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BS: Exercising for Charity

13 May 07 - 02:32 PM (#2050786)
Subject: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

Ezra Cooley is riding across the country on horseback, and then on around the world. The former rodeo and endurance rider is 27. He says he and his dad were riding one day, talking about really long rides; he started wondering if a ride around the world was possible. Sure it was! His trip will benefit a children's cancer charity, and will also be the adventure of a lifetime for him. Cooley calls Chico, California, home; he left it in April 2006. By the time he reaches Manhattan, he will have travelled about 5,000 miles. Only 22,000 more to go. (story: Wellsboro Gazette)
Last spring, I used my aquatic rehab time to raise money for a Mudcat-related project that was going on at the time. Skipy's efforts for MS are well known. Another thread ran recently about another Catter's project. So I've decided to let folks know about my own expanded efforts, which I call AquaBucks.

AquaBucks is people who are using aquatics for their own recovery and rehabilitation, and their sponsors who support their efforts by donating to charitible projects according to how much aquatic work is done.

AquaBucks is a very simple organization for doing a couple of good things:
1. Hooking up aquatic exercisers who are using water-based strategies regularly for serious recovery and/or rehabilitation;
2. Recruiting sponsors who will encourage aquatic exercisers by committing to donate a certain amount of money to a variety of identified charitable causes;
3. Highlighting the many benefits of various forms of aquatics for recovery and rehab.

All funds raised go directly to the charitable projects, with checks made out to the charity and not to me. Sponsors choose from the below calendar of charities, whose missions I publicize; or they may designate and publicize any project of their choice (such as Mudcat).

I'll be forwarding all proceeds directly to the supported charities without a stop in my bank account. Sponsors receive an acknowledgement from the charity, for their tax records. (I can provide verification and assistance.)



October-November 2006 Supported Project: There was a need that season that started the whole AquaBucks phenomenon: I wanted to help, but I had nothing to send. But I was working out so hard I thought it was like a Walkathon, so I asked others to support that. In 2007, in the very first months of AquaBucks, October and November sponsorships raised more than $200 for this fund!

December 2006 Supported Project: Kenner Court men's homeless shelter in Tioga, PA (part of the Valley area's United Christian Ministries). December sponsorship proceeds went to a fund in support of gifts for the men at Kenner Court. (This fund replaced an annual Christmas ministry I had coordinated among area parishes of a taking them a meal and gifts such as toiletries, underclothing, winter warmers, and stationery.) December sponsorships raised over $100 for this fund.


May-June 2007 Supported Project:
All sponsorship proceeds will go to the Lance Armstrong Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports people in managing and surviving cancer. Lance's own battle with cancer and his amazing athletic successes have informed and inspired both me and my husband in our athletic programs. The Lance Armstrong Foundation unites people to fight cancer, offering information and services to help cancer survivors live life on their own terms, taking aim at the gaps between what is known and what is done in the cancer fight, and engaging people to make cancer a national priority.

July 2007 Supported Project:
All sponsorship proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society, Relay for Life, St. Paul's Team. The team will use funds for team registration and/or direct donation to the ACS, at their discretion.
Mission: ... dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. Relay For Life is an annual overnight event designed to celebrate survivorship and raise money for research and programs of the ACS. Teams gather and take turns walking or running laps. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times.

August 2007 Supported Project:
John Whitney Scholarship Fund, St. John's/Westfield PA.
The Reverend Canon John Whitney was a dear clergy friend. He was dedicated to education for ministry development; his last parish, St. John's, established a scholarship fund in his memory. FMI: 814-367-2245.

September 2007 Supported Project:
Lymphoma Research Foundation, to coincide with the annual Philadelphia Lymphomathon.
LRF's mission is to eradicate lymphoma and serve those touched by this disease. LRF is the nation's largest lymphoma-focused voluntary health organization devoted exclusively to funding lymphoma research and providing patients and health care professionals with critical information on the disease.

October 2007 Supported Project:
National Stroke Association
Mission: to lower the incidence and impact of stroke by developing compelling community outreach programs, calling for continued improvement in the quality of stroke patient care, and educating both healthcare professionals and the general public about stroke.

November 2007 Supported Project:
United Christian Ministries (Kenner Court Men's Homeless Shelter, Tioga)
Mission: emergency and transitional housing for men, women, families; food pantry; drug & alcohol and mental health counseling; eyeglasses; life skills program; case management and referral; GED and computer classes. FMI: 814- 258-7304.

