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BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer

03 Jun 07 - 12:36 AM (#2066936)
Subject: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: GUEST,punkfolkrocker

just killed it.. squashed against my computer monitor screen..

took at least an hour tracking and stalking it..

little flying f@cker got one of my toes before i realised..

but its dead now..

bastard blood sucking little *&%$ !!!!


03 Jun 07 - 12:38 AM (#2066938)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Peace

Yeah. NOW a few hundred will attend the wake for the dear departed.

03 Jun 07 - 12:57 AM (#2066945)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Ebbie

LOL Hey, in Juneau, Alaska our first crop has come and gone. Give it another week and the new babies will be here.

03 Jun 07 - 01:00 AM (#2066947)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Peace

Been swatting the little darlings for days now.

03 Jun 07 - 03:46 AM (#2066997)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Liz the Squeak

Days? I was swatting mossies in April! Mind you, we did have a very hot, dry April. My little pond was positively wriggling with the little buggers.

Why bother trying to stalk a mossie? It'll find you first so just lie in wait for it...

Why do some people get bitten to shreds and others only get one nip?


03 Jun 07 - 04:43 AM (#2067023)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: John MacKenzie

Had my first encounter of this year with the notorious Scottish 'Midgie' on Friday night.
Liz, I find it best to sit beside a 'midgie magnet' friend, that helps keep them away from me.

03 Jun 07 - 07:20 AM (#2067077)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: jacqui.c

I've already been bitten a number of times this season - they don't seem to touch Kendall. I get a bad reaction - big welts and very itchy as well. I can't even use the repellents - they make me quite ill.

03 Jun 07 - 08:01 AM (#2067100)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Bee-dubya-ell

We seem to be having a relatively skeeter-free spring here in the drought-ridden southern US. All the wet places they usually lay their eggs are dried up. Unfortunately, the drought doesn't seem to have had a similar effect on yellow flies, horse flies, dog flies, midges, gnats, or fire ants. If you just can't get through a day without a painful insect bite, one of them will be happy to oblige.

03 Jun 07 - 10:42 AM (#2067208)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Flash Company

Mosquito fly high, mosquito fly low,
If I get my foot on your neck you won' fly high no more1

Jesse Fuller (Kickin Mule)


03 Jun 07 - 11:24 AM (#2067249)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Just a matter of time until the first case of 'West Nile' of the summer appears here.

(And a merry and happy June 03 to you, too!)

03 Jun 07 - 11:25 AM (#2067251)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Little Hawk

I've seen thousands of them in the past month, and killed a couple of hundred at least. I find that as long as I don't scratch the bites at all then they are no big problem. They itch for a couple of minutes, that's all.

When the dachshunds go outside they are followed around by a cloud of mosquitoes, but it doesn't seem to bother them much. I don't know if the mosquitoes are succeeding in biting them or not, but they're certainly trying to.

They also attempt to bite the lawnmower after it's warmed up.

Someone should invent a device that beheads them all within a radius of one hundred yards by using ultrasound or something like that.

03 Jun 07 - 12:24 PM (#2067304)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Ebbie

It wouldn't be long before some psychotic adapted it for human use, Little Hawk. :)

03 Jun 07 - 02:11 PM (#2067397)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: GUEST,Scoville in Texas

We get the first mosquitoes of late January around here. Sigh.

03 Jun 07 - 04:34 PM (#2067527)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Peace

We have an official mosquito season here. There is no bag limit, but no one is allowed to hunt with anything under a #5 shot. To make it safer, trappers have to use conibears because the leg hold traps make removing the mosquito a tricky proposition. Usually they are still alive, and they can drain three liters of blood in less than 45 seconds.

Once the season is closed (it goes from January 1 to December 30), good hunters hand in the collars that have been attached to the critters so their 'territory' can be determined. Forestry has been doing a study for years and during the past ten or so have been able to implant micro-chips into about 10% of the mosquito population. the latest data seems to say that last year's goose migration which seemed to come in two parts was actually just one of geese and the other was a swarm of mosquitos from northern Alberta. Sometimes it is difficult to make out which is which when they are more than 3000 feet up.

