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Amplified buskers strike again

19 May 07 - 03:09 AM (#2056204)
Subject: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Muttley

Went down to the local buskers 'spot' this morning to do a bit of entertaining only to be approached about 30 minutes in by a security guard.

He was really polite and apologetic, but still indicated I should move on as the policy at that location had altered and busking was no longer allowed there.

Why ????

Apparently up until about 2 months ago (when the ban came into force) a couple of guys had been turning up with guitar and amplifier and playing what amounted to punk & goth rock numbers and loud enough to disrupt cashiers inside the centre and (quote) screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs.

End result - - - ALL are now banned.

I'm planning to approach centre management to allow instrumentalists (there's a new kid around playing Sax who's pretty damn good) - plus theres an accordionist and a Mano player who aren't bad either as well as 'folkies' to busk there. Hoping for success as I busk to enjoy and as a sideline earn a few $$$ - but also because a %age of what I make goes to the Brain Foundation.

Pray for success - otherwise can anyone suggest any other decent 'spots' in eastern Melbourne.


19 May 07 - 03:31 AM (#2056212)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: The Fooles Troupe

I have always believed that a sound level meter reading would solve the problem of "too loud" - but if you see my 'Tech: Noise' thread -it's not all that simple...

19 May 07 - 03:47 AM (#2056216)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: alanabit

You have my sympathy. These idiots, who think that noise is a viable alternative to talent, have closed down more cities to buskers than all the police chiefs ever have. One of the problems of the itinerant aspect of busking, is that there is no body, which the cities can bargain with to establish reasonable codes of practice and compromise with. Done well, busking is an asset to any town. We just have to get across to aspiring buskers that doing it well does not mean the same as doing it louder. Good luck Muttley. I hope you can make sense prevail.

19 May 07 - 03:59 AM (#2056221)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Darowyn

There are places where the local authority Arts Officers audition buskers and give them a licence to play.
Unlicenced buskers get moved on, the ones who have passed the audition get to play.
It's not that difficult.

19 May 07 - 04:02 AM (#2056224)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: The Fooles Troupe

"idiots, who think that noise is a viable alternative to talent"

Noise Music .... :-)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Noise music is a sub-genre of experimental music constructed from oise as opposed to recognisable sound or pitches. "Noise" music is egarded by some as a contradiction in terms, because "noise" is enerally defined as unwanted and undesigned or unintentional sound and music as the opposite (see definition of music). However, "noise" n a more general sense refers to any extremely loud or discordant sound, and that these sounds are often the basis of noise music. econdly, as famous noise musician Masami Akita (who records under the name Merzbow) said, "If by noise you mean uncomfortable sound, then pop music is noise to me." Noise music is not necessarily "noise" to the listeners, although it is certainly "noisy" in the more general sense of the term. ractitioners themselves do not generally refer to it as "Noise Music"; they just call it "Noise", tacking the term "music" on the nd is an explanatory device only necessary among outsiders.

19 May 07 - 04:05 AM (#2056225)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: The Fooles Troupe

Weird - looks like the 'cut and paste' only partly 'copied'...


19 May 07 - 04:23 AM (#2056231)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Richard Bridge

Noise is not the antonym of music, but of signal. Music maybe a form of signal.

19 May 07 - 04:25 AM (#2056232)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Rog Peek

Yes, I'm intriqued to know how you copy and paste a section while leaving a number of first letters behind. Is this a new technique?

19 May 07 - 05:13 AM (#2056258)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: alanabit

We have all heard of John Cage and Karl Heinz Stockhausen - neither of whom I believe were buskers. I doubt whether the idiots Muttley mentioned have ever heard of them. With all respect Robin, I fear we are in danger of thread drift here. The issue at stake is whether buskers can live in reasonable harmony with the other users of city centres. I'd prefer to do the music philosophy stuff on another thread and keep this one about the busking issues.

19 May 07 - 06:44 AM (#2056294)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: greg stephens

I would hate to think(re earlier post) that we are moving towards a world in which Arts Officers are given power to decide which buskers we would be allowed to hear. If we really need to give power to censors, I hardly think local authority arts officers are the appropriately qualified people.