December 2007 Supported Project:
United Christian Ministries (Women's Domestic Abuse/Homeless Shelter, Osceola)
Mission: emergency and transitional housing for men, women, families; food pantry; drug & alcohol and mental health counseling; eyeglasses; life skills program; case management and referral; GED and computer classes. FMI: 814- 258-7304.


January 2008 Supported Project:
PSP~ Society for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
A neighbor of ours struggles with this condition. PSP-- Progressive supranuclear palsy-- is an under-recognized brain disease; symptoms typically begin in one's 60's, but can start as early as the 40's: gradual loss of certain brain cells causes slowing of movement and reduced control of walking, balance, swallowing, speaking and eye movement. People with PSP eventually become wheelchair bound or bedridden. Mission: to increase awareness of progressive supranuclear palsy, advance research toward a cure, educate health professionals and provide support, education and hope for persons with PSP and their families.

February 2008 Supported Project:
American Heart Association
Mission: to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

March 2008 Supported Project:
American Red Cross Disaster Relief, Tioga County
Mission: to improve the quality of human life.... help people avoid, prepare for, and cope with emergencies... through services that are governed and directed by volunteers, consistent with Congressional Charter.

April 2008 Supported Project:
MS Walk, National Multiple Sclerosis Society,
Central Pennsylvania Chapter
Multiple Sclerosis stops people from moving. The National MS Society exists to make sure it doesn't. The National MS Society is committed to building a movement by and for people with MS that will move us closer to a world free of this disease.

May or June 2008 Supported Project:
Lance Armstrong Foundation
The Lance Armstrong Foundation unites people to fight cancer, offering information and services to help cancer survivors live life on their own terms, taking aim at the gaps between what is known and what is done in the cancer fight, and engaging people to make cancer a national priority.

May or June 2008 Supported Project:
Arthritis Foundation (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis), Central PA Chapter.
The mission of the Arthritis Foundation is to improve lives through leadership in the prevention, control and cure of arthritis and related diseases.


Are you doing something similar? Or would you like to participate in any way?


13 May 07 - 02:49 PM (#2050801)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

"World exercise champion" walks backward to help children
(Wellsboro Gazette)

Bill Kathan Jr., a former New England dairy farmer, sleeps in his van if no lodging is affordable. When no one offers him a ride back to it, he walks backward to and from the van, counting all miles toward his goal.

A journey of 3,000 miles begins with a first step. For Bill Kathan Jr., that first step, and every one thereafter, was backward.

Kathan started a walk from Hartford, Ct., to Los Angeles, Ca., on April 5. He plans to walk backward across the U.S. to promote his "Youth Development Foundation." Kathan accepts pledges up to $1 per mile for the 3,000-mile journey through his web site,

"This is not for me. It's to do with the children," Kathan said. "I want to help kids learn to get along. I want to teach them to do things with their talents and to talk with a civil tongue."

Kathan, 54, began promoting physical fitness in about 2000, and now holds world records for dozens of calisthenic exercises. According to his web site, Kathan set the first records for one-finger and two-finger pushups, and Guinness Wold Records recognized him for a record in backhand pushups. He trains to break those and other records when he is not walking. "People call me the 'World Exercise Champion,' Kathan said.

13 May 07 - 02:51 PM (#2050804)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

The Challenge

Wouldn't it be great to be able to say "I swam the English Channel"?

Wouldn't it be even better to be able to say you did it all for charity?

Well, now you can!

ASPIRE, the national spinal cord injury charity, is inviting swimmers young and old from across the United Kingdom to take part in their annual ASPIRE Channel Swim.

This popular event will take place between Monday 17th September and Sunday 9th December 2007 - but before you start thinking "the Channel will be freezing at that time of year", think again!

You can clock up the equivalent distance of the Channel (22 miles) in the warmth and comfort of any swimming pool and you don't even have to do it all yourself - you can do it as a team, school or club.

Swimming is one of the safest and most effective forms of exercise:

Excellent calorie and fat burner
Minimal stress to the joints
Builds stamina

13 May 07 - 02:52 PM (#2050805)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

Naturists to swim loch for charity
Six naturists are to attempt a nude swim of Loch Ness in aid of charity, it has emerged.

British Naturism (BN), the UK's internationally recognised body for naturism, has organised the sponsored swim in support of the BN President's Charity of the Year, Cancer Research UK.

Four men and two women, including one from the United States, will swim the loch three times, in relays, with each swimmer in the water for an hour at a time.

The event is expected to last two days over next weekend.

This will be the second time BN has supported a naturist swim in the loch. President Pat Thompson said: "British Naturism are delighted to be organising another Loch Ness swim.

