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CD distributors for indies?

05 Jun 07 - 08:16 PM (#2069584)
Subject: CD distributors for indies?
From: katlaughing

Do any of you use a distributor for your CDs? Do you know of any for independent artists, not necessarily folk, which are reputable?


05 Jun 07 - 08:23 PM (#2069592)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: retrancer


05 Jun 07 - 11:21 PM (#2069690)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: katlaughing

Yeah, we plan to, thanks. I was actually wanting to know about distributors who get them into stores. I don't think cdbaby does that, do they?

06 Jun 07 - 12:45 AM (#2069718)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: open mike

this method circumvents stores, but there is a list of folk music d.j.'s
(although you said what you are talking about is not necessarily folk)
and many artists send their products directly to the members of this
list...and by doing so many people hear them and know about them and
often seek out for purchase.

good luck in your endeavors.

whatever they may be....are you gonna let us in on the story?>?

06 Jun 07 - 12:51 AM (#2069720)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Laurel. Just trying to help my brother, once again, with getting his classical music out (new CDs, CDBaby, etc.) You can sample some of it at youtube:

Thanks, again!

06 Jun 07 - 01:06 AM (#2069723)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: GUEST,Texas Guest

Yes, I concur with jstarwolf - CDBaby. My experiences with them, and maybe more important - my customers experience with them has been virtually flawless. Cheers.

06 Jun 07 - 09:01 AM (#2069909)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: C. Ham

CDBaby is not a "distributor," it is an on-line merchant.

Some of the American independent distributors are Navarre, Burnside, Koch, etc.

Some in Canada, which I'm more familiar with, include Festival, Outside, Fusion III, Koch Canada, etc.

06 Jun 07 - 10:20 AM (#2069951)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: RTim

In my experience you don't make very much per Cd using Festival Distribution in Canada.
I would not use them again, I think I may have even sold my CD at a loss using them.
Tim Radford

06 Jun 07 - 10:28 AM (#2069957)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: GLoux

Check out Sidestreet. They're part of Elderly Instruments in Michigan.


06 Jun 07 - 10:52 AM (#2069977)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: GUEST,Arnie

Distribution for folk indie cds is pretty grim now as retail outlets are becoming extinct. Beware of all consignment deals - many do not pay, but I must say Sidestreet is reputable. Festival distribution will want many promo cds and for the most part all the cds you sell them are on consignment. You may need to bug them for payment. Frankly, it appears to me they don't sell a lot of product- but who does anymore? CD Baby can get you on online downloads, but there are royalty issues for material that is copyrighted- so watch out.

06 Jun 07 - 11:20 AM (#2069991)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: katlaughing

Thanks, very much, folks. Anyone have experience with classical music and distribution?

06 Jun 07 - 12:34 PM (#2070039)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: Jim Lad

06 Jun 07 - 12:48 PM (#2070043)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: Barbara Shaw

I recently heard about but I think it's a pay per song thing to have them submit the piece to particular places looking for something that it might be appropriate for. Check it out anyway. Discmakers (where I'm getting my new cd duplicated) has several freebies (which I didn't get because I'm doing a "short run") with partners of theirs. Some look very good. Check them out too at

06 Jun 07 - 01:00 PM (#2070049)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: JedMarum

I would approach stores individually. Research the likely vendors and contact them with promo materials. If the full length CDs retail at $15, you'll get between $7 and $10 each for them.

I agree that consignment is not a good idea generally. I do that with one location because it's near my house and because they'll sell a small steady stream each year. I check in once or twice per year and we settle. Otherwise it's pain-in-the-as* - I just a check from a place in Corpus Christi. I'd forgotten I even gave them CDs on consignment! They'd sold 10 or so and were kind enough to look me up and send me a check! They could have kept it and I'd never have remembered. I know I've left a few other stores with product.

06 Jun 07 - 01:28 PM (#2070073)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?

If you use CDBaby, and wish to have other retail distribution as well, you must arrange for a wholesale discount to be provided by CDBaby. I believe, though I'm not sure, that this discount comes out of your cut.

06 Jun 07 - 01:52 PM (#2070086)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Barbara. I will check both of those.

Jed, we've been that route, no thanks.:-) My brother is not a business person and not great at follow-up and it takes more than I am willing to put in. Thanks, though. Our experience was similar back when.

Guest, thanks, will watch for that.

06 Jun 07 - 02:25 PM (#2070109)
Subject: RE: CD distributors for indies?
From: JedMarum

It's true, CDbaby offers a "wholesale" arrangement to resellers. I've not found it very useful, but it might work better for others.