19 May 07 - 07:57 AM (#2056328)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: The Fooles Troupe

"how you copy and paste a section while leaving a number of first letters behind"

Something to do with Wiki...

19 May 07 - 08:16 PM (#2056692)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Joybell

Good luck Muttley.
I was Melbourne's first "card carrying" "official busker". It happened because I went into the Melbourne Town Hall and asked for a permit to busk. Nobody had ever asked for permission before and the nice man behind the counter didn't know what to do so he gave me a letter of authority. Several months later the council started giving us cards. I got the first one. No auditions. No unreasonable rules. Things are different now I'm sure.

Don't know what the moral of this story is -- but I imagine it's got one.
Cheers, Joy

19 May 07 - 08:47 PM (#2056700)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Deckman

Maybe ... Buskers have no morals? NO NO ... way too crass. I didn't really mean that! Bob

19 May 07 - 09:55 PM (#2056739)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Deckman

JOybell ... my previous comment was intended to ne light humor, as in a "play on words." Looking at the following posting makes me just cringe. Bob

23 May 07 - 08:38 AM (#2058950)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Muttley

Thanks for the encouragement folks: The letter is written and awaiting delivery. Now I just have to get a day off work to be able to deliver it! Rather do that face to face with the manager.

I must admit - I have a difficulty with 'auditioning' myself to some non-entity who may or may not like the type of music I play. For my mind it's the folk passing by who are the genuine arbiters of ability and talent. If you are good enough, you'll make a few dollars, if you're not - you won't make a penny.

Too often I've seen one guy there who plays reasonably well, plays predominantly 'popular' light rock material on an electric-acoustic (but without the amplifier) but he has NO / ZERO / NIL interaction with his passers-by / audience. Half the time he even has his back to the people he is supposed to be playing to! Little wonder he rarely makes much scratch and is rarely seen these days at all.

Joybell - WHY am I not surprised at your being 'No.1 ticket holder'. I've suggested something similar in my letter - but not involving auditions; y'know "Have license will busk" type scenario - will at least weed out the 'screechers'


23 May 07 - 08:59 AM (#2058961)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Jack Campin

This reminds me of an anecdote (from Edinburgh or Glasgow, I think) about a notorious troublemaker who once got carted off the mental hospital by the police. After a while the hospital released him with a document saying they couldn't find any sign of mental illness. He went on being an awkward old bugger for the rest of his life, but now he could back it up by saying that he was the only man in the city with a certificate to prove his sanity.

23 May 07 - 10:16 AM (#2059017)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: An Buachaill Caol Dubh

This character was indeed from Glasgow, and as far as I'm aware his "troublemaking" wasn't to do with "busking" in any musical sense, but with making it his business to publicize instances of inefficiency, nepotism, corruption generally among City Councillors and the like. Unless I'm confusing two things, either he, or an early form of "Samizdat" news-sheet he produced, was known as "The Clincher". Real "busking" anecdote follows.

23 May 07 - 10:33 AM (#2059028)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: An Buachaill Caol Dubh

Many years ago, during the Edinburgh Festival, I was moved on by no less a personage than the Chief Constable of Lothian and Borders Police. For those familiar with the City, Lady Stair's Close offered a fine location, with regard to shelter from the wind, reasonable acoustics and - not least - a regular procession of visitors to the "Military Tattoo". There was, in fact, a sort of courtyard beside a flight of stone steps, and I being a good ten feet away from these steps wasn't causing the slightest "Obstruction"; but that's why the High Heid Yin of the Embra Polis moved me on. More than that: he stated emphatically and in his best official, precise manner, that he didn't want to see me "on the Mound (indicating the street to the South of the close), on Bank Street (indicating that far to the East), or in the Lawnmarket (that a good distance to the North); is that clear?" I had to agree; the bugger was a good foot taller than I.

The next night I was back again. Sure enough, after about half an hour, a familiar big figure loomed into sight. "What did I tell you last night?" he asked, in that peculiar manner the Polis develop of trying to make you feel like a schoolchild by asking the most obvious questions. I replied, "You said very clearly that you didn't want to see me on The Mound (and I indicated, as he had), on Bank Street (indicating), or in The Lawnmarket (indicating); you didn't say anything at all about Lady Stair's Close..." He paused not a moment, saying that if he found me within half a mile of Parliament Square I'd spend a night in the cells. "Is that Parliament Close?" I asked, secure in the knowledge that the little plaques around the said "Square" did indeed state "Parliament Close". I was perfectly polite, he was perfectly firm, and I, alas, moved on my way.

