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The Key to the North

06 Apr 99 - 11:24 AM (#68484)
Subject: The Key to the North
From: The_one_and_only_Dai

- A Tale of Newark in the Civil War -

In 1988 (I think), The Albion Band performed a set at Lincoln Castle (I think) as a one off (I think). This was titled as above. The performance was held in front of the castle walls, onto which was projected a movie.

This movie was available on video at the concert. I've never seen the actual tape, but a friend of mine had a bootleg copy (boo! hiss!) from somewhere, which is how I came to know about it.

A couple of years ago, I was at an Albions concert in High Wycombe, and asked Mr. Hutchings where I could get a copy. His reply was that if ever I found one, could I tape it for him, as somebody had walked off with his.

So, was anybody there? Will anybody sell me a copy of the tape?

P.S. for our Colonial brethren - Newark in Nottinghamshire, and Civil War as in English

TIA, Dai

08 Apr 99 - 06:05 AM (#69052)
Subject: RE: The Key to the North
From: The_one_and_only_Dai

I'll take that as a 'no', then.

08 Apr 99 - 01:54 PM (#69198)
Subject: RE: The Key to the North
From: AlistairUK

Dai: Let's keep the thread fresh and maybe someone will come up with it. :o)

09 Apr 99 - 04:00 AM (#69337)
Subject: RE: The Key to the North
From: The_one_and_only_Dai

Some more info - the movie featured a cast of thousands (well - several hundred, probably), including a motorbike despatch rider, members of the Marquis of Newcastle's Foote, the Parliament Trayne of Artillery, some horses, an estate agent, some little old ladies in a tea shop, and a squirrel.

The soundtrack is (IMHO) one of the finest theatrical things done by the Albions, with both trad and modern material blended seamlessly into a rollercoaster ride of excitement and heartache.

I've tried HMV et al but to no avail. One of the megastores acknowledged its existence, but I couldn't obtain any more details.

28 Apr 99 - 06:05 PM (#74139)
Subject: RE: The Key to the North

Dai old chap, I have a (non-bootleg) copy of the tape, I thought you knew that. What do you mean you've never seen it?? I keep meaning to copy it if I can borrow a mates video, in case mine ever eats the tape. It also makes a fine audio album if one records it onto audio tape. I've just aqurired a mimidisc player, but now I find my video's a poxy mono output, so no cd-quality copies of it just yet. Since even one of its creators dosn't have a copy and it's generally unavailable I feel justified in giving copies to all and sundry in the name of posterity. Cecil Sharpe didn't fear the performing rights society did he?

28 Apr 99 - 06:08 PM (#74142)
Subject: RE: The Key to the North
From: simon


the castle wall in question was Newark, not Leicester.

The battle footage was of Edgehill 1992/1642.

The Harley was a 1342cc Softail.

The squirrel was called Erik.

29 Apr 99 - 03:43 AM (#74265)
Subject: RE: The Key to the North
From: The_one_and_only_Dai

Thanks Simon, I meant I didn't see the show. I know you've got a copy, but as you say, that's a b*!tleg, which is a word we're not allowed to use around here...

29 Apr 99 - 03:47 AM (#74266)
Subject: RE: The Key to the North
From: The_one_and_only_Dai

Ah, I see what you mean. When I said I'd never seen the tape, I meant that I'd never seen an actual boxed official copy of a video, with sleeve notes and stuff. Pretty stupid thing to say, actually. I have, of course, seen the film.

01 May 99 - 07:09 PM (#74987)
Subject: RE: The Key to the North
From: Simon

No, I don't have a b******g, I have an o******l, but you could be forgiven due to the ropy nature of the recording. There are no sleeve notes at all I'm afraid. I've just transferred it to Minidisc, so I no longer need wait for them to release it as a CD. I was down at Rochester Sweeps today, and one pub was advertising a set by 'Smith & Le Surf'! Alas it was not the great Cathy herself, but a distant relative.