"Our previous swim in 2000 was highly successful and this year's promises to be every bit as popular as well as a lot of fun.

"Our association with Cancer Research UK makes it all the more worthwhile.

"We have been overwhelmed by the support Cancer Research UK have given us through the year and we hope our adoption of such a well-known and worthy cause shows that naturists are not the secretive people they are often perceived to be, but are keen to support the outside world and be part of a wider community."

The event is being further supported by Speedo and Zoggs who have provided goggles and swim caps, and Monster Activities at Loch Ness, who have provided one of the support boats.

British Naturism is the UK's officially recognised organisation for naturism. It exists to support and unite naturists around the UK and celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2004.

© Copyright Press Association Ltd 2005, All Rights Reserved.

18 May 07 - 01:49 PM (#2055712)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

Week of May 14, 2007

Mon., May 14: 45 x 1, 120 - 160 BPM + 30 x 1, 120 - 160 BPM
Tues., May 15: 45 x 1, to 130 max BPM; 30 x 1 to 160 BPM.
Weds., May 16: Thunderstorms in the area, no pool. House chores, stairs.
Thurs., May 17, 45 x 1 @130BPM, 20 minutes coolwater rest, 30 x 1 @130BPM
Fri., May 18, 45 x 2 @130BPM broken by 20 minutes coolwater rest/mini-meal.

Totals 45 x 5 + 30 x 2 = 285 minutes @ avg. 130 BPM = about 35 miles in 4 days, or avg. about 8-1/2 miles per day-- on schedule to surpass last year's December peak well before July 1.


18 May 07 - 01:52 PM (#2055714)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

The reporter who visited today told me about another guy doing this, in the form of a nationwide bike ride. Near our area he was incacitated by bad saddle sores, so is doing a tint on motorcycle before going back to cycling. I forget what charity he's supporting. I asked him to pass the word that I'd host the guy at the pool for a stopover; I know the water will do him some good while keeping his leg muscles fit.


31 May 07 - 10:44 AM (#2064916)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

Oops, I'm behind on stats.



06 Jun 07 - 10:31 AM (#2069961)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

Local paper sez they are running a story this week. Now I can really start promotions!

A donor has challenged me: How many different pools, lakes, and ponds can I aquajog in, this summer? A donation per location.

Mmario-- whatcha got up your way?


06 Jun 07 - 10:45 AM (#2069968)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: Liz the Squeak

Don't forget guys, I'm walking 6 miles for Cancer Research/Breast Cancer on Sunday 10th... still time to sponsor me at Make Liz the Squeak excercise!


06 Jun 07 - 10:49 AM (#2069971)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

Good Liz! I'll think of you while I'm in the water.

I hope others will list their stuff too-- my idea was not only my own shameless self-promotion, but others' as well.

Liz, can I put a link there to your effort/thread, here? Anyone else want to be listed on my website?


07 Jun 07 - 09:45 AM (#2070702)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

The "local" TV sports staff invited the public to challenge them to a sports duel. I suggested they could probably not outlast me in my "orphan" sport (aqua-jogging), and they're on! I hope to get a lot of visibility for the charities I'm supporting, as well as the sport itself.

Gonna be fun!


07 Jun 07 - 11:45 AM (#2070786)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: Liz the Squeak

Well, there's only a couple of days left before I do my one-off thing but yes, by all means put it out and about.


07 Jun 07 - 06:47 PM (#2071051)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

You may be able to parlay your one-off into a larger phenomenon with a little creative opportunism. Best of luck and have fun! You will at least serve as an additional role model. Do not underestimate the effect that can have.


08 Jun 07 - 01:42 PM (#2071585)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: Liz the Squeak

We're always after ways of raising more money, both for ourselves and for our other charity, so any ideas are welcome.


09 Jun 07 - 01:54 PM (#2072264)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

I'm having some good luck with challenges-- either on my own or with a team, challenging some folks who think they can whip my fat butt. Betting on the winner, goes to chairty, press coverage, etc.

A fun fundraiser here in our area involves a group willing to be incarcerated;n supporters have to bail them out (after a visit to jail to mock the inmates of course).

How it works:

People get "arrested" at work or whatever, on whatever "charge" they can be found guilty of, hauled off in a marked car, tried by a mock court, pictures being taken at all turns of course..... "Jail" is a hastily constructed cell on Main Street for lotsa mocking opportunities.

Ought to be a way to incorporate exercise-- inmates at hard labor? If I could get the local hardass to come whip me to keep me jogging?

Take it from there and have fun with it.