Later on during that Festival, I was speaking to a rather more junior Polis, with rather more tolerance for traditional music, and I told him about the encounters. "Oh, that was S*th*rl*nd; a big tall guy?" I agreed with the identification. "He's an Arse," added the young Polis. I agreed with the assessment.

23 May 07 - 12:27 PM (#2059110)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: oggie

York has a licensing policy but basically anyone can get one. Amplification is becoming a major problem there. Parliament Street should support half a dozen buskers but there are now 4 regulars who have so much amplification that it kills theh whole area for anyone else. It also causes problems for the market traders as well.

City Centre management are clamping down on street traders, I wish they'd look at this as well, especially as most of the really different buskers are unamped.

All the best

Steve Ogden

23 May 07 - 01:17 PM (#2059146)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: GUEST,mr x

As a busker, I am generally opposed to those who would regulate my activity. It seems that those who love rules and regulations are a compulsive and obsessive lot that have only one joy in life, that being the creation of more rules and regulations. Call me an anarchist if you like, but in my experience if you give these rule makers an inch, they take over your whole existence with their insistence that their rules are the right, correct and proper means to coexist in this life.

They then go about directing their power over the lives of others, via their rules, on all except those who have enough money or financial influence to bend the rules in their favor. There's a very fine example of this scenario being played out in the area where I frequently busk. What you end up with is a system of rules that is influenced or governed by how much money you've got. If you have enough money you can write your own rules. If not, you get squashed by them.

Sound familiar? There are more than a few folks out there that above all else crave power and control over others. Unfortunately for us, there are many who are more than willing to offer up their freedoms to these power mongers, who later are deemed by all to be truly twisted and insane types.

I can still remember what it was like before any of the rules were created in the area where I enjoy busking. That taste of true freedom lingers sweetly in my memories. There were fewer complications, no arguments, or fights over what was considered right and wrong. Everyone had more respect for one another back then. Buskers were treated with more dignity.

Now, all these many years later, it seems that all these rule makers do is sit around in their offices and dream up more ways to regulate us. There are never fewer rules. They don't seem to know the meaning of less regulation. It's all a part of their system of control that they create. Once the game of regulatory control is started, it never ends. It only ever increases in magnitude. They meet privately to discuss and plan how to continue the dominance that they've established and how to ensure it will never diminish.   

In many ways these rules have been our downfall. We are generally looked down upon by those who have a larger financial investment in the area because they know that their position enables them to have influence over the rules that are governing us. They've used that power to further limit our activities and ability to perform and entertain. There's more than one glaring example of this going on in the area that I could site where those who have a larger financial footprint, via their influence over the rules, have excluded all street entertainers from an area so that the employees they've hired could actively to do the same thing that we used to do, entertain in an area that we buskers used to be able to occupy.

In one particular instance of this the rule makers told us (the busking population) that we were causing crowds that were too large for one particular area and therefore that our activities had become an unacceptable risk in an emergency situation. They presented it to us as being a public safety issue and therefore something that they were required by law to enforce. Once we were banned from the area the employees of a local business began using the same area to do exactly what we used to be able to do there, entertain folks. They now have the opportunity to entertain there all day long, everyday. They regularly create crowds, as big as, or bigger than we ever did.

They are never reprimanded for their activities there. Nor are they regulated in any way because of the negative impact their crowds pose in an emergency or public safety situation. Furthermore, even though they are in fact doing exactly the same thing that we are, entertaining, they are not required by the rule makers to purchase permits or abide by any of the regulations that we must abide by as street entertainers. Are you beginning to see the double standard rear its ugly head?

The assurances early on about how we were not going to charged for permits as street performers got quickly tossed out the window along with the rest of our rights. Once fees began to be charged, by those in charge of making the rules, those fees have never stopped or lessened. Every year they look for more excuses as to why they must raise the fees that they exact from us.

