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Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007

12 May 07 - 09:26 AM (#2049900)
Subject: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Faldingworth Live

Friday May 18th 2007

Doors open at 7:15 pm and music starts at 8:00 pm and finishes around 11:00 pm.

Website Faldingworth Live

Main Guest

Daz & Anna Barker

Support Artists
Gwenda & Tery Cater
Richard Langridge & Kathryn O'Connor

Coffee & Tea + Sandwiches (which need to be ordered on arrival) will be available during the interval.

Entrance £3
No smoking. Disability friendly.
Bring your own drink as there is no bar.

Venue Address
Faldingworth Live
Faldingworth Village Hall
Lincolnshire LN8 3SE

Location Maps       Faldingworth Area Map You can zoom out and in on the map

13 May 07 - 03:55 AM (#2050426)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Sooz

just irritating the Backwoodsman!

13 May 07 - 03:56 AM (#2050428)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

Just flamin' showin' off I reckon....

13 May 07 - 04:08 AM (#2050436)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Backwoodsman


13 May 07 - 04:08 AM (#2050437)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Backwoodsman

Did the dog wake you early, Sooz?

13 May 07 - 05:35 AM (#2050485)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Tim theTwangler

I just got a Pangolin really cheap of the mudcat.
Does any one now how many strings they have or how they can be tuned?
hoping it arrives monday or tuesday

13 May 07 - 05:49 AM (#2050493)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Who's coming along then ?

13 May 07 - 06:12 AM (#2050507)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Shall I shout it?
Who is coming along ?

13 May 07 - 06:15 AM (#2050513)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: breezy

If I get stuck in the area with wheels from bridlington

13 May 07 - 06:16 AM (#2050514)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Sooz

OTT Les - less is more!

13 May 07 - 06:30 AM (#2050518)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Just wanted to show you that you were not the only one Sooz LOL :-)

Hey Breezy if you can make it, you will be very welcome

13 May 07 - 06:36 AM (#2050522)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Big Al Whittle

Pangolin...isn't that on the dangerous drugs list?

13 May 07 - 07:44 AM (#2050559)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Tim theTwangler

yOu have to be so careful with rugs at your age
I t doesnt pay to get careless and end up with a broken hip
or a cold in the head.

13 May 07 - 08:11 AM (#2050570)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

A Pangolin from memory is some sort of animal.....

13 May 07 - 08:16 AM (#2050575)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

Think it is black and white and is or looks something like a do you play it Tim???

13 May 07 - 08:27 AM (#2050584)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Sooz

Its an anteater (a bit like an aardvark!)

13 May 07 - 08:30 AM (#2050587)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

Oh look there's a pangolin!!!!

13 May 07 - 08:47 AM (#2050596)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Tim theTwangler

I hope it is a musical instrument me mates.
We do have and ant problem though!

13 May 07 - 10:01 AM (#2050629)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Big Al Whittle

sounds like some stuff in a tube that you rub on for a bad back.

When I were a lad Wifred Pickles used to do tv commercials for Pangolin.

'Tha's got to keep moving, so rub on Pangolin, and tha'll be all reet! Make the pain go, with Pangolin!"

They wuz happy times, eating us Hovis and being bored shitless.

13 May 07 - 10:28 AM (#2050645)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

Aye they 'ad a lodda things we don't have in them days.....Rickets...diptheria...Hitler! Aye and we did look good goin' ta school with 'oles in us pants and all us little 'eads painted purple cos we 'ad ringworm......

13 May 07 - 10:52 AM (#2050653)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Big Al Whittle

Nay lad, the purple paint was school uniform, our Mums and dads couln't afford caps so 'ad 'em painted on.

13 May 07 - 10:55 AM (#2050659)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

Nah, we used to paint our feet with black gloss so they would all think we had shoes on.

13 May 07 - 02:28 PM (#2050779)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Blimey you lot have been busy whlst I have been out. Seems like Tim has managed to take over this thread with his bloody Pangolin.

We have an excellent night coming up and all you lot can talk about is Tims penguin.

Is anybody coming along to see who Daz & Anna is ?

13 May 07 - 04:04 PM (#2050849)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

Rather see a penguin! or even an aardvaark

13 May 07 - 04:08 PM (#2050852)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Than ?

13 May 07 - 04:31 PM (#2050869)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

Tims Pangolin...(anteater)

13 May 07 - 07:20 PM (#2050970)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Tim theTwangler

Sorry V.
I started a thread asking for help.
So any Pagolinists please go there and let V get on with promoting another great night of music at Faldingworth live.

14 May 07 - 04:20 AM (#2051210)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Problem is Tim, nobody knows on that thread waht you have bought. They need you to provide details.

Anyway, 5 days to go.

14 May 07 - 05:44 AM (#2051257)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

The running order for Friday

8:00 Gwenda & Terry Cater (25 mins)
8:30 Richard Langridge & Kathryn O'Connor (25 mins)
9:00 Daz & Anna Barker (30 mins)

9:30 Interval and Raffle

10:00 Stitherum (25 mins)
10:30 Daz & Anna Barker (30 mins)

Finish 11:00 approx.

PA Terry & Gwenda Cater
MC Gwenda Cater

Remember, bring your own drinks. Food can be ordered before the start, to eat at half time.