10 Jun 07 - 05:16 AM (#2072718)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: Liz the Squeak

Er.... given that the average age of our choir is 64, some of them have trouble getting around and most of them are ... how can I say this..... not into what they perceive as juvenile activities, that may be a hard one to start off.

As it is, only a quarter of the chorus actively participate in major fundraising activities.


10 Jun 07 - 09:08 AM (#2072798)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

They can be the jury convicting the able-bodied which if necessary can be you, on your own. Any really good idea can be microcosm-ed or maximized with a little thought.


10 Jun 07 - 09:41 AM (#2072817)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

Away over part of the weekend, I came home yesterday to a call in repsonse to the local news story and photo that appeared (abbrev. version HERE)

A lady in the area wants to jump in with me, cool! I'll be encouraging her to GET SPONSORS!


17 Jun 07 - 10:55 AM (#2079261)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

Spring 2007 estimate:

48+ hours in 12 weeks = average 4 hours per week


19 Jun 07 - 07:28 PM (#2081570)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

Logistics are yet to be confirmed, but I expect to be aquajogging against the local TV news' sports department Monday or Tuesday next week. The station has a "challenge us" deal; I took the bait, betting they cannot sustain the pace or duration of my workouts. They declined to attempt the three hours that is my norm, planning a two-hour effort instead.

Would anyone care to offer a small wager (and trash talk)?

Proceeds to charity of course. If all goes as planned, supporters should get a copy of the event captured on DVD.

Me against 3 guys, one a part-time hockey goalie.


20 Jun 07 - 07:41 PM (#2082686)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

The clips of the stations sports challenges so far are HERE.


22 Jun 07 - 05:51 PM (#2084425)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

It's on-- Tuesday, 1 PM, in Elmira NY.


22 Jun 07 - 11:19 PM (#2084571)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

LOL-- I just recruited a teammate.

The plan is that if anybody can't take the pace or the duration our team sets-- it IS a challenge match-- then they have to drop out to serve a penalty. Not to a comfy poolside chair, but to a ten-minute penalty walk in the shallow end to demonstrate their ignominy! Then they can come back in the deep end, rejoin the rest of us, and try again!


23 Jun 07 - 09:58 PM (#2085260)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: frogprince

Our neice, approx 27 years old, is training for a cancer research benefit triathalon in California in September. She biked 15 miles before 9 a.m. a couple of days ago. We just put in our pledge. May I say we're proud of her? : )

24 Jun 07 - 08:12 AM (#2085487)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

Good for her! She has penty of time to train right for it-- I hope she has some qualified guidance?


25 Jun 07 - 07:50 PM (#2086938)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

This will SOUND creepy, but they LOOK cool: I just made prizes for all the participants.

You can buy body parts at the craft shop, so I took small legs and small arms (about finger size) to make leg awards for the joggers and hand awards for the helpers.

The base is a piece of flotation foam, cut in a circle. Next is a blank CD in honor of the music that runs this sport, shiny side up. Next is a short coumn of foam pool noodle, cut off at an angle like a big piece of sushi. The arm or the leg comes out from that at a jaunty angle, each one different.

They'll get cheesy labels for the silly things they honor, and YES they are cheesy prizes-- it's a cheesy (campy) event!


26 Jun 07 - 07:44 PM (#2087833)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

Of course I won. Forfeits by opponents at 30 minutes, 40, and 45. Have to count up what was raised-- for Relay for Life. DVD will furnish a FR as well.


27 Jun 07 - 10:16 AM (#2088222)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

I've summarized the above here:

And I've gotten an email reply this AM exploring another challenge offer.


27 Jun 07 - 11:20 AM (#2088258)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg

I learned so much yesterday-- stuff you can't learn without DOING it? Even my past PR experience didn't fully integrate till I'd done this first challenge.

1. Yesterday's challengers didn't put even a nickel in their betting can.

2. The next challenger will be asked $5 a head (direct to the charity of choice) in advance for me to show up! :~)

3. Yesterday's challengers brought a cheering section of wives and girlfriends, and they didn't kick in either. So next time, there will be a small admission charge for lookie-loo's too-- a buck each-- direct to the charity.

Quote of the day from yesterday:

Bruce (referee) to challenger: "Don't forget you're going to feel this later today... "
Challenger: Oh, I work out, I think I'll be fine.....
Perky Susan: Yeah, Bruce, maybe they snowshoe deep snow every day, and we just didn't know!


27 Jun 07 - 10:44 PM (#2088740)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: wysiwyg


19 Jul 07 - 05:01 AM (#2106612)
Subject: RE: BS: Exercising for Charity
From: GUEST,Sandra

Wish you luck!
google team.