Along with all of the rules come the inevitable endless squabbles between those within the busking population, who then try to find loopholes within the way the rules are worded or structured in order to bend them to their advantage. Like Pandora's Box, I believe this can of worms would have been best left unopened. There's no government like no government.

Would I want some kids setting up too close to me screaming their messages with loud voices and amplifiers blaring? No. Over the years I've had to deal with being out volumed by many entertainers who have set up too closely or who were playing instruments with greater acoustic volume. Among these were percussionists of all kinds, horn players, fiddlers, entire church choirs, amplified performers like jugglers, guitarists... I usually play unplugged and see no need to carry even more gear, like amps, mics stands, etc with me as I busk but this choice has left me with the disadvantage of being vulnerable to those with greater volume capability.

To the powers in place, look at it this way, screaming at that intensity and playing at that volume will eventually catch up with these young ones. They'll probably go deaf soon, loose their voice, break a string, or blow a fuse or a circuit. In time their batteries will wear out. They'll get sleepy, thirsty, hungry or just bored and in need of a break. Once the drugs wear off they'll have flashbacks about what they looked like before they pierced themselves into oblivion, dyed their hair florescent orange, and tattooed every conceivable appendage and totally freak out. Any of these will effectively end their display of youthful exuberance. This will, no doubt, ultimately turn them to less desirable forms of recreation, like even more drugs to ease the pain of being banned from their creative outlets and a life of crime to support such nasty habits. They'll soon be robbing your homes, mugging your friends in dark alleys or worse, running for some political office. That's where the real money is. Then, soon they'll be making the rules, and won't that make you one happy camper on that fine day!


23 May 07 - 05:29 PM (#2059335)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Liz the Squeak

Shoot all of the buggers I say! Especially those on the tubes who only play the first verse or first 16 bars of any tune because they reckon the crowd has moved on, or those that come into your carriage and play at you whilst you're trying to sleep/study/read/listen to Mozart on your iPod....


23 May 07 - 06:06 PM (#2059352)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: alanabit

Liz, I guess you aren't feeling well today...

24 May 07 - 02:10 AM (#2059559)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: GUEST,heathen

While we are at it, what about all those annoying people who set up their amplifiers in the square on Sunday morning, harangue us for our presumed sins and then proceed to pollute the entire surrounding area with badly sung hymns, distorted by overloading the equipment?

Far more annoying than the odd busker

24 May 07 - 02:38 AM (#2059564)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Ernest

....or think of politicians.... ;0)


24 May 07 - 12:18 PM (#2059936)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Darowyn

Doesn't this thread just throw up the basic libertarian dilemma?
(I mean freedom loving- not the US political Party)
Everyone wants to be free to do what they like without asking anyone's permission.
But everyone wants "them", or "the authorities" to put a stop to other people who do what they(the others) like, when that stops them (the freedom lovers) from doing their thing.
So -
I want to busk without getting a licence.
THEY should not be allowed to use amplifiers.

The problem with anarchy is that the winner is usually the biggest, richest, loudest, most violent.
The problem with bureacracy is that the winners tend to be the best at playing it safe.

Is there a middle ground?

24 May 07 - 02:29 PM (#2060054)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: An Buachaill Caol Dubh

"My Grandma says 'hang everybody'"   Giles.

24 May 07 - 11:15 PM (#2060394)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Gypsy

What Dave sez. I tend to appreciate liscensure, and auditions. Makes life easier for everyone. But as i say, running a Farmers Market, it is like herding cats. The type of people attracted to either lifestyle is not generally a person who likes paperwork.

25 May 07 - 03:51 AM (#2060457)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Muttley

Well typical: hardly worked this term (it's been a lean year so far for us 'casuall relieving teachers) - but the moment I arrange to go out and "right wrongs" and "uphold the oppressed" I end up getting a full weeks' work!

Figures, doesn't it.

Ah well - I plan to approach the manager of another well-populated saturday morning location with a request to busk there and as soon as i get a free day I'll be chatting with the Centre Management dude at our usual spot.

However, keep the conversation happening - it's really interesting to hear others experiences.

LOVED An Buachaill Caol Dubh's story: I take it the Lady Stairs Close is the one that winds down from Lawnmarket to The Mound just upstreet from Deacon Brodies Tavern?
Would it have been viable to have gone down to the Grassmarket and busk there?

