 01:32 PM (#2043993)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: GUEST,Tunesmith

As has already been said, if you like her, you can keep her - and the rest of the royal twits, as well.

06 May 07 - 04:38 AM (#2044432)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: dianavan

Dani -

I wish they had pulled pork sandwiches in Canada. In fact, its the Southern dishes I miss most up here in the North. Gin and tonic is also my favorite drink. I guess I have at least one thing in common with the Queen.

06 May 07 - 08:15 AM (#2044510)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Jerry Rasmussen

There has certainly been some news coverage, but her visit has caused no great stir. The front pages go to Paris Hilton and the latest American Idol cast-off. There is a great deal of good will for the Queen. Unlike when George W travels out of country and half the people hold their noses when he walks by. (If they're even allowed to get close enough to see him without proving their approval.)


06 May 07 - 08:19 AM (#2044513)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: GUEST,Dani

I'd love to know what she thought of the menu ; )

Did I mention my kitchen made tea and scones for the (previous) Archbishop of Canterbury on his recent swing through town? No pressure there.......

You got pigs in Canada? BBQ's not all that hard. Tell me what kind you like and I'll post a good recipe or 3 in the Mudcat foodies thread.


07 May 07 - 07:51 AM (#2045115)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: kendall

I'm not a royalist, but she deserves a damn site more respect than Tony Bliar.

07 May 07 - 08:04 AM (#2045120)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: bubblyrat

Lived in the UK all my life, up to now (60 years) and I have never set eyes on any of them , except the Duke of Edinburgh once, in 1964, and Lord Louis Mountbatten, just before the IRA assassinated him. Apart from that----Zilch !! And I live near Windsor Castle !! I guess Liz and I have different schedules ! No, you can have 'em, America---for a lot of us Brits, they are a total anachronism, an historical throwback, and an expensive irrelevance in a modern democratic society. The example set by the Dutch, and to a lesser extent, Spanish ,Royal Families, is much more practical for any country wishing to retain a monarchy in this day and age.A country that can"t rescue a few tearful wimps from a bunch of bandits like the Iranians doesn"t DESERVE to have a high profile, high status Royal Family, in the first place.

07 May 07 - 08:59 AM (#2045141)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: GUEST,Billy

Why James the first but Elizabeth the second? If we're talking about Great Britain it should be James the first and Elizabeth the first. But of course we're talking about England.

07 May 07 - 09:10 AM (#2045146)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Rapparee

I understand that Britain now belongs to a US racing tout. Seems like Liz made a bad bet at Churchill Downs....

On a more comical note, W is hosting a white-tie dinner for Liz & Phil. Seems like (true!) Laura talked him into it....

07 May 07 - 09:28 AM (#2045152)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Rog Peek


I agree with you on Tony Bliar, but I really can't think of anything the queen has done to deserve my respect. For goodness sake, I don't even know her.

07 May 07 - 09:34 AM (#2045153)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Rog Peek

I'm sorry, this is supposed to be about US reaction, I really should keep out of it!

07 May 07 - 01:45 PM (#2045307)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: GUEST,Russ

It is certainly thoughtful of her to participate in the celebrations at Jamestown.

Surely with the money she's got she could do better with her wardrobe.

In one of the pictures I saw she looked like a sofa.

07 May 07 - 09:49 PM (#2045706)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: heric

I like her a lot. Bitchin tough woman who's got a job to do and does it. She could drive from Texas to Florida and back without using Depends I have no doubt. Tougher than our astronauts.

08 May 07 - 09:37 PM (#2046622)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: EBarnacle

All of our visitors make us happy....

Some by arriving, some by leaving.

08 May 07 - 09:49 PM (#2046635)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: GUEST,since you asked

"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels."

- Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund - quoted in "Are You Ready For Our New Age Future?," Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December '95

RICHMOND -- Britain's Queen Elizabeth II met privately Thursday with four students injured in the April 16 shootings at Virginia Tech....

The queen and Prince Philip, along with Gov. Tim Kaine and first lady Anne Holton, met privately for about eight minutes in the Capitol with the four injured students and their families and with other Tech students, faculty and administrators. Those who witnessed the queen's interactions with the students described the meeting as warm and personal....

Since you asked, the queen and Prince Phillip are in my country, seizing on a tragedy in order to promote the English system of citizen disarmament and emasculation. Phillip SAYS he wants to be reincarned as a virus to kill you, yet there he is in Virginia, acting sad. Personally, if I'd had eight minutes to meet privately with the queen and Phillip, they'd now be only a memory. I would have emerged from the room, covered in blood, and I'd've said "People don't kill people, boots kill people." My defense would be that I was temporarily sane.

Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gotha's family is Nazi. Her grandson wears swastikas. The family is a plague. Why the hell doesn't England do the world a favor and eradicate them?

08 May 07 - 10:24 PM (#2046654)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Beer

I'm with you Dickey.
Beer (adrien)

09 May 07 - 02:45 AM (#2046759)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: JohnInKansas

I've had great admiration for her restraint and dignity in a demanding position, since I learned that she allowed Freud to paint her portrait and didn't have his head for the insult.

Such dignity demands respect.

I think that for most in the US she is accepted as a person we assume to have some proper place in her own country, even though we don't understand that position, and she has held the position without doing a whole lot to embarass herself or her country.

I hope she will be treated with respect, and for those who find it appropriate, with whatever affection they can muster.

For the majority here, she's "just another celebrity" and not really a big attraction, although we can perhaps at least hope that she won't - as most of our home-grown celebs seem inclined to do - assault anyone while drunk, be busted for illicit drugs, or make ignorant pretences at political wisdom beyond the limits of her intelligence and maturity.

I hope she's enjoying her visit.


09 May 07 - 08:19 AM (#2046922)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Jim Dixon

I watched the Kentucky Derby on TV on Saturday. The queen and Prince Philip were in attendance. I tuned in maybe 5 or 10 minutes before the actual race but the coverage began long before that, so I might have missed something.

I saw a brief glimpse of them on the screen but the commentators didn't mention them. The commentators were too busy talking about the horses and owners.

After the race was over, I watched several replays, further commentary, an interview on horseback with the winning jockey, etc., but there was no further attention paid to the Queen and Prince.

In short, it's no big deal. The Queen's visit is mainly of interest to habitual celebrity-watchers, but HM is far less interesting than many of her relatives.

The visit is also watched by people who are eager to see what new gaffe GWB will commit next. He didn't disappoint us.

09 May 07 - 08:37 AM (#2046929)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: An Buachaill Caol Dubh

As Thomas Paine put it,

"The difference between a Republican and a Courtier is, the one thinks Monarchy IS something, the other knows it is nothing...."

And let's hope someone manages to record clandestinely what the ould Chooky Embra says "off-the-cuff", so you Americans will learn what he really thinks of you (and all the rest of the polloi).

09 May 07 - 08:55 AM (#2046946)
Subject: RE: BS: Queen in Virginia - US reaction?
From: Den

How'd they do? My money would be on Phil to beat the Queen over that distance.