Anybody needing a disability parking space reserved, please let me know.

14 May 07 - 01:28 PM (#2051591)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Travelling Audience

Yes please Mr. us a Dis. space.

14 May 07 - 02:30 PM (#2051627)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Okey dokey TA

14 May 07 - 10:33 PM (#2051947)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Tim theTwangler

And ....ask T.A if they have got sore finger tips or been doing any dusting since last we met.

15 May 07 - 03:17 AM (#2052089)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

>>T.A if they have got sore finger tips or been doing any dusting since last we met<<

Well have you TA?

15 May 07 - 04:44 AM (#2052124)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Travelling Audience

Errr! Of course.

15 May 07 - 07:01 AM (#2052198)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Tim theTwangler


15 May 07 - 07:03 AM (#2052200)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Tim theTwangler

And again HA!
TA could open a market stall selling Porky pies.

15 May 07 - 09:36 AM (#2052291)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Travelling Audience

Would pangolins sell well?


15 May 07 - 02:25 PM (#2052553)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Tim theTwangler

Pangolin pies
as big as your eyes
was all that he did sell
Unless your grandma passed away
then she could be sold as well
cheaper than the chippy
the customers were crazy
as you could plainly tell
for pangollin pies as big as yer eyes
and just ignore the smell

oh and there was a guitar and keyboards practice room above rthe shop.

15 May 07 - 03:11 PM (#2052617)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

I spent a lot of money today,
Buying an instrument from Ebay.
I know it sounds a little thin,
But the instrument in a Pangolin.
I don't know how to play it yet,
But on its learning my mind is set.
I am not heading for a fall,
I'm really going to astound you all.

16 May 07 - 03:09 AM (#2053200)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Sung to the tune of Scarborough Fair

Are you all coming to
Faldingworth Live
Lots of good music
suasages sublime
Oh do come along
youll be so surprised
Its only 3 quid
And you'll be satisfied

16 May 07 - 12:26 PM (#2053627)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Tim theTwangler

Oh Villan of the wold lands
With delightful
Brummie burrr
Faldingworth will be sublime
as always,
when you 're there
The music will be magical
The singing all in tune
Your sausages will never burn
your urn will never spill
The carpark will be overflowed
with audience transportation
But Im afraid that I will be at work
Sending petrol to the nation.
So spare a thought my midland mate
as you listen in enthrallment
to the artistes who will grace the stage
your delight is their employment
and I from far off Immingham
will pause a while from drudgery
to turn my thoughts to Faldingworth
and sigh.
Oh Bloody buggery!

17 May 07 - 11:02 AM (#2054657)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Nice one Tim

17 May 07 - 12:01 PM (#2054713)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rockhen

Don't think we will make it this Friday. We are out for the day, then have something else on in town, if we are back in time. Hope you have a great night and sorry we can't support you all, this time. Have a good 'un!

17 May 07 - 01:44 PM (#2054783)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

Not again...nobody to perv over!!! ROFLOL

17 May 07 - 01:52 PM (#2054793)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

Will be there with TA.

17 May 07 - 06:56 PM (#2055017)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: GUEST,ian

Also a big sorry Villan from me.Work and family taking over on top of holidays and recording for Tap and Spile cd.
Somehow got roped into organising the 1st music night at the Bluestone in Immingham the other night.A great night and used all i learned from you and your club,The Tap and other places to persuade the gaffer to pay for a soundman next month.Only 1st but i would like to thank you all and did plug you loads.

18 May 07 - 02:46 AM (#2055244)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Its nice and sunny here and makes it more pleasant to know that FL is on tonight.

See you tonight.

18 May 07 - 01:21 PM (#2055678)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Sooz

We're on the way..........

18 May 07 - 01:21 PM (#2055679)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

So are we soon.

19 May 07 - 02:00 AM (#2056192)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Sooz

Anothe good night at Faldingworth. Didn't Daz Barker sound rather like the lovely Dave Burland?

19 May 07 - 04:32 AM (#2056236)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

What a really good night. Very enjoyable indeed.

19 May 07 - 04:43 AM (#2056245)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

Excellent yet again....especially that couple who were on at the start
Gwed and Tery! LOL....Daz and Anna both have great voices and "Waltzing is for Dreamers" stood out IMHO as their best song.
Stitherum their usual wonderful selves....loved the joke.... and Richard and Kathryns sloppy sentimental songs were great too.
Great evening all round.
Well done all.

19 May 07 - 05:38 AM (#2056264)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Travelling Audience

We know when we go to Faldingworth Live that there is going to be a variety of music and song and yet again we weren't disappointed. Loved all of it.....even Mike's jokes.

19 May 07 - 06:00 AM (#2056271)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Sooz

He only told one - but it seemed to set the others off!

19 May 07 - 08:16 AM (#2056334)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Too much killing for me LOL

19 May 07 - 12:57 PM (#2056487)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Georgiansilver

Yeah dead bodies everywhere......but some of the audience were listening!

19 May 07 - 01:09 PM (#2056494)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Rasener

Waltzing for Dreamers was very good wasn't it Mike.

19 May 07 - 01:10 PM (#2056497)
Subject: RE: Faldingworth Live Friday 18th May 2007
From: Tim theTwangler

Thats the trouble with folk music its too cheerful!