I can also sympathise with Liz the Squeak too - except that it's a waste of a good bullet!
Maybe hanging's better as Giles Grandma suggested - that way you could re-use the rope (and if I were of a sadistic frame of mind I could spend some black humour suggesting that they could then 'dance while you play'!!! - But I'm not quite that sick - - - naaaaaaahhhh! Course I am!)
However I must say that what we do is not so much a case of "Everyone wanting to be free to do what they like without asking anyone's permission." as Darowyn suggested - after all, before I busk ANYwhere; I always seek permission from the local traders in the vicinity (or at least the one who owns the forecourt / pavement / square / whatever. I would think others would too.

Anyway - keep up the chat and I'll be back with some results - hopefully positive ones.


25 May 07 - 04:19 AM (#2060474)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Liz the Squeak

Accordians are bad enough but when you're trapped in a tube carriage with one and there's no escape, well... I'm pretty sure that sort of torture is against the Geneva Convention!

Muttley, I see your point although there is no such thing as a good bullet... maybe a Bridport necktie would be the answer.

An - I have that very Giles cartoon!! I want to be that Grandma when I'm older... I'm still trying to find the hat with the swallow on it though.

I also agree with Darowyn. There is a strong element of 'I have the right to play my music really loud if I want to and sod you' pervading the country. I witnessed a lively discussion between two people (yes, one was young and the other was older) over the volume of one of those MP3-playing phones. The youngster was shouting his rights to have the music as loud as he wanted and the older calmly trying to inform him that he had just as much right to ask for it to be quieter. Again, this happened on the tube train, an enclosed space where the protagonists had no chance of just walking away from it. People are very quick to profess their rights to something, but cannot understand that democracy is a two edged sword - that what they demand for themselves, others can also demand as loudly. The winner in this case was everyone as the loud phone's battery ran out.


27 May 07 - 03:40 AM (#2061708)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Muttley

Well you know the range of an accordion don't you Liz?

About 25 yards with a good arm!

We don't have the "busker in the carriage" phenomenon as often here in Melbourne, Aust as it tends to be very much frowned-upon.

A busker coming up and getting 'in your face' in a train carriage here would be about as welcome as a dose of piles. The most likely favourable outcome would be a very quick request to "Go forth and procreate" while the least favourable one would be a knuckle sandwich applied THROUGH the squeezebox!


27 May 07 - 12:21 PM (#2061859)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: GUEST,tom foxe

Buskers who are too loud don't do the others any favours, but what about boutiques, cafes etc who insist on filling the street with amplified music ? I'm all in favour of sensible controls on the no. of places music can be played, and the volume of that music. I do find it strange, however, that a pitiful person tunelessly sucking & blowing a harmonica gets more donations than some attractive young music student who plays a "proper" instrument like violin or French horn quite well...

27 May 07 - 12:44 PM (#2061869)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: The Fooles Troupe

I know a young kid who parked himself outside a pub, with a plastic coke bottle half full of pebbles (Mother of all 'shaky eggs'!!!), and tunelessly wailed a few lines fro a couple of songs for a couple of hours near closing time - he ended up with a small fortune... :-)

27 May 07 - 08:14 PM (#2062071)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Sandra in Sydney

Muttley, if you want to PM your email address I'll send you a wonderful cartoon that appeared in 'The Bulletin' in 1960 re squeezebox & music in public transport!

27 May 07 - 09:51 PM (#2062142)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Muttley

Well I dropped off the letters today.

Caught the manger of the "usual" busker spot (K-Mart) on his way out and told hime what I was there for and he stated quite brusquely and in a language which gave NO room for misinterpretation that "Sorry ALL busking outside K-Mart is finished".

However, I gave him the letter and explained that I knew of the ban and that the letter was to request a reconsideration as the "genuine" buskers were being punished because of ignorant 'blow-ins'.

He actually looked quite surprised at my points (I think he though all buskers were just "derelicts" preying on people in any way possible - don't think he realised most of us are pretty genuine.

He accepted the letter quite graciously and offered to reconsider the situation.

While there's life there's hope I suppose.

