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BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank

18 May 07 - 01:06 AM (#2055214)
Subject: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Peace

"The ethics scandal that ultimately brought down Wolfowitz was merely the latest in a long list of his infractions in the eyes of many staff members, who accused Wolfowitz of insulating himself behind tyrannical aides, disregarding the counsel of veteran bank officers and running the bank as an adjunct of the Bush administration."

From here.

Maybe there is yet hope.

18 May 07 - 03:04 AM (#2055258)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: JohnInKansas

A glimmer, perhaps; but it's pretty faint.


18 May 07 - 03:53 AM (#2055284)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank

Too bad "governments around the world" have nothing to say about who the U.S. president should be. Its the U.S. president who will appoint the person to replace Wolfowitz. One puppet out, another puppet in. Any guesses who will replace him?

From the link:

"Administration officials, in particular Vice President Cheney, saw the campaign to oust him as a European power play fueled by bitter feelings about Iraq, and as a broader proxy battle against American influence, senior administration officials said.

Now I know why Cheney has that odd expression: SOUR GRAPES!

18 May 07 - 04:09 AM (#2055294)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank

Just realized I'm now a Guest. Sorry, dropped my cookie.


18 May 07 - 04:26 AM (#2055301)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: John MacKenzie

Talk about sour grapes, you should have heard Ambassador John Bolton bluster for America on Radio 4 yesterday morning.
He was the personification of the 'Ugly American' with all the paranoia and lack of humour, that for many epitomises American attitudes to much of the rest of the world.
He resorted to attacking the interviewer 'John Humphries', and accused him of being a 'leftie', he attacked him rather than answer questions. It was a perfect picture of American colonial arrogance in the face of what he perceived to be criticism, but which was in fact fair questioning by said interviewer.
I have run into this attitude in some Americans before, the 'Nobody loves us, everybody hates us' attitude. Thankfully it is a point of view not found in most Americans I have met, but it is worrying to encounter such blindness in someone who has the ear of GWB. It makes me wonder if he was chosen for his post because he and GWB share the same attitude of mind.


18 May 07 - 04:50 AM (#2055313)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: GUEST,dianavan

Why was my previous post deleted? Since Giok mentioned sour grapes, I guess he saw it. Where did it go?


18 May 07 - 09:40 AM (#2055476)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Barry Finn

Giok, Bolton wasn't the uglist American though, that goes to Wolfowitz himself. A nasty, domineering, disgusting piece of human trash bent on seeing a world under the thumb of America. Far worst than the "Idiot" that appointed him. Another mover & shaker behind the war with Iraq gets his walking papers, I couldn't be happier.


18 May 07 - 10:28 AM (#2055518)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Riginslinger

Now he'll be free to go start a war someplace else.

18 May 07 - 10:36 AM (#2055527)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: The Fooles Troupe

Wolfie embarrasd into going - well that's a rare one for Truth, Justice, and the REAL American way...

18 May 07 - 10:49 AM (#2055541)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Donuel

"Dedicated Professionals around the world will be so dissappointed by this injustice against Paul Wolfowitz, they will not want to become a public or global servant."
Mary Matlin

18 May 07 - 10:49 AM (#2055542)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Ebbie

Greed coupled with moral blinkers knows no limit. If Wolfo hadn't installed his girlfriend in a plummy position where her aftertax income was higher than Condi's before-tax income, it could be that no one would have noticed.

18 May 07 - 11:09 AM (#2055560)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Donuel

the back story (fictional ;)

When Condi found out about Wofie's other woman she asked for the tramp's employment records. When they finally came, Condi burst into tears.

18 May 07 - 01:00 PM (#2055661)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: McGrath of Harlow

The real corruption is having a World Bank in which the ruler of one country has the right to appoint its President. It's corrupt in itself, and an invitation to further corruption. Even more significant, it's an invitation to incompetence in a job that unfortunately matters rather a lot.

I see it's now suggested that Tony Blair might get offered the job - the stumbling block being, it's said, that Bush wants another American. No problemo - Tony can apply for US citizenship - you're welcome to him.

18 May 07 - 01:06 PM (#2055667)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: John MacKenzie

Yup just the job for a right banker like Tony!

18 May 07 - 01:07 PM (#2055669)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Peace

"I see it's now suggested that Tony Blair might get offered the job"

PLEASE TELL ME that's a joke.

18 May 07 - 01:15 PM (#2055675)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Jean(eanjay)

No it isn't.

18 May 07 - 01:25 PM (#2055686)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Peace


What a terrible decision if that comes to pass. I am still pissed with the World Bank for allowing Rwanda to retain its membership. This is further compounded with the US having so much say in the appointment of the WB President. I am aware the US is the largest contributor, but the organization is not supposed to be about helping some damned 'suit' become richer and in the process making his cronies richer. The organization was never meant to be an extension of someone's business interests. (Conversely, maybe that always WAS the intention!) I am trying to find the list of the 350 people and organizations that have been banned from participating in projects the WB gets involved in. I think that would make interesting reading. If anyone else is interested, and finds it, could you please post a link to it here? Thank you.

18 May 07 - 01:29 PM (#2055690)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Peace

If I find it, I'll post a link. Thanks again.

18 May 07 - 01:32 PM (#2055695)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: GUEST,petr

the great IRONY which seems to be hardly mentioned is that Wolfowitz as head of the World Bank insisted that developing countries clean up their corruption and held back much needed loans until that was done, and at the same time insisted on a plum position with a salary increase for his girlfriend.

18 May 07 - 07:29 PM (#2055985)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Riginslinger

Too bad he isn't off to join Jerry Stumblegood.

18 May 07 - 07:39 PM (#2055991)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Bobert

3 down, 3 to go...

Yeah, Pearle, Wolf and Rumsey, bon vayage' and don't let the door hit ya' all on the way out...

Now for the Big Three Oilfolk: Bush, Cheney and Condi...

When they are gone then the US has a chance to regain it's footing...


18 May 07 - 08:13 PM (#2056011)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank

Gee---I think I will have to close my account. I really thought he was there to get an army to protect my $2.98 and tell the world he was protecting my 298,000,000.00.

Damn---I will miss that bit of influence.

Bill Hahn

18 May 07 - 08:20 PM (#2056019)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Bill Hahn//\\

Golly Gee---My cookie is back---and here I had lost my cookies a few minutes ago. Thank heaven for anti-nasuea meds.
Bill Hahn

18 May 07 - 09:56 PM (#2056073)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank

And when will Gonzales go too, along with his buddies? I sleep better in a world that does not have Donald Rumsfeld in a position of importance,,,,,,,

Remember - they wanted to impeach Clinton for sex -- just frigging sex.........!

18 May 07 - 09:58 PM (#2056075)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Peace

Well, that was the issue. It wasn't friggin' sex!

19 May 07 - 12:26 AM (#2056161)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: The Fooles Troupe

Wolfie - Girlfriend - World Bonk...

We love the Moo-oo-oo-oon!

Head hurt - lie down now....

19 May 07 - 02:32 PM (#2056536)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank

Well, nominally sex........ but truly you are correct Peace....

19 May 07 - 02:42 PM (#2056546)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Peace

So, did everyone miss that little play on words?

19 May 07 - 02:47 PM (#2056550)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Ebbie

I got it, Peace. *G*

19 May 07 - 03:03 PM (#2056561)
Subject: RE: BS: Wolfowitz Resigns from World Bank
From: Peace

Thank you. I feel better now.