Anyway, y'all do what you have to to keep 'em away. I know that often people exaggerate the size of mosquitos, so I'll be up front. The one in the picture was shot by a guy named Gotcha Ihope from up near High Lever. He had it mounted because it outweighs the average by about 45 pounds. Biggest we've encountered (except for a few recorded in the literature but with no eye witnesses or corroboration).
Picture here.

03 Jun 07 - 06:16 PM (#2067603)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: ranger1

Jacqui, did you try the all-natural one I gave you?

03 Jun 07 - 08:45 PM (#2067719)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: open mike

Cheryl Wheeler has wrotten a ode to the first mosquito of hte 1998. Apparently she has not recorded it and the lyrics are
not on her web site. I was hoping i would find them and post them here.

anyone else heard this song ?

03 Jun 07 - 09:19 PM (#2067744)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: bobad


I get "403 Forbidden" at your link. That must be some m...f...'ing mosquito that they aren't allowing us to see.

03 Jun 07 - 09:58 PM (#2067770)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: JohnInKansas

When the dachshunds go outside they are followed around by a cloud of mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are a carrier of heartworm that affects mainly dogs, but occasionally cats, in my area. (Ticks are also suspects.)

You're turbo-weazels just ain't got much of a way to swat them, but they most likely do get bit.


04 Jun 07 - 03:50 AM (#2067901)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Liz the Squeak

Limpit has a Nintendo DS game 'Animal Crossing'. Basically it's a virtual world where you can catch fish and insects, grow fruit trees and flowers or collect furniture and currency. It has seasons that are obviously geared to yours PFR, because as of Friday, it became possible for your little virtual person to be bitten by a little virtual mosquito.

Unlike the real world though, you can catch these with a net and sell them in the 'local' store.


04 Jun 07 - 08:31 AM (#2068055)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: JohnInKansas

Watch your manners in those virtual worlds. The FBI has been there.

It seems to be getting pretty rough in some of them.

Of course, maybe Limpit can corner the black market in mosquito beaks, and be virtually rich?


04 Jun 07 - 09:38 AM (#2068103)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Stilly River Sage

We have a 12-month mosquito season here. Any time it warms up enough and there is standing water they'll emerge. My dogs are on heartworm prevention year-round.

We have BWLs annoying critters plus tons more mosquitoes this year, with all of the rain. You can't keep up with the standing water lately.

Alas, my misery lately is because I took the weed-whacker to the poison ivy--and the ivy won. Little splatters on jeans and long sleeves went through the fabric and I'm still breaking out from it.


04 Jun 07 - 11:04 AM (#2068174)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: JennyO

I get "403 Forbidden" at your link. That must be some m...f...'ing mosquito that they aren't allowing us to see.

Yes, it certainly is, bobad. I got the 403 forbidden as well (at first), but I've noticed with some of those that if I hit the arrow next to the URL and reload the page, quite often it loads properly and you can see the picture - as this one did for me.

That is one big ugly critter there, Peace. I'd hate to meet it on a dark night!

04 Jun 07 - 11:12 AM (#2068181)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer

Haven't been bitten yet but I have killed a few. I am still confused as to why I had a huge slug climbing up the screen door mid-February. Gross.

04 Jun 07 - 11:18 AM (#2068186)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: MMario

Sinsull - nobody warned you about the Snow Slugs when you moved Down-East?

04 Jun 07 - 12:25 PM (#2068251)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Stilly River Sage

I tweaked and wiggled that URL and still it won't open. I'm assuming it is a grizzly bear being sucked dry by a mosquito?

I have been mowing my back yard in stages because we've had so much rain there hasn't been much opportunity to mow. Now that there are gaps in the clouds the grass is tall and very wet. And a cloud of mosquitos hovers. I swatted several as I worked for a while this morning (coffee break, when you work at home, means you can put in a little hard labor before heading back to the 'puter). Twenty minutes of mowing didn't make a lot of progress, but the dogs have a few more square yards of shorter lawn (and they can see the muddy fire ant mounds that I knocked down with the mower).