Keep praying / fingers crossed - whatever.


05 Jul 07 - 05:52 AM (#2094543)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: The Fooles Troupe


05 Jul 07 - 06:24 AM (#2094552)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: alanabit

Just in case anyone was wondering, the other thread about amplified buskers, which came up again recently, is here.

06 Jul 07 - 12:17 AM (#2095296)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Muttley

Well it's now school holidays here and with luck I'll be able to catch up with the Centre Management guys I 'letter-dropped'

Typical - once the deed was done and follow-ups were planned, I began getting work every day of the week; while nice for the budget, doesn't help with my plans to raise funds for my Veterans/disabled Cricket I plan on playing this year (need to buy new gear) or the ones to raise mone for 'BrainLink' the ABI foundation.

Also teaching got a little 'personal' toward the end of term as a student I taught many times last year (and the year before) was killed in a tragic prank that went wrong at te start of the final week. Been taking some time out for myself and recovering.

I would also caution 'Catters from colourful analogies - I said in an earlier post that "accordionists in train carriages would be about as welcome as a dose of piles"

Should've been more careful with my analogies as I now have just that - and I don't recall meeting any accordionists on any trains I have caught recently!


06 Jul 07 - 01:57 AM (#2095331)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Sandra in Sydney

maybe you met a concertina player?

06 Jul 07 - 12:39 PM (#2095711)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Jim Lad

Muttley: Get yourself a wee amplifier. I know the game and am very good at it. The gear will pay for itself in one hour.

06 Jul 07 - 12:41 PM (#2095712)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Jim Lad

Furthermore: If you want to take your busking/earnings up a notch, pm me. I can help. I have already written on the subject in one of these threads and will at the very least, point you to them.

06 Jul 07 - 12:51 PM (#2095720)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: GUEST,Petch

The guys who really piss me off are those who use backing music and play over the top of it. Classic example are those blokes outside of the Nat West bank at Whitby who seem to play on a loop and can be heard at the top of West Cliff.
tuneless basturds

09 Jul 07 - 02:13 AM (#2097453)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Muttley

As I have described them - they sound like 'shite hitting a fan" - - - from side on!!!


09 Jul 07 - 08:00 AM (#2097609)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: goatfell

so much for loving you fellow musicians there, I mean we've have to make a penny or two, I wonder what you sound like

09 Jul 07 - 12:46 PM (#2097824)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: GUEST,Petch

Sorry to hurt your sensibilities Arran but Muttley has it cock on

10 Jul 07 - 02:05 AM (#2098391)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Muttley

Given the fact that I also sing the same stuff I busk for kids at schools and have had teachers (music/drama) at three different campuses with connections to recording establishments (not, I will admit mainstream or "big time" organisations) suggest seriously that I get myself recorded and sell CD's seems to say that at least SOME people like the way I sound.

Remember, Arran, I am also fighting two separate disabilities to do what I do - I lost most of my singing voice after inhaling flame while fighting a bushfire (an accident that put me in intensive care for four days and left me with a permanently scarred voice box and trachea)

Secondly I have an ABI from a motorcycle accident which, among other things, caused me to forget how to play guitar. I had to relearn in a simplified manner and only use chords that my fine-motor control affected fingers will allow me to reach. I also cannot recall chord progression so I must utilise lyric/chord books to perform.

As such I will no longer play pubs because I feel I am cheating paying customers by using "song books" and busking is now my only outlet.

However, apart from a few (Jim Lad and some others I know who occasionally minimally amplify an electric/acoustic) who amplify to overcome loud ambient sound around them: Every other "amplified busker/s" I have come across do so to hide their lack of talent behind noise - they also seemto draw less contribution.

Tell me Arran - what do YOU amplify? You took that one too personally and do YOU have to perform against the odds of disablement? Have you ANY idea how devastating it is to have ALL your music taken from you at a single blow and then have to fight to get even a small part of it back?

With regards


10 Jul 07 - 02:51 AM (#2098411)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Jim Lad

Muttley: I can only imagine the frustration you must be feeling and I'm absolutely positive that Arran didn't realize the extent of your disability so let's put our heads together here, not just for yourself but for others who are considering venturing into the field of busking.
To you though this message applies. ..... It sounds to me and probably to anyone else reading this thread that life has been pretty unfair to you in the past few years. Given that, it is absolutely imperative that you adapt. Your vocal volume has diminished and your hands are not what they used to be. You deserve to be amplified. If what you are doing is not working, change what you are doing.
In the meantime, if you read this thread then you will find that I offered some tips on this subject back when I was brand new to Mudcat. (Not very long ago)
Seems to me that there were some others on that thread who have a wealth of knowledge on this subject.

10 Jul 07 - 03:00 AM (#2098419)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Jim Lad

This one is about creating your own gigs.

10 Jul 07 - 04:02 AM (#2098440)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: goatfell

I didn't know about that muttley, I'm sorry to hear about that.

10 Jul 07 - 10:52 AM (#2098689)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Jim Lad

Tsk,tsk, tsk, Arran.
Heh, heh! Just kidding.
Muttley: Get your arse back in here. I have the perfect solution for you, regardless of your location.
Good morning all.
From the Sunny Highlands.

14 Jul 07 - 12:27 AM (#2102179)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Muttley

Thanks Jim and apologies accepted Arran.

It's tough, but hell, I fought back from the fire and while volume and power have been affected somewhat, the major problem is range - losing about 3 and a half octaves is nasty.

I also fought back from a motorcycle accident that carries a 90% fatality rate and puts 8 out of the 10 'survivors' in a wheelchair for life (I'm NOT in a wheelchair, Praise God).

So I'm NOT gunna let a bunch of red-tape addicts beat me either!


14 Jul 07 - 02:37 AM (#2102201)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Jim Lad

I wonder how many of you have worked away at your jobs, over the years, content because the wages were adequate but often daydreaming about what you would otherwise do if you gave up that job.
I am a daydreamer. There's always some grand scheme that I'll ponder over when my head hits the pillow and yet, I could count on one hand, how many times I've actually gone and prepared myself just in case I got the opportunity I wanted. Thus when I have found myself suddenly unemployed, I have usually been unable to follow up on my schemes.
Here's another trait of mine. When it comes to performing I set a very high standard for myself. So high that I am rarely satisfied with my own work and even more rarely pleased by the performances of others. Somehow I've applied my rules to other performers and am disappointed when they do not live up to my expectations. Of course, I catch myself but it's a constant struggle.
I am also guilty of becoming so used to the way I do something complicated that I fail to see the simple solution which is right under my nose. A recent example of this is when I was trying to reproduce some album booklets for my wife's band. I copied the cover into word but couldn't manage to reproduce the booklet to the exact same dimensions from the printer. It wasn't until I explained to Brenda and heard myself say "Copied" that I realized I was adding an extra step. It's a Printer/Copier. There was never any need for "Word".

Which brings me to your situation, Muttley. You've obviously been through a lot (understated) and just like most of us, your ability to perform is very important to you.
Just like me, you have your own preconceived notion of what your performance entails whether it is a paying or busking gig and just like me, you are a slave to your own rules. Fair enough.
I had thought about suggesting that you start running "Open Mikes" in as many cafe's as you could find. I have done this in the past and had some success with it but it involves playing each of these gigs by yourself, until such time as there are enough performers to play the whole night.
Then today, Muttley; You absolutely blew me away with your "Writing" on another thread. . (take a look at the stories he tells about "Banjo" and how he tells them)
I am guilty of not reading the names on others' contributions unless the make an interesting point so I didn't realize it was you until I was finished reading.

We sing songs to make the story, more user friendly to the inattentive ear. We do this because we quite simply do not have the skills to entertain with words alone.
You have the skills.
You have the words.
You have the stories.
Just as I did not need "Word", your writing has no need for music.
You will always miss playing. Well, at least for a while but you have another way to entertain and that, my friend, puts you a damn site farther ahead than many of us.

It's not an easy game but at least it's a level playing field and that's a whole lot more than I can say for busking.

That's been my rant for the day, Mate but I refuse to pay any more heed to what you can no longer do now that I can see that you can do a whole lot more than I can.

There are many experienced writers on Mudcat who can offer advice and I'd start with Katlaughing.
She is a fabulous writer with a heart of pure gold and a good head on her shoulders. (for an American. grin)

Said my piece/peace!
Kind Regards.

