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BS: Monica Goodling

23 May 07 - 01:56 PM (#2059162)
Subject: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Riginslinger

It looks like the justice department has a good thing going. Now that Congress has given Goodling immunity from prosecution, she can appear and happily cover everybody's ass--including Rove's--and they can't do a thing to her.

23 May 07 - 02:33 PM (#2059187)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Peace

Or she can fry a few folks.

23 May 07 - 02:38 PM (#2059193)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: beardedbruce

I would want her to tell the truth, and not try to either cover OR cook anyone.

23 May 07 - 02:40 PM (#2059196)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Peace

Me too. However, if her telling the truth fries a few folks, so be it.

23 May 07 - 02:41 PM (#2059197)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: beardedbruce

Agreed- and if it clears a few, that's ok, too.

23 May 07 - 02:46 PM (#2059204)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Peace

Of course. You have it set up in your mind that I think good people should get fried. Not so, BB. Not so at all.

23 May 07 - 02:50 PM (#2059208)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: beardedbruce

Not you, but a number here (on Mudcat) will NOT be satisfied with the truth, unless it is what they want to believe happened.

IMHO, based on their past comments.

23 May 07 - 03:46 PM (#2059259)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Peace

Gotcha. Thanks.

23 May 07 - 04:18 PM (#2059274)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Riginslinger

It looks to me like this is what's happening:

       Monic Goodling, a product of Pat Robertson's law school, is dedicated to the idea that America and the world would be better off if the American government, and in particular the justice department and judicial system, remains in control of an ever generating horde of right-wing-religious-wakkos.
       For that reason truth and reality become meaningless and she is gleefully dumping all of the mistakes in the lap of that McNulty guy, thereby clearing the way for Bush, Rove, and Gonzales to go forward to do more damage. Afterall, McNulty has already resigned.
       She's been given immunity for testifying, so she can say whatever she wants, and when it's over she can go back to Pat Robertson's law school and seek foregiveness.
       She, and Pat Roberston too, must think that they are doing the lorD's work.
       And if all else fails, she can always say, "The devil made me do it."

23 May 07 - 04:20 PM (#2059275)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: beardedbruce

Like I said...

23 May 07 - 04:22 PM (#2059276)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: GUEST, Ebbie

Frankly, I don't get that sense of other Mudcatters, bb. In my opinion, just about all of us much prefer the truth.

(In my experience, when someone says something that implies that *everybody* does it, all they prove is that they themselves do it.)

23 May 07 - 04:56 PM (#2059306)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Riginslinger

And I heard on the radio that the justice department has hired 150 attorneys from Pat Robertson's law school. More than from Yale, Harvard, UC Berkeley, U. of Michigan, or any place else.

23 May 07 - 04:59 PM (#2059310)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Peace

You enter the boss's office with a good idea and you leave the boss's office with the boss's good idea. Nothin' new 'bout that.

23 May 07 - 05:33 PM (#2059338)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Riginslinger

I would conclude from that that we have the wrong boss.

23 May 07 - 05:44 PM (#2059343)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Bill Hahn//\\

One has to wonder how an old Eli like "Dubya" packed ---or had packed---the justice department with attorneys from a basement level law school with a religious and evangelical agenda rather than from top schools with top grads.

Actually one really does not have to wonder. Look at the country since he took office, look at the scandals, the disasters and all the other troubles.

The strange thing to me is that I thought there was this strong (and secret) bond amongst those fellows of Skull and Bones fame.

I heard some sound bytes today of Monica (the second) giving testimony. Sounded like an immature young school girl telling on her classmates. Which is pretty much what she did anyway.   

Bill Hahn

23 May 07 - 05:59 PM (#2059347)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Donuel

Monica Goody Two Shoes is quite the weeper. She cried 45 at her desk when she resigned.

Don't forget folks, the back story on this whole fired federal prosecutors scandal concerns vote tampering schemes as proposed by Rove and carried out by Griffiths and others who wer to take the place of the boy scouts who would not play ball.

23 May 07 - 06:07 PM (#2059354)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Riginslinger

Donuel--What do the fired prosecutors have to do with vote tampering?

23 May 07 - 06:14 PM (#2059363)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Amos

There is evidence, Frank, that at least some of them were fired for not creating prosecutorial news around Democrats, using the Justice action to swing public opinion.


23 May 07 - 07:26 PM (#2059403)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Riginslinger

So with Monica Goodling gone, it sounds like we still have 149 Pat Robertson moles in the justice department to screw things up for generations to come before a more rational president can start hiring attorneys from places like Princeton and UCLA.

23 May 07 - 08:10 PM (#2059433)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Bill Hahn//\\

OK ---I cannot take credit for this---Andy Borowitz can. He said, in an interview today---which broke me up=-== Wolfowitz's new line of work should be Head of Al Quaida (spelling)---hell, whatever he does he screws it up this could be the perfect way to rid the world of them.

Bill Hahn

23 May 07 - 11:23 PM (#2059517)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Stilly River Sage

Not you, but a number here (on Mudcat) will NOT be satisfied with the truth, unless it is what they want to believe happened.

Truth is, anyone who disagrees with BB is going to be tarred with his brush of "biased" and "anti-Bush." This is the pot calling the kettle black (had someone bring up a skewed example of it last week, but this is a pure play).

Many career justice dept. folks retired or left when all of this started happening, so as someone (Bill?) remarked above, the "culture" of the department is screwed for decades to come with all of those neo-con law clones in place. It will be their culture that is repeated. Woe is us.


24 May 07 - 08:39 AM (#2059777)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Riginslinger

"...the "culture" of the department is screwed for decades to come with all of those neo-con law clones in place. It will be their culture that is repeated. Woe is us."

                Maybe the worst of it is, with the sorry credentials they have, they'd never qualify for any other job, so they'll all just stay in the department.

24 May 07 - 09:08 AM (#2059788)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Charley Noble

Does Monica Goodling remind anyone else of the conservative staff woman that was featured? She appears to be a dead ringer. Of course what is real, what is Reality TV, what is television soap opera, is merging into one convulated experience.

I awaitr more relevations with baited breath.

Charley Noble

25 May 07 - 10:12 AM (#2060659)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
From: Riginslinger

She appears to have that glazed over look that one would expect to find on the face of an individual whose parents would happily pick out Pat Robertson's law school for them to attend.

25 May 07 - 08:22 PM (#2061073)
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling

"baited breath"? I told you to leave those minnows in the live well, Charley. :o)