04 Jun 07 - 02:41 PM (#2068363)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Peace

It was much like this one but had more meat on it.

04 Jun 07 - 11:44 PM (#2068775)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: JennyO

Try this one. Same picture as Peace's, but on the web page.

05 Jun 07 - 05:07 PM (#2069436)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Bill D

The mosquitoes grew purty big back where my Daddy came from, he told me. One hot summers day, two of 'em got hold of old Jake Johnson.

"So...what shall we do?", said the first one, "Shall we drain him here, or carry him back in the swamp first?"

"I think we'd better finish him here," said the 2nd one, "If we take him back there, those big guys will probably take him away from us!"

05 Jun 07 - 11:00 PM (#2069674)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Stilly River Sage

They are absolutely horrible this year. All of the rain may have passed, but now the gazillion gallons of standing water everywhere are allowing these suckers to breed in unheard-of numbers (for here, anyway). They're big and sloppy and bounce off of us and take big itchy slurps of blood. West Nile, here we come.


06 Jun 07 - 08:36 AM (#2069892)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Little Hawk

You haven't really lived until you've wrestled a giant slug.

Ebbie, I'm afraid you are quite right about the mosquito decapitator. (sigh)

06 Jun 07 - 08:52 AM (#2069906)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Sorcha

Well, the Great Mosquito Killing Machine is driving up and down the alleys now. Problem is that it's killing everything that eats the skeeters. Caterpillers(no butterfiles), toads, birds,etc.

I miss my swallowtails and tanangers. Haven't seen a toad in 3-4 years.

06 Jun 07 - 10:13 AM (#2069949)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Stilly River Sage

My toads haven't come back to the side door this year. I usually have several who hover around on the step under the porch light to catch Junebugs. One was flattened in the road a couple of weeks ago (sob!) and the others haven't attempted to follow. They don't need the assist of the light this year. But we need them!


06 Jun 07 - 05:57 PM (#2070278)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Liz the Squeak

Damnation, it's not even midsummer, I've seen my first Christmas catalogue advert and I just dylsexed this thread title into '1st mistletoe of the new summer'.....

Ho ho ho hum.


06 Jun 07 - 06:46 PM (#2070312)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Little Hawk

There are still toads here, thankfully. I have to watch very carefully not to chew them up in the blades when I mow the lawn.

07 Jun 07 - 01:12 AM (#2070507)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Stilly River Sage

My porch is covered with idiot Junebugs, and no critter has moved forward to eat them. There is a huge bug surplus this year, that the birds and tarantulas and snakes and toads ignore this buffet. I'll keep an eye on the pit bull's poop--last year I found a lot of bug wings in her stool. Being stray for a while before she moved in here taught her a lot about scavenging!


07 Jun 07 - 04:05 AM (#2070543)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: JohnInKansas

Have those of you most troubled by mosquitoes considered erecting a few bat nests in your neighborhood?

Most of the poor things seem relegated to living in damp caves, and have to travel for miles for a meager meal. A comfy house in the suberbs, where there's plenty to eat would probably be sincerely appreciated, and I'm told that they work very hard at cleaning up small flying pests.


07 Jun 07 - 05:57 PM (#2070994)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: RangerSteve

Although they're jokingly referred to as the state bird here in New Jersey, I haven't seen one yet. They've lost their taste for me anyway, maybe it's the medications I'm on. Anyway, this may be an old wive's tale, but I read somewhere that eating bananas makes you more atractive to mosquitoes. I'll never know, as bananas are high in phosphorus and potassioum and forbidden in my diet. Someone else will have to do the experiment.

07 Jun 07 - 06:40 PM (#2071045)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Sorcha

John, we have LOTS of bats here....mostly in church steeples and attics with holes in. Well, we 'used' to have lots of bats...til they started eating poisoned mosquitos.

08 Jun 07 - 12:16 PM (#2071510)
Subject: RE: BS: 1st mosqitoe of the new summer
From: Ebbie

Speaking of bats- well, I wasn't going to say anything but all the hardware stores around here sell them. For swatting the mosquitoes.