14 Jul 07 - 11:23 PM (#2102923)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Muttley

Jim, your comments are appreciated and welcome.
Thanks for your encouraging words - they mean a great deal more than I can say or even project.

I have written a manuscript about the life of a dinosaur and am still waiting to catch up with an illustrator with publishing connections - and I have another couple of dinosaur book projects in the pipeline - we'll see how they pan out.

However, my personal and anecdotal story-telling I find just that - personal. I don't mind sharing with mates (like here at Mudcat) and I find them invaluable when I am engaged in teaching in schools - it is often useful to punctuate lessons with anecdotal 'life lessons' - the kids appreciate the break and they feel more included when you share your life and talk to their level - they also remember the original lesson they were working on a lot better, too.

It's probably why I am reluctant to move away from relief teaching and move into school chaplaincy - we'll have to see where it goes.


15 Jul 07 - 12:02 AM (#2102938)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Cluin

The busker that killed things locally for me was/is a bagpiper. There's only one good spot to busk here and he's too loud for anybody else to play near.

15 Jul 07 - 01:43 AM (#2103000)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: alanabit

Ah, the dear bagpipers! Then there are the barrel organs...

15 Jul 07 - 03:44 AM (#2103044)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: goatfell

yesterday myself and four of my friends tried to do a bit of Busking at a Gala in Saltcoats Scotland, anyway this lady came up to us and said we can't hear you, you need Microphones so that we can hear you, mind you there was a bloody fair going on behind us and a disco as well.

So we see how hard it is

15 Jul 07 - 08:19 AM (#2103171)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: bubblyrat

I personally do not like using amplifiers, although I don"t normally object to the "Streetman"-type battery-powered jobs, and have even considered getting one !!I used to busk a lot in Christchurch, Dorset, with a mandola / mandolin player ( " Lily " !!! ) , and we obtained official Busker"s Permits from the local town hall, on which it was made clear that NO amplification was to be allowed.However, we often encountered other "acts" with amplification, backing-tracks, etc., including the world"s worst "Elvis ", about whom the authorities did absolutely Bugger All , and in general, they never will, UNLESS they receive a specific complaint. Last year, I complained to two coppers on Sidmouth Esplanade one evening, about a VERY loud amplified band who were playing thus DESPITE the fact that in the Sidmouth official programme, it specifically forbad this. An American gentleman was also present, complaining that his wife was unable to sleep ( the offending "artistes" being outside their hotel window !), whereupon Sergeant of Police ' phones Exeter for advice, and subsequently goes up to Johnny Racket and The Decibels, and says " Ello ! Ello! Ello! What"s all this then ?? Turn it OFF !! " Of course, had it been a Nick Drake impersonator with a 6-volt "Pignose" , then nobody would have minded, but Marshall Stacks on the Esplanade is taking the Piss !!!

15 Jul 07 - 09:58 AM (#2103217)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Mo the caller

Well we've had a postal workers strike, but an amplified buskers strike is going a bit far.

15 Jul 07 - 11:49 AM (#2103313)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Jim Lad

Katlaughing has an excellent book, filled with personal anecdotes & observations and I'm extremely glad she shared them. PM her, Muttley.
Time to change your schema, Muttley.
Hope you're having a nice tomorrow, down there.

15 Jul 07 - 07:34 PM (#2103688)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Muttley

Having a "bright, shiny day' so to speak;
Reminds me of another song.......

.....I've got to get to Moro, why can't I go today      
And get to Moro by tonight if there is no delay?".....

Just love that one!

I'll PM Kat and ask her about her book.


16 Jul 07 - 12:44 AM (#2103870)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Jim Lad

Microphones in Saltcoats, outdoors?
That would be the fully submersible ones, I suppose.

16 Jul 07 - 07:05 AM (#2104054)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Mark H.

Hey Arran: busking in Saltcoats? Man, you're a tough 'un. I get nervous just shopping there.

16 Jul 07 - 09:44 AM (#2104145)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Jim Lad!

16 Jul 07 - 03:26 PM (#2104475)
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
From: Jim Lad

Shops in Saltcoats?
Fish'N'